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February 08, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-08

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EASTERN LAW SCHOOLS. laws here is connected with the Bos-1 A NEAT VALENTINE.
too law school. I
?rof. Mechsem Describes the Man- The Next Number of Wrinkle to be
agement co' the Eastern Law At Harvard, eight msen give theirJ Devoted to St. Valentine and
Sclthools. entire time to the law schsool isnTe Daily.
-- straction. Hitre, it is said, is the rie St. Valentine's Day numiber
Thle \Vebster society sad a large homse of thse case system. Large ofY~ikewi ~ u oorw
aslislase t tei sittng as volunmes of leading cases lreparedasdhsfirtleupoteuul
nigiht. 'this wsnoccasisnieil by te b'yte instructors and thse studentsstdatsebypeisisuso
anuotisensnt isatPro. 'lecseti are required to give rules in the ,. .. ,.



wioulid deliver ais address is relation c ases, anid discuss the isrinciples he-
¢o isis visit ts the laiw schools of the 1fisre the class.
East 1rof. Mecosm said Shut as practice
Cotie a thetfirstoi vsi~tedl. rosiur, such as we have, swas nout
sue lstsstifu locais tionsan siu irrund ts eltl hsas as tmoot court of thse ighest
igs si th isclii ris. ilhey suve forms. He sipoike iii a general svay
uts 'iitticit library anid thes Iii- reg ardling else gymtnausistmts seetn rsi
serial eqipmisests svere te most Ste trill ansd sasid thsat te Waler-
spslenid seen. 'The studetnts suits tias gyi whlen comnpletedl ivottld
bcr 250 ands are steadily inrreasing. equul the best so far as isractical
ilse mtethsod oif intisructiots is text- convenience ansd suitabile equlip-
iook stork ansi case reading, msodi- mest scere concerned.
lied be a fesw lectures. Students j ___.- __
are reqiuiredl So search out te Igrin- The Intander Board.
isles front their origlisal sosurce.I
'ossr iprofessosrs give their entire Sonme imuportatnt chsatnges save
tine tio the stork. Nciv York lasw been ttaide its Ste Inilanider board
is tausght to a great extetit. 5Stu- ,of etditors. C. 1\1. Harris. istutag.
'ivits lasck te antitis xthsat isresails tsg esditor and l'ratsk WC. finue, bits-
mee tess tmansager, tave resignedi. 'They
It New \ork C ity fosir scol lhase beeni succeedled by S. HI. f'erry
wtere visitied-st Chase Lawts School, anti C. J. M armtons. _Mr. I iFirris tutu
niversity oif Newv York lass Alir. Ptine lidi nmutchtCo srip the Its-
'Schsool, 'ietrss'olitan ILasv Schosol, Fulndtir to its isresent h ighs stasndsardl.
ands Colstaisa. Thle Chase Law -I 'lie February numisber stilt ise gotten
Schsool is second in tnmber of stsi is itt bsy the nesw mntagemtnv . dnst h .o .TeDih
sysesm (cast instr uction) is usedi. A _MmoiaFnd
'The professor coniisdcrs tite Univer- Harris tall has receistly received
sity scihool te best for Nesw York a beuhest of $io,ooo froni Mrs.
students becasise .New 'sork law is Wood,sister of the late Mrs. Slocumn.
niade a specialty. Text-booc aisd This gift, to be knotwn as Sthe "Ran-
lecture system ptursued. There tire sons . Wood Menmorial F~tnd,"svill
24.0 students. Columbia is te best be added to te genseral endosentt
school in the city. Fouir resident for the running expeisses of She
psrofessors give titeir entire timte '" Sthall.
te swork. ''Tree systems arei t-
vogue-leading cases, text-book situ, Central states at Harvard and Yale.
lectures. 'Thse case systens is con- 'iThe folloswing statistics shsoiw the
sislered the miost important. First jattendance from Clie central states at
year's swork set out, seconsd and iHarsard and 'ale:
thsird elective. 'ibis is te only n anvti. s. le.
school stb elective swork. 'Highest otiso------------- ilol
spirit and enterprise amntig Ste stu- I1(ila-------------- ----- I i
(tents. mieiii----------- --------s l 's
'rhe 'sale lasv school is a back -------------- ----- 1.
ntunber. 'Te school is held in te Toa ------i ------- z:
court house. All the instructors- 1"- --
are engaged in active practice andI The executive commiltee of the
iinstruction is a side issue. t Glee and Banjo clubs met last eve-
Boston university hsas a snmall law ning. Matters of business swere
school but very thorough. Case considered and it was decided to
and text-book system used. Prof. give a concert here sonmetitue dur-
Bigelow who lectures to the P. (. 1 ing the second semester.

iuaitpapier. tftie cover sage, a rout-
versational piece, is by '\l. WX. Cans-
patu, '96, ansc is sit admsirabie Ipiece
of psent sork. 'lhe imidlcle page car-
Coon by R-. IL. Wagner, '9j, is pasr-
ticularly aiprols at this seasots of
thse year, andsshsioutlil make a gtreat
lit. It is enititled ''College Evils,''
ansi is a lii at the prevalent miethsod
of extamtinations its thse 'Uiversity.
fine scene reipreseists hoc'te stu-
deist would prepsare if he swere isassed
on his class record, and the othter
how lie dones prepare whien every-
ting cdepeinds tupon a final examlis-
'The leaiding press article is a fat
sinsile of tile C. sof 1. I i as it
swill appiear in 2000. It contaitis
imansy clever hsits it w'hast aisiear to
be evils aboust colliege at Chat timte.
A isirsi's eye viewv sf the campusis is
also isresensiedi. 'T'he stdtvancedsimt-
proseensCt ithe asdvertiseent s of
that timev sill be snoticedl stitinuter-
est atndiprospetrive studien ts still be
plesaseidto note sdecidledh uprisse-
meats about toswi.
Among othser intlerestiing featusres
is a svitty balladl, entitled "1 Ah,
Dr,'' by J. .torie, '95 "A Feb-
ruary Reverie," by A. N. Smithi,
'97, still aispeal to many'.
Among; the valentines is a bright
sketch bsy W. E. lustier, '9,ets-
titleil"ToNMv 'Valentine.'' "Comic1
\Valentines,'' by NW. tl.Chaintey,'95,
is a wcitty sketchs whirls toes macis
credit So its authior.
Other shsort coistributors are

To GVe vesmefnead enis n
St(onis-t.sing r ess tie,isas's
lto luysonuwhorlst-sill frteuhess.
lWe uviut ts se'cur e andst'sgive
suta i'Csueiuioseeourvstc.
dts'usr'uI Nusi tiuDeaes.
51 South Main St.
Whenui ciwuaiunti'th atete-.tvrsoiuitan 'Styles
ofi$',553, $4 oi'$5 Shutssat 5tic iil5aspairleics
itiaitAnnsAiborXriuvuSiu' snduir Catulogueto
i01. i8a-ian5tuuiuiuusiiiiAs-v.,
1sF 15501 5r - - M\ICIGiAN.
foulosiuuu er~r , 'u uuutuus 1' it's.'5ntasty
dArtisti Plcoapherl. l 6 . U rO SI.3
'V'11111 TI' E', - 48 M.Sate St.
Gymnasium Suits,

Miessrs. Saulsbury, Flnswers, Ryant w - r -
and Francis. 'Te draswings by
Messrs. Wiliamas, Wagner ansd Cans- A
psaui. Clyde \V. Franscis, 'S9, con-
tributes sonic brighst valentine SPfl1TFf1 Gf\ q *.
wrnlsadte"niut fJokes'' includes another instainsent
of historic momnets. (Of Euvtry Descerition at
Wrinkle will be on sale at thse box
office in te main hail tomorrow and O W 4a g
at all thse bookstores.
Prof. Taylor will examine his UNIVERSITY BOOKiSTORE
class in Land 'T'enures, mnext Mon.
day afternoon. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.


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