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February 21, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-21

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WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY- length, involving as it does the pos- WASHINGTON'S WRINKLE
sible loss to the United States ofTo GiVe Afa
The Law Students will Celebrate Will be out Tomorrow.-The Laws
the Thirty-fourth An- one hundred and twenty-five million are in it again, and are Hon- Wehavesomefine lead pencils and
niversary' dollars. The subject matter is ored with a Cartoon.
con venient string cae to nive away
The thirty-fourth annual observ- clearly presented,. and maps show- Wrinkle will be out in honor of to any one who will call for them.
ance of Washington's birthday, by ing the different routes proposed ac- Washington's birthday, tomorrow. We want to see your face and give
the law students,will be held tomor- company teubook It is full of timely hits on the
row afternoon in University hall. The Pharmacv Social. "father of Isis country" and though. y C
lion. J. P. Dolliver, member of i not denoted a special number yet
Genra Musin Ilealevs,
Congress for Iowa, has consented to The social given last evening to could be without impropriety so
deliver the address for the occasion, the Pharmacy students by the mem- called. There are also many "hits" 5t Soath Mate t.
Air. Dolliver is a young man who hers of the S. C. A. from that de- on the recent exams. and the ever
has gained considerable eminence in partment was a very enjoyable little dreaded condition. I
the House of Congress as an orator. gathering. 'Tle cover is by. R. L. Wagner,
Ie has a pleasing delivery, and his The presence of a number of and illustrates a certain aspect of
address will be full of interest to all ladies of the literary department college life, which is very prominent
lovers of the immortal Washington. contributed greatly to the pleasure at this season of the year.
The speaker will be introduced by of the evening. The double page cartoon is by G.
Dean Knowlton. Games and chemical charades fur- A. Dawson, '94 lit. It may be
The laws will assemble at the law nished amusement and entertain- termed an illustrated grind on the when youwanttheLatestMetropolitanstyles
of $', $3, 84 or $5 Shoes at 50c to $1 a pair less
building as soon after one o'clock as ment. Refreshments, and singing laws. It is an adaptation of "ten than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
possible in order to form in proces- of college songs were indulged in little birds were setting on a fence,"
sion and march to University hall by with apparent enjoyment. is in silhouette and is very cleverly R H
1:30. The post graduates will head executed. a
H. C. Ryan, '93 lit in a prose 101. 13-155 wooDwARD Ave.,
the procession, the seniors and Student self-Government Threat- DETROIT - - MICHIGAN
juniors following. On reaching the ened. pastel called "The Tute," explains
hal, the '94 laws will take section 3 how conditions are given.
and the '95 laws section 2 of the I'Anserst System of self- "A Very Young Man," by K. E.
parqette. The post gradnuates will government is in danger of being Harriman, is a very bright little
abolished on account of a disagree- sketch.
occupy seats in section 3 in front of ment between the Faculty and the Frank 1. Daniels, lit '91, has a
the senors. .Members of the Senate. 'owards serv pretty poen "To Genes-eve''
The hall is being decorated with Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
the end nf last term, on c nthe class and U. of M. colors and '' by e r o i excusesfor____
also red, white and blue. The side neglect in obtaining excuses for b- evy, lit '97, tells of man's love for Sc0ond( January lnvi'oice
se nces, a member of the senior class his Arab steed. -oF---
sectirns in the parquette, and the was suspended for the remainder of C. L.. Mason, lit ' w+rites in 1OWM~Y' -s'm
gallery will be occupied by visitors I that term. At the same time a no- meter on "Reverie" and "Change." -_+_605
and students of the various depart- tice of his suspension was sent to C. IV. Francis, '89, has another --r-
nents. his father, but by chance came into installment of his clever "Wrin- TUT'TLE'S, - 48 S. State St.
The Banjo and Glee clubs will the hands of the senior and was not kles."
furnaish mnusic for the occasion. 'fis Taugit and Danced att ever tie World at
delivered by him. By some means "A Nightmare," by Henry R. thie Lea ng Acadeeses r
speaker will be introduced at 2 the Faculty learned of this, held a Kellogg, is an exposition on a co- WALTZ OIXFORD
o' . meeting and suspended him for the ed's hat. Music published with explanation of dance
rest of the year. Since the reason W. C. Bolles invents two special vy Ross Granger, anthor of U. of M. Waltz.
Reviewed by Public Opinion. yestrangerrs Academy, Ann Arbor,
offered for this action was solely telegrams from Central Africa. Mach. cin tine ciasse n dancing and Ieen
y ~the "t'o-Stee and nnt anctse,-not et von
Public Opinion has, in part, the that of intercepting a letter, and as Among the cuts are some clever e. . Maynard street. Omie, center
following to say in its review of it in no way pertains to the college ones by Wagner, Campau and An-
John P. Davis' "The Union Pa- work, the Senate considers that the gell. Gymnasium Suits,
cific Railway": "This book is a Faculty has infringed upon its juris- "Athletic Notes" offer some val- Sweaters,
valuable contribution to contempo- diction. Several consultations have uable bits of information to future
rary history, even though some of been held between the Faculty and track teams.
the conclusions arrived at may not the Senate, but the Faculty will not "Antiquity of jokes" are cribbed -ANn-
be always accepted. It gives a com- yield and state that the matter is for this issue from the arcivesof the
plete history of the Union Pacific closed. The members of the Sen- English Royal Society. + G
from its inception sixty years ago, ate are now about to resign, the "The Difference," by J. L.Lorie, P~lL
its strnggle for existence in the days students refuse to elect other mem- I lit '95, is a dialect poem with a
moral. Of Every Description at
before the civil war when sectional- hers to it, and so it is feared that on The rest of the paper is made up
ism was so rampant that it proved the "Senate" passing out of exis- of those little quips and versicles
to be an unsurmountable barrier to tence the system of self-government which cannot be noticed in our col- W A H R 'S
the building of any road to the Pa- will necessarily come to an end. umns, but which add so much to
cific, its actual birth and the legis- the life and get-up of a paper.
Wrinkle will be on sale tomorrow UNIVE
lation subsequently affecting it. * * Two cases of English books of at the box office in the main hall,on
The question of the debt of the road miscellaneous kinds are on the way the street and at all book stores
is an important one and treated at from New York. which keep open. STATE STREET, AN ARBOR.

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