IN WOM AN'S BEHALF. first efforts in favor of suffrage in
Susan B. Anthony Speaks Enter- New York state and the importance,
tainingly uf Some Phases oe of that legislation which removed
Woman Suffrag-e, the property qualifications.
lThe emancipation ansi enfran-
Ant audience of usual size assens- chisenment of the slaves was a politi-
bledl Saturdaiy esvening to sear the cal necessity, likesvise is the enfran-
fjyj a -uislseil advoc-ate of svoman clisement of womsen. W~hy tdo riot
susffrage, -uano B. itisony, speakIc women organize as menilbecause it
upon her lasvorite theme. Miss swil(10o00ososd. They canuot get
Authvs splt sf lce dracedthse support of thc press as these n
years etis e stceugths have. TFhe speaker alludedt to usn-
oilnos udad successful attenspts by ronien to
Ars, sooibn hh-a v de o feebei-; - ., ,_ __-,_ r- I
A Promise that Was Not a Promise.
The "Gym," Is Not in Shape
for Use.
Souse time ago tennis manager 1i.
S. Suisiners aiid other pronilnent
tenanis mni began sworkisg to secure
To GiVe AufaiJ3
j sWehai v>-ccfine, leadsi eciktains
St a oieiea Sti' case ie,.s y
iosael ' e osee oil rstei,.
u-Iitv ss}1111vai net sirsU-~i ii i ici
-{lir. elC. '[io-i 0hlis-crvoice is of
ii ii cate volume, Iher sentences
wvere s iiie genierally lheard exceptt
it the sides of the halt. LAs an ad-
acuate tif equat rights, Mliss Anth-
oay, once a tpioneer, noiw a seteran
in the service,.tins matte her voice
heardt frion Newv Xork City to Kan-
The lecture wvas short, tasting just
ain hour. She ouittiioeid the history
of suffrage from the beginniiig of
secure thec ir ris by uiiitedsfcourt.j
:Miss Aitliourcdwelt to sonic cx-
teint asi the svtrk ini1-aisas aini the
lirogress that is being smle nt tires-
ent. The sipeaker did no~t supptort
thec generatly accepted idea that by
paising suffrage svonman wvouiit lose
niunerous other privileges that stie
nosw enjoys. Miss Ainthony cii
continue her address at the suffrage
conventioin in Neswherry hall,
January Bulletin.
i ts estensionin iiEnhglassd, sturing the I____
dcrst ofi this ceinury, to the present The J anauary inmber of the S. C.
timge. Slia spsoke clearly of the first A. lBulletiss appeared vestc.rday.
edfoct in Eiiglanst to cxteiitt politi- Three iiesv nanies appeac oiia the
cil rigists to swoiieis at the tingie boartt of editors: Euretta .c -I liiiles,
whiena lohnisStsuart .Xilt cameicfor- Ispeciat, E. S. lBarttett, lit 'q siiand
swasdt sithi his praoposition to strike 1=. hi. Caldtsell, high schl.
tie swosrtst 'iiale'' frson the pensding C. A. tBoswen continues isis article
bil fr tthe extension of suffrage. ois lmtiresscions sn the Theological
The speaker enforced with great Senminary.'' J. t. Jotinston con-
eiiphasis thorouighouit the lecture the tributes ass article on "'The hirayer
fundam-entat idea that suffrage is of Faith,'' and 1). F. Wilcox on
necessary among the tosver ctasses "The Gospet of Truth.''"'t'tie Re-
to secure ttheir elevation, because as lation of Philosophsy to Thieotogy''
long as they have no voice in elec- is an abbreviated report of P'rof.
tioins their idenmanits are ignoretd, IDewey's aiddress on that subject.
bsut as soois as thsey become the coii- I-IE A. Youing discusses "Anoericais
stituients of government they canIinistitutes of Sociology.'' The So-
claini a share in its benefits. Is liologicatlustitute to be conducted
swas tfsc extensionc of political righ'4 by :irof. Herron, beginning Jan. n28,
to the sworkiing classes in lEnglandi, is announced, unit a conversation
toigethler swiths puilic education, that iitti Evansgelist Mills on :irof. Her-
elecatedt themi from a position of in- con is also giveii. T'heiseis course
dtustrial dlegrntdation tis that of re- i of Sunday scorning addresses by
pectable citizenship. representative nmen, svhichs uas an-
Woman has been in a state of po- nouncedi recently in the D.\uss, is
litical aisi intlustrial degraidation. highly coimnedc to the studlent
the cisc of Itse Waterman gynonasiumss ii% n brOgnA
for idoior teicnis lpractice thcis ciii--
tee. 'Thlroughsthe efforts isf Profs.j
ti'attesigill ansd1-ole, perisissioic wasSot ant
finally sobtainesd for liothcteiniis antI
tradk ee to svirk in the 'iys'at
the tipesningiii the Univiersity after
tse Chrcistmsas recess. Notices wvere
publishsedtasking nl tenis imnen,
who expected to take advantage of
this opportuinity for indaoor practice,
to plc-c their oncmes to the teiniis
ncager. About thirtyisanses scere When cyiuisantl(s~ t tesileticiipiiitaist~yltc
liandced in, and alltheseniwcere ots#ii org 5 Sosgi at jjiijto5si'atpair s
prepared to begin practice last creek.
When the vacation wvas oser aind
the mnc returned expectiing to take Ra Hr asigF A
ut work in the gynonasiun a n e, lot, Isstcitto~wA AV .
it cwas discovered that no arraisge-
nments whlatever thasd been nmade ini- -J U S"F
side the "gynm," anti that the oiling Received, 400 tbs. of Fine Chocolate
oif the sdoor hisdt iot f-ct even beii Bc ciih"eoo hBons-etet~nrstl
beguni. Thle gallery had lieen laid, lisuui st ofthis miii nths'u:evser knoi',i iii
but ino furtiser attemsspts towrdthelictle livvr(ij to :5 pt- 0f t h ices
coispletlion of the ruanniing-tcack R. E, Jolly & Co,, 26 S. State St.
sari beess niadle, and the ulse tie
trnckiitichiatt exptected toti ceric-e a
irons it cwas all visionacy.-
'the Bloardl of Cosntrol ot Athsict-
icc cilnieet tossighot, stud it is ex- ---1
piectetd thsat this squestion wili oc-
copy a coinsidlerable portion of their Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
attention. It is thsen likely' that flhe
nmatterwlcvsosme before the r egents H1OTJ'ILU~NCHIES,
at their nmeeting Wednesdtay inighut, Lowneyfi hocolatei,
and the outconme ot the affair cil_
be awvaitedttvih interest. 'Tle tie- s TUJTTLE'S
velopsisesuts of touoight's mueetinig cil -i 48 S. STATE St.
dousbtless enable us to p1-see toe
nmatter noore fully auth expli citly be-T
fore our readers. HAPR BOOKST RE
First Sophomore Sociai.uENTIRE: STOu-CKsOc
Sloe often does the work of mssn bust
seldom gets equal pay. The aim of
our forefathoers nmissedi its mark
wvhen instead of establishing a goy-
ernmnet for all the people, by all
the people, they inaugnrated a gov-
ernment of male, white aristocracy.
There are but two republics in this
country, Colorado and Wyoming.
The speaker then mentioned the
One of thsensost interestisig pages
of the number is that containing thse
frank and somewhat severe criti-
Icisms made on the methods of
Evangelist Mills during his work
Ihere in the city last month.
Saturday saw skating and tennis
going on at the same time.
'T'ie social conmnittee of the
Sophonsore class toss conmpieted ar-
rangements for the first social of the
year Fridayjevening, January 26ith,
in Nickel's halt. This msakes an
assessment upon the menobers of
the class necessary, and the class
committee will begin collecting at
once. It is to be hoped that the
members of the class will not hold
hack, but that all will come ho the
front to make the affair an unqualifi-
ed success.
F'rom Publisher, ces