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March 08, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-08

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VOL. TV-No. 113.
Another issue of this Popular;
Publication Will Appear Tomor-
row-A Good Number.



The number of Wrinkle which will
appear tomorrow is equal to any
which has ttsos far appeared. Sev-
eral artictes of sinusuat note are pub-
ished in ttse corrent number.
The double page cartoon illustrat-
iug the psopliiar soisg, Romeo aisd
J uliet, consistisg of fisve cuts, is
es1eciliy fiue. It is furitished by
:1. W. Camipau, '95.
The froint page illustration is by
R. LI. Wagner and represents a
Mlarch scene. 'Iwo cuts by E. C).
W~ardell aisd Clara T. Angeli are
Ansong thse literary contributions
,af especial note is "The Epistolary
History of T. Willie Wee, Jr., or
How a Freshmsan Remiained in the
University," by H. C. Ryan, '9 .
This article is opportune at the
present time as it deals with a fresh-
man's experienace with his oit, cois
"Wrinkles,"' by Clyde We. Frait-
cis '89, who is a regular contribui-
sor, famnishes a series of wriiskles,
which are good. The date for the
Antidity of jokes'' is psst at Bi.
C. j -160o1inthe present insber.
Aioing the otlier articles tworthy
f imention are:''A tPastel,'' by 1'.
Briscoe, '95: ''The Boarding hlouse
Pie,'by F. R. Citchccn, '96,;
"Tinsely Notes on Baseball Petac-
tice,'' by W. E. IBolles, '9--."De
\gatlsos Butchser'' in five lanuages.
lenjaimin Franklis is again re-
msernbered with a picture and a verse
-In the Library,'' by it1. C. Ryan.
sillustrated by R.,IL. Wagner, 'gs
"OfiiCourse"'is a very pretty litti"
sonnetbisV P. IHerimanns. ( hi
isort verses are by Messrs.lIngrahas,
>te_ nbaugis, Kellog g andr otters.
Wrinkle is somewhat delayed, btn
viii probably be on sale at chatpel
time, if not, by one o'clock. I

partnment. The motion was very REPUBLICAN CLUE. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT
unpopular and was laid on the table. Election of Officers and Delegates ; htostl,rstseosyssf
Mr. J. N. Davis offered a motion Last Evening.-J. J. Sheridan * aun mu
to submsit to the dean a resolution Chosen President. 4 J~ 111~1
asking that the law library be opfen The itseeting of the U. of M. Re- ~ ~ Wl
' bStlsis' y e v t 1s1I. Ceset.
from 8s o'clock a. us. until 9o'clockIpulcncu lateeigwsa! DceIylosGndr
1). in. This motion was adopted very quiiet one, in nsarked contrast ',1,p5 itlrsst"AfIis'
unainousy.to stormsy electioiss of the club i c 'sit :. I srtsisiot te sss h 1Stil.
'The umatter of the disorders in tihe former years. The only contest 3
lectre oonswassetted y tle made was for the office of presidlent, S ot anS
ailoption of a resolution declaring the oilier officers and delegates be-____________________
'that it is the seisse of the class tihat ing elected without applositioni.
better order sholtd and still be noe-.Ssrdt,'4lso
niaiistaineel in tise lecture coon.'' rn ais ascoe rsdn
I seas also voted tlhat the class ex- by 57 votes 10 44 for Mr. Burnhans,
tipress its confideince in IProf. Griffin '5ls.'h ertr este
and also its thtanks for his lentenscy instructed to cast the vote of the
to thse class. society for the remaining officers its
Professor Stanley's Lecture,. olw:\iepesdnH .iu
-- merman, '95 law; secretary, John wirstrsss eascleatestestropits~sa,,Styits
:Professor Stanley will lecture in Q. Adams, '94 lit; treasurer, 1.I. hnAn rl rie sn orclogures-o
Frieze ?Menmorial ball this evening at Dasef, '95 lit.
eight o'clock, on 11 The Violin." The elections of delegates to the
The lecture will be illustrated with convention of tlse Amserican College R
different isrmns drawings, etc. Republican League soon to be held 1013-5 iiticssAv.
b sruet, a ttfE-m ir, - - MIChIGANI
Prof. Zeit. will assist in this psart of at Syracuse, followed. The foliowe-1
the lecture. The lhistory of the insg delegates were chiosens by unani-
violin swill be sketched fromt the moois vote: F. C. Ruhtis, It. It. Pat-'
earliest isses throeugh its dlevelols- terson, G. W. Fuller , I". . Nesvttois;
msent to the ptresenst. Those who and G. It. ieonardl.
are at all interested its this isoble in- -
striument will no iloubt bse glad to R eturn a Jury. Atistic Phtographer, E . HURON ST.
tatke thisiuusual topportnity of ' i is jte ra istctr-i
Theniigsinforyiation sll tseIsrscttueil FRESHI ASSORTMENT
dinng nfomaton hic wold'- otritrwas held yesterdlay-anel the
Itewis cot iiasy lotss o re actual maclsinery- of the lat'was puit 1L..QsILJFN( , .Is.
search. Admnissioin till be free. liaic.'ie torysw-
Wrinke Bord Ogan ced. nesses, jutrymns and officers of the
__ cortsid their iindisviduailtwork twithli 'UL' l'S, - 48 S. Stat S.
'iTe ness 'Wtrinkrle boardl net last I the alacrity of old liractitioners.TagtndDnealevrteWidt
ntighit for organization. Williani1,:.Thtis series oif cases promises to be rishe Leading Aeademies:
iolles, '95, was re-elected lmansaginlg the msost interesting feature inl con-' 1.117. py ()x -oB.D
editor: Horton C. Ry an, '90. was re- etol filsts'laeeesatsl t sist il tich iit snapnt'ssssiisoset oftsce
felected to a place on the board antid this year. A flash-ligiht tictusse of Griange f'sAscsaistmssC.AriSt.r5be,
thsenloathe assistanttisaisagisigeritor: te pacicecort ts esiritop." x1!11ss isints-catei Is-ou
asnd Robert I.. Wagnier wsatre-elect- akes i y' tir u (ihison tsar 'TO r. s-sVisss s .Iv se- -i
elt chairmass of the art stal. 'These, \\'it"
svith Thal. It. Smith, '95 as business IThe Debate with Northuwestern
nmanager, anti Messrs. M. i«'. Cam-'
Ssaus, '96: T. 1,. 1 sie, '9 s, asdelItenry- 'PTe rebate sithsN orthwsestern
It. Kellogg, '95, now5 constitrute thue Itwill occue on tlhe evensing of Aptril
editorial shaft.I is oassible thait6 its ltsiversitv hall. Tueeiuestisotsn BASE BALL GOODS
addritions trill soon be nsade to this ssill be ott the annexation of thse'
numtber. Haweaiian Islandis, -Miehigals Iasvitg uits antd GymnashifiumStil-

the affirmative. M1ichigan's deisat- 1iS.
Thte junior law class lhelti a mseet- Drti. Ii lean spsoke at Newberry'I ems ill lie the weners of the recent
ing after the lecture yesterday after- I hall y'esterday afternoon on ''The Icontest debate, Messrs. Hays, Atar- ss-te ic ti 5555'st : sss izns- -as is ss re, cs.
noont to consider the recent cases of History of Missions.'' tie spoke lett antI Lindley. northswestern
disorder and bolting among msembers separately on ttse apostolic, the weihi be represented by~lessis. Camnp-"
of the class. A motion was umade m ediaeval and the mlodern periods bell, Goshen and Hedley. 9
thsat a committee of seven be ap- of missionary work. lie gives the-1--4 - A LJ
pitdto look after the conduct of last lecture of the series this afier- Thfle sophomore social wihi beUAIESTB O SO E
tle mtenmbers and reprimand anyone noon at ffye o'clock on "Thse Sue- held Saturday' evening it Newberry ' '
guilty of misconduct in the late de- cess of Missions.'' hall. I t l'IE ySTRtEET, AN-N ARiIO I,.

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