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February 22, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-22

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j c . o

, . Dail .


Vol- IV.-No. 101.



SENIOR LIT CONTEST. the family, the church, business,I ONL DISGRACED. !T G " M r
congestion of piopulation, politics,i A Freshman Banquet Results Fa- i ®
The Class of Ninety-Four will be n'ie tally-One Dead and Sev-
Represented by Messrs. Hall an education.Th speaker gave eral Seriously 11l.WO, hire owe inerlcod peeci
and Halaplan. Ipresent educatiosal methods a hard
scre 1prese, epsader coo, 'Olvie nlosringseo iA fie
About twvohsincdred seniors asd i rap, ordthse examinationi system, but Cornell C canp learn in nea ohrr ~ i' h ii'i a
usabr ., Iand declared that swhen a few men, Thscnlso aybvrw rm ie iiiant ltoseyour foci'and
emesof the oraiorf.al assocla- Thit conclsionosayestdrasnofro
tillateeiglseetotefrtable to he college presidests, are the reports of the freshman ban - ?achnetseoutck
of the class oratoriical contests, held willing 1o sacrifice themselves to bel rrte mee' hc a
teaching in district schotols, there fiseld Tuesday night. The Iparticu- ' r .
ii nthe law lecture roomu. 1 smt loefr'eo nlays of the''fun'' as it is called, as Ottierai Music lieaier fe: eeto yteBnoWl esm oefrrfr nna scnb ere r sf
~finetcmoe fMsr.education. If reform in all these loses: 51 South Mai
Talr, Tyroler, n, Casean lines is not biegu~n torday, revolution ' The banquet seas spsreadl in the
C'onrad, the presiding officer, :Miss may bring anarclly antI a nric tyran- large hail formerly occupied by the
luck, ittrodutieil Ir. Johns Q. I ny, Masonic fraternities. At 9 o'clock
Atlaussels spikeon 'Savnaroa.' ''aterialistic Civilization lilt the freshmllens were to meet on the
:das, ho pok on"Saonaola"sill and msarchl doswn to tihe banqitet
Mr. Adamns spoke wills a voice clear the Ideal Civilization''wsas the sill- hail. Tioga street seas well filled
intl distinirt, but someswhat mono-' j Contlinordos thirdl ole. swith stuldenlts long befor g o'clock,
toou. teapeaed at Inoowsaiting for the coming freshmen,
tnu.H aperdill at easeatIdo Practice Begins Saturday. red topuc uonhm ad
the start 1)u11soou warmledl to hissayt one pnte n
sstjec, nd sisclsin wodswer iPermission was obtained yester- spoil thseir banquet. Tfhe whole of
subjct, nd hs clsingword wer y ther Ithaca police force was on hand Wheni youwant the Latest Metropoiitan
cisaracterized by a earnestsess that day from the regents for the ttse of to quell any serious trouble. About ti n i'trborhraes eatfor v t a n
shoswed iis interest in his subject. the gymnasiulm for indoor baseball ten o'clock the freshmsen reached
Hie briefly sketched thte career of practice and the baseball manage. Tioga street. Then a "rush,'' as
Savonarola in coisvenit anti psipit, ment has called out all the candi- they called it, began, but in reality it
wsnothing less than a free figlst. 1. 13-555'onvEanAc
ill an age of corruption and sin, dates to begin practice on Saturday. Thw rehensrgdtoerdtsesilotI, . . OWAR t:
twelling on the courage ani ldo' All the candidates are exptecteid to floor leading up~ to the hall
iuence of the great reformer in his com~e out promptly, as tise urn whso antI were attacked frous all
dlentuciations of the ccii of the work will be tihe risen who get the sides. Faces were pusnchsed, hsats
te.lik niot iorapsie itsea Ilaces on the teatsi. As sont as thse smashed, and a genieral melee cc-
city.tietmst o ge ris etav-addt esarwclld ip. ssallIsltedl inwhlirch tile officers were
higly anlatoybutnotextava cndiate ar cale ou'. ve ha tossed abiout like chsaff. 'T'he''rusts'
give their tntu's andilthe psitions tyeieisvt'tillatfeh

ts and
ti St.
iir les.

Ml.Crl Is F. \\ liar, s'inc"ethsey are trying for. '1li baseball
Ilatsageilent isaniutohval
S(teiice iii Spirit,~.rgused for use.auti' ihseal
stuy u a lciqtc t~iite ii iias. I: se mnswhlo expiect to tiry- sir the
it is.sc itnce 'tnd tnt relig iontithatiimsalisssiriaie iiui,
smm~osis tisey save nutiloiie so.
an.itittesuttertsiareiii lonsger rho- bemonstratton Porte.
reputabl"e I isere is in msan a neg-
lectei lf.d1Arnerica hsas hsad einoughs 'Te memliers of tile S. C'. A.
if tiatrsalssi I Tepresenstidossbt fro is the medicasl cdepartmient, hselid
asni unrtst cannot lie explaineid their "Diemonstratioss Party'" at
away by professors, preachers or Neswberry tiall last evening.
creeds. Amserica sieeds spirituality, Coinundirunms, tise aniswvers to
a spirituality not conined to tine ewtichs were all names tof somie part
creedi or tine day, bitt a spirituality of the body, afforded charaicteristic
if actiotn. In spite of the alistriticrisetertainmeint. A prize wst given
suture of his sutbject, the speaker to te oite guessing the largest num
lthle itterest ttf the auitence to bee. Ilefore tite refreshmtients in
'lie citise, althiotigh his line of thse way of nuts werre disposed of. a
tlsotughtt could not be folloseet close- number of t/vcctccce-ruicts' were given,
ly at every pointt. furnisiniig considerable amttisement,
?dlr. D~elos F. Wilcox spoke next as they included a somber of "take-
on "The Reformer of thse Twventieth offs" which swere qtsickly recognized
Century." His manner seas earnest by loyal medics and heartily appre-
troughout, but lie is liandicapp- ciated.
ed by many defects in delivery. After "denionstrating" their abil-
T1he main idea of his oration was ity 10 sing a college song with crcdit,
self -sacrifice,a completeielf-surrend- they took thseir departure. 'Thle fact
cc to the cause, utter indifference to that even the msost backward seemed
the opinions of men. With such an to thoroughsly enjoy themselves is the
equiptment only can the reformer best possible thanks to the officers
cope with the problems of the of the S. C. A., who planned the
twventieth century, the problems of social treat for them.

tman seas safely inth ie tail. Artistic Phiohsgraphfer, 6 E. HURON ST.
'T'iiigsvent taloiig smtoothily ensoughI
until abioutiti ' tclock,.sewten a se- '',il,~lll)li i&l
stioni was discetred. hirs tpl eFn a1<rv11-f~
pearecd a ctoloredh siomtan, lcdl by tiwo Q5,J -v.
mten. Sit'hewas fi nttitng'antiaup- I"kfi
parentlyineairlyleail Site seas t 's'TQ QT0AC
taketn to a tioctor's uuffice 'attd metans--
taken to resuscitatie ier. But all '1 ~ FS . -t1bS. "otafe fit.
attemtpts itrosetdof nos atvai, anti a
few mtomnits 'titer. i i o'clock shte Taught and tDancd alt ever the World at
tied. Soon after slit sas led out of tthe Leadtng Aeademtas:
thse builing a numbelirtof stutdents \'tiF, Z I 11j
terre casrriedl out. I Tte efforts to tIe'ittittlisittl it tiit i' tt o tf tdtainc
revive thsetitprovedlnmore Stcessfiul, Iii It-. iii ttOiattotr oif U. it h.Wtztl.
Garae..msr s Asetdeesy. Arm Arber,
anti thtey recovered sutfittiently 1o be Mich. Jithe i tc lassos t nit itt,'itanatitlcarti
takets 12oiste anti putt undtr care of iii n~loivs irte ~y tir eti. tfittitcoxte1r
phiysiciatts. earn
A vigoroiss itverstigationt as to thse
catuse of thte trouble shtowed that Gymnasium Suits,
somseone htad entered the roomtsunt- Sweaters,
derneath the kitchen anti boredl two
htoles in the ceilinig above. On tse
table stood a large jug corked. In the -sAN-
corki were two rubber tithes, whlichs
ran nearly up to the ceilig whereGO D
thyconnected with two glass ttibes. 1.
Ths a hog h oe nte 1 Vfloor, thtis liberating in the room
above the gas generated from thse ft Everesrihptions at
jug, which was founti to be chlorine,
a mixture of salt and sulphsuric acid.
Teewshoeenclettha WW H I-% party who had been guilty of thisSA
dastardly piece of business.
A rigid investigation is being made UNIVERSITY DOOIfSI'ORE
and ithe culprit is found he will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the


o.ilI.ar OXIAr rAX, l INI'4 -amulult.

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