VOL. IV. -No. 7 6.
MEETING OF THE REGENTS. placed at 2 o'clock a. m.,be :extend-
A Resolution Looking Toward the ed. A motion was passed with-
Completion of the Gym- drawing the tinme restriction made at
nasium. last meeting. This is for both hops.
Thle board isf regents omet yester- The Medical committee apiproved of
day. Present, the president, Re- the request nsade by the Dental de-
gents Barbour, Corker, Kiefer, partment asking that the degree of
Fletcher and Cook. Doctor of Dental Science lie grant-
.Mr. F'letcher, the new meniber of e for a one yea potgdue
tlit board, is a resideiit of Alpena. course in cheoiistry. Adoptedl by
lHe is a niember oif the class of ' th ue board.
A. resolution sass passesd by swhichis
Art Renitat.
n1o membaer should rereise any coin - ! -
pensation tint of the funslofi the There sril11 be ass art recital in
Universityrfor proftessionial or iother I F riee Mensorial hail toniorirosw
-services. evening under the direction of Mr.
Thle standing committees apploint- Thsos. C. 'iruebloodi. Dransatic
edl for the year arc: readings still be giveis by M\iss Idah
Executive comsmittee -Pres. An- A. -Griggs, assisted by Miss Isabella
sell, 'Bustterfield, Barbour, Cocker Maxoin, Mr. J. S. Handy aind M~r.
and Fletcher. Finance- Cocker, E. F. Hall.
Blutterfield, Fletcher and Btarbouir. 'Tie folloswing programsi sill be
Literary - Cocker, Biutterfield, rendered.
Fletcher and Barbour. last Iuit- PAIe 5.
terfierid, Cook, tBarbouir and Cocker. OrgaSulo. it. Seon istan t Woo~ls. Na. 4.
- ------ \iendeiss-aiin
Medical--Kiefer, Blutterfield, Cook i t. Ave Sai_-------Fo
antiHebard. Library -Cook, Kiefer, Mr. Mclan
:fletcher, Ilowartd antI Angell.- 5 5raiiii atSssmiartiie-_------ui
'fired Siotiker----- ----------- -_Ai
Cheniicai, ?lusessi, etc.,-osward, Sis GSid-s
Kiefer, harbour andfaHebard. Builid- M-i s is5:5-air,'
ngs - lBarhbour, letcher, IHoivardi Strs sara.(taride Soe-sir ___-Sbile
and Cook.- fGysniasiumn and Ath- r-----
]liia l) i t -- ---- . __iM s la is n
lic Field -Hlehari, Fietriser,IKiefer Tue'Teiar,---.- ------------ ~iiers
anti Conk . s~ ~a
The board accepted the trust Of ia-al Sai: Sirisn Saaa: k
the gymnnasiumasequcipimenit funid 5-issisisi is-- Corbin.
which amounts to $6,0ono. Candesi ------is ---- Misas ir-ag-.
Niinis - --__________ iss Msaon.
Regent Cocker introduced a reso- Arsiasiu--------Mr iny
lotion that the gyom comsmittee re- Monss. 0 in-I---S---iir. Halli.
ceive estiniates for the completion Sieiri ''tisr lie 111.st arewell i.'cii
and equipmient of the gymnasi. Uoee.
Ite saitd it seas a shanie the built- iano 5Soiso. Seressiase, "lHsil,, Hart Sher l:,
- - - -------------.---- ---Ls
lug was unoccupied and that if tine Slis KelleyS.
board could see their sway clear to wi5i.--ieRrcisi Issr
completinig it, it should be slon. Webster Society.
Tlie resoilitioii sas adopted.
Prof. Kelsey in an address to thei The regular maeeting of the Web-
isoard saitd that ais opportunity of- ster Literary society seas held last
lered to secure the large Inine orgasi, eveing us Webster hail. 'The ass-
that seas in Festival Hail at the dience enjoyed a dune musical and
World's Fair, at a eery low figure. literary prograni consisting of:
He thought that sufficient funds Mii-Yesrisiiisa-- - Sl--issaLily Ssliasnd
could be rained by subscription to siiiiii - s.'..tsssisris
Essay-----S-------lir. 0. Wh.ne
purchase lihr organ, providing the Reisnsg-------.----~_Mr. i.. K. Joesa.
board would make the necessary MsisAtiOld Garde.-M--iss LlyVailaiss.
in Uivesityhai to ut t Debae.
changes i nvest hl u teResovedi, ilist esapital tiisihsensito5uld beiiSi
in. The organ will be, put sn as a abolised
Frieee memorial. The board agreed ANr., L. N.taiasn,
to matte the changes, providing the H. M. IPorter.
Neg., F.5H. Htltises,
cost did not exceed $ i,000* 0. H. Bhailey.
A communication was read from The decision of the judges was
the junior hop committee, asking rendered in favor of the affirmative
that the time for closing the hop, side of the question.
An Excellent Number of the In.-I "'
lander Chiefly Devoted I rsea c lpn 5
to Athletics.
iisasnsseinsingisrcase toirivs aiwai
We are in receipt of the advance in .1113'oe Isis- niltillssifar them.-
sheets of the January Inlander. The sona ouei a os- rairfsn-rass pe
frontispiece consists of a s-fry fine
full page, half-tone engraving of the o% ;ro 04al(S
new recitation buildiing. GieieSalMusaic 1)airs,
Tihe leading article, "A iPolicv in 51Sth an t
Athletics at the Universits' of Mich-
igan," Iny i-aipti Stone, of Crand
Rapitds, edlitosr of the Michigan Lwt
sounal, constains a strong appeal to
all stdents to supposrt athletic
"Gridiron Sketches,'' by- Charles
Blaird, Wu. 1I. lHutchings and C. Pi.
Snieltzer are interesting accousits of
imaginary plays on the football Wlissisril antsisLes Ae t"os-isoainaSty ka
aftV:,#4 o05 riS> tsiat 50vitoiii Sia lair ifs-s
fieltd.''The Football Controversy,'' thansAisnits-Io is ies seniiforsr talsas-
by Loiiis Grant Whitehead, defends g OMM ML
the gamne of football as it is noseYF
playetd. In conclusiosn lie say's:''It 'Rcumbi AsH.
is the vital gamae of the age. If )F1otiot , -_ - ItHIOA.
propely encouraged, it still create
for iii a race of Spartansanot dudes; 6--J US T
a race of freenien, hot slaves." Received, 400 lbs. ef Fine Chocolate
Soat Boas-
Delos I - Wilcox constributesanaiaarti- se-avils iirsses iieIl i i re-:t cia-s--a5
cle n t4)I51onety i Cole e fo is-s eas o isi iiii "'i vol.' knownsaiss 55t
dr oi '' Iisisnesly iii olle e 'iii-of'sAno .is-isr. iCs-ise ciii'elour pris-se
Wtork.'' as:Is S- li\--sls-an pa rt osasiasitys.
"Flrateriis- oinen in the R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St,-
World,'' by- Isabella Ms. Anadreivs, is
an article that ws readt at fratersity
swomesi's congress isi Chicao, July',
i893" -
''An i:15 Rec itation'' is a short-
sketch by Jeanniette Caldivell. "A1
Philosophical Catastrophe," by Artistic Photsgrapher, 6 E. HURON ST.
M~argaret R. Blarrette, is a very- sell y l
wsritten article. ''The Education of HOT L N H S
the Negro" is a very good article Lowney's ho~olateLs,
contrihiiteid by R. C. Chapmsan, '94- --
law. _a . I TUTTLE'S
'Thie political contributions are
by the following: M'audh1E. Cald-
well, Jessie IB. Hornuing, l\Iable
Edith Itolmes, SWatterSIP. lDresv,
Morlon IPattoin, L..IW. Stonenman
and Harry C. Porter. 'The remain-
dec- of the isumber consists of
alumni soles, book reviesws, ex-
changes, etc. The Inlanider will
contain 64 pages and will be on
sale at 8:15 tomorrosw morning in
University hail.
Joseph Wiggin, L. S., has been
unanimously elected captain of the
tHarvard baseball nine, in place of
Benjamin Cook, jr., who resigned
last month. Wiggin graduated in
the class of '93.
'~48 S. STATE St.
Gymnasium Suits,
OSf Es-cry Deseeipioni at