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March 08, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-08

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11 of 'hziVrer it would arouse interest in ---
a branch of athletics that has SOfa
rt hb al' SnsnC ett~ uc een soilieshat neglected. ity all
ttie Caolteryeat', by
li-E U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION oeaslt S/ae n/noo me
____and let all arrangements for a soc-
ubahtenptin prieets:.&0 per year, invariably cesinil one be made at once. fillifii~' l
i} irn0 ec Single copies 3 ents. Snineeto- TA
Lisns may Sbe left at the otcee nf the 1)ANv, I S.t I the mind of the studont'-
totet'twithean th di.,,o nonC) in college runneth not to time/
Communicationnshoutit eeachtthte nitceeby contrary, the grosvitig evils of the
7 o'clock P. siv.itey are to appeoar ttt neat fpresetnt examination systenm at thitn I
(lay. Address all matte intended tar publica-
non to the Managing Edtor. Allbbusinessa finstitutions have heen dealt with hy
omniainaeabetniithBaethe college press. If we are to gives
nets 'Manager. filceec otefcssae n-
THE U. of M. DAILY, filcehnes h acssae _________________
Ann Arbor. Nbch, the communication in yesterday's- -
C.A ninEDITORS. DAItL', thte time has come whsenscol
c. A.UeN~sn, La 'U4,Managng Edtor.HUSBAND--"My dearotur boy Robert gradoates from the public sho3
ino'J Lnait itie oierdclchne lollh r soon, yout know. Have you thsought what he had host do then?"
. S1. , o Lt 9, sist an.J .Liwii '95,.Assistant. moatde in the exatmination systemnow WrItE-"Well John; I'd likeevrsmuht send himtocleei you
F' ~ttn. W1TR, ito 'i, Ateintant. in ion. Wihile other institotions$ think we could afford it."
J. A . suitY, tit. '96, Athletic L'li.o. I are progressing along these lines, no IIUSeA'ND-"I'm1 afraid that 'iouit of the question in3)'stear. Do yoin
5.SC iteto ' .iittaco atge know it woold cost at the very least $80t0 a year for tim at any good college?
sii tit. caneswittmtine evetlslopkeent WtFE--'IGoodness. as much as that? Of course we can't scnd him.
it....pacemonoh'9i.ott.n devBaoptt1nt,.Bitt I do want to give bin a good start in the world, and I doi't think a
.Aiisnfi,'95~ have becti made at the U'. of At. public school education is enough to eqtiip him for the battle of life."
.I.l' '<t. E .L.tti'ittle. ';li. AWe believe that sonse inethoi lmight Hc'sBnxa-uto, it is not to-day when education is so generl. N ow,
Agtne st I y "17 ii iH. D.I1 ~insc, 'iyii.
CariedSn~GI, pl'l )1At i)4THC. be devised telsreby a better anid I've been set a thinking by an advertisement I saw in otir paper tbe other
' T (_S.eohuu., '94. fairer test oif tine kinowoledge of stut- day and that is why I brought up the subject to-night. I was readinig abiout
Alcaytnttsott te le r"sai~i dents couldl be obtined titan from the Revised Encyclopedia Britannica to-day, anti its really a great thing.
of he ay f piblcatonthe titan note nade ue of. With these books in the house, Robert will have informatiotn upon 'very
MAs~s Nt i ii out ns i, iice ii ciii---'rile --- - - possible subject, and it is the most reliable information in the worldL 'What-
Mtnauin itoiir may lbe foiundi ; it 'Frl)i1,V~ The Jeffersontans. ever his natural bent is hie can find proper development for it in this ency-
iiitve tttic'inliiu inguiour.;:Sioiuiy~tSediue'-
.sv ~nu Friday, m.! S nLt ul.. u,". iiEs- The Rife 'susan society oilt meet clopedia, whether its the laiw, mechanics, engineering, literature or any of
iy cre'nine r~CtI 7510 i)iSt ongt s. the arts and sciences, Besides, there be will find the life stories of all the
toigt 'tP:;. Tic folloiving 15 great mcii of the past and he will know of their efforts, their strugle- s
Y ~their successes, and lie may have a better and more serious view o0f life.
TH AQU "SLOMNQMtse -si(----V. Ilartisati, These books have in them all the instruction hse can get in a college eel-
Redis"1iRetos.mation. Honestly, our paper has given us a great opportunity. Nu(avw my
I'r scarcely teems necessary for Socicty I aper--it1. I3. Ifaiti. dear, what do you think of my scheme?"
its to call thec atteintion of studeints( Speech-I1. . Robinson, - N Wira-Its just splendid John; but what will the books cost'
to Shke art recital finr the benefit of I-, litroiilltt s llcnssion-.tff., R. HUSBAtND--"Why, that's the most surprising thing of all. We can get
S~t Oatrialasocitiin fr li I-itliens; Neg., J. If. Simpsoitn. them for onet) ten cents a day, just think of it . Here is the offer."
theOrtorca asocatinforths ebaite.:"l'solvecd,'Utat the
organiscation atit its wvork is tilire- Stage as Conitductedl l'rodticcs uorceO
c-fated by all. 'fhr attemipt swill he Evilithans Gooid.'" QAN RECEj IT OF ON D L fLRR
made to put the association oa A':ffN.,A.h1. Couttrymatsaind J.
solitd financial basis, antd tir sniali W'. t)xtoby. s I.Genan .\ ie will forward to you, charges prepaid, the enstire set of 20 volnmes, tbe
~~~~~.adnmissioit charged fr this einter- cnel..l lnselP . remaining $9.00 to be paid at the rate of 10 cents a day (to he remoitted
taitnusent shsoiuld realize a conssidter- Ieoiet monthly). A beautiful dime savings bank will be sent with the hooks, itl
te- hichs a dime may be deposited each dlay, This edition is printed froto new,
able stin, if stumdents attenil as they large type on a fine quality of paper, aisd is strongly bound in heavy matnilla
homind. Tile.UDmtix-ta'sur's its (e -~ paper covers, which with proper care will last for years. Bear in miind that
readers that they will bi highly en- f / 1 ~ '/ f the entire 20 volumes are delivered to your address, with all charges paid to
tertained anti addl to thme su p~ It of any part of the United States,

a worthy cause if they attemnd i is art
recital on 'Saturday night.
We. trust that the matter of anin i-
door meet wtilt be acted upioim at
once by She committee in whiose
hands it has been left. There are
several reasons wvhichs make it desir-
able thsat an indoor meet should be
held. lFirst, thme Athletic associa-
tion would be benefited financially,
for there is no doubt that motney
could be made. Wisconsitn recently
made $tl o by such a meet. Then,
too, we believe thsat lime custont of
hsolding an indoor meet annually.
should be kept up. We see no valid
objection to holding it in the WaS-
erman gymnasium. Here is the
place wehere indoor mseets mmst be
held in the future, suit se cannot
understand how there can be any
consistent refusal of the "gym" for
thin purpose, wrhen permission for

Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Is the itost effetctive atndl agree-
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'This is ua spieial offer masdetnly in ticeireacers of 'ite. U. 'i Nt. 5Iii sxandiillu'mlt
tinit n ifoe a hinitedhtimie anly
('~eCu Ot ndSils J. XV. ('L'lf'1HEIr.OF'" ,1S
11leuse ihuirc. wte heIi in lIti es ~of ;20 i,-holi i s;f in uSEmiisetLr~cltfir ii
.I.iliii ,ts ovcuut' uesc'mitni u, tsijithi rwith 'Stie Dimiiett'iiiuyg1n .ii , 'icitwh,
1 fcrilsi W eiii' Jluit',(mil fotum'Siii c t toicu ).(i'giit Ju(nts iasuclotI', us iitlii nt:
tumWmi itiillho) iiitil tie'u)r~iiiuiiiiy9,'00SmSis ftdly }paiiu
I Ciio-iihicc ........ ............
Artd tiatha trsut..I. H. WEN, Pi'un -Itit>-.a -are cutre. Tey it and bte u-outvliced.
1 'F'iit till cee rerentit. Senot by mail ticsais
No4 . 4 Vatt Hrois St.. ttppoe-t ta I tOee Prt'te. Oae oItar. J011i t.HatetIl
Hunse. Stat Fd andotSea Snit iBathe. 5'ar- I-'atCI ak St., Ctisca, Illinois. Sei curt-e.,
celi ubts-. cet a r.

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