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March 03, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-03

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. a ls

VOL. IV.-NO. 10',).


INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE. 1 was, however, decided the best and


Messrs. Mays. Marlett and Lindsey Oiisi1ess.
Selected tn Represent the Tise music for the evening was
1very nmuch enjoyed. It seas furiss-
Tae general isterest felt ini thej ed by Miss Llilae Vollasilsolo-
intercoliesgiate dlebate seas maniest list; :, Ir. Albert Loiig, viotinsist, anet
at thev preliminary contest hseltd last Miss Minnsie 1)asvis, acconspanist.
evening, by the good sized audience -------
present. 'PTyesquestions for debate Tim Juniors' Social.
was, Resolved, That the Policy 'of Grainger's halisresenteul a very
the Fesleral Government ought to be 'ipleasing appeatrance last evenng
to bring about the Anisesation offronm nine to one o'clock, nhesn forty
the Hlawaiiane Islands.''tfis"itse s'r c h oe
I o'atsI ssseoels ses ns tisfieyciultesowere stn thtiedlist

The Steckhelders ef tne Wrinklej
Association Held Their Semi-
Annual Meeting.
'The seimi-ainnual meetinig of the
WVrin kit associations ssas hlvd this
miorining, in she lasebhilding. Four-

To hav oefn e apnil n
i lonusa-nueu' i~tesu~ilepes-its aiy
you "a cance tosee nur st teeIk

the affirmative. I-inisiannuer andi not drag.
delivery imade a good tisspression. . 's svsoslaks iillgt
I'.'iV Nss'oi foloeedfo th nakte it a Ihappy affair ansi an ceii-
negative. IHtv slioswed souse
sligt esbarasmeat an hi dv ment success as a social gathseriing.
slivher arwasotsmforibleassisaldof Itseasenmphatically a dancing
liverywas nt so orpartys tforofof the hundred canl fifty
Mr.t~erhoisslcugi Iis houhtthat were present the number who
ransked well. . did not trip the light fantastic was
Gt. EI.Leonasrd, aftlrmsative, mtade very' ssmall, and no games n'ere intro-
several ssitty sallies.lHe 'ens fairly vdsied. TIhe first housrseas spevnt is,
filvasaI rcfslsaiias forsminig nye acquaintases and
avce. nmaking up 1partners for thse prograns,
''b next speaker ws elsH wichicosisisted chieltiv' of rounsd
I'.roe's.Hiss produtiont as 5' lo- d aisces. Waltzes forused shivgreater
uenit ani totce. IHoevervs his part 1)1 the programs, bhisso e" i skss
irticsstotiv'nnsig'lt isha vessenbetter.rsesveal "two-steps"' 'ndssthes "()x-'u 1
.1. II 'it s-solslossesd. Asthy 'i-fr d"ii''ccitribstscsh to thint
s-i sail ccii vs vhad hiv lir !Te last 5Wsinedit siovies 'n:izis ain
it ii is I sty 5evt1 is st 'i s p'ecially sic orte alike. t' s(lasters
'itv adwsamstetrl c i !Uobservers.
ptition, isut Iis poverset arreas' I -rees ii.5t -tii'i
issessi sas sonly msore plaitls'ht05ofwntoohtsios ae
or sue rgeissesets sc sislice creamsiwees'serves1 is an ex-
sne force. His appseasrance 5zvas inst
pense ci twevnty cenits a tilate. '11ev
.r~cetslsssi lsoed itle -iv b~conmpany seas not suede upof jssniors
Iis dlelivery seas very forciblye esebt.seycas svlsln
(' F Iiisbai set slcks. alumnitisisw sas reresenstevl. 'i7lien '95
devotedlsonse tinse to 'es serise ' I f '_annot nmake a sucecess ot cislal
hsandi, thse points teadied beyIis op- evesit snose else need tee.
porsns " 's tis masnner he's e:vc.
lbvt notsistudsied.lisdltiv-ery T,. "Iie Negroes in tMississiani.
ferecile, btt rather toss eager. -___
- I'i'. .'lalett Iselsse el It itInsplice of the reguliar Ieture in
prossductionshosesdcsavrsefui Ireps ;l'iisaiece, yestercday safterievon,se-islet
Lin li tl wsolte 't(Ir rofl Alarswsas pteventedI I)y'si
osts asid forcible variely. sore throat from dselverinig, Rev.
;. C. Ihindley conecludevd the F. CG. Woodweorth, of 71 ississitetel
debate-.lHe appeared at vase tea addressed te class. 151 r. 'W\ood-
the rostrum. His production elton'- worths sas formerly a student at
ed some eloquent passages, best .lone college with Prof. Adamss,
at limes his delivery seas hatting. graduating there in sS;5u. He is
'The judges without a dtssenting' nose president of Tougaloo uciver-
vote gave J. H. Mnaya first place. sity in Mississippi. He spoke on
Tisis coincided with the general "Some Phases of the Negro Prob-
opinion of the audience. Mr. Mar- len," presenting the bright side of
let seas pronounced second. For thse question, and correcting some
third place, Lindley, Kroeze and erroneous conceptions in regard to
Leonard were in the opinion of the the educational qualifications and
judges about equal. Mr. Lindley race discriminations in Mississippi.

teen metubers, representisngfduty- oga p
sev-enshtaes of stock, seree presenst.
'T'he mieetinagseas calledstosouretertvsesI tsetae
with PrevsidenttProf. J.- I. tDrake ie 5SwSoth Main St.
the chase.
'The bussiness mnager smade a rv-
tort showing that thse set assets
esere user twso suticledildollars. 'The
election of officers folloswed, thce sec-
retary casting a ballot for te fl-
losing: Prof. J. I-. Drake, presi-
dent;Ih. KF.IWolman, secretary; 5H. 0
H. Smsith, treasurer, aud Profs. F. Wihensuwat tieLatrst Ierssselitss Styls
N. Scott antI Dean J. .Knw ton hlaniAnnuiAtrbo piesysenor usCataou to
directors and advisory board. AMLs
The following board of editors,
per slav nomnsation of slhv preceding H FY E C
board, sas also elected: 'iVtn. '.. to5018S-I8N secuesesiusAVE.,
Blolles, J. L. ILorie, H. II. Samith., ___________________
R. L.. Wiagner, '. C. I.. 'uuissasid
II . Rhe lic
A mtionssssas siadle aniscareredu
thast thyeitosests" sresoltetione tshehv
s-1se 5sf the 'sisoias5'tsn standthat
sai rvesutinbs. printedlitsWinktle Artistic P sssgiapher, 6 P. HURON SI.
seiialtl, t.'r rcol '' svs -citsh,"
a~slec: "Thtisbetesnetfci FRESH ASSORTMENT
thse associations that s't-he sitrd ofTii - - 05
csare ti exvscludes.froi tis 'ii kte s cci I ' i0 0 sE
reainug smatter or illuistrai si s ' -0 -vCSus suVe's_
likely tco exert uacdebasinunftslvuussnce Ill "Y t'S. Staste St.
upthestdetcomuit. cigtadDaiseed ail over itheWorld at
teointeth by ttheptesien~st to recat \A' AL Z _X 0OI1 t
the cotnstitution:s Iros. 1.N.Scott, 5isRs- t usutulsxv.ise its veof ". o Ai.'u 1tuts,-
J. ~ ~ ~ ~ L' I. erelto~~s.Grang~er's Austadmuny- Am.is Asrbor',
thS~e inotl 's-- 3mld.1lases fm rt}
mieetings;thuessadjuco sshurnd.n<c'iiceus E5' 5stii-c.te I. fice,,ceter
Representatives cvfdisc Press. rn ae



'I'he' oeesisug of theersenta-
huves o f shivvariouts Itilsersite ,spub-
liain ilb edti vnn t7o'clock in boons ai. Twvo rep~re- BASE BALL GOODS

semtatives seth1 be present fronm each
publication and in this committee's
hands ma heft te cmatter of Iserma-
neves organization antI of arranging
for a banqumet.
Rev. Lee S. McCollester, of De-
troit, will give the last lecture in his
series on the, Cathedrals of Europe,
at the Unitarian church tomgrrow
evening. Subject, "The Cathedrals
of Pisa and Rome."

Suits aind GymanasiumanSup-
Youu sre iavited5 toexaminstock anL mud prices.

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