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February 27, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-27

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THE JUNIORS ORATE complete the class compettionss AHEICASCITO
Equly in Governmental Powers rihe judges' markings are as fol- -morat Meting ofIAthe oa.rodG A of
and mmiratin Pobles lws:Directors Plans for Future
an mithoSubPcts.lems --.lows-:Action Decided Upon. 0,c oitn lw cu~l n
is liti veI The board of directors of tiesa
Last esening the juniors held coll s Athletic association uet last night to a lll hosill yall r them.ll
their contest for tile purpose of e and settled up~ many outstanding yeu acle ellolseesswelc.
electing a representative orator. n 6e atters in addition to deciding tpon Iq
1efore speaking conimeijeed, tiea plans for future action. x'14 1' p O l Y31 C
audience tas atmusedl by music from ns ti2u2cea1-- -a Football omanager Baird made a Illy1111iee,
he rehma Bnjoclb1wictwa loo- _ 11 r I I t I deial and fll report of tie past sea- ; tSuhMiIt
plcdout of viewe inllittle at-I5 ehMi t
plceson'st (1 5epnditure anti receipts.IleI
lery of the room.(reotdasrlsfsiglyvr
Ninety-two Baseball Canededates. rprel lrtl fsigtyoe
71 v. C. L. Dutncan, being thellii ---fioo aftr all tie seaont's accounts p
rouced, spoke upon Eiquality in Since S-turday, forty 111n11hae wre setticci Te reort wis ac-
Covernllental Polwers. Ilis stronlg handed in their names for the base etdadtak edrdt h
heavy voice and forcible manner ball teamnaking a total of ninety- manae foi doing what has ever
made more impressive the tellcon-twocniae.Temnaewl been done beore here, biging the
structed periods of his composition. di stributed among the nine positions, football account ot with a srplus.
TIhe necessity of government, he andi f Michganls 1 not tech rePre tni algrSomr eot
saul is sdisutale, t isonl thesentd o thebasealldia nmanhisedrtatuWscosin adeofernttoWhon theIsettsebatlltlldiamondit,,tSyle
it wil notbe fo lackof me of $, . ,- JSheetat 3551-toIitSia prr l1no
form tha t can be called into question. year,ittllntbfola1fme send a tenis teamsihere, if expenses lii Ann Abor } d i, sndilfha-atalligic Ic
talbes in goernmenttohepdmiac can ofo h olwn r h e ad.gnerl-wiho are willing to reresent 1e. were guaranteed. The matter tat
ly be traced t hepeomnnc afts:olw aetl e ad-discussed hbt no action tas aken.
self over comnmon interests. In dts The ex-offcer of the Students .F F
such gvrmnshriallbec achr-I' V TaiT .101. 183-185 trooss niAv.,
goermetstieei asece Ctcev-W ''m.~PavsI.~ lecture association in thosilacs Dl-i:lCfO, - - M ICIIIGAN
of representation, twhicit is oppres- D rmheller. NV. I. Griffin, T. oe- is the last year's surl~lus voted by-
siv e in its effects upon the ieople, nlgsteln tl soitont ofltl
i remoans for our gov ernment to 1Pichier-At.11. Aron, .I-.. rvnenIte tltc-rud
diemornstate that the preceence of m~oen (;. N oy esI-R. Scott, 13, .C io tlntfth ametr Ioni
has s y et f-id to pay it 01vcv and /
represetatoncan omake the ff0I Rch .1M Sawer. Ii
-nttio peple I Steythe presdent of the ord awas p
free. lotaly, to these tunie eo- i rst bsy MNI . .Aaron, It tl1sc1.t i 11
tutctt, tat ini our cuntry arc the IuvcilasoitG . -Smth 11 1, bot its pambent Arisic Potuographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
sovrelgn, essthe fate0oflur ys- Cay toniE. I'. pdegratf, C. IV 'a- orrli . ie to ~~
ili, whietier it be to pllosper andIriaster It. W. 'itchelt, .it. I. urn- Illry lwetrcbrougltlip,11acd th oil SeenlillJ~u try ivoe
tromlote equlality, or lhkc its pe-ofteI c 111ratn.1115to~ s~
cecesor ill ancient BEurope, toIolScnbss IC.tukioB eaeri g soltn llc
lapsle, a failure. 1.White areltll iicfv1
B . Br. looks, tilt other con-steo th i7hofMr.
ttt u uuir T ayl lr, J.bsehiteColVins. Kir- t ei n1 v 1 1LI i i, - 4'PS. .i te t
testantidealt wFhour Iiray tin esnrJIIai .hiciTickets re now i110tie hadsi of
Probems. Formrlystragersthe members ofte clubs landIof Taugt and Danved 11 ve the World at
ivobienos.N. lana.le Le di gAcademies:
whomiiweelecomiedhto our shorts okl NIaIthe boavcd of dirctos, adii es vi i'a ur itr 0T~~1I-
were felw andi of a chaai cr andi t~lIflln Bhc seats twil be paedi on sale alfewtIViA -i~A 5 Jt
intelligence cdeserving iof hospitl iity. ti[ays ibeoe tie cornctert. illb 1111 (11r11u 1 IlsI~lald Ill1. lf 5. 51
SIlie, tbe spiaker 5saitee er etIhenithe nmatter Ill the annual ic l Sut d < -.syin ailersan be -
advantages in inanigration. thosc udee,'iCo m i iindoor aieet anme 11111i as ad anrs r.on
howeve-r, are nowtewIlseighedh 111HodgmnIV.iA".ciEiliitoleaveJt ii
the present aspect of attars.IToil ceay von ten~Sllthnds of tie track conmitt cchy 7
theveare dangers confrontin g us. I 51i1ht 01 tythl hi S oodeiIP. Will cecide soon upn hel(lte nd U l T
Th n mbrscoii hr- reco nt ,t ieu C. is Dais,-J. 1. - -n
gi - ubr oln ee on-ts.Iplace teich sii be, itipossileIthe--
less, and their characer islic tisas.mn yonasun.
to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1;raeaoristtioi i. i:-NV. Hiilgard, professor in I Webster SocietyGO D
hor the ei,Mr.rooks dresw u111a' charge of the Agricultural college of
renedytwhich must comnmendi itself the hUniversity- of C.lifonia, bsh iaIestertmosocieeng.Th ellowngI'wtsaetymaiu -p
to tiose thinking deeply upoin the been naking extensive experinents-tOlrtevnig TefoowgI
-ubject; it is briedly, a partial e- in the recalmaton of-black alkai," proram tile presented: Read-Aples.
strctin o imigrtio onlins o !ands in California. These epe i-ing, 0. i. Conant; essay, Ii H.
strclon f naaigaton n ins o epei Scott.-oration, S. F. fuse. De- ClOn ieilli ~ill Is-u ;ililmicetok and piles.
character and inteligence. After mets have proen very vauablehae-mfeoedTatterjcin
expending and indorsing the pan, and through them a large amlount of bae','eovd Ta-h eeto
theoraor losd hs seec an th lad, ornerh ofno ahu, hs benof 1-orohower and Peckhanm by W H '
theoraor losd hs seec an th lndforerl ofno alu, hs benthe Senate was not an abuse of its '
judges retjred to determine upon the reclaimed. hr. Hilgard tas pro- poter.' Affirnatve, M. Al. Can-
decision. The junior law contest fessor of zooogy, botany, geoogy eron and G. W. Bentley; negative, UNIVERSITY BOOK~STOrRE
to be held this evening, and the and kindred sciences here in '74 E. .iWelnman and TD. A. Ed-
senior law contest Friday night, will and '75, wards. SAESREANAl~t

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