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January 18, 1894 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-18

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

~C- of i . / iau
Published D-tly l1aanaays excepted) during
the Colleve year,o
tbeeciption peace 1,2.50peyeae, invariaably
?u advanvo hoagie cpescteats. Subscrip-
tions may to' left at the offic of tile 1jtanY,
ait Sitottets, wth att nty tot the ttittort or
authot itti saolicorse.
aomncain hould retach theoaticethy
70o'l ea '. t they are to appear the text
ifxy. -adress all matater intendted taor publica-
-itote itatagaitag Edator. A11 tsaness
ottaaunixcations tthould he senat to the Bi-at
teas Oanaxae.

straate titeir slirit:' Thaat is probaballyI
tlae maitacaustof atIte slowv attsoer tol
tite presenat need. Tihe commttittees
coul, bhas- alght effort, hatve their1
work ecopleted itt as very slhorat tiote-
Th[Itotv ata-attlletic ow-ganaizationtmtaaao
occtta- shornv antd tiae otficers of the1
o1 1 at acialtit-atoare antxiotua to close sap
tltheithiitaco before thtat eveitt. Let
at-a 1;" a dutt') ty intthtastamatter theat ta
aotne. If aaay stuadentt is anot, or hasa
ntot, lac eta approaachted lay a footbaall
subscrit) iloat ctommittee, Ite or alto will.
nsot aoly tOhlige thae manaaagemet tby
speaskitng ta) them ahotat it, hatt also
amake as sliglht retuarn for tteheteneits
eofre yAlaMSater.

metina college eterprises, paarticutlar-
ly jotarnaalisma. Thtere certainl _ha _H
beetn a retmarkahle imoprovemnttsinace
flacllss of SI etateredI in thte fall of =SJNES
WS). We shaall taake pleosure in eat--
dlorsitag '- o-wit ittnl the-aet -isue of
thae Laxa'Joournal.
Yoours lteapy,
1I.tAtRY 1). JEWEL
Giranad Ilapitlt, Jatn. 17, 14. Lxarw))1. Ith ae LEADING SCHOOL. OF BUSINESS.
atad SHORTHAND. itaottttcet tuititginttte
teces argle attenadanee; 5gtottadisliplinae; super-
The State 'Universitiet of Aix- Ittoet; well asueeliedradiatg tom: tdalyletesatt
Satarday eenaingoateeptiotst open the entate peat
hams sod Tenneaxee have derided IOttxtatitonat aiiisfrpaig5tdnsi oi
tosothxtatxttanateaaantee-tttett. tLtiing
eernsrse2to $3.7a5tper etekinprivaoate ales.
fo admit womten. hatottoNewatalogue, adtttests
P. R. CLEARY, Pa3Es.
Tief a le tcttaloat-' ettt-t- ' ltaNt v. t 5t't1t93.
la ta ttatat a-'1iate to tt a a
Horsford's Acid Phosphate N ta tatt. alt t nt
Is the nmost effective and ags ee-a a4f:15at1etct- n tn.Aatta a)tl)
able reedy in existence for Altaitnsd'ailecettSundtay.
R .GREENOtttaODAkettOtaAnnlAbta
-,-eaea-i--a-. b--1.-aan.-at W.H. BEINNtaTi .P. StATe.

Ann Arbor, Mitch.
Thse followiog, clipped fron thle
EDITORS. Cornell Sun, in a plilosophical dix-
A. sattt, Lte nmangatg datte cussion of the foothall question:I
t1. A. SestmattoLiOt. '50, Assitat.
.T L. Lotate. tat. ssi ostant. Intthle code of primaitive mattthe
F. ttAI t-, Lato ':tt, Asssttatt.I
J. A. Lotate, Lit. '90, Atthletio Editor. saavage, is: "If a mana atrikes you,
W.0. CeaTeaSB, 0. G. Lt., Bustnest Mananger. strike batean td give laim more than
Swat. A. ttttat, Lit '91 Assistantt. he setnds, if ptossible." Civilizatioax has
LTaERAasY. s-at deelatred tiast thtis is nt a refitted
o. at. Gasmtmaon, '4)td H. F. Halt.. methtod of treating thte atatter, atad
Fa. ft. tat ''s. E L artinale,'y4 says that you atro rather to deaignate
F. 1 . Lyle IO'96L.tsetttle t eofne s" etea, n
A.-rtes bto-)ey, 't7. H. t. Hatsins, 'tt. tteofadrs'N getetat ad
DETA. toto-FOexenaa'. tat refuooe thtereafter to reeonaize hima
L. E. Cootteada '95ao Ct. OJenktns,'l4t an a soeital equal. It seem s tathere
is a poittwhiiehlalas a direct hearing
Att copy muttabeat theoftie eoe-8:30 asm in rte presenat widespread agitation
ot ate Oty orpabletatoat.for the aholition of foaothball anad whicha
The Editoes ato not hold themsaetves ret pota has oftenttimes beets overlooked inr dis-
sihie tee the opintotas oe statements at eoree- etassionastat tiae sobjeet. To one who
poodeaatt, apeeang at the DAtLY. carefully cotasiaders the matter, it will
atlaltear eviadent thaat the word foothall
Witastead of adeservitag stacha modifiers as;
TH AQ~ .SLM ~ -Q"OSE h"ruatal," " harbarous,"etc., shlda
- -statad as thte represetntative of otte of
TuE editors of To-Wit, Ite newvthte great civilizitag tetadenes taf thte
lawe annutal, are meeting with good age. It is trteofta foothall as of tao
success in their efforts, atad have othter sport thtat it is at handta-to-htand
every reason for encouragenment in cotaliet in Wil ite strenagtha of eachl
mant is pittedl against Itat of anaothaer
their svork. maidtt. Inthiaeacstteaatyof la ttiatlse
totsltug aa andtatusetotter utaair manaas
rTE resolution of Regent Cocker io stronag, hoartteatacessity of resistitag
to get estimates for the equipmenlttis ihtpulse is still stronger. If tho
of the ''gyna and if practical to tunpire does lhis datty thte tse taf tatfair
comlee he uidig, il metmetatnsix swiftly fatllowaetdly rte peat-
complee thehuildig, xvii me taiy: oxhicht falls,taatottte offender
the hearty approval of the stodents. altone, hbut uonatlis teamaaaass it owhole.
Thxe attitoule of thte regento itt ye- To t utanta otawotuldlgh-eelais right
gard to the t"gymtt"aincertainaly very ltantd rather tltant see htis ownt teaaxa]
liheral anti will, sotloutht, Ir -ad to loase Ite gastae tile thtoughat thtat htis
elevata laas loatfisa yartds hecatoselite
an early equtimenlt of ouor gymnas- Iasnoseaarl aeta t a txaa)
iutm. ttral aniiaatinsatintssill lprevent t
repetitionathetta offentse. Self'-ctrottl
Tots; Regentts acted oisely ittex- ixs te greatt lesot hlat taattkiatalhats
tending the timoe for the closiog of haeat set tto leartt, attdtint learatitng it
the juanior lhop. It wvas certainsly antthIas riseat tromn sav5l~atery to ciaI
unfair to ask thte junior claos after ization. Fototball teachtes atatdlemphta-
they load expended hundlreds of dol- sizes tis lessotn, anatt is therefoare ta
lars to close at twvo o'clock. Now sragal o iiiatot
the cotmttittees wvill onderstand An Enconurnging Letter.

lievingr those diseases arising
from a disordered stomach.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent
preeaentatiee of andigestion, and a pleasatt
acidulated drinhku-heat propoely dilated witha
wate, anal sweetened.'
Desaciptive- pamophlet free toatpliaotottt
Rumford Chemicat Worhs, PravidenetRIL
Be-aroe tt oftustitatesantdtoimtatioas.
For Sale by all Druggists.

TIlS SPACE R1 0 -'D 1ftO111- HEl

2-95 Congres .

wvhat they cats expect and will work
with more zeal to make thse hop an
otnparalleled success.
Ta-a followving front the Ariel, ofj
Minnesota, in a very setnsihle state-

Thte followxing letter addressed 1o
the tatanaging editor of "Tro-bit"
from IH.ID. Jewvell, of the Michigan
Lawv Journal, explains itself.
I anm pleasead to atote inthle tU. of M.
D)AILYtitat tihe Law Departmentt is to

Taut C. OF M. DadaY recently ad- [save atnaanual. It shoatld heeheartily
vertised for college spirit. Titead supported hy lay students aasd alumnti.
might he fitly placed in thtese columons Yon may taske my order for a copy anti
also. Why is otar football deht still setats soon as otat, witha hill. I slasl
tunpaidi:lDosve lack college spirit, or he glad to assist te enterprise iaa any
are tite committees appointed to so- way in nay power. It "lstst give thte
licit subscriptiotas not giviang thseir coat- law alumni match pride to atote thte
stituencies an opportunaity to demona- great advtanscemenat of the lawv depart-

@1 @l~crd5 ,eou (rd,5DauceOrder5"
orreiponderwe~oliiedt a1r~


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