w VOL. IV.-l 'o. 112. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7,1 94. PRICE, THREE CENTS. STORM IN LAW DEPARTMENT. sess some of tine qualifications es-f A BENEFIT FOR ORATORY. EVERY U. OF M, STUDENT One Hundred and Eighty-five Jun- sc a najdei hscsa The Oratorical Association to beI'5aibi pI iors "Bolt" Prof. Griffin's Lect- do not live in either state interested Nut on a Financial Basis The storm clouds wvhichs have been i tutions involved. In all other tiar- An art recital will he given for gathering over the junior law class tiuas'ferIsssal ei it the benefit of tlse Oratorical Asso- s'ii'5 y Ro'hssner. frtepattoweslutwihatyet in view of thsese strong 'qualifi-y .c at'Tzrc- forth psttw weksbustwih llciations next Saturday echoeing in 'hm'ginO/P c 55 ini-S cisitli ixpis- n itn o£da'c l I ite. has foutnudthsat chneating wsa - tinny n s(- I tii sees t ifstl5of ii . nnaltz. novrnng lortht~e pisrpose of au ~ msatiot, ndsosneGraa.'er'o Academsy, Ann Atrbor, tug riles for sie keepisng nitbent Atstt;tt nsi ntsse tn liF riii ii iacdi-- i t Clnii , e as t omrc thisuing itsctnsres. A/tsri t D.etroit Csnnvesliontiot ay- oethers of tlane studeiinselditinisll thi 3 tisietinig wsncalletd to order a ltit': nterstent, avreineteni o isee atclas"aniluse thsts 'lne ersst te fde ln an1ta i sin itetryCall itisgi ii ol1lsnio gs-chis snftrstation eat b tinr(se lasstinechinshast ity>i c'sin ilsiter ilants far sestirit t a ntis- ctntsulisilif i nii. l v i n y stesires, hut * ', 'the fttnenthai niesctase hadinstir ln --_ii._iit ii. -jty of any disordlerly conduct line s itv'tltsy'. smeetinig wsantsirely uncalledi tnt. I W.iV. '95 litteesnt swithi a Ibis seenmedi to bue tine sesitimsent of 1paisnful accident At outlay- eveesisig, lie entire ilass asntl a notiosi to nil- sw'icitl resultedtiin the lioss of tine of joinsqu~ickly fonllowted. tine ingers of isis left haind.Ile ws ,,-.__.__-_ sharpnsing Iis lpenciilfotrstork on Anothser Juodge for the Donate. drawisngs for To-WVitt whenthie acci- dent isappened. Ret. Charles isttie, I). D., of At the Unity Club on Monday Wabash, Ind., has signified his will- evening next, M~rs. lItle Josnes Cono- isngness to act as list second judge ley, of this city, wili give a lecture in the inter-collegiate debate whicihi uion Six Mosttis of 'Travel in Italy. occurs Aprii 6. to a letter 1o F. E.'lTin lecture promises to bne very- en- Chamberlin thse Doctor sayst "I rans tertaining and we hopne tat all of nay stitih some boldness that I pos-oosr patrons still be presesnt. ftse ontly posnsibleinehjunstice cdoseitno --- -_ -_ thte i llitis edittorial wss'tnsi g - GOODS that -'tine whole bactk runt of sfu-BA E AL dlents"'chtetatedI. herhialupserewntis some inersosn or tpersosnth0 e Iack Sutt a nsi ys7nasiumtsSlip- rosy that didi not, hint thne statemsent did not give ast exaggerated idea of Ipis ite amsount of cheatisng actusally'clone. Tine repnort cmenttouse i htse first I You tire . it n0 iilsistocIk adprcs. place frons is nessber of thse 1lannt 1 caswh isatooglreibeand careful man, ansd for tihat reason the statement in ftne Bulletin wsn= made stithout further investigation;- and, asnmost appears, no further iss UNI7ERSITYB} Of'S']ORE vestigation wsnneeded. DELOSn I. WsICO S 'T'ATE STRIEET, ANN ARBtOPt.