THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pt ro i rz to Itt aL i< cE LLC CJ Ile C tf . N'. S'. of sib of of ' g . -t , - * exercise, "let them sawv wood as we ~ '~~ '~ did when swe were boys." Sucth argumentes defeated the bill pending ublishediDaily (Iuaays excepted) during to apprpriate fitnds for a gymina- toOsitsea. h siam nfor this University. It see de- IeI - o HU. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION pestled solely on thse patronage of1 -these auithorities for a ''gym,' as J ttt-nripttot price 6-!50 liper year, in-ariabty IpASt es eriette will shtosv, thae day .adirase hiagle espies 3 wantt. Sa ttarrip-- asns star i ets atttfire at the nAsLY, tvottld be far distant svlent ae swotld t Stottl c's, weth anytratthe etiitors tie tatee1t. Iutsve tlo sot, as tise tsecttiior shuld cachI the otihe by caater isito he tdecided by a botly o'ctoclh . A. it they cresso appear tet tofrtsetaptnc Clotre closelycecedd ,s,,s -oste ty. Address allnematter inttettted tsr pubatte- andelected otn to the t St aging Ettt. 1Alulnitat n with it ttet~itS' atlairs, and eecte )msuictat~ossold be seat ta the Bstietby thtepeopitle tosvatchi over and tF g ® d I CY1 '-a Metecer. Ann Arbor.Mish. sity, the pride of this coma?01-tl :iot. v~RIA j?(oo {[ECA aves S.welth. 'We have no tdottbt but ' . P~TR.that wsete lt egcnts rceettier- I IL5-'. r 11..x. SI't- moa,t.[it-it, :1 si-cc t. rots anit discutss the cornphletiotn of I [. )' i;,I. I 9,A--st hii. ,"the ' ill'' Isi iill ito all th at lied, Y SP fh - 7 As -i!.h " a. a t.Iofalrt l'. t' 1 it ; I '9t 1, A, i tart. A in their poiv oservethin - I-' anc't' i'-tzi.s.eVTANIfA, ,. . a. t!