i rz
tf .
of ' g . -t , - * exercise, "let them sawv wood as we
~ '~~ '~ did when swe were boys." Sucth
argumentes defeated the bill pending
ublishediDaily (Iuaays excepted) during to apprpriate fitnds for a gymina-
toOsitsea. h siam nfor this University. It see de- IeI - o
HU. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION pestled solely on thse patronage of1
-these auithorities for a ''gym,' as J
ttt-nripttot price 6-!50 liper year, in-ariabty IpASt es eriette will shtosv, thae day
.adirase hiagle espies 3 wantt. Sa ttarrip--
asns star i ets atttfire at the nAsLY, tvottld be far distant svlent ae swotld
t Stottl c's, weth anytratthe etiitors tie tatee1t. Iutsve tlo sot, as tise
tsecttiior shuld cachI the otihe by caater isito he tdecided by a botly
o'ctoclh . A. it they cresso appear tet tofrtsetaptnc Clotre closelycecedd ,s,,s -oste
ty. Address allnematter inttettted tsr pubatte- andelected
otn to the t St aging Ettt. 1Alulnitat n with it ttet~itS' atlairs, and eecte
)msuictat~ossold be seat ta the Bstietby thtepeopitle tosvatchi over and tF g ® d I CY1
'-a Metecer.
Ann Arbor.Mish. sity, the pride of this coma?01-tl :iot. v~RIA j?(oo {[ECA
aves S.welth. 'We have no tdottbt but ' .
P~TR.that wsete lt egcnts rceettier- I IL5-'. r
11..x. SI't- moa,t.[it-it, :1 si-cc t. rots anit discutss the cornphletiotn of I
[. )' i;,I. I 9,A--st hii. ,"the ' ill'' Isi iill ito all th at lied, Y SP fh - 7 As -i!.h " a. a t.Iofalrt
l'. t' 1 it ; I '9t 1, A, i tart. A
in their poiv oservethin - I-' anc't' i'-tzi.s.eVTANIfA,
,. . a. t!<tYc1 it. 'i, Athletic h(it, t i srs eenc i- rc'T \lit. - '
5. Ctietmsg. t. G. Sit., Stitsittes Manager. icrealt of the stidttl tbody. But ae be odr.Ih
%Vi \. are jilatittieg for. e'dtonlsao otfr .?.tIiits Mit:. tI v)shed in 201
it.l .ats.tiiliaihii. ccii-the regellis ae lanng f r geO icc(i ci 800,0
It.(il . o.. 4.the c itiplete etqiipieel of thte gytti- words. ! fntit s vtt)'t7- -"'a3is'- -a c o i-utry of the
I?.; aftc-t'-tt.. nasite, let thenm retaettber that wForld), an~d cc c-i ~t :E ' u in 4AiU.. -dc;. I contains every
a~ _itttiIy.''l. It i-i. !l titinii they have at this linac lhcebeet ciii. topic i-c( t niit il 'tit - I act --'--dbc()a-yp CIY'Go ' - tai noted
7,I N\.hiiiesiiaiici,- porituty to ilasetheir intcrest c'h . stdd- I~.- t' -a oi-
it .Ictt inat - the tilatte r. IOuite baseball ta ~ t- ~ c--i'-itcui-c-- I sa fe
115,._ .- 1 f -,it i l-h-of..3T l-,0Cenlmade
ll copy nt-Il vlwttt tle ofii--Ic iskc :5 ticl. I-Iitlist taste a lopportuneity for it-jbfr. i" fIi -1- 45 terefore,
i~ is sf t itlitcticti. s Ya-,nzS
dlitlo r actice, sa it that -t i c ti SIt ettl Ffa +l- -- L;t ~f t itsiipoctnIco
'tl cdi-tr (, io ljt cc - ji ci c -ct- The ga-ctlnasiutiitis lying itle siand 1 .cc 1tie t men
it~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~w icic hiI ietiti-cssctcias -c-aeiatsetelnoipossible iobjectiontaoc fcr
net px it l-ti iier s. V1 hlc l- .,. cJofeconomy
its use broribaseball lpractce. his ti I i I -cation,
-e -'l1s a la tteer fatheli'moat vital iter- jtep - -,
'I 1:iilitirtilyia ptiiies it
anidl tiill doiiall initsiipowier toiiassiat
toe litotdsireut-is ho ldtIit bale.
liVe c-a e wra ti-iod caii itnici
friomcist-li -a iiiet iii'ami lftel01111ii -
tie U'iiaerst ii ill olikei-iia. itt
c/pc e,-c li. -1sesntc talishied
anitii tlest- puiblicaltintahichtti-lit
macierialliy assist in stati an ii i t c-
ST(i Vi i aw alIititht io little itt-
tcre-ct the actiont if the regents at
their umeetitag tomolcrrow i, as setver-al
thins of vital imiportanice to the
IUiversity wili be cocitsitlereil. It is
tmare talikly that the relation of
the twoca eicirlal cools w~ill betvdis-
es to ver 1' of'-t adhitreti and -
liii Regetsashoald teatily co-p
ertr- isutithe stridetanilailp~eis iti .
aitliz ich IIian to a-iaoiticottactoEctt-
at frotit011theIibatebaill iam tiondtifr
Noi tilt--tioca sas ciiade 10 alloitIgd-at
wii i tl be (no I lain llthis catter.
shel he et
'.his edit
j ~is strong
last fory
Cyour add:
jHorsfot-d's Acid Phosphate mai op-
fs the miost effective tunilt a/s),ee-I
abfle rmeyinsexistence for 1 1
-- cv ers every
Bi ~~ cy other
S- -)I"i t A paida t he rate of
a t ti.y (0a..' . .... lc:tistnidoct00 savings hank
calli;i 1 aaict tht mcicc c h -cdleach day.
tslon isprinteil f'- c - . tic c - ii of paper, and
ly hound 1ina''- ii-i witl proper care will
'cars. hear ain tollre IO t- i I nes are delivered tW
treas, with all en-v-sic6pd v-,'prof cheUlitzd States,
'1tt thistOut astO Sensd So S. W. C ('SIi'IS,
cussed anct if possible settled. Thae ireveit indigestion3, ai e-
cotmpletiotn of te Watertmans gynm- leving thloSe disetases asisiow
tiasiuna will lie coesideredinc te
light of the facts gleatiecd by the ftone at iso-ileei stomuach.
shocia cetimitee iirti thir e- Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
cent trip of itspectioti. Isall, the Mass., says: "I value it as atn excellent
present mieetieg willtie thte maost pecclc ttdgsis s lsas
important aeld thus far this year acitlateld din-lihes properly tdilutetd withi
and the icterest of the studetat body sclrsalseesd"
centers is the resolts accomplished.,
P il oica, (is bti r is it- l, t uii ihyot r iil "' - I- i f via-c I ,,iforlwichi'
C 'ltttltt............... .....
It lass beets said in the 1ast,ie the ___________________________________________
its colegelay Descriptive pattpiltittfree sit tptiiictrtitciBRBR SO
ttsoyomayswRumford ChemeicalWarks Ps-cidene,.ea. HAVE YOU ~GOT IT?,
Bear f rbs~iuesad miaios PALACE + BRBR+ N ..) AARRH telgsaieatoiiso hsIf soTRY anyd bScEDn i tCIN
ilt leisltiv aithoitis o ths uistt-rte ,ttsitutcaedttiittoasn. And BatItoorasW.HOWkEN tatPrt). t is sure 'ure. Try ic arndt tlicu
State, that if thse students of the No4u willtoSt netsievit ta~d e r et-S.rtet it-. entiynail. to an v
largest university itstte land swseted - For Sale by all Druggists House. Hat,CilanitSoiattBSatihs.Por- teartstSt., Cicagoie,Ilinois. Sentd fri~h