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11t sx n (.( ('.f 12 1 5' M' News IIing StylesillinNeglige
51S.OA[T, iretor and111 1113(1 (' and aps. (C01e
2( 'ol (UPN 0011.1 D A. TI N KER,-
GodWork G(2rnteoelrd (oods i o o r noNo. 9 South Main stre
anddeIlver(., A F. .OVERT, Prop. I_______________
22 yea.1rs iu the Else is. <" . U.g OF A4. CALENDAR.
M. M. Sobolt No. 4 NFourth Ave. Law (1, F 111. ~ l(((((1
0005 5(11 Id Al ((U N ITH11 THE'15 T s..Fb. . .1 . A r'.epon t, Ail( o ots11
+$TTC AV~lG~BAIR+ bso. .,Feb:'.-WaVsington's 131rly Cle-
C 1. 5 .ijbado si ngton1055110001 (0 wa lssn I 1115( (((7 11a01. oin by }lon.
A. L. N o t o Ihrs 1 1 ooo ~ IIr'.. loeb. J. P.Illvet of((1low1.
I1ri lo'b 0('ea5York Plifflrmosno le lb,
STAR STE A L AT rhRYISL br 'z riy bml.
F(e oarbill 1(10 iy ('riwnpis etiap het 10 4 ndooooOO01 1for omhrrot
I'l two I an dlie-nu.e i". ~mE'a. nn- Pil mila7810a (1. ( 1. m
cota.. oII..e.; St h 11 . A 1. rcaion o a cia sa
CR W2E O O NTI N OD G l t (l ,lost 1 2 1 1,11(l710 . lt eon .moal
MB- B. NNIE+ WA PENFMAKER l o 117M1) it snir155wl 011
ct6acac . SaeStet)on Co 1110i 11(n11(10[oI 001100b'.21tl11,1
a1(1(1 .01 11ll etiin= 1 Fra) n kheI ia1(111 (1110. new Ihe
'P Ic '. 11112 III1(10110 01111207l1 1r n il 1e1n1 rkt 5 1 .21 oe
co tet hilob e I. l olmerrow1even-
DANCI G an DEL ARTE ( il,, a eig0111 cock1ll te la1l1c
NSOND.-1- p ua frican ld ioilceio'.
(5 1121 .1111 5. 1b). lieles. 1 111401
____ ___ ___J o hn1 1 U1.5 A d a m s , 5 5 . .. vil o lar ol a .
Delos 1'.Wilcoxs.The 1.e1
e 1'ilW. Newtonl. sI. .e(v(t1)
N.P~ r1. silln American.Politics."
(1.1'. 2'1.bc (11a0a1lian, ". Ass (01)1(0
TOLEDO ~~~(e 0111), 111etak 1110 i te na
fuherjud211011011517 ll be ((lade
110 ~potionfak e.tils 1(P ofs
.rg ] b ring nd S.710 t a al branch es !o
0 fl TH 1111 StAN '.
1115 13..l N . 01'I1&.lace
.10011. 0(1...tloOA1i ~ bl~ ,1111 I ). ?0'('1le e01ur alst .
0ta tc1 spa(.0 . 1 NIVl ,I) A Ient A. 8.)o1(11
t I. Ell ... let5y ilu. ~c nu etFi
.1 'at )( nhs I oftharranebors anilare ureony g-
25i S.d Forti Ave...AnniAHb(r.Iat 11)30,610001 21.
R .TLE . bards, to tae asine in coare nea
Washillotnnatteee t will Nb1)1 ade1.0
e hh-s.mi~d N 'e( Lw e tr . LIs
To-Wit: The Senior Law Annual
Solicits the follossing llrasnll) s
Dlesigns for Cover, 'I~tie lPage ando
Bloard of Editors, Etching of Prac-.
tlice Court Roomo, Smoall Prelude
Cut and 'TPail tPiece. F-or furher
insformationo as to the character (If-
I he 110.11100110co1ns111 B1. 1. Wool-
AJ 11ES WI. 000111101, lcin . .llOrrof
Rloe, ,'aritladFlowtsse01(01vs5 2 1oil svari-
ety. Fll(5eniIs 101iei00 5(1 10shortnoie.
No. 1 Ob1erva(ovy0s1r07, apt). 10111110ry0171.
IPli u lI'i
I, 01 D o e l " M o l. o a :l, .1' 11 (110 'iA -
k e0100001i. heo,10 l1. v. 'tti-
man, jh S. 5tho St. Senddall draw-n Morgan & Giblon.
logs to thsealbove addlress. ______________________
Senior Laws. Notice.
TIlie (Ora1t1o0icaico01(1s1 to1be 'heldC{ _ - y.JES
4nFeb. o20th is changeto l 0 01.25112, - .
Iliet 110100 1011Sbeig 101(-in,401'11Y1
R. N. '.eCC 7/OJNrf0(M7-
I ll SHORTHAND. Olosil 001(1 builiol;11ne
7'. 2EP ('l lll211011ol 0lsein, re 1 'ns o( llg 0e11 irelyle~r
Classwillstud Golnod' T~e Pro- }, cptto111 failiies('foreplboins ol ns illpoi
fnw 5 , I landel's "Acis and1(alatele o ne,$ ol00l0It5I.per(lweek01inlprivate('.O(,1,1(1(
110111i led'. a0 lrope2r balance iof theaP. (R. CLEARtY, Pats.
p~arts canb le11101; otherwvise, it00111
lie conduc11ted1as an introdubcto 11) BUr N LS LOC ALS.
tllI studofl (1Harm0ony . I 1Fo0 1(1ne51(1u(ps,1011711l brishes 111111 e1-
Musical111 i10t7(1.0 I0101 Orato~riI 4)00, 411 1)o111'e1B . &M. Irgolore.
H igher 111571u1110011 Form100w25 l0b11 1)02 1(11 (1(d11( 010 1icketslo t 1( 2111,
the course0 will27e1devtet o thelll('S 1 22lotA2b(11211) iltlllY 1(1
the work of l'ic ar(_I Wa tier knooms 11(11 0. 2di 'lti ;M Isit
11 he0 courss ksanIll (ill o e s110, 2ll stelllTwat1 hotal
11(10 55al 1r~t.I~ll" 1t'S11(1
Course 21 (Satire: 1011ilau 12nd 7L d o si'.5)((l0rtes'0oil11 1)1 (11 0)1111111
Re oo'r ill1be11 101l0 by Mr1. 111(0 00- oX1 \lt tom plvll 101 0.' '1c
'ro os2. 1.1411th1e1(02 11011 5 (11. 1 oon 1111 to''. et(1' 1)l111 11(1
Fcnoll literature 011 . . I0'0 bh0 '.c . let 1u i - t '.leave nunlor .11)
-es an e ors1111 10)2 . 2llOlolo 101111 11 Is 011100' ((7 t )
Il (I av100, 8: 1 room01(111).
History1C010rs0 0. Constl. 01n01Poll- b-ll.oClo~oqtt
ticzad History o0 Enlollnd. All 11 ((111 01)of h e U.T. o0 1 .2 e'-
110 pru1blican11c lboldestrin oot tendl the
711e se'ondllsemeste10r 11101t1a 01oflon , hlId at I 1s.I 11on tile nightot(f I'el).
100 annlonced.1(100ey5wil(10ee01as 7 hudbre hi ae toc
SefolowsI Sc. . , V.1 1", ate
I'l 'lbc1. 1, M IW F ,0t I.; ec.11 s11 )001( e ' or( 1res e tI'2.'2.Pear-
I100001411 1. IHusseyoldont; 1. 1F.
Attention Knights of PYth as. ~ lI001,11 1
1-0pha 1mi; C. (1(. Frie.dman l, .
" or the celeb~ratiton of thoe laylig Silerlil 0c 7.1.10, 11
1)1 11he cornrl steorf(0 .1thei. y til '
'le ea 1001 aOts eraySlsangier, 'g_1 lw1WV '. S. Flint, 1.
1Tmla radRatsFbray("=.lrrloano A'. I.lAlor010211L. C'.
11ththe'P. ..A. ,S'-N. 'Nt. 1% og c)ky.Tie ftces
will sell roundol trip) excursion tc s.)0'1 a. ro'o tickets1
at rate of (1(0 anod onethird fare'. '° airdfaerontip
XV 0 llo~s~o10 a.s0.
1Vo.. If1010.11.70, lres
C enl I'ass'. :gt.
Advanced M~echanics.
stuodents woishing to take A(lathe-
moatics 15, on111 pleane omeet nie 10
Room 27, on Wednesday, 'Feb. 21,
at a p. ni., to arrange hours.
It2 E. Anne St.
Castalian Contributors.
All manu(scriplt of stories or poemsl
for the Castalialon be 110thle
bands of the mansaginog editoor by'
IFeb. 2 2.'.dleI0ss, 7814 '. Washing-