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January 26, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-26

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_ -TO Gife Aufai
- George theory by Mr. Pot was en-i The Inter-Collegiate Debate Wil be
An Exposition of the "Single Tax" tertainingly clear, and famnishes a for the Next Two Years litMnti-lelpnilad
by an Able Advocate andwihNrhetr.ehve:oufn lapeisad
Earnest orker. Igood basis for future thought Upon awith Northwestern.e to<=ce wa
the subject. --tn o woM1c [ o hm
Tie iter-collegiate tebate this antnli iimi ilftliea
Yestetday nmorining :Mr. lPost con- - ~year wilt be between Northwestern in eat iosei' u-face Onangie'
luded iis discourse onl Single Tax. Glee Club in Detroit. nvestyadyouoy tth it cahanceet inoset aur ston..
The question, be thought, would be 'The University Glee anit Banjo meeting of the committee yesterday 7' J YgnC
one calling for votes within a short' clubs will give a concert in Dietrtit the changes proposedl by Northwiest-
timue, so that discussion upon 't was omorrowe evening Thley 'iill leave ernwer agreed to 'I'he comm-litee liiti lii ~'lii
-'atirel Ii seasln - on the imoring traini in order tos of the faculty who will be askedl to eehManS
Gontinuinig his idemoinstr atioin of sig at the Charity banqtuiet at the select a (etion tis for itanenbers,
°ioniicrin ilciptls-,lie iamnioiiii aililac in the afternoon. Profesors'T. C. 'Treboodl.
thelut ~tl I iiiti isitstitii 'The iIclis, siiiie tbeiir arris-al Huiiison nitL. . 'J onson.
tion.- ist as laniiiila biior rethe Home, hne been practicinig4daiy, The preliniinary ciiitest wsillle
two great fac tors ini proiiiiitioii an although iiie of the ii cniters hilitFriay eveniing, Mitarch , i89 1.
liesytin-m also the tiioigre'at funds Io the flee icli is at preset in- Teidelaters coseii by the idifer
iito whcliil the resuls of piioiuction disposeid,ie feet assireil that the ent sicieties are requested to mieet
-i seal thicast folo. liiie share boys wililisut p a strongiciiicert in ini P2oiinug, south wising of the iiain
of the une is cat lldunit;- i1ithe Detroit. building, Saturtay tvtning, Jauiary wlotii s-a rnimnvil to Mm -mim iiiii tyis
otlher, iages. 'thle stter is truly 'of- - t b' . , S-:5t iiiti s5 iial Ii - it plil Piit i,-
is hce ano cub wlliiiloiii 0fullii27.Atstat sisi n ii pas iwhicii i ,lAn Ai bun se-.naiiiliiitiouinmnt
ioipneisaioii but the fornier is pre-firce aiiti sill 1n0 doutlay withi the diferent debaters are to aete
uiiIurii - ecause good land is scarce their usual cash andnimn. -wsill le decdeit by ot.Il
th we fi cl omn The preliinary coitest sill be a .FY E G
higher price for its use, thus seur The House We Lvai,. heiid on the eening of Mlarch a, t, D 3E 5 y o WIiiltoiliAF.
i~i oliisl tefeeito iliab_ DF°t'1100, - - M ICItGAN
in tohmefth eei'o aua -- and the filal sill probably be held ______________________
aideantages, nit this too, sithi no T'he ext lieeting of the \'oiiieis5 about Mlarch 30. S -
efiort of his osti. teagile cones this seek Saturday at Tickets admitting to both contests Reeie401.-fJUSTChcat
Th111 it is that because taes e- 330in M~c~tilan hal. It poissBo Bons.
stages, 3:30 Isronsises s~~ill be soln at the litwrice if 55 iiiiv ii iIltitt.nus -t
lug the rewardt to man for the ex- to be specialty suniqiue andintiierest - twenty- fve cents, orhtemiithi-- run iuuuuOts iiaa i ill 1S mt
ercise of his oiters. nust be dimni- inlg. 'thle subject of the prograni is (%~yfAordt l.,<'pr fttechc rcs
shed in oriler to tay this premiiam "The tIiuse se Ithe in.'There Freshman Glee Cub. R. E. Jolly &CO., 26 S. State St.
on land in the forii of rent to tilesill le shiirt talks ot i luulig,' h -ohiiaGlentbsitgv
ostner, svlo hols it by ino effortif "Foundatiotns,'' "A Story,'' "Siup- TeFehanGe- b ilgv
Issown. IOa this fact of uneiualt pis,"' 'Auornents,"' etc. , andh onet toiii'lt at Deter. The
distribvution is basedh the central ar- househokders in the aidieice sill Ile club is comptosedt of the folosing
gument of the single tax school. requested to voliunteer remsarki on men: Manager, IV. C. Johnson; lerst (
tither evits arise out of this sanie kindred subjects. Thie progran is tenors, hE. P. Lamnot, 1. Mi. Ric,
social condition whirls wouli be idesignedt to be telpful s selt as I. R.h. Toinend, J. Z. Re'nolds; Artistic Plinhgraper 6 E. HURON S.
rctified by a sitigle tax. hor its' interesting. A sociat hour wil fo- secoisd tenors, I. R. Gates,F.tield,
stance, land, because of its un- los. All members of the league C. D). Webster, . 1,. Iil; it S(0ond1 JtimithlIn fvoie
turned increment, furnishes the best invited to be present. Atmisson basses, A. C. Moss, J. Kennedy, W. ~ 5
investmcent for capital. By specu-fr non-imenbers ten cents. C. Johnson, /. Grhan; second7 7
basses, A. Al. Smith, R. C. our- 4IO'Q O OAC
ttors, the landIis held at high 1prices 1 __ . -ttc,1.h.hrsa uhV.pa
and thus kept sacant. Labor con The Sophomore Soial. land, K. E- Dorman 48d5.V.tate-St.
seqiuently seeks a cheaper and, aid--Wuirife. ______________ 48__ S.__State___St.
is compeleid to expend sore effoit i fonight ccurs the ong extected -- --e
andseureles rtuns.sohonor soia. Nithertine Inland League Social. Gymnasium Suits,
For these evils, singetax, accord- nor nmoney has been sparedh to mhake Tonight, the Inland League givesS ea rs
ing to Mr. Post, would be tthe renm- it a succss. 'The conmmittee has its second social anti it promises to
edy. It would deprive all land of been hard at sork for seseral days be iuite an interesting occasion. An
profit to the mere holders; the deising means of entertainment for impromtn program will be rendered
amount of work done oh the landh all present. Fron 8 to 9 a general and ice crean, oysters atd other re- TO1R IV0 G OD
would measure the anount of the social time will be indulged in, after freshments will be served. All who SP R IGjU .J
remuneratiotn. No land conse- which each one may seek the kind were so fortunate as to be present at
quently, would be vacant due to of entertainment suited to his taste. the former social will be glad of an Of Every Description at
speculation, and labor could follow The dancers can make merry to the opportunity to attend this, and the
the line of leat resistence by seur- strains of music, and the non-dancers Legeetnst alsuet n
hg the best land. tn this way the may engage in games which will be citizes a cordial invitation to be W ~ H '
share of the laud would be smaller, provided. The programs are very present and enjoy a good social
yet furnish an aniple income to gov- unique and will make a valuable eeig
erment; while labor would receive souvenir. Come out and be con-- " N VRIT OK TR
the greater and more proportionatle viced that '96 has soled the "So' There are z225wonen enrolled in
reward. cial" problem. the general courses at Cornell. STATE STRENT, ANN ARBOR.

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