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January 25, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-25

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VOL. IV.-NO. 82.



MAY FESTIVAL. lawyers and will contain all the OUR HUMOROUS PAPER (
English cases ever reported that are Will be out Tomorrow and will con-
A Grand Two-day Musical Festi - tain an Illustrated Col-
val will be Held in May.-De- now of any practical value. This lege Song. We hve som fine lead penc i
cided Last Right. will duplicate the English reports ---- i coneenieitstring cs e to nivre
now in the library at a very low Worinkle will be oct again tomor t ne w ill <ii for
At a meeting of the officers of cost row with the usual number of cuts, f want to see yor y face an
the niversity School of Music anc e extra amount of case read- poems, sketches and jokes to "drive yon achance tosee ourstioc.
Choral Union held last night, it was dhe eareaaay.''Thefmstseoreab-
ing required by students has made duli care away.''The most noticable
decided to give a two-day May 1thing in this issue is the decrease in
festval.As te BstonSymponythese changes necessary.
festival. As te Boston Symphony thte number of long articles and the General siDealer:
orchestra has cancelled all western The Freshman Social. increased number of shorter sketches 5t South Ma
dates, this festival will be given in andpoems._Thisisadecidedim-
One of the most enjoyabie events and poems. This is a decideviin
its place. It is the aim of Pr . of the year sas the '97 social last provement.
Stanley to mnake this festival the . . ,The cover is a conversation piece -
. night in Granger' s hall. Fully two
grandest in the history of the Uini- by Clare E. Angell and is natural
hundred freshmen, a few upper-
versits. unto life.
wie at least twv concerts classnen and a solph or two who The double page cartoon by Howe
Threwil b a lesttwococets bydropped in to get a hint about so-
and a matinee, to all of which IrA. Williams, 94, is very cleverly
cials, were present, and merriment cone. it is the first of a series of
Choral Union season tickets will dn.Itifhefrt faseiso
admit. high. The rst part o te college songs which will be illustrated
evening was spent in getting ac- from time to time. The one selected Wienaoasitt,.atstMruilita
quainted with each other anid meet- for this occasion is "Reminiscences,, of', $4ortShoes ateom rto s$Iiap
the best soloists in the country and , than Ann Arbor prices send for Catal
largercestra of trained sic i the chaerones, Mrs. Ooge, beginning "How dear to my heart
Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Gayley-Brown
ans will furnish the instrumental ' y.rw are the scenes of Ann Arbor.
Mrs. MacLaughlin, Mrs. De Pont, W. E. holies, with knowledge a a
music. Everything indicates a Mrs. Thomas, and Mrs. Knowton. b f i t, 13-185 iniiiii As
grand musical festival, and it is ,r.Iborn of experiencewritesIof Cort- ETot - - MICH
probable that the May festival has The reception committee worked in- landt de Peyster, or the Unpoetical
utt t f l striously, and by the time danc- Poet. De Peyster's communications --- U ST
ing began every one seene weli are dated Ithaca, but some of his Received, 4001bs. of Fine Cho
'93 Banquet a Go. acquainted and at home. Irelatives at Michigan were doubtless o Bout
The iloor, while filled was not b eve5.rilhnefthe5F'r restn(si
the r__ 1 f the nrtirle_ t forthe ret of this month ever kno i

s and
in St.
air leis
ogme to
in thlt

As aiiniined some time since, the too crowded, and the merry dancers
members of the closs of '9J, now in glided about as if 8:13 recitations
,ollege, have determined to hold a were things of the past instead of
banquet February 9. All arrange- the immediate future. Those who
ments have been made by the consi- wi not dance were well entertained
nittee having the banquet in charge by progressive conversation, and not
to make it a memorable occasion in a second's time of the whole even-
the history of the graduates of '93. ing lagged. It is pronounced by
H. V. Richardson has been ap- the enthusiastic participants as a
pointed toastmaster. Tickets may perfect, yes, a howling success, and
be secured from Messrs. Babst, even the most conservative who
Mayhen, Wright, lygert and White- doubted the outcome are forced to
Head. admit that for a good time and a
Law Library Addition, ' means of becoming acquainted it
-- was all that could be desired.
The library of the law depart- '97 is to be congratulated, and
ment is being thorcughly overhaul- above all '97's glee club, which
ed for the purpose of making some m nade its advent before the public
very necessary additions. with great glory to itself and amid
This year the file of American much applause. It rendered several
reports has been completed. These selections in a most pleasing man-
will be followed by the American tier, and the freshmen are justly
state reports which supplement the proud of their club.
American reports. A number of Now that such a brilliant begin-
the old English chancery reports ning has been made, it will not be
have been ordered, but have not yet hard to continue in the good work,
arrived. L and '97 will doubtless establish a
A sufficient number of each of all precedent for the succeeding classes
the latest standard text-books will in such a loyal display of class en-
be put it. The faculty are con- ergy aad class spirit.
sidering the putting in of what iso. _-
known as the Revised Edition of The receipts of the Harvard base-
English Reports. This work is ball team last year were $23,823 and
edited by one of the best English the expenses $18,477.

the cause oI L1e ar e.;M Di kI ttt 1 ,1 1V "
'A Local Waterloo," by Howe A. tCndiuiivli tosniny niIorniwrity
Williams, '94, deals witI newsboy R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
life in Ann Arbor. Mr. William's
illustration will cause quite a stir in1
journalistic circles.
A beautiful poem by Maud Elaine
Caldwell, '93, entitled "In the
Twilight," deserves especial men-
tion. It is tastefully illustrated by Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
W. W. Wagner.1a
"Pretty Prue" is a catchy, ryth- Se(ond January Invoive
mical poem by H. C. Ryan, '93.
It is illustrated by W. W. Campaui, ... PL--5n T _7 C

A communication, with a list of
questions, addressed to the senior
law class and signed Viz., Namely,
To-wit, makes interesting reading.
There are twenty questions.
Among other articles, mostly po-
etry, are: "A Pastel," by X. Y. Z.;
"Who?" by E. L. M., '93; "Reflec-
tions," by Nosam, '93; "Lingering,"
by W. M. F., '93; "To Many Here
Thus;" Cut, '96, and "My Old
Sweetheart," by K. E. H. Jokes
and shorter poems make up the re-
mainder of a most excellent number.
There are still two places on the
board, one for an artist and one for
a writer. Wrinkle will be on sale at
the box office in the main hall and
at all book stores at 8:30 tomorrow

TUrTtLE'S, - 48 S. State St.
Gymnasium Suits,
Of Every Description at

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