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January 10, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-10

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. a .


Vol,. TV.-No. 6 11).



PURR ATHLETICS. It would seem that these rules JANUARY INLANDER.
will fully eliminate all kinds of pro-I A Number Devoted to the AthleticTo t A f
Harvard Takes Action to Abolish. fessionalism. Five of Harvard's( Interests of the Uni-
PrIsioaim Ipr-versity. We lsassveseu fe l,-eatndails eel
Poesant smNew Rules. prominent athletes are barredt by at-ewRle.- --a onei :trness-to;,iv 'e aay
thsenm frosm further competition. TTilTe Janeuary Inlander will he t ly tey ils- 11 ill c'.11 fer thes,.
'lli olocig cc elc oer-They are trothieghlam, tiptoe, Siul-4 issued somec time neat week. It We east to see yoree anesdie
ingal brncesi~fatleicssa-nliven, of tlhe nine; Fearing, of the iiil be rdevoted especially to ath- y5oeit canceilto il g~eeist.
'ts lce anptitat lmet: crew anti track teatm; adCell wiis, tof letic. Ralphl Stonselaw '92, wnell s "
the eleven. knowit for his connection with U1.
I I 5 15Fi ~ tile Hareardt Crimsoinsoavs of the if 'i. athleticsciiillpresent tile stib- Ge el'lll itlisi Iielse
No iIill'shalll he allsoiedtito rpernli 'llrules:'"Nowivthlat a start liesbhens f-eet, "A 'olicy in Atlletic at the h51 South Main St.
Harar iisl 0iii sesin lii libl on-miatde, lew u'eis1-5ofthe caine sort t;.o IM.'" \series of short stories
tes, ethr itliidallz o tat l ye - sure 'to be ieneraily aidopteti ot fatmous lfoitball lilaysi, entitlend
a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~' fisheniigtl'I-ii i lssiIiyare, moireovesr. lusthVe heraltid s "Gidi roniSketchies,"''mwilIce cuss-
11a1e eigaged folI ilili'n 0ny1 'illi sif still imoire restrictionis, that ciii is rbuted by lianager ('harles Na rAf,
I itie c151151titilfl. cc itlii's for1 titkeitike pace on tilelilies of partic-ular '. It.H utchinss ianid C. Pi. Smel -
iie inolievizne' 0r i shi iii oftheieft- sports. In footlialilihe refoirmshas /tr A 'tn ipositiiiivisathe liresent
tran'elt't's soriiiia'dmiissi sine rihIi tsegsun. It ciii surely take place in. outlook, wbat is ineedeit anid ioivto
isillh'vetaut il r ngasind ill any
atheti vl'r'ii iv 5515 t55 si ois thee athletic sports,iwithi she til ,gel it, will sucludte expiressions of
if livenlihoodtl or sillsshall it2any tsite ,iressult tha~t alt athlteticvwill ber- otiionussfrontiimeimbers of the boartd whn yc-n issy till' evi--sIioi ip'l5Sityles
liie ecneive'dlfur taking part i il y strictest. 'This scemsstli le the of cosntsroland othcers initerested ia inos,-,, i$4Sgar- 5 hoes lit .iii tol$51 it plirC 10
atisletic sport or ecotest liiy ieculiiili tpinion everywnhere ateiong stisdensts. athletics. aiAt ro rc, edfrtttl~-et
emeiiiiint or gaini whautever, with tie In its other featuree the numtiber
i iieifrom hes'ollegeistliir155 i-ati' Ca UionSoia. mill not be below its usual standard
soirsfrmsaisserte n t niglllti sii- Coa ninSca. of excellence.Amsong the readable tot. I u3-1g loon ii ssiisiisvis.,
suvititiof wiihi e i atacihettnils atinlestiatlillapptrtae nTetisisea articlesileamothatywhicill appearesociareien'theheChorl 1ero1i liheiltucaion1 bV .N.
'. I ' n S ' t ' C S a i ' l n C t l i ' t i " l l '1 i l s s o s i g i n e l b y I l e m o -u -Jlu l u a l i o s s
Cha55' l e-isi iiollilssi sfvi ite-iisgi ree'i pman, lain 'inl, ' 'laterisity s T -
liii us' tin h s ,1lt islisll Irval sall, cisc sieli aitesntedtandtve-ry C CReceived. 400Ibbs- at Fane Chocolate
Nl 510iiiil bontis inithe Woirl,"- by Isabella Bee uBens-
.i-ti i-s-s iii- -'f s'i~censl lIisrilisi ri s'nijo able.- F'ie early- lavt ofthte i. 1olew fud te osesifI ie w 1 ill ' 55 t 15 is -istr - s ii-r
15155 II's Iev ni scuied ' it i a recep- Iifsfor)1 f stssseie ii -i - ei lwr ol i5r<attt; f t i t- tr ii t;;
N"s-i'eiili, ls t1lsesr i l I-to sb after ofli les taoif 11 iifieJeasiel"t e K = -,S o l tineil is il4oirbse______________________
lararIsi I iis i-te -Iisisitn p icst C'oill- Eideiee sere d.T he. l er- hisiss
est. .eielr- s i ltiislh tiC asa iteiber ii ""rctaken up ithfb iatni nri and. s i~i liiel 'i I5
of alls) eat-i ssineti is sir ssil ns tos Recitationi.
c li ersaitions
b. ' throisis--)vist aicollegn year, a o t 1 OAnuiusg theiness of poiemisan fit'
ithe isnmiber of thi ntive rsity , taking ---- " verce will be founid Harr- Carleton _ y
ai fuillyear's worsk.e Baseball at Corneli. tPorter, Jesse It. Hornaung, Aiable
ctthsinstii isoslowiersilfus shngllomeetad E alwll, Coal- Artistic Photegrepher, G E. HURON SI.
tin debarrett frometlakinlg part ill lily Tepopct omod aealtr W. D~reiv,I.ewiis A. Stoneman
initnreollegiate conttesbtsluntil the in en team neat spcring arc at present very and Marionc Pattonc. HOT IJTWCH41s
tf the text academici year or uistil hun favorable. T'he men will lie called The attractiveness of the ncuncher
is permittedi sy thin facuity tos rent togetther souse tuice nest iseek and wiltl be iincreased by several ihitistra- LowneyiZ 's qhoCClte5
tfis las.lgttann a then begin. Sn- tionsinleuding a full-page, salftA-
-No olnlherea~fte~r elntegthi n i- tight trl illc meceaousayU T
versity who is5 110keguar5tunt iotliok -lomese bittone ciut of thce niv recitation build- 48sST T st
reyilrstllei February first, bitt individual wurk ing.48SST E8t
the tollege' icrscienitific schotol, 1and11il1,
regvular stuidents is either of tthese tt she ioutttbe edone before thcat tum. - *
playe Cobbwill robaby do larg part More Football Regulations. O K T8 S
intercollegiaitn contest tupon a cltssc or of thin pitching this yearas ret i i rcllg et fte ste Vfl k) JU h UIL)
unsiversity teamo of assyiothier eollege, wilt not be back. Cobb's work dur- teachers' association at Lancing,"EtRSTl 5
sshl platyvpon a Harvard team ustil a -fR s'cNo
lieIsss rsidd ose eadnci yer aitg the latter part of the season lest Decenmher 2S, the afternoon seas
the Uiversity and passed the annual year sees alt that coutld be desired, spent in discussing thin question of HOLIDAY BOOKS
exarninatiouss upossaa full year's stork. but he seas soncewhsat handicapped athletics, andepcalfotl. AN
d seill otal. ADFANCY G OD

No studesst, whenever be hae repre-
sented osle or more coleges, shall take
part in the intercolegiate contests for
snore these four years; and lis period
shall begin with the year in wshieh as a
player upon a university team lisefirst
represented any college. In reekoning
the four years, thee year of probation
mentioned in rule 2 shall he excluded,
and also any year lost to a student hy

tduring thin early part of thse season
owing to the fact that Ihe strained Iis
arm while practicing in the cage.
Among former players who are hack
and who will prohably continue
training are Young, Towle, Beet,
Rich, Hamlin, Harrington and Mc-
Neil. Miller, who played on the
team two years ago, has also an-
nounced his intention of training.-
Cornell Daily Sun.

The uses and abuses of football
were enthusiastically discussed. T'he
opinion prevailed that athletics
should be "regulated" and it was
resolved that there he appointed a
committee to consist of one student
and one professor from each Mich-
igan college, which should meet dur-
ing the winter and prepare recom-
mendations to he submitted to the
association at the next meeting.

FrtimPublishers Prices.


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