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March 07, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-07

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VOL. IV.-l 'o. 112.



STORM IN LAW DEPARTMENT. sess some of tine qualifications es-f A BENEFIT FOR ORATORY. EVERY U. OF M, STUDENT
One Hundred and Eighty-five Jun- sc a najdei hscsa The Oratorical Association to beI'5aibi pI
iors "Bolt" Prof. Griffin's Lect- do not live in either state interested Nut on a Financial Basis
The storm clouds wvhichs have been i tutions involved. In all other tiar- An art recital will he given for
gathering over the junior law class tiuas'ferIsssal ei it the benefit of tlse Oratorical Asso- s'ii'5 y Ro'hssner.
frtepattoweslutwihatyet in view of thsese strong 'qualifi-y .c at'Tzrc-
forth psttw weksbustwih llciations next Saturday echoeing in 'hm'ginO/P c<t l~mts io -e It
their force yestcrday . When I ro- rations' I gladly acccpt and shall Frieze M\emorial hall, and an enter- rst/un.- (ir 551-l(5/ti, u,-C Alo/s151/s.
fessor Griffin app eared on tihe plat- take lpleasure ini being present." taing program hsas beens arranged
torus yesterday a great majority of Dr. Little is a graduate of W1abash for the occasion. -Miss M~axosn, a itSuhMi t
thse class wvas abseint. lie then pro- College, and sansvwon for himself an special stusdent of Prof. Tiruebtood51SuhaiSt
ceeded to call thse roil, asse discov- enviable repuntations as pastor of thcesill take ttse leadissg lart in tie
eced that one hsundired and eighsty-PrsyeincuctofWat. program, assistedt by Al isterry who
five msesubers of thse class had bolted. _ - i vi koI:s neoutoito
} Art Social Neat Saturday. wl nw sa lctoito
It sents thnat tisere is but one stay - considerable isote. A novel featusre
to get the whole class to atteind, andi An art social still be givdensnext of the prograns will be the delivers
tat is lby fear of roll call o~r quiz. Saturday evening in 1Frieze Messor- of the ssost interestisng nortions of
Dusring the past ten days comtplaiint tat hall under the dlirectioss of Prof. Msessrs. Reed and Wilson's tariff
hsas been made bey members whio Trueblood. Scenes will he render- speechses by Mr. May-s and Mr. F.,
care so take snotes, that ltse noise ed fronm "rise Lady' of Lyons,"' P. Bal. whn youmswant the Ltest tropolistan styesi
and confusion during thne lecture "'the Prince of India.'' and other, Vocal and instrsumental msusic will than ,Ann Arnsnrsprices send for talosgse t
ws no great that it was impossible storks, as swell as extracts frons the enliven thne occasion.
to take notes. recent tariff speeches of Congress- 'T'he small price of tess cesnts wiii
Thin in not all. Thse conduct of msen Reed and Wilson. 'The pro- be charged for admission. Resers-ed i
101. s83-i8s Wusnincass Avn- .,
certain msermbers of thne junior class ceeds will go to thne Oratorical as- seats may be secured at Frieze Messs Dtt;-'ISOt, -_ _- fi) 5ICIA.
hsas been susch as to indicate that a sociation, under whose atsspices thse orial hsall, Friday and Saturday-, for
careless feeling seems 1o prevail in entertainment is given. tenty cents. 'lie entire ptroceeds -
regardl to the work. The facusly - "--- are to be devoted to thse Oratorical
save determined to enforce thne rules, { UNIVERSITY NoTES. Association and tile sale of tickets
and the action yesterday sanelIon Rev. Mclean speaks at Niewvberry shoulsd be large, as nt oisobt it still
first announcemient of a nest policy, be.
ver ose s'ts botedyeserdy tall this afternoon at 5o'clock ArnticPhntraph_,,6_._HURON ST
Tvronwh botdysedyIthe "H-istory of Mlissiosts." COMMUNICATION. ArtisticPhotographer, _6_E._HRONST.
vciii be reqiuiredi to take a special 'lTsercestilt be a lecture givesn by'I
examination on thne extra lectures. 'rf. .A tne isn' h s In i tysi.v mlast Friday titers FRESH ASSORTMVENT
'rof. Griffin leas Ibeen s-cry' reason- :9,Mlis,''Thsrsdlay evensingig lar cli iappeledsftn edtraciiiznth,
able. its his desnaistis, and thne junior 8, a eight o'clock, at friere Me-Bultnoth S. C. A. for pishlisli- '
lawsswsill do stell to treat himtos svttn snioriat Ihall, Sctnool of Music. log a rettort thaitlnhere ws consider- I ~ + IO O~
tue respect. A trcieporu shm r able chseatin g done in thne tFaust class -r-C SsEiiIViii si-
- ranged for thne sophonsore social atattnlatxasiaos.Scete Ld', . 4'.tseS.
An Uncailed-Far Meetingt'tt iunnfavorabie e ntions by Ti t D liii Taught and Danced all over the Wvorld at
tewberry Ian next Saturtay even- the Leading .Academies.
A seeisi o t~e essoris clasig.A tass tax of tiventy five the editor of tine BIlletins leat-d \\'1ii x-
wsa called after thelecturtins Cesnts is being coilectedi by tine coss- tn iate nrtsrinvsiaed n 5isi> 55 ini-S cisitli ixpis- n itn o£da'c
l I ite. has foutnudthsat chneating wsa - tinny n s(- I tii sees t ifstl5of ii . nnaltz.
novrnng lortht~e pisrpose of au ~ msatiot, ndsosneGraa.'er'o Academsy, Ann Atrbor,
tug riles for sie keepisng nitbent Atstt;tt nsi ntsse tn liF riii ii iacdi-- i t Clnii , e as t
omrc thisuing itsctnsres. A/tsri t D.etroit Csnnvesliontiot ay- oethers of tlane studeiinselditinisll thi 3
tisietinig wsncalletd to order a ltit': nterstent, avreineteni o isee atclas"aniluse thsts 'lne ersst
te fde ln an1ta i sin itetryCall itisgi ii ol1lsnio gs-chis snftrstation eat b
tinr(se lasstinechinshast ity>i c'sin ilsiter ilants far sestirit t a ntis- ctntsulisilif i nii. l v i n y stesires, hut * ',
'the fttnenthai niesctase hadinstir ln --_ii._iit ii.

-jty of any disordlerly conduct line s itv'tltsy'.
smeetinig wsantsirely uncalledi tnt. I W.iV. '95 litteesnt swithi a
Ibis seenmedi to bue tine sesitimsent of 1paisnful accident At outlay- eveesisig,
lie entire ilass asntl a notiosi to nil- sw'icitl resultedtiin the lioss of tine of
joinsqu~ickly fonllowted. tine ingers of isis left haind.Ile ws
,,-.__.__-_ sharpnsing Iis lpenciilfotrstork on
Anothser Juodge for the Donate. drawisngs for To-WVitt whenthie acci-
dent isappened.
Ret. Charles isttie, I). D., of At the Unity Club on Monday
Wabash, Ind., has signified his will- evening next, M~rs. lItle Josnes Cono-
isngness to act as list second judge ley, of this city, wili give a lecture
in the inter-collegiate debate whicihi uion Six Mosttis of 'Travel in Italy.
occurs Aprii 6. to a letter 1o F. E.'lTin lecture promises to bne very- en-
Chamberlin thse Doctor sayst "I rans tertaining and we hopne tat all of
nay stitih some boldness that I pos-oosr patrons still be presesnt.

ftse ontly posnsibleinehjunstice cdoseitno --- -_ -_
thte i llitis edittorial wss'tnsi g - GOODS
that -'tine whole bactk runt of sfu-BA E AL
dlents"'chtetatedI. herhialupserewntis
some inersosn or tpersosnth0 e Iack Sutt a nsi ys7nasiumtsSlip-
rosy that didi not, hint thne statemsent
did not give ast exaggerated idea of Ipis
ite amsount of cheatisng actusally'clone.
Tine repnort cmenttouse i htse first I You tire . it n0 iilsistocIk adprcs.
place frons is nessber of thse 1lannt 1
caswh isatooglreibeand careful man, ansd for tihat reason
the statement in ftne Bulletin wsn=
made stithout further investigation;-
and, asnmost appears, no further iss UNI7ERSITYB} Of'S']ORE
vestigation wsnneeded.

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