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February 09, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-09

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THE PIANOFORTE. ing hold first rank. The fornmer I AN IDEAL ARTIST.
its Construction and Possibilities- pterfected thne iron harp-frasie, giv- EeyOewohshadSr ~a
Prof. Stanleys's Lenture Last iag to it the requisite Strengtth and Hveiy nchohs PheaingMSongs,
Nightv Well Received, resonance. Fewv tersons woulil Pronounc e Him Such.
think that the strain on tine pianot
Prof. Stainley 's lecture last even- frame is fioon ponnds. Tise intro- 'to hear Mr. Heinricts is a revels-I
ung in Manic halt on ''Thie Piano- disetion of the piano wnas the lbegin- tion of the bsower iof soing singing.
forte'' eia schlv eniovedl biv all - -~f-~-v.-,,,,,,--A.4 - +,- -ncc~ iofin niitr r iic I'i

STo Gife f ~a !.
We hive iioi-iiiline leadien ils and
to pity one awho ;rill ic~il for themi.
Weciiiiii to see yoiuiintwc-ail Gn-e
,- iv i n iitose ice siitoc.

preen"'lie6tlk, Ji y ning on modnern music aiiii to viis
presnt.Thetal, thughcor- period helong the great nsters.

iMete aid adequinte itselfnuts in - NInny lingereid after the l-'ctuve to
creased ini interest by the exhihition ispetedmnove closely She parts oif the
din the platormi of tll thy vatriosiaino.
iarts of te pianotioiteSn Twio -- .-
nians, .a grandad ani upriglit, I;Bace onsit
were compn~letely ilisss r ii -anitthe il'onight the nentcibern of rthe l'cv-
nyrsesihowviiaiiilexli neiivil tShy iavy class of '9 wniloneattogetherS
audience. The harp, thi sounvinicaiiilenjoy the goond cheer ol a baa-
board, tine key-Ioard i, with all itsnl quet. About forty of the memibers
-iccessiories, andca stingle key wii ti f the "bansner ilass'' sunll1attendi
taninmer, clamisper, muftfde ndi its the baniquet, wvlichs till lielhelcl us
consplete action, sieve separately thnetiarlors of the L~iglht Ifantry
viewveit suitdisciissetl. 'Pietwoin- armory. All arransgemns have
ilerful miniuteitessndsutdielicacy of have heen iiaile hr Earl ID. Babst,
mnechanisms it the construction of whoi is the chairmnan of tie arrange-
tlhe hammer suit its appurtenances nient comumittee, and lie has sui--
tn simpi~ly marvelous to the uninitia- ceeded admirably, as will he seen
teid. whnvcnthez assemtblect tisititrnspar-
'T'lelprinlciiple iot the lpianio is a take of the good cheer arvrangedl for
ionmbinastion of stings stretchedi the occ-asioin.
over a sountdinng-boavrl witin a mied-E A niuber iot special songs have
itti forsettnlg thsestrings ins notion. beeni conisendtfon thie'oicsaiotin
'Te neavest htiints amoing thseani-ienits which trill adti to thseiner'rimuentt.
tos thte niodlerinpinos swere tte IHangsterfcvrtrill list-chdargenil the
1.gvytiant lyre ant the Assyria catering.
A or, hut She immediate predeces-; A Just complaint.
sova of thsetpiano twere thne clavichnordt, -___
or spinet, aind the harpscichnorcd. 'h ay fClfri i ad
'teprinciple of these is the same hes sail to favor educational astits-
eas the piano list thne tone was not Sinus. Under Ilse state lawv Slis
sutane.University (Leland Stanford) is
Tine speaker had drawings to ated heavily for the heniefit of a
illustrate the action of thsese instrin- school fund upon whtichn it has no
menuandto ompre he amewit claim. Legacies to thin institution
Stin oftinepiao, geat are taxed five 1pcr cent., also for the
Btach, the first of She getmses benefit of She schnool funii. Whnen
composed for te hartpsichiord ani i it is remembered thint nearly one
this gives his msusic its peculiar fe i Stiousandc students receive free tui-
tare. tion Inre, and that in eastern states
tIn 17115 ann Italian constructed a where edlucational institutions are
crude pianoforte hut its irnventions exempt from taxation, tine iteni of
tusually assigned to Schroder, of tuition alone generally represennts
Sxnin 5717. T'e'ine o is anfrom $125 to.$s1o0tter ainnnnm per
instrunment of greater possiilities student, the injustice of tne Cali-
thtan thne violtn. It is not so mnucti fornia system of taxing nit ecduca-
a part of She personality of the per- tional institutions is nmanifest.-
locater as the violin is, that is, the Daily Palo Alto.
infrument and performer are not Prof.Deweys lecture in the Unity
In such clone communion, but whsere club course next week will he post-
Shin relation is closest there is the pond from Monday so Tuesday
msost perfect touch and technique, evening (Feb. 15) on account of his
Sonte of the latest improvements absence from the city on the earlier
in the piano have been made by date. Subject of lecture, "The
Americans and among these inven- Economic Evolution of Religious
tors Messrs. Steinway and Chicher- Ideas."

tnas penetratedrthlernueanintgnot ''
only of tine great songs of Iltandl, c iievrli tai - liaicit.
Schinhert, Schtumiann andc Franz, btut 51Sthat Main St.
also aftht~e hunmiber lyrics which are
pueculiarly te sonigs of tht'eceopte. -
Iltsastery of hSte piansoforte em- I
as him tonn iiaccaompanyltimselff sa
becatutifltly ant sy-mpa~thetically-that
thne pianio seenns as nuchn airS of
Iis persconality as Iis vosince. 'Inhe
combtinationis suiniiiue. No ante but t
ja fmatter rotnlches-er nose ts accounts- Win,ovauwnetlun' i ttn'-.ii- miit ivnstyie8
lishi smeltann artistic rcsult asnthis. ovi.$:;, 4io 5, s 5hiiesniati c tin i$iiv irnss
titann iiAriorrprices-snd tfoiv catatuznii' tn
tie Inns noivntal it thin counitry anai
but one abroad, 'Mr. George lHens
schiel. R f
H le is great as a siniger ofsitonigs I 1ni0non183-185 sc vVkUm unAnn,.
because lie is a great attest ain ___________________
oratorio ansd dramnatic nmnusic. No (i) G______
one whlo Inns heard itm inug te
''fi Kn " m ihtiht hs lvaniaic CLASSE; IN DANCINGwnit ieevt
tutioltos: (iriiils'iisi'ii c-tnlday inimninniun tn
feelin-s. the in nut eiiramnatic- I mid rittsiayerni--rst8:(k); L[dies. s niifiniin
singer in tin enise tint ie wtuldtnitt i lt iass. 'ue~aUj elir 8 ad tr
make ann ecqually gyeaSotteras singer 'tuuis re(,cived tay nivmein.
as onitine coincert siatformi, but hilt
feeling instilt respect ginven himtthne
the tiowver of interpiretatiotsnulnichn
mnakes hinmsiigeet even inn sinalil /
That tne in a consunnmately traiin-
eit musician goes withnout saying. Artistic Phohographer. 6 E. HURON SI.
lHe shnows it is every nmesure. lHe Sni~ aaa-Iio
sings here, for thne third Slate in the
Choral tubao series, on F'ebruary La AlNZY0,
is programnme is not yet tdefinit- i
ly decided upon, but will cointain ItU1'L', - 484 S. State St.
Stne variety wuhichn we always expect

in his programmes.
Ile trill be assisted by Mr. tier-
nman Zeitz, swho trill play sseval
solos. Mr. Zeitz is so well known
and appreciated here, tlnat his ap-
pearance as soloist will be an oc-
casion of great satisfaction So all.
Incidentally, in refering to this
recital, may we not emphasize the
fact that Choral Union tickets are
still sold at thne usual price, $2.00,
that these tickets will admit to the
May Festival, May a8 and upy. These
'tickets, as announced, will be with.
drawn after the 116th and tickets for
the Festival will then be placed at

Gymnasium Suits,
(ISEvefry Descriptionat


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