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February 08, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-08

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THE U. OF M. DAILY. ______
5 r LMN,:1 So. MN . Dl'tr'twand Mneacr. IIn STIFIF and(1 IDORA i- tAs now in at ~ ~ fs~AkFv
20llEASl' lURON .SWlEETi.
Goot) woak h 0 aontnid (Goods 'nlltd f Store Formrly1 Occupied by 'TWO !tA3IO. ' 0 'itat ia
sled delivretd A. cOVERT, Prop Dune,___cull__at________Gallery,___nd_______________be
22 'Wers ill the IHuoiv>enO( nCASH j} 7F OF$150-00. evelttth atual atstc mle.tting
CITYfr, SLAUNDRY, J' f J JJ ,('i L f I" '~may bei)c ada ay itie y .51r.Miurana, and
'iOhtinct opetocm rn a gy familiattwith t', t hrktni edtitinitfi]'ie. also iy Mr. (i ictinin tlime iur th c''ct-
MS. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Avo. ocrt otII)tn t!II Y t0itltll t Ii
KEEP Y)MTR A) 1011101'%ATH 'THE I pesottwho correct :y cut i ttlaililtttethti all themeitt ral itt hi .ta, If y mntniconent.se'tsot.
Q P 6l q Ci y Ihave tttt sen te (e i stijis OUSE IWFE write oa (enclaos p tetwoet ' t
rPTATC$AVII2$ B~flK vt s t ay tostage) for a copyatttlxamiutn it carelly Coot eery n itt nnall teMrtn&horya adw MoraSi"'I-nreinldngtecve. & (rontutenls 5 ers o ea'ibbeito oMogn&G bsn
A. L Nounl'rs.Ritin ot Ia i . ) ,'ccit'. I lls ot st ot ttt atttltheir cutttefortte Marc Ia rc, IS4.
F('r yY p /} p 7 rttt'tn adtitcttt tote pieot$Iya.oo every onetnwhottoesnt tsucceed i crtectlyacttint- -
STA'R S. TEAJ+VI.LAUV LDT ,Y tg tt the ntlewill recie a set f ttele noel, iy well-kttwnttci r. A lit oitt GRAND OE HOUSE
ouwo th tilld litr ittg. 0Ileo ast1.1fit- Otuintte tlewe r eaI'll'tt'lotse'trtttoftetas a wdet ic ttge ofilt iclrc iof talit" 'i th
tist Perl inhtrr i 'In bii;nti 1te a 'intl1101 in atheAuo.tta. 111' i P111t)L5 ttc
,I.urttt ift/, ,t rti .t Sttl are 1,:i lt.. L Scot, wo tom ttte a rptti lon
y ~WAYS TO MAKE A LIVING + to lle rutgeritl "Mtg 'o Liditg 'l
CHCG.ani.THE HOME COMFORTABLE ChierIpiete Ollk peedi
(s~ \ Ivi'o 11 illttutottit'o r.iii ruly i lclitouutltlue ro reu11tat'tuierntut lteAt<tllrtPitte las M ttui, lllitb t tl
IMPROVING THE rCeMPLEdtON Wlttkl lilt utI i iitliw'lllae"tia trayettd
I . RS } aNI iAARIFO TE SI lut cl inient l iiitoe N t I ' ' ilt tul~y o f el ' Iiti''hel rtl'i' I. t willher I delltitofi0Mutsict i Ii l ted bei
,,iu f ticuiian, uh~ aott it td ats ithir 1lilac'.tilt tattiithrtI wln tug sstlete isuripl y, lslidt t iti
46woIne t eot.s5r'in.iiCAREt OFi'THE SICKt-'Iult' ,uIS i~ret huttt I n stctpealtiet
"ut~ LLt t o ii. tttrt CHelu t'ICAGO ('ut-utuc ITH 1111] Ii I IE t illtuit uitdl Iia .t i-hief llyuhurttrt. dit hil t heui ttreaiuu t ' roiluutt( tn tehsi te.s ttBl Sh edi,
SO ~Olt i i.to htti-rtalu me'i l0t :t e,11,or eon' tt. fo ein lmnn AI.ii "ilit'uc1 i h io 11 1 didlsCoIelevbit
i' laIM'PROVlOSE\ ING THEWalOMPLtEIONewworkCit. ,i'hnt tao ht s tlc obtiti mauini
It to.h- th l 'ruilhult-tit'fr.S!4, 'ETOt pwol n"deretjw~ou lug at ithu l h tl hI{to mast tu
an-t liutbt' utttt'tTo' hu ii. tt 'itt'nsuuut'tttit tt h' it's ta itrd malt'ttu'ut L tantitul. '''luilt t' blurOlub abIutl
DANCINGland iittia iwhobietoegto. itute c a sll)
__________p_1( (S THEI'01) Hb OME 'ih ChARDEi'cop h eub ceis atlatisutinrutItt iand taely r et
rlb7 ii1 f t ttht,1vh ii 11111 howno ultst ''uwrt fi t~es i ~t Iitaildsral) e s ot to i hel' reti ve it'sstl, G'ltady('(lie(I,.
46eS.tSt atetttrill Ci alliS utieaCutbiw't' oIIIIit' ' ibrtts ft-i he'ti ih. ill ta Ctit3i
UES r \' hoI litit :ett c-attub[heumountutu-tbt It I l it 't'll --It itt .thtl't i, li ithertit
(.I~da Exrnie te C rismas ouswif caefuly.ItHistorayyowlars t o tiresurantit ougtthe Iytr et i sl u t-1-i' ait l ft c h , capndih
Hustotoy otiEi't.o b tilt I.'ltdat' t'150t00 or itw-lur novgls.
i______E___5_W rr n Ste tNwo l: t e.t to ahe5i l islI' . ti "intle on I i-
r..bmrrrto.eilltbe r/ic tniion tl.ot.s- otY lny . \ otth more tilot'thaI ostitu ob f it
Prlvai IetiCO tl hy 111 ()Ilicn1set to.tl St noetleron itoteatl 'itt vtae taer'btb'i'llit lit tt.iitsik'l i-haCril() ' the ' itt '''ix'"
-G . pM.C- , .T Aa, specallym iwhenth eSa s t udtets } emor ciuttlib tilt lie iltt ua'e l11 l itnj y
1'07rlturttu)'rtot-it~y. ec utit It I s ndstin i" sg e tin tgt- I Is Couielittu', I tt ,i m. 17, ' 91.
It. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r\Iso N. Ettret-. .. EatIN.n. ll'I.. 11'thu St e itut bi thhatlt e et. ItNt
Pri.tst1E1.tEt. sti - tic. N.n il. bIinite11 Itt-Privtlthetfthe.- est) re ex 'efare clu ie. " "thu -4 A ri l da
®t~i itnfit. ten.e. ato a.lit.ersot. Sill...hit 110.'- I c "1 ybitteuy t.s ioid era sslpresente
N. ~~II 0.,ittd .-t't 't'~t ots. tt ''lcre w1 (il be an ('ilt)"ta Iori l t t' 11 s -imp i'tt ht 10-pr t'iee"lhi t 51 trillsa t a ;I{ lutus t' 1atlebr etu a i e rlat
On' (t-ou. I 'S l t law thei Coo oporeda o itta nd t o e totre te wOoutI alveo-,irub. ollfo ti 4 .
0.IIP.e.i. 1'. Ann.,ECaquetuw.mAnti.,.Attnmest'h15tkeyadianl lotbtiteRoftab -
loga.,to hota.tlatoa Artaslatetilogy,01 a -a">b-- l l l t itiaI n ttt Nut 15everi Lt. th l t te i re
THuNN A B RtRU ,4o li aHistio t 73 O ~n o r ose1r os t.and IP ot ee lit'sled hl %ft S Illsat-I.
Fr'.1,0) l I~u~t oM x i~irclinI ti Hs o veckf Engla n a talet').i ttltaskSlIt t-
titairtw mtaitio ti . O ies fo ln lve (u aiatct . Iilti-Vi , tat r o itli e audL .bingeslee
Sit iTtN Gch.du i s eua1tIi.ag trrt e ee ct ed antI ''he t 'r ooil na I r ecnsfrtmen e littleit our t te i d.o htorlit.
of1t IJB JS LI'' oa ttiierA iontirtairtteeasetiaonan-semestrhint.adKit one, a Vi ett \c. ofuthe(Iieha.i~trofaplyIt
_____ I lbLMon, h. tcoret e'er sv, jasatnuncd. Thtleil m eta't Agt. nt b im roed pon Ba
ildH e st l econu itced. lU~r. fol-ows nett'-,SNI n\ttenion, tt rir ime Jn.trlt iil
td ut Wo k wS eal. ' t Vok lnh mo r u, ec f
A. t w. ti I . h "el tse New ; iv r r ity l - tietlt anaroot$2 work it tiititlNo.bo.
D TAODU HAV :s l 1-1EilYOU GOTxit' . ;.S 7M U IAIN2. iittto0iipracicod allIOblShttttoi h~Ct.P1
Ani atl no. I.TRY my4. C. TEDICIME. to----- -- log eeto alolcrnitt b t.R iaeteul
- °v..lentttnt. Iy i ant li' tttti'i(ned
V to tIatlno1 ,r.reel'NtsnoLitiyunit iii oty0A3C5Ed Seolos.alteloled t . - -e-ryta- n Lorot t ltileaolple (it4 getrub tl tcarf
itall Cn([1th St Iit' . atu Oii i S e -6tse chaslEtpreset. Pe t, h t l i nd he il pak lae
V hat. tulitt,,ISito'.,)I.(Ititat latiote tututttI50 ItOI'lIlt'r b0' 4(5 Stat
N .Lind ..i141Pcii xpe;..ox Tthaereilba n telim tahtiii meetllltlo H. Gbove ar I., Sctty.retreet
PALA.BCE + BARBERW+HPrs, 1111iin AollAorleteeCnda rttinaRomIs TF'_o i-Te SeoIrodLawiAnnual tlerant rdb'.ltbtli)2leledo
A. P.&T I Agolitt hieauo W .H.O , nabo.tt'i'Achelg," wltbute~a[rom a.2 wes t he apr (11w bu lig tI am o tie-g
No- ivEa touro hotr. ap weeatinsteadit'f street . IWet 0-9r 3 tre. De
ee E ANtNtit ARBORtne 01A.RGUS11 blropriatisopsonothbrshforde
P~~rINTING a nd molllrrgwllevenig.X 0)1iteroundrthatfiDe sn oncer, Title Page as and he1 , i.Dr'*
tensuigtermt'inlaybMr.lWter an Board ofEtorsEtchinoof ratt Alrage'siAcaemy.oOho
wUL SH N ats oncti i g than a nnt ufral b 11 eCa trRoi~, SmaV.ll rlude Rte s lti it, .]Ita.eigIapplyStay-
stie Itu, u T S (11 th e coi ereyad thrfr c ut an 'ril e c te. norilo er A3 r)) i l nSArborortw10 rticktretly i~tS a scoleo,
Seti I WoldItoalaSepenediorlttyme
Seaot I ~tiiti Int owe st ieis aon.ItdestotheCifir'tonoa extmornationdasattoa[he n.cloarcerof ie oil s.iriraestaanilp onoa il-
nraneoet-frgylilien wr"i"hedawng-onut i F W ol- mi l~e h l ilt lao''osuil n
Yo wltlve r~ itlSntbemiltlay A yCs oitErdSleave otit t tenedt6 o. 5Lhet.eer S enldraw- Tc eeaty lat'. olgtfcentra-
25res S. ve F ot Dlav. -ANnP.Arbort, velsxui ee yttrdooet. t h aoealrs rlt HM tttlsre. M.anti
1"%)(1ik tCiao link cd o 1 h l ss Marset e s. lie rpills)ruinoteallkclaes

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