O . ar SoIEtime since it was announced intended, hie will devote the entire
;J.of lF.'~n~ that the Pennsylvanian wvould soon course to an original discourse upon
appear as a daily. This was found. constitutional law, based upons the -JJP 5
Publsehed Daily (Sm~au excepted) during impracticable, disring the dnll times development of the constitutions of 11
Iisis Coism e e, by Yr
THE U. OF Ni. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION nowv prevailing, and the Pesnsyl- the original thirteen colonies. Thse O_ -/
___vanian still remains a senmi-wteekly.l tisme and manner of delivering the -
Iaiesssi ps aipry isrreycoorse of lectures has not been Sbcito rc 25 e er u=ral
nursscv. e inuir#'ipisi vents. bshertp-deitlyfx.
sionsemay be leftt stthe osanestf the DAILY, Waare is receipt of a letter ad- dfntlyfxd isa hORTADND SHOL OF BUhSISicSc
an SO T A D sanfietbidn;nnt Stf3eitlns, c-ibh naiy sit'5the edis r dressed to the president or other - -- - - -i - -- eachiers; sirge sattesndance;gosed discsiplinse;supser-
auhih zedn solneicitors. 5ss, use; vels susssili sesinsg m m allen
iisssuseiis lesirthheleeyoficers Of the U. of M. Chess club. Siniisieviessisigreetionisssss spess ieisstire yeer
t~eni~~ll~aton8shold eah te ofic byExteloowtss ~ilisise s'paisnsisudenists-s ~in posi-
teo'lockeb tnthey55aetoinpeaer sheseextsWhetlher there is sucs an organiza- tn e 97hr:+ ;i.7sete vls is mised nim.i.ines
jcy. Adidresseaelimeeter intended fsr publice- y x -ri fi7 r ::se eecIIprvt aiiis
tion enshe maneging Editsr. All businesclonnwsncolgewe are notabeP. R. CLEARY, PatS.
comemunications shouldi be teeste the Busi- to state. If there is not, there£
ces Manager... -
TEUcf.DAL, certainly shoold be immediate action,
Ann Arhes HitS, looking to the formation of such a
club. The letter may be obtained --
EDITORS. by calling at this office or sending 1 l " -a
f", A. tlesissl, Lsiir "i, ,iiecsgois Editior. IHrfr cdPopaename to the mianaging editor. HrsodsAod Phspae 5 TH MICHIGANW
H-. A. SPAssTnissLit. '94,Assisant. RAs;5WA
.1. L. Lostzmi,Lii. 9>, Aeniis si.nt17hne uszibl a i fet tCniilia siNoi..s llin
J.A. Liissr, 5Lit. Sts AthletieEsitoir. No college in all England pub- Is ienoteOciead ge sse si Ts iss viul~
S. W. cicTiss. I.0G. tit., BusineseeMccager. liflies a college paper. This is an- able remedy in existence for*-si a5m
Wi.a A. 1tissss, lii. '.97', Asiisisst i. Othet ill ustration of the superior *l-i15 1) 11 :. ) Il
Litili.sst segyo sieia Aot20 o-preventing indigestiosn, and ir Tie- s 555lvtssonsclssy,'silisvl
51.l. 1, esisiss 4. t. F. Bail."45". leges publish periodical journals.".1 tains.sedilyeetv sSsislliy.
R5. ii. Austins .'l:i.
F. I'. Sssslli' Sr i. " essnici.. Tn roKa c-i es5S. 17 sis'! t). ,Asiit, AnsnsAsrIors
F. I. yle, iii . . Ieiiae.'9 h above, clippedfrmaex lieving those diseases arising F. w sBE rxr'i',G.vP. A. 'Tolislss.
Agiss sie,'y, 7. 11ii la~ibs,'9h. change, is certainly a msost credit- foiaiiodrdsoah
DENTesL. iiiiltlliAyrIiiirm Iodee toi
L. F, tssssradst,'95. 1'. 0.Jeilis,'ii. I able showing for American institu-
All copy mustbeast the sfficeefetss'30a, ms s
oft the sissy ot vebliesitiu.
Tse Ealters doenot hsld themsseclves respoe
eile tee the epinions or stetemenit s-sc'rrs-
pondentis, appeasrincgii the DAILY.
Tssr trip of the Glee and Banjo
clubs was msost successful and the
boys were royally entertained op
every hand.
THE price of the DPsi us delivered
to your room tine remnlder of the
year is only $1.5o. 'This is an un-
paralelled offer, and should meet
the approval of a large nmbnser of
IT is fortunate that the hU. of A.
exhibits were rensoved from the
WIord's Fair grounds before the fie
of Monday nighnt which destroyed
no much valuable property in the
liberal arts building.
WHAii's is the ultimnatumi of tine lawe
faculty in regard to printed lectures
in a question one meets with on ev-
ery hand among the law studeints.
Some definite action and the policy
to be pursued shouldl be announced
HARcVARD's actions in adopting her
new athletic rules will be received
with approbation by all who are de-
sirous of seeing the last trace of
professionalism wiped out in college
athletics. WIe commend it to the
attention of men in charge of ath-
letic interests in thne U. of ytI.
tions of learning. The success which
American colleges base had iii the
line of college jourinalism sheould
prove a good example for the con-
servative English college meen to
emui late.
'The senior crewv at Harvardl began
regular work last Thursday.
Thne University of MAissouri heas
received $T,525g,000 fromisthne Slate
legislatsure since iSgi.
'Tufts enjoys the distinction of
having twvo glee clsibs, sine mnale and
thne other female.
The University of Chicago is en-
deavoring to combisne thle medical
schools of that city.
leery, of the P'ittsburg baseball
team, has beets secured to coach the
Princeton 'varsity team.
President Andrews, of ltrosvnusni-
versity, has received a call from the
University of Clicago. lie has not
yet decided wehethier or not heiwill
One of the conditions of eligibil-
ity placed on the applicants to train
for the University of Pennsylvania's
crew is that they mnsst iweigh 1 657
pounds or over.
The feeling of cointeintion wliiche
has prevailed amoing the literary so-C
cieties of Olivette college, owing to
society spirit being carried to ex-
cess has been entirely removed
through the efforts of representa-
lives from the different societies.
Ea-President Harrison still go to
the Stanford University early in
March. Instead of lecturing upon
international last, as was primarily
Dr. W. W. Gardner, SpringfieldI
Mass., seys: "I valise it as ass txceillent
preventative ef isidigestiun, isnd e pleasansI -
acidulatesd drink swhen lsrsoperly dilutieswstll
waler, ansdsiteetenesl"
Des-suriivespssmphlet flien aissppilicaslionsio
Rumford Chemical Works, Pcviiene,R.C.
Bewaes fS ubesi t ssitutes ansis i ttisis. I
For Sale by all Druggists
Half Tom B uts.
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ditiwinf.Craor .e~ri ,Aut~raph t fefhe.
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@ (a\5sPictures
- rintedlto biod in CllesfJIai'iils c eirraale.
Call @rd&(-Meiou (rW C ~ erdr
Corfegpondence~oieifed,'2 rV.