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February 08, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-08

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C.of T(.TIctUU.
Published Daily (Sundlays excepted) during
tha College ;ar, U.)
Salueriptixa aprice si 5o per year, invariably
ii adeance ,Single copies 3 centa. Suhacrip-
non may be left at the utier of the DaiLY,
at Stoffitets, with any of the editors or
authorized sxlicitors.
a'oaaaunicationo asaoald eeach the offtee by
'aclock r. a. it they are to appear the neat
lay. Addrena all matter intended toe publica-
tion ax the Managing Editxr. All boniness
communaications should be tent to the Buix-l
ness Managee.
Ann Arbor, MichL
C. A. li-Niso\x, Lawx '94, Managinig Editor.
11. A. Sr~sA UIis, Lit. '94, Axsistant.
.i.5L. toxic, Li..'9, Assistant.
F..ii-ei, is, Lxwx'94, As-istani.
J.A. L tci , Lit. 'lii, Athletic lEditor.
S. . CeilTito. P. G. Lit., Business Manager.
WSix. A. AIolota, Lt. l'07I,Assiitat.
R. 0). Auxstn. '95.
E. P'. Lyire,'ii. E.. ,Moari idlir'. 10
ACoesrt iorley. lit. H. Ii. Hasins, '9tt.
Corrie V solilt, ipetl. { lIo urx-eii.

that better judgment ini the publics- a polite call compellrd the officecrs 'R'-
tino ennls esnlgid oqi hi ot h alwsawill be exeycised by the Castaliaii ruse wehichs worked sufficiently wel - _ tyta a xrie YteOal.t ietehryn necasmclen~N S
There ought to be no plate in col- time enough to get a supply of oL
lege publications for such nimatter.' cheniicalx through the door. 'The #
Wit and humor are to be enctor-i odors that were let loose would have
aged, but xarcasm and derision are put to rout an open-air camp-meet- Iih LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
to lie de precated. Too often the ing. The police returned in a short andi SHORTHAND. Magntificent huningice-
ieacers;lairgeaitendlance; cood discipline; soper-
rescuse seemis to be the rule adiopted time and hostilities were not carried Saureening reeaptios; opaenotheletiryar
by eilitors of animals who wish to any further-The Inter Ocean. Exetinlxailtesfrplacing studentsin posi-
mae rpuaton?) sre__ Fepese 2t $.5peeek in prieatetamilieso.
rrak are uaton(. Wte are sr ---- - -- - _ _ Fr_ ewcatliogue. address
thsat our frientds on tlse editorial ~ P. R. CLEARY, PRnS.
board of the Castalian will refuse all .eT LD
qjuestionable grinds, and thus add Il~( ' (~
to the iierit and dignity of their '.U~ WL
psublication. -

tN the newv order of things inci-
tent to tlse completion of thse
"gyni," the co-eds certainly should
lie favorably rembered aid we hope
that the "wonmen's annex" will iooni
be bilt so the ladies may hare a
gymnaiuna of their own. If this
is not poxssible a liberal anmount of
time shioiuldl be allowveadthiem for
gynmnastic trainsing ax is clone else-

Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Is tiemeosist effective and aigree-
able remedy in existence for
preventing indigestion, and re.
lievin g those (diseases arising

wnexta a. a corse xtiarearcesax anay fons ttsissortere~ Stoisacts.
The Editiorstdlxxoi hoiid almselvexretspon- dtrawbacks lin such aii arrangeauent
ielir tihe oapinin:; tar staments oxlcraari-
'ontieaasx appeiarig in tlar Visi. aiid it wvould be better if the co-eds Dr. W. W V. Gardner, Sprxingfieldl,
coiildl have separate qluarters, but Mass., says: «I value it as sonexcllet
ini use absseince of such, thse best ar- preventiativeof'.itdigestionandoi a pleasant
rH QUAPBISIGHOA, raisgcments isossible sluoulul be acidatsedlduinh vhex prloperly diluted ital)i
liDm ii sillsspendilpublica- imade-.waler.,aildsoweeeii'.
lion for a iveek ivitia Saturihay's Fun actIthe U. of t.
issue, a in rder tlive"i thIeieditors an Ooeill -ptjpli erao ptitili-x
oppoixrtunlity to prepare fiir the ap- Idle iiemibers of tse junior clasRumford Chemiical Worbs, Pcoidencs,tt.I.
proachimg exarnixatioals. lttbli1'5 of the Univeisity of Illiiiois under- n ewtarofSubitutlies atd Intitli 110.
tion wiii be resiuietd Satirday, Fteb- toiik to enhertais themselves aiid
biruary a;. their laxly irienids wilti a banqutet For Sale by all Druggists.

.'cite Toiirletllc inft, Sundayitloy.vtt. 5, Iti
'rrinla ve Cilan Arorlax y Cet-lial
:C15 1.. t it iti . n
*Tralins rnthaet-een An.Sxx raiA o
A11ltrinsx(i:t1tie eeeltSiuinday.
Rt . S.tlGREENtWOOD, Net, nn.5rr
W. H. BENNETT', 0. P. A. Totledo
hoT iitO CE.
11It earl 'It m l~m t at t-i-- It t ld a n.11li 11
w tI i'' Ct irl- rolt xl' eti tr il m r
Iietrill-et-d iith _tof il-i 1111. it-.
ReeredSeat.. 1111 -ale :Itiasti-' 111111

ONIC ,of heliimoastit ierestig atit-Ies
wechave Iately xeen is hat ilathli of
Al. DsALY ail the praeticereoutrt lately
rstablishied ini conanection ith the law
dleptartmaeint sf. IU. if AIt.-Thle Berke-
Tlhe above clippletd frominie)11of
oiir exchanges is ontly one eat it.tay
of like inmport las the college rapers.
WVe have every reason to be proud
of our practice cuurt.
A oEC-eT atuinber of the L'. of
M. )AliMv berails the fact that they
have no appiropriationa for complet-
ing their half finished gymnasium.
Those who laser chanced to visit our
newv "gym" and have noticed its
rapitd progress can hardly refrain
from thinking that our legislators
are very much interested in the wvel-
fare of our University. -laily Car-
Since thse above was written our
prospects for a gyna have become
brighter, and when the Waterman
gym in finished, ournsoill be as Cons-
plete an any in the land.
WjE are informed that our friends
on the Castalian have obtained an-
other grind box. It is to be hoped

aiid hall 'ruestlay light. 'Jhey sue-
ceeded in idoiing so, but were regal-
ed betwveen ainices asntcotirses uwithli
various Inauseating anid deimoralizing
chemsical oidors which under-class
nien by somie useans succeeded in
getting into the hail.
Else juniors had challenged inter- I
fereuce frona the untder-class ins by
secretly making arrangements for
the banqluet and applyinig to the
mayor for police pirotection. It was
not until a late hour yesterday morn-
ing that the rumor became current
that the juniors wvere to have a
"blow-out," but it was time enough
for the grand keeper of the "stinks''
to get out Isis odorn, which wvere
parceled out aniong those of cx-
perieisce in handling the studf. The
Clianmpaign opera house, whichs for
several years lirotected banq~ueting
freshman from attacking sopho-
mores, ws'a tse scene of the banquet,
and was guarded by what remains
of the Champaign police force since
the nuspension of Chief of Police
Clancey ft al.
No attemps overe made to molest
any of the juniors, but about the
tinme the festivities wvere in full blast

295 Conres5st.
1hlI Tot~e (uts.
RcprcdueanxeJ fPeisnoxt ik
" th S inui,(ra.Yor ,crip.Aora E etkeho'if.Co
Copies of ArcditedtraSciehfhis
asid oilier Oreawir}t5.
\\QkSS ietu re5
~Irtrit5 cftbe [cxeUlty
- - rituleuh, tobit)nal flehr~oks°AourO [s
-cAxrd,-A iCd5 Dnereitl Prc~rxmnme5.r
Cfrre~pondeoe1 ci ied-s.

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