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January 19, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-19

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'V' O L. I V. -- 'No. 77.



AN ART1sTIC SUCCESS. rendered an instrumental serenade THE DENTAL JOURNAL. ToG l/aA f
The Art Recital Given by Professor fo iz.TeFrs ubrOtTmrow1 o G ~ I~aI
foLiz.TeFrtNmeOuToorw Truebictad's Pupils an Enjoy- All the participants are pupils of Dental and Medical Students We oli eson tfne elpnisat
able Affair. Prof. Trueblood. Miss Griggs has Will Find itof Interest. <tcnei e) t05u5se og~ear
studied withs him for more thtan two Tbe first nuomher of the Dental to ansice ah i hecr~l o
Aeight o'clock last eveningo eradthswshrdeu.TeJwe wantoseyufaend_
aeervn hi a er dbt'hejournal, Vol. Itt, dated Dec. 20, y oua a en etosorsok
eey seat iiMschi vstks recital was in adlvance cei of the183wilboutmro.
and a few minultes later standing on.edls er n t ucs 83 ilh u osroc
one hld lst yar, nd is suces 'The editors for this year are: i-I. 'Q n YO rgnn(
room svas at a prenmium. It swas an attests the igh character of the in-~Hse, tri-che .1.Oeati't laes
eesng fat nIa uh a struction received. I.. Coonradt, '9, business manager: 1SshMi t
most successful and plessing affair. ISuhMi t
TDie beautiful neiv hall sit its s-H. XV. Haidle, D. D. S., '92, attic-____________________
itnrc ~~eCoe cCrnain. ii editor; 1H. A..Itridgemian, '94,
tic decorations, and the new organaisI''t.\n nuc'1.
that would be as eniteltssliiiint to a Vesterdayvomorninig judge (Coley aThe. e. ansg rtie s'atiapr o
pala5ce,wass a fitting place for a pro- Finishedl his lecture on Corpsorationss. g e idSmpeMtolo
grais o i uli iiliatisit ailiThe'he lecture, to a considerable cx-
surrounitiiigs. 't'ie alilreciationso at wsnaeu of saitc ic Cosstruicting a Special Seanmless
the select audience ssas eniphtatically ohrilutaiCrow,''ibnDr.gXt.oHshoorance
ote lutain gigt hwa Sonic of the :'rofessional Duties
evinced bsy tse quiet sshticli reignedl application of the principles set ofteDni,"bD..Swt,',
tos the last, notwcithustaniing the forth in the precious lecture and to o h ets,'b .N iit 4
ounmber standigitpescewtthsteidtsin is a paper tead before the D~enial wheni yss s,'ttiesct'lletcs csitinStlte-i
' til O~lhontwas sciet, De. 1:8 ', 893.tan As.:$Ar"or Sicendfor Ctalogpse s-o
M\iss Criggs' work truhutsa luecce swhichs corporations hasv societyFDeche, A89. iS.,s isccirNie.d ariaDt.se,
of a high character, antI ion foir her iupot sti, socially anti politically. tI ltcer H S, t.H.
swell-nieriteidpaic It is in the insekn 1tepplrmsrl HD .S. of Cincinnati, contributes C
emtonltase Iexceakts.f tHeroparmisofstan article on the "Euipyenia of the ' OF
emtina tatsh eces.He "n-ofcorporatisns, the speaker iiia 101, 1n3-l85n stuioiisui'Ass.
persoisatious oliassionti nushwydfnedte y}rvn htMaxillary Sinus'' anidthe ''Anat- DET4ROIT, _ . . 5 NT
are as stirritig axstier tution is teitrssmfteoiy of the Superior Aaxillary
a h neet fteostockholder uione'' C9 1J U S--T
touching. were only subserved swheni the lieo- Au extract froim a letter fronsi R. Received. 400 Th. of' Fine (Chocolate
Prof. Triueblood aninoiunceidset- leat lreprftdfront the lusti-Ben Bons.
tie lre rftdC.IDacisiwho ias settledl at ".il - W wlltticeone of t ic 3",st tc-s sd(
,'rat changes iii the programt, dlie to tfittioli .Hetocited the railwas'as l~as li: iae itrstsgtri o ili os50:taa ii
the illness ofsit liss tlaxtsiianti XI isthe most sdistrtisted of rorpitrations cunyt ra A Scis'os '"""' r zitits
Corbin. T e d c f te fr e ecadin"g.'tsi t tt' s t t'i
ii h saeoftetrue Although thie fears arcesaell ground- XX 11. N auslt'simtt contriites a R, E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
sass takth lrotugthouttbli Miss (Coily,' ci sotite of the remtedies tproptosedI__________________________
and MIiss Puttrnan, iof Xpsilanuti, such as fedterat anditstate it't'terstii telipryisIteoth tt Iett i i
saniig iii the tptace of the latter. Miss ;u os obviously, imptracticabtl'.''Souse Stuggestitsaus to the i-e-
Codly's perfosrmnice deserves very jutdsge Cooley endedl witihia liti- laiioin of thte 't'eeth to Cnsmtyeiia of
favorable mtentioni, especially, sincie;cnoerouts allusiota to Grot. 1Lewelliiig,th .'asliry in,''aaatce
lie time for prepsaration wsa short, of Kansas, its this consnectiton. The read by D~r. Al. 11. hFletch~er before
The programiwsatopened by an celt, as before, sa crowsded sithi the section of (Oeal andl Dental Artistfic Photagrapher, 6 E. HURON ST.
organ solo from lktccdclssolin, by ititerestect studeists and iinstruictors Sutrgery of the Pan-American Aledi-
Mr. McIClellan, after whsichiBMist froni all departmenits; ands all real-caCoirsnSet5,89,s HOT LUNCHES,
Griggs gave a recitationi and ani i-izled the treat whicti a lecture front repsrintedl froni the October Cot- Lwe' h~~t6
personation cedtitledrT ''ired iloti- tjutidge Cooley mns. Lwes hclts
niots. -A:-
ers." Miss Faheisac satig "Ill Sos-{ --" An interestinig article entitled
ir" from Dosseni. Wrinkle Wants Editors. " Volts, Amiperes and Ohs"' is '' 48 . TA E t
'hse ''Gardhetn Scene,'' front Schti' taken front the Youths Comspansion.
le's Mary Sttuart, thought given swi', 'T'here are still twto places vacant T1he rest of the paper ito nade Op Gyminasiuiu Suits,
power, wsa not as interesting to thte til the Writukle oardf. 'T'hese of Editorials, Notes andt Comnuini- P.r


audience as the scenses fromiCa('a

pilaces swill tact be fittedh untit the Irationus. We believe the Journal is

tu7lle. competitiots justifies ans electioit.
Miss Cody wcon deserted apllaiuse There arc somae good msen comtpet-
its Judy O'Shea Sees Hamslet.''" ing, bitt the hoard is determiuned to
11cr dialectic imitations acre exccl- wcait until they succeed ini getting
lent. twco men scho have fullyshiown, bothtI
'The secotid anid third scenes fromit by the number and merit of their
Cansillescee thte climaxes of the contributions, that they are will'
evening-the second, an ;ensbodi- ing to scork and save the necessary
nuent of passion and anguish, thse ability in this someswhat pieculiar
third of pathos and tenderness, line of journalisni.
Mr. Hall and Mhr. Handy both did The next nunsher of the Wrinkle
themselves credit in these scenes; will contain among other good,
tise former was strong throughout, things an illustrated University song
and the latter impersonated revenge and a far simile of THE DAILY, as
with great power- Miss Kelley then printed in the year 2000.

well sctrth the lierusal of every
D~ental and Metdical stuenit.
Columbia College offers free tu-
ition to hhe student passing the best
entrance examirnations. This is
y equivalent to $5oo.
sTte achiieseeortePrtoshae
te achieseeortedPrussane
derided on the establishment of a
seminary for the professional train-
ing of archivists. The projected
institution will probably be connect-
ed either with the University of
Halle or of Marburg.

tOf I-very Descriptios at


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