-'ZC. of W~f. T aitg.
eubisahed Daily (Sunidays excepted) during
the College year, by
Subsecription price i$2.50 per year. inivariably
i ii advancer ingir enpira 3 censa. 8Sabicrip-
teans may tbe left at the otfice of the DAILY,
ast Stoffletas, wsth any of the ediaors or
authorized solicitors.
Gan matlicatiossehauld reacts the office by
i aciatch P. m. if they are te aappear the next
lay. Adidresall atmtier intended tor publica-
Lhots mothe ManainigEditor. Alt husinesa
commuinicationstioilid be snt to the Busi-
nessM aneager.
Ann Arbor, Mieh.
C. A. L)Iissi, Latw '94, Managinig Editor'.
I1. A. SPALtMoiS, tit. '941, Assistait.
J1. L. Loiti, Lit. '95, Assistatit.
F-. WALtyneiis, toss'Si, Assistaniit.
J..A. ttrizyt. '96,) Athletic Eittri.
S. 5W. (titisS,. IG. Lt., Business Manager.
Wtt,. S tttlti:,.Lit ,S97,Assistanst.
H. 1.I a o. iiii it '94. itR.F.IHall. ':'.
II, . SAustin. 95. snMEDIA..
F' . t.Sade,'6
F.P.Ittl,.'II FE L.latiirt initilt,'94".i
DEN'TAL. tttsII( rIirs-AT iIt'.
L.T.Conrat 9. .G enkints, '94.
All 'dopy mill t it thie tiofficesifi'e 8:30a. ii
of tie day oh pnlitono
The Editors tto ntold themselves respon
eible tar the opinionst oi'statrmentssiof corres-
potidents, appiearitg- in ttie DItY.
1'THEEwill be a meeting ofi) liir
DAiIL' staff tomtorrow ni1ghtlIt 5)7:30
NiiTcrlliclST'ex has accepited our
challenge for as inter-uiversity de-
bate anid arraingentents till ibe maide
for twvo annual debates.
A 00011 examll ewas -set by the with especial reference to these -
freshtmen at ttheir social gives Wet- questions. The Chapel service Sn E
sedylgt attteSp ;mrsdysotlo vi eteclosing one
We iosthtandtae Sth a or'g ilbeteof ttsis series and xiii be of consid- i
theirlioipiubtusit e theiest of erable interest to all students. The
thei opprtuntiestoinightt. 'T'hus! difficulties which arise in the vart- 0L l
tee see the social side of University ous departntents will be treated, as
life is being tdeveloped at the t' also the relation of the student and
If 1T the teachier. A general acconnt of Ial l l
the success o~f the efforts at Cornell, Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS'
A ;. t:i\c Finto the Lale libirary Princeton and other colleges will be aud SHORTHAND. Idalnifieet huilings; sine
teace;la rge atlteancelgod discipline; siper--
any afterntoons sill satisfy one that presented. The fair presentation of iiirwsork;well suppliedcreadingrooni; dalivictises
a subjet of sch imprtance hoot ei 5 y'vaeiiigreceionopleniathe enitireyear
the studenclts of that tdepartnment are asbectfsuhiprtneshudlEeptiinat aitities lot placing stdtsinispont-
bring ot a large number of stll- tiiils-'ttiitllliilclotscaraieedtiet. civiase
busily etigaged with their practice tients. eo teito itii5-iIper iweek iniaeif amilies.
dents'iFor ewaetailoguae, addres
cou~rt cases anti theses. Tlruly, the _________________ P. R. CLEARY, FatS..
lot of tile senior lie is not that _____--________________--__
snap swhich olther departmeots ofteit j ,TOLEDO
try to mtake it out to be. Af d
We'll Doef Our Hat tu Ourselves.l
The folloswing, clipped from the
editorial columsns of the Cardinal of
Wiscoinsin, is certainly a sigh com-
tliment for Michtigans:
Thle U'ivsersity of Michtigatn las this
ear establiste(il itcomticIpap~er, kinown
its "The Writnkle," sehicti is meetinig
switht tesenrveil popularity amntg the
stuidenits. It is publishtetd bi-wseekly
dulritng tile college teriti, is gottent tp
ini attraetive ftorm, well stocked switht
jokies atnelbrighlt anedotltes, Miii is very
cleverly ilustrastedl.'ITis is oitly one
itf seseral papers aitt imagazines edited
anti suppor'tedl by stir enterprisiing sis-
ter tuniversity, all, it is side, receiviing
the genlerou~s piatronvttge a51111 i~intg
theo enthusIiastic' interesttof studtetits
situ facetlty alike. Of course it seemis
uslsto ntiletr attithiet' plea)hlre folr
ourI oswntcollege patters. Thle lierpetlu-
ally (lyitng ('Cardina~l," revivetd cacti
tinte wsithieffort, andilthe ''Aegis''"Itit-c
ever totterinlg on11the brinik oh' cel~latpse,
tell their swn-tile ifwse"-i e., lieu
oif sullport iit the tart of the sttuiets.
A Letter 'rrm Spurney.
-'tisie 'ratle Li if'i ' t1ItiJiNiii. 5, PFlit
''ri-aits I t eu rIIiA Sirt iv - iit e i
Horsford's Acid Phosphate t~tl<rt'inilite.
Is the most effective anti ito-ee- 41 J5.I/.i. i ln i
Trealisemiitl'i'tueen nA.t l1.i(truToedoi
able relnedy in existence for All trains daliyS eeeit Siunidily.
It 8. OtEFNtWtOD, Akenlt. AtiiiAAbtive
W. H. BITEEN 15 iP. A.Tolo
preventinig indigestion, and Ire- T ' [ N
liov ing, those diseases arisingGI.TDOPIY YO SE
tOil tNt, NIGT.tI
frolo ai disordlered stomaei~b. FRIDAY EVE., JANUARY 26th.
Dr. W. 'WV. Gardner, Springfieldt, The lniitbilliieii 1ltntSv i iFg. ee
Mass., says: "I value i usOil excellenti
prevventative of indigestion., 111 a peasntA
wiler,aneilsweveenei."litHEIL1EY P GA Ti7A SCENPVE.
_______51Rea l itii li-t. ;1i1t',hul-. Ist li-Brat,1101'
ia l B uis. .A Rivi-r (i tot, tO\ ;tee ('iiii
Deiscetitii' tililiilttflie1on1aplic tion 111toi inn lie 11i)o t agie.
Rumford0ChemicaltWorhs, Providene.I. 1.o-Ivii.i.
O ewar:e ofiSust ittes' 1111dtImitatiios. P'iiiette aii i t-i iii. ik ':,tci e m iii'I le
Fo aeby alDruggists. knts lac.itiissi- i'iil- ii-
TOooteucicnight outr Glee and lit.I Il takes pleasure in
Bhanjo clubs appear in tDetroit, and printing a tart of a letter received
everything itndicates that they swili front an old reliable seconid basemtan,
meet a hearty reception. Edward F~. Spurney, u-lo is nosej
sttccessfully etigagetinillhis chtosen
Tois reception gives by thle S. C. profession of hale, at Clevelatnd,
A. to the students front the North- O~hio.
western states occurs tonight. Lv- "I Iave givenltipate idea of pslayin~g
ery student from the states repre- bail. Notwsitlhstanlding the Iiuber of
times this htas heelsptiblishted ill the
snted should attenid. daily papers aild Spurting Life, I still
________ - - receive offers froam Toledo, Lillcoln,
Tic Repulblican club tas received Grandhi Rapidls, anid several places
an invitation to attend the Mlichi- where I have alreatly played. list 1
gas club banituet at D~etroit and dlecinedl. lttpe the U. of M. u-ill haave
ais stronig a lean s h last veair, certainly
will doubtless attendl in a body. If do I wiish.toti see a fen' sore Krugluals.
tthe boys go they will in alt proba- .Krognsan will be just 100h per cen~t. het-
bility makce themselves hseard in ter this year titati last, ande remnembler
mor was tan ne.wha Islay. Ittorralt for the U-. if M.
ttsoe wys tan ne. eltt IYours truly,
WRINKLE israpidly East. Ii . SICIIISYa, 'to.
Wi~~is.Eis apilygrowing in -
interest and certainly is deserving Hontest Work ]n College.
of the supiport whicts it is receiving. The interest that has been shownl
Trhe current nunmber is one of the in a number of otur easterns colleges
best issued. The DAIlY takes this in attempting to hring about a bet-I
method to congratulate, the editors ter state of affairs in regard to the
ofteWrinkle-for the -excellence of students' ideas of what honenty is
of theclass and examination is, has led to
their publication. Thus we are the arrangement of a number of
reminded that enterprise wins., services at Newberry hall this month
295. a)Cone(Irest
s IHalf-Ton~e tus,
c-reproduactill) of k
(Ilege 45 1oec&'
r: ReproduclitoneojPerp adink'
dtrss'in s,CratoS.5cript.Autoa5lp)~etter",.~
I copies ej Arc~leducinrs~enhi kc
*o d otber + rwh
<ss# cj~x5 ~~ ure.s
Frttrcxitc~Oj the raeulty
printeid. Io biti dirk Cuge's13a1SuIILar Aw
CaCar@d5 MCeI CJxd5-DareOrder5 4
Cre pondene~ofiied . 'ssc