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March 05, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-05

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FIFTY MILE STONES PASSED. week or the first of next. These are NEED NOT BE AN ATHLETE
the jury cases, which will be con- To be a Member of n Athletic
Alpha Nu Literary Society Cele- ducted exactly the same as in an Team. So Says the Univer- tehaveome fine ied pecis and
Orates the Semi-Centennial of its j Tam.sot Saysahe nlvrhs e, esseI
FOundation.-A Bright Career. actual court of law. There will bec s sity Magasine.
iteollrenet tieieto 5 ie aeiy
greater interest taken in thesecases We cii tie foiloing pertinent Ie any one who wi r as forfthe.
Room 24 was comfortably filled fsrom the fact that students will havee renmarks in regard to track atisletics aetosseesour fae and e
remaks i regrd o trck ahletcs ou ,; chance to see our sto.
Saturday evening, the occasion be- an opportunity to exercise their in- frons the University Magazine.
ing the celebration of the fiftieth genuity and ability in questioning After renarking that the mes wso (
anniversary of the Alpha Nu society. witnesses, admitting or rejecting et on the football and baseball
The prograni was higilyitertaiG-revidence,aetcIGee ra t si Iealers,
teams are men who come to collegeSt
S but its extreeegth caused51 South Main St.
-- btit xte--egt-aue already trained in the game, at any
many to leave before its close. The The Press Banuet is a Go. ra trned us te and at the
rate strong, heave men curl not the
music furnished by Messrs. Gilmore ---- less perfectly developed men who
and Watson, Misses Fischer and The committee which has the si stands in greater need if tue exer-
and Timberlake was in keeping with versity press banquet in charge, met
the rest of the program. The vocal Saturday evening, two repsresenta- Right here we touch upon one
solo by Miss Timberlake deserves tives from each of nine publications of the evils of our college athletic
especial mention for the power with being present. The meeting was system. The idea that originated
which it was rendered. called to order by T. P. Bradfield, and sustains college athletics is the I I
The society paper by C. H. Dun- of the Palladium. It was decided benefit that those participating re-
1e oci y ap .ceive. Inter-collegiate competitions When youwanttheLatestuetrooitanstyles
can contained some good humor. to elect a general chairman of the ofie i$3,ntr-oorll thoeseatcoomtopiIiaspair leas
coaittentaosealspmont .eare upon a final analysis, valuable than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
The presidents address by J. Q. committee, wso ssail appoint the onlyasthey stimulate interest in the
Adams and the "sibyl" by Isaac necessary minor committees to ar- training which is of such incalcu- riirr
Stern deserve mention. Perhaps range the banquet. After an in- lable benefit. But our national idea
the most interesting parts of the pro- formal ballot, E. J. Ottaway, of the of sacrificing everything to win has to. 153-185 woonwaiu Ave.,
rinwere tise reminiscences by Castalian, was chosen.'ie name completely swept away every other DETROIT, -MICHIGAN.
gram consideration. Men are not en-
'Prof. Scott and Prof. Demon. Tie of University Press Association couraged to enter athletics for the
former reviewed the society in the Banquet was determined upon. help they may receive, but for the
eighties and the latter in the sixties. Plans for pemanent organization help they may give the university,
Prof. Demon attended the Univer- 1were talked over, and the committee and this principle of selection takes
the score or so of best developed,
ty from 'G to '68 at which time adjourned, subject to *he chairman's strongest men as the ones who are t
the mlembership of the Alpha N ilcall have most ofi the physical good of Artisc Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
varied but little fromss i, and of 6s athletics. It is a matter of noi m-
graduates in the class of '6l, 25 were ______(portance to the future whic college FRESH ASSORTMENT
imembers of this society. The pro- Rev. Mclean addressed t e S. C. ins, bsut iosnaisy agod sat for life
fessor mentioned a score of men who A. Sundey morning on the "hero is not the strono that most need
could have been seen in Alpha Nui ism of Missions.'' lie gave an ac- athletics, but the too rapidly de- ^-4QfiOQOI.A
hal from '65 to '7t1 that now fill count of the work of the first mis- veloped and weaker class.- eso RCEIVED AT-
prominent positions and enjoy sionaries to India, China, Burmah It is these more than all others TUTTES, - 48 S. State St.
national reputations. ansiSouths Africa. The selsacrifice that a college team helps. A man
has his choice of fourteen events in Taught and Danced all overthe World at
He related many incidents gleaned of these heroes, the privations and track athletics. A trainer soon the Leading Academies:
from the records and from Iis osn enormous hardships they endured finds out his forte, and with time WA rTZ tXlORD
recollections which were of exceed- for the cause of Christ put to shame and perseverance lie wins a portion Musi published with explansotion of dan
ofth ov td t letic dsin ton lv Ros, ranii r, atho r ot'.ofa3. v, Ritz.
nu ginterest to all present. T'e our insignificant efforts. none of of tse covetei athletic distinction. Granger's Aademy, Ann Arbor,
professor exhsortevthesocietyt whichmeritsthenan s .At Harvard, last year, 300 candi- Mich. JIs isthes cisses iss anesma an lesr
he Iiwsteu. " s sns asydans eof merit ou
dates tried for the athletic team, or esy srous'. Ose1irsreet.. simesenter
preserve full records for future re ismore than for all the other teamse __"_ _
erence. I. B. Lipsou reviewed i Indoor Meet Prospects. together. To gain a place on an
his usual agreeable and forcible way athletic tean, previous training is
the work of the society in the nine- Arrangements for an indoor meet not indispensibe, as in other
ties. are still under way. By tomorrow branches. Nine-tenthss of our col-
e shaliesrobably be able to state legiate record holders and present
champions never had on a spiked BASE BALL GOODS
The Practice Court. iwhether the chances for getting the shoe before entering college nor
Waterman gymnasium are favorable. were men of any particular piys
The first series of cases in the As soon as this is definitely known, ique. The training is for the most Suits and Gymnasium Sup-
practice court of the law department the track committee will go ahead part light, involving none of the
strain anid injuries so inseparable Plis
will be completed this week.. These with the plans already devised for from rowing and football.
were the cases given out to be ar- making the meet successful. The Taken altogether, in the writer's You are invited to esxaiine stock and prices.
gued on points of law alone. This boxing, wrestling, fencing, tumbl- estimation, the athletic teams are
work has been of great advantage to ing and club swinging events are al- the most helpful of all varsity teams,
the students, and its popularity will ready in sight. In addition to these, because open to a larger number/
ensure its permanent establishment the committee will arrange for some tending to produce symmetrical and
as a part of the law course. It is short sprints and a few jumps. gradual development among the UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
the intention to take up the second Several specialties will be secured if class of students who most need out-
series of cases the latter part of this possible. door exercises.' STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

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