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January 15, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-15

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-I t~ ~ttiat nameless aggregation whicls ap- tess, sot because mcen in office do -
pj~i~ ~~A ~ teared at the (}rand,Saturday night, not desire reform, but becauseth
their patience is exhausted. 'tares- first law of sature-sef-preserva-
cbhesitlleerear-. by- darnih, 5wheniiSot Smith Russell to-wl not allosw thesn .toimel 1
THEU.OFM.INEPNDNTASSI~~tI Prse 'A " Poor Relatioin,'evr their offices by antagonizing those -aLL/f
I se., as tkenand ver onewasagainst whsoms tir reformss aredi
:- escciprsrcr price pr: uprea rr, invsriably pleased with the play. '. here is an rce. Mn fiil eudra
nar-eanc -ieeracgcii esi-ness. babsarip- cvrCe tc mroal to tsr drawn ifrom this 1iiy rl ar h eie c rieLAIGSHO FBSNS
rcsinieiris as mhccirryuetcthsidesireiLr,
est sSclltss. rcih arc crche ritrs rr contrast,ancd that is that the theatre- forms if they could do so andh also rrrriSHORTHAND.1Magirlricrrr biirg irree
y teacers iieri-rrrce;gord risrciprlinre;siprs-
naiiraaeii-rrcorer s in this cite demnrd first-class rti h i fie. T e v ts of ioreciicrie rrrriiirri rearrinrr oomr;eril e ci r ce
inmuicti c soud ech iherriicc by rta-th i o-ce . Th ots e+tr rrr i-rc c rrirrarcceprrr i penrr rerrcrrir-e yer
o'clsek P-si.it chey arcesir eppear the netllacs er-erras higher prices of ad- wonsen swould keep in ofice en s tr-csrrrrrers5i oi plairirrcccinrir-ircx iiin posi-
P in offce en irr e4irrsicI nr-i ae ratee crwiir. 7irvi u
tey. .Aadress tilm erinienedafor pussies- sissin. It the maingers of thre V-,hwoldwork for tesian en- ieosrr25tora;5rper eek-cinrjpricvace faiis.
curs in the ManarginigEdiner. All business tre wOairu bce Fr N c'aeinier e
eomrnicetsshodbsiiie seni in the Bus- opera house ace tra snceed, they ance of lair and order. P. R. CLEARY, FanS.
arcs ,iMaaer. msust fuirnish thse class of plays whirlch ____________________
THE U. of X. DAILY. y _____ _________
Ann Arbor,. lish. a usnicersity towni shousld have. ( --' - OEO
EDI-rTS. Tire, eseitor of the Istercollegiate"
C. A. ivi.c r, Irrir- 5'.4,Manaing ito are. Athletic departsment of thse Iieucer- I IFJ C _
- iarer i.A.A.iici. sit Alaaiiie swho seemis to be af- ' ii.i~
.I. 1.. Lottr , L ii. 95, Aucictitr. y - - ,- - - -
F.tativ cue ric 91, Ass~icr C fliceri sith tire nearsigistedns sa s'Iire S tbeak in ies c-I Fundryircb. r.-. i-re
j.A . iL:trlitiv ii. ii, Athi ; E ie r. n- cisTroaitnaserscitcs i c-i ii Abo'rr by icir traii
comioflto aste n c itis, i re 'ircr~isrc3ii.
. 5. ( i- ri-ci . ir.t., BiesicMangcr. HrfO'' cdPopae }:r+ o
5CeI. A. 11ines,. ir. 'cc, Assstcrrrr sponisire for thse feollowving very dis- Hirsf.I-d's Acid Phospha
tr1c11L iris.- i ire"-. crisiiati ssgestinmate iof Western Ist) isosefec iundl i a i iurit. t i -nt
H. Bi. Ourviriiir. ii'9 .4 il. r footballI trains. \te~~c e gree- Trains run 5crtriersn inisnr-c cc;ieToed
foobal teals.-nriWe..prinrt it. merelyA ciioirely.
F.I'. Sdrr (1i6. (.- -ii sanilstainofss es al nforil-ran 'I ~ it Sunrrs
. Vlyir. i' bi.L.D~rtirndarr. sa llsrtino hedneIgnor--ab esredy Inexistence o 11 S GR~sejlE5c40D ret li ih
Allc ares r-V cr. 1.11) II trinie . - -w.H. iiCNNET571 O.P. A. 5cii ic
Iirercr A'ciri. ance thsat at paresernt prevails cress isn seetn nieto n
L. E. Cirrr-arl, 'Mi. 5'. 0. Jenbis,- ci. the coluisnis of miagazlines srspposed -(RcI}Dfp"V 'JhO g ~

to lie relaresenstative of Amserican
Aul ropy ron-c beii rthe c ificvbefo rrei . in
of ciea(laysof prrblieionri. spaort. 'In the W~est, judging froma
"- - - the gaimes sayed thris fall, Oberlin,
Tire 5.5rd i i res bornotiholdrthemselvesipnn nst
Bcbiefr theisonpinion rrrrsccatemesrrofi.ceorres- Ai- staUniversity, arid Purdue,
tpcndennts irperri sire Oriry. are undoubtedly the stroingest irs
r football of any of thne colleges crest
of the Allegbanies, excelpting Call-
f ormia traims, wvhose conslarative
Ir is to be hropaed that thre base- stre-ngth is not known. Tire three
ball osasagemcentcwilltar suiccessfulrteiarms rmentionaedthave not sadI up-
in arranging for ass easrern triptahuis portunity to decisde tine sutaremsacy.
year, as is nose contemplataedl. After these weouldl comiclWisconsin
University, Chicago Uiv-erbity, 11-
As will appaear fronitire figures of lisnois Stairtesniversity, Anns Arboar,
complarative iniconies of right WVest- andri lepawr. \Miclhigani scored in;
ecu insstituntions,. Michigan eits the tess years (let isIhotpe that tisis is ai
one-sixth mill tax raises tire largest typsographlical error) seven victories,
aniournt for tier prile, tireUtiviersity scoring 274 plinsts to tier oppahonernts'
of Michigan. 102~. Tisrear msarks' a gratifying
imrrovemaent os-er last year's fosir,
teris a serious mistake to Icy a andif M \icigian's tea wokcnf
wvalk across tirelractice gcriris, - - c aissokcn
frm hetimses to imrrsaove thsere is es-cryrca-
frori irersrchi-a bciidng o tresois to hropae that sire cwiiiratetire
gyminasirur, as it with be a serious pusitionriamiong tire Western unieri-
msenace to the use of tire grounds. sities that her nmbers wcrrant."
We cannot see swhat is to tar gained It is encouraging ho observe that se
by a walk in that paositiosn inasmauch already oustranhk Detaauwv, arid if our
as the gymnuasiumn is natradly for "team crk contiuses to imrprove
use._ there is every reason to rope" that
THYsdisbanding of thre Inter- see may somsetime win frons Chicrigo
collegiate Athletic association of or even Purdure.
the Northwest seems to imeet cwith
tire approval of all concerned. As S. C. A. Service.
for 'Michigan wee can say that nio
tears hare been shed over the din- MisSanI.Atoyadesh
ruption of the association, enhich a large aurdience at Necwberry halt,
seas a greatexns to all concerned. Sunday morning, on thin subject,
expense"Moral Influence versurs Political
Now we are free to act and choose-
whatever universities wec like to coni- Pocwer."
pete with us. WVe have lost nothing She showed lby a number of inter-
and gained mocha, so ac have no esting examples that the nioral in-
reason to complain, fluence of woman accomplishes but
______________ little in the way of reformu because
WiiEN the student theatre-goers not hacked hy political laower.
ace imposed upon as they were by Petitions for refornmn are power-

Iiev ing those isenases ar ising
froma a disordered stomachi.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
Mass., sys: "I valuesis as an exeellent
psreeniative of indigesiio, aend a pitecasi
acidultecd sriek cwhero erl~cyudisued ithsr
wate, andr sweetenedr."
D~recr iive iirrrihietfree ion appiicatrion toi
l~tumforni Chemical Weeks, Pcovirdisns.R.I.
nei-recciSblstitutires rrritt ins.
For Sale by all Druggists

GOi.NIGHT sioni sixl.
ihe ti ~'c u i cur iv Ii ri-h 5 ili n ofii i
A w' t
tire Grrecu: rlis-icnc- ric m-rim lrt.rr
"An Irish Statesman "
lirs1ii er i- lr u p ci rey.
PRICSc l eseir'r-ved cl"cci. 7c; i disi- ---
icuruirl ndccci rst rowii ccc 'cunctl i-i rc e,
car-c Prq-uelteir i icicc f icr -rowic:r rc-
Rese-rvedri eatci-cii afeii at i ii- is i ic-slr

- -c - Hlf-Ton~e Cuts.
, ii iuestrr'tiorsjcr
S( IlegCJoLr~UalBok5
lbsprerlu tior)noJPetndsullk
1[tat~Je ec~ulti '
rte nc pi. e b s o l Arc i ec lS ipics als
Corre~pondenee G oliched- 5

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