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February 20, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-20

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VOL. IV.-\{o. 19.



HE TALKED OF MONEY. wedge which is to accomplish that THE DRAWING PARTY To
basis. Given by the Sophomore Class Vet- Q.
Prof. Taylor Discusses Some Re-,
cent Phases of the Monetary Is silver, wheat, etc., falling or is ed a Great Success.-They
Make Money. We hae somefine lcl pee'i
System in the United States. gold rising? Gold is cot rising if weeeit iigra
I dge by waoes. The most reliable 'Aithoughs not alacgecrowd esere to 11)y e cc iti 'all tor
Prf.F NI. T'aylor last evening 1 set of repcorts the census departmen present, the "Sopiss' had the~ir iWe waset is see yousr lar as(
disc ilsi ''Some Recent IPbases of tvr put forth shosws that car penters usual ccnjcyable time last night at you a chance 1a see ear sitoc.
the Monetary Systeni in the 1. nited in 1840 rcceived on an average for ?Neswberry hall. The commsittec on?
States."lise trcatnment of tisis coit- ten hours'swork f-0 in i86o, artrangemoents seemed to uniter -
1)111 te subject ss'as clear and un- Si 00 candin in 891 s 'a ,o.Judgedstascl the disposition of the aver- d ~ti.i 'Its iiit
partisais althiougIs Iis pos'ition was ytsomkinds iof goocds,(odi nt geincdividiualcnd prepred
sttdin aicniiris take aibctle mannehr.ssinepro raI t cithat swas ihcochi i' eanoir
Iiimof woulswii( elti 1 11fo
t:i'S1T1t l i Sici1ic14.,o c i tih''* 1?'t':I l whi SiIiiii'i i i il_4c
' s cek 'csc1~,si c c j 3. IIt lic ic s.ic ii

its sa
. toe
a gite

E'.iiciLciiin s cf on y In -It 1cc-lcr-cc 01Iiby f a nde f ii S)1S
iicici i pc. einasion icicl ibe worits ii and
i ii c' 'V, i'i'ti 'as niii cci ilb iisiiiiii i l? ed cin foi cilitcise.witicci stallcri d()* h o os
iliCOc cccc' illswihteeae l ic - i~ ne e ed p n M ss_,r" te eticc a c ined th
,lio i te1-ile l:atcs boo alnil- sicann ity, interestion istrniec itscir adien cecc wcith uwo 'cl ion, c isc c E
li:rs cCeiit iossi s madei1.1)pof swages. We c cann t ciifordl ii" iot eigtee n hruulpesn
NeIl I~lS. 3. c iins iitrasucry a sisciribasis wis e ii cia main- masicercaficerisciwchich te ocieif o
11(te, 1 .?nil ccl ndbatik niii , tamcs a "oil ibasis, for ciioct i ccp rt te 1n'sa i ui'i-ci s iis cci.i ttr
'ii cciii s i ,r ' cccii ccii iscciey ss icff ii imcci c aniyc iceanincic ll i I ics ic c
c i cy' ,iioucldflcoicsccliscic c Irii rclici Oiicani
l i nc cc lie i .c ili s cci Ie sove ci r i cciioa'd c in ' calye oc t iloi n thcei cscccc si ii c i
'cc cc' s11it iscciry' cc is iiw cclih i s ancut.hadi beincc so thi ugchi fliiy provicid.ci
l's s ce dllarc' -%11 ccedi ;'icc 'lcicii c a ete"Da ig Pr
'cicsar el eelnedii byi theiii S icci ii Hlai ndciin o r"an y lii sic tic i{:e Lc i Tn)S cl .iolf
(ltcc ii c c'ccci hui11 iiic cc cc sia iiiiveci iii o t tic' 'o ices 1 cc icll. 9lccvfIcI tephie n i cccc 1:1
tac olal l n to Ici
l arie fnotccidof ed00buccllo es ts-l atlt1 ii "~cce' c ltoi w aci reoic is ei diaci i o ci ltrrbe'
ths cibeciasicisasb~cilicis iketshstil cost iecen iIncthieci soi body ccc ic
ce icoted o ~ec at t~nsLst okeand cre tertes stllb ht owhc altoul-oast i acitaoishemi.
ticc10 ilinfccdtc ct En fts. Handi ii y)(rsour canes ll- i ce( secf sapnec 'imy nl
ecc ecl sincy'5 uton aU t Cs ofr wt le-e oce.i oo oni aul i 'tlcs eloot;suc(1 ta
fcao oiiocistof goldern stestk is a SevI engo"'to go(town I' ' ll tic. had een oncc(lc, 'to toe
r;:sr;-efundof zo milion, an ret r esrictiono n at le.Ts ieotesrvaldacni e
ahisahasybre sve a 65ilions. is ktswll''Sop1. if7 o wenhead, stiio n alcody as'
Te tcoeotincet emtt. krisoe lio Al h ev rd alel te t bnutc6 prwics seudvc ntya cert1aincipoa
lion cfm thisuncertain Tye sealwhat- letcHcrles is theatinall(inicothof preciht 1thc. S Ia . o en

cicilictic r
k/ AL" ' il iluN t'
lYTcgision1D ase i alt eve- teWold atn
ice " Le cty "Aend adneofmie rit o
raycdsire.iii6scMuay ia si ste.Oc t ellster
Gymnasium Suits,
Of Every Desesiptions at

caus'ed the beginning of lice present
panic. Everybody swished to he
prepcaredl for the consing earthqluake,
and so money disappeared as by'
nmagic, simoply frons lack of confi-
dence in the government's ability to
redeem, and hence in the security of
bcanks. The bond issue to increase
lice reserve will avail little, for every
nian has the right to exchange at the
treasury any amount of other nconey
for gold.
Congressman Bland admitted re-
cently in debate that he did not ex-
pect under free coinage a parity tol
be maintained between gold and sil-
ver. This means the silver basis.
Hfis bill to increase the amount of
silver money by coining the seign-
forage is but the thin edge of the

President Eliot, swherein ihe ro-
loses several swveeping chcanges in
itntercollegiate contests. They are:
c. That no fresbhsan be allowed
to participate in any inter-cllegiate
2. That no one be allowed to
conmpete more than one year in any
line of inter-collegiate athletics.
3. That inter-collegiate contests
take place only once in two years.
Trhe report has aroused great ex-
citement and indignation at Harvard
and there is talk of a mass meeting'
to protest against it. Outside of
Harvard, however, it will arouse
nothing hut comment, for the pro-
posed 'changes are too radical and
unreasonable to be considered very

Webster Program
Tlse Wiebster program for tomtor-
ros eveening will be as followtsc
Mfiusic, Miss Volland; declamation,
'W'. P. Harvey; essay, A. P. Burr;
oration, H. H. Parson; society pa-
per, M. L. Claswson; msusic, Miss
V olland; debate, " Resolved that
the Prison Refornm should be con-
tinued," adf. F. E. Chantherlin, J.
P. Mahoe, negative, G. J. Arbiter,
J. L. Deck; informal discussion, NV.
J. Landmsan, H. M. Porter.
The question to be debated by
Minnesota and Iowa universities is,
"Resolved, that International Bi-
metalism is Correct in Theory and
capable of being applied in Prac-
tice. Minnesota has the affirmative.

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