dULvU. Mr'OF .D T.
51 SO. AST. M liii or ord maflo'. ---AGENT FOR TI
EXCE SIO : ,.U DIE Z" Christy Hat, London.Dent's &iA.GHat
0: HL'ILROLN 0115'1. Also LDealer ins Mict ' ini' I'rilil:5 atCai=
Good W01- . GotasterS Goods ralle'Sfor :tore FormnerlyI
andS I osiia . A. F. COVERT, Prop.
Mt. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. tlll'I0lftl (tti.NI. VII E1F
+$TATEC AV1I2G$ B.AfK+ ~ II )
C.A. LL. iLoLLEP'essLIIt l tZYlt'it Iit>Il's -1' . ~GUITARS,
STAID STE AF[ LAUNDRY Mandolins~, Banjos, Zithers.
FisLttt wrk lLiItre'Iity. PrLop i t etIs- r5 W-i- tro-o-t- oirot-
isIs. LWestk r rL .51 io
CROWN PEN CO O UNT0IN ND110001.0 on i eice Llro I'A btlrOtitO I
"Was111t1 lmtIsouei ctao or,
_tios o~f theinLstruesIL0're. COR. STATE
AND SELLPETine CAnon )Arbor Organo Co., Sole
BUIDIG089. 3.OF loi. 'AJENDAII.. LIesOi(
DANCING and DELSARTE Tl lsi.Ios 1.is-Ailt15s'it0 IvXi''hs (1ir'. (ii
MRSt ANNE WARD FOSTER 111Ii liill iiliIs."iics andi
MONDAI'-op. m. Advanced CLlasis'.for La- .I (; l'iii i" ll.(11 iiNewbehrry (riO,at 7:5 liar
'restasd ('cut l 'eo. '. 'p. 111 ii. '11 s 'iliil1i' iN n L- I
SI AILI 1). 1 . [,lie'(ril I t11 ii
Clss Fi. ..11. Lin-lS" .. toe Yae' s Cre.t o
,warranted. Roelof's Pool
Occunpiedi by TWliO SA11S.
m I
Doise, call oltor Gallryp, ind 1you1wilbr
series il th usual 111artstisi oisiser. Sittinigs
wnoy heihadat antilmoeliy Mr. Morig'ii,.oind
0100 b)y Mr. (Gibson, in siloefor ((is cornl-
torso eentsealson.
Morgjan & Qibpon.
,Vil I itver rot it. Sentiby miill 1o111y.
'SrL] t i Si., IhicaotI. (liois'. . 111111 , i r-n
1:411 lotyaltypthliei'otitiotbo which lie
intls, isro ncileos(tGod"
No Ilierl I 'isitiall. 1certainly'no
eAgents, Annm Arbor.
ide. Af ter the dubafat fin Li-
al di iner swillbe liven .at tlI
nol clob Lot the Yale otllatsr1 A 1pairL'of'rililless, gil-lol llntei
ri (5;, rel~reseOLO'vs ndt teglasoecostaoLntil eliferot reeit, or
io riltt Nt'wile i'iering I~thie 1caLmpus1. "initer
Mseakers iatd other Harvard woill tle 'oariloil bi leatvinig it I)AL 1.3
jt.' stedinilthle debte. otice. 'Kate Geiger,
47 o. F ft
'li---Toilenit- holyfiiriiishioedL roo,
liNdTER-:GLL EGIAL'E. IfuLnace he1a1t, boath, grstes. At 21 Fil--
tot avellue. 72-77.
FitsfLneis'oas .tiotth bruslies LaLLdI i'
5'y (-tlv ll t iousandl iollars as 10g ars,,Cit t hit'li. &Svi. D rusitoro.
tiller cd by .\Linrii'auiladlies Selottro s n11all depaIrtets aLi t' (-
lie Ifurtheranliceiif the'hboCher tleoi itILlii tre110sonllphoographicr
151r1kL(it hi 11111lo.
icl1dcaio f omniii L Milat''kin tohesatbo tstooprices.Th
iso 10 lla oH0o(i toilns . t. cbs. itltiii5101 y'
Thec1w11t lc o ge olil il
e ctanfr d hLc lien'sh 011110 i'pe s, L'lien0iaper,1 Dteki o ksi Ilbht,
1111 hiost1151sucssfl. ' nisy boabWiotua.nd11 is 't. clitd'i-o state li
aalsosii'ei'def11100 '0t1 o. alo. ve'I o. 3 West0011o tie tWI Dyet-
I he 1tr1111i1s i'llt.'il}lyspresented
to Vle(''0'1,1varsity illw are iiil.I'
cub tl 1)Io1. lUiicois1tle
linksis5 in the lfoi' of ia .Lr'dder1
heIadl, 0111nd "ti ther i0sival it s haple
wisthi ani:oar 111neachsidea. InLithe1
cnter 10sttheir inIscriptioni, "Vale vs.I
Harvardl~'i, Nesw London10L, 't);,"aind
os t I e (Revised)13 Nov . Nt,18:3. .1
N.Y ElAST. Wtil Ii ." Tr. 0
A.5 ~~i~il . i.1 'r'l' M. p ' 1. ltIl
D.iN.W. Bt'ool ... I 1 . V . SLor °0,
ON. I1r, & 1 10111l ii os si L'i'N.'t'o 'll (lit' Cl 0
BfetttWork S.ii adL'wst Prics illot e City1 . 1-
R 1,' .'~s'S L'isIil-t.'.'tilo5it o
011 SE INDACNGwilmta
5olo s G lt1e e ,Satrdy 1onils 0
anpThusda em 0;LdeStra
aft ilnoons tt.'rs fo Si ' etlem n d
25ce ls. esFourthaveni- n8 ndaro-
toI biom 'thse 'ircuilationo of 'Ibi
YaL-Harvard Debate. t'lii ir t FIIi .Ltit
III) S . I{f11111 IImiOLiMsloiOOallowed
I)ii lFriilas01f11110 wink, Ilie (lii iirigs it' elas~t Issu(10of ti i~'ill, L~i ol rlht pLries90. .Applyotonr'' to
inS 7 lo (1111 rs ril 11(1 1tal'.e tIlie rlo.'y 1of 1Iaskiing tt'jm1(1('liisi ii '00 1 lagci'.
versiieso aeanlHrad 1c~,H l 1t11 1lditIIhe S. ('. A., a110 o-
in jolilt.bate, it tatiidL ,on j Callizitiol, siii'hItlOibl i. till t he IIl- Jadows U. Blaine.
tile d liestoti " es l edesIh t I- lli l's 0t 1iolisiuhti liI il t', i' oilets; Os 'till f ltII'ai g e ts
lloo unt Ibt ilfile ikiela iiof fichiti's has''l) 1110 lt';, byGHi 11 'itol{itrr
deeldet cio il oitcsisPe 111O'i15111'5 sitoixlsast(Iin at'rs. 1'(114' so~[t'is. Milliltns tofAmricantoitii
Oralb'to Mrt 71llgi 0c.11 V aei-> r.dt ts a .111 olstil t ite'ti shd it lbsen(t-
Lt~ll'ly le~isni List iolti Iilsi''eL'iiii theIlis ' ti n e oLf' s el' tof st'e ('liI'ill oh 'IteOsillts, ilislo-
has tho aoi) tive a10'1111IIarvard tLI j sillintshe sthilosop~hy of 1011 11 IItthittl11 y(1 111 1.lahreitI
very ,0' titiiiitiit.tv lsI' S. I'. .1s ill It atist isIndi s oisgi 'fnd ill 5be g ldito
ties 011311b Itosidehrodl sei'eooary suc( h iiGtill.Mt ia ' slt5 a r on)in llsev- tenbyI(is Il'I'hosl i'lliiiheecuot't
Gen. I. ..Walkher, 1presioentoilthis sC ithllIJudmetui. the pre slsietihil5511k i10n11s(11 t ii o 10ei0'I'1y', 1111
'Iasachsett Intitue of11'ellnl- ad (I_' gtielit tiii of tih ll itiihait'I 0n55oh iti nIl',ill s,' stlt isrelitble,
0CP ant Carl o~ture 111 (111(l opotun~ity ts rlsitLVol0'an11(1 tiiis
1s;,an alSca f New York ocaallydisicrtesdit suhllstaltemen~ts.II0I'ov xcive t51 111 imtothebsi' nessiofil
Lao'e.'eeorseolestoudas tiwo of thleilly juiiigmentllthe S. (t A. 111s0 110(11 I t'hiit'o'il 1 titsliinIll N i'Iies'll
tiloosohia dscs io tgi is all rga- '124 i)ea1l'orll SI..
S egs. sophiictaal discl~usinls. It is all organ,'- ' ii.(~istt l
'l'e tirkos lave been 0011dcutatill for praicticlh ristianl wor1k '' . Chcag, - l
rapnitlyoer hlfofte eas i mong stuldents. TilshesilrlitYosif 11 Granger's Saturday Evening Class.
halt f Lh seal 10stlldent'it sussintg grea~t tieologisah
Saniders' Itleatre being already token. 01111 ptiloshtt ic~l quesilti~losinIa bad- t'i'fil .ss fitr lathdies111111gent~ilmen
lotill titiel 5ishou~ld he devtiotdito10'. toi mooatm-day110eve'inilgOswill lbegin
AboutLLtile only seats loft are those purts of practcal wotrkt is nowher eset Saturdlay t'reninlg 11t 8 o'cock.
in thle necontd balcony, manyO of more Ilislifest thian i1 tile assn,, e1d Th1 (islsis'itsre00itsin~g (tI prant-
which are 1a100 soldi. '(he committee repotrt ofLa lecttire 10111"T1he Relaisotid(se 1111lidances, includinlg tile Two-.
if 1hilosooip (t'1Theolougy." Cert'aintly stop, AI'.aditli, 1a111 Lany tancesoeif Bmer-
have seculredth ie services of Col. 110 11151 who unldt'rstanld slnytinig it titat lmlly 1w desiredl. Office Lt
'T'homas Weolworth iglainson to abouthiloso1515ph, much011less Liheology, Academy~o , grtitati htlo, 6iMaynardL'liSt.,
wou~i~ldIn ale ther folloswing sta~temnt:tint' bloc1k west o f 5(t11eSt. stores.