ORCHESTRA o (^ ( j TEAM v"" w at
51 S. MAN. a i D' ire, for n .Ia leer. .t$tJLS '(- I TG II -I{A.T BWZDISgI &111SE, SPropritors
NOW (ON S\LE AT O 0';' oo II'Tt1 nrr:rr
Gtdaood rlOtat. A . GodV e fPrpNo. 9 South Man street, (Storercently oe id b 't;ooSbms. org! I)
etyFloaI esins ad upll hor noice CI lI( AGO, 106 Wabah Ave., 13. ICAK.
____________._____1_,___:103.___,840 tPoliti~onbsie.. litPositonts illed lo 1to9:l
CITY LAUNDRY, t.IC50Now York, Los Angrir, Toro o. ~ i , fcalPoogahr
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.. OF TO-WIT:
KEP OU ACONTWIR HE U. OF Al. CALENDARI. evening. An audience of over oix
+*$TA TC $AVIfI2GS BA2K+I trr., )ao'rlool-iloon. Jtooo.1.tooalaS. . .huodred, made tp of nmembero of STUDENTS' VOUK A SP E-
(o. SMain and wshOnto Is roars..' the faculty, studento antd outoide('AT.
A.Wooaohrs.Ina~c~ ioglon ot Ito tA11,11.1 - opil, [- ! t oiol, rcito' Minor
A.a h. oorrt (000P o-.(ot u at 1invisitors, was present and litenedt __
CROWNPEN O. FONTAI AND OLD tlo.%IMatrliiAt rectal. odrr aas pa'"of ttwih attentiono whie the e-lreoi- / - ---
KEtr _ooPN KRoS. trisoka r'1iti)m ree toraO det outlned the developmetaoif AsJ.lES.M
i_.S r-ooo. aj a t- ro0 te national constitution.~
slio.p v'r. 1 i 'gfi . v.Perrry,-uat"Trot 1 1thecotstittion, aid the peaker,
1.3a o. o ry rrrInll watot a rvelatieoor work triurk
,.osoo s 0 toaos s. Mao,Mo t til b1 I itoy eI lob.sRioneso'"' le.'
oo00. (ocyo icoooo.'. broac~t: "vo. Soot off at a gve"tor ine, but thtae rie L./ 'k/
osa. 'Traveliliot taly.' friit of IEnglishi experienre. 'Thle ~(" /1tf(YU
__________________________ Mon.. to.., Mar. 12-'ot. MCltoiota, InIt
Ilvi . bo tbr atti-a~l lt... soP1a Sin,'rotonies that becarone the kUnitttt tIlot'LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
DANCING and DeLS (AIR TEL trtoro l ia .SisHo.t oo~lt yEtgihtoe 01ORTHAND tootlolio 111go nan
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER OL 1 l.03C ~oIHo..roi.' oaot tnithehabit of thinking for 7-ti0ahOnonp~eba,-;open n eyao,y
t i e totito' . -e 0.'l0thi. 00 . t tit ol t . o r .'.c .isIn {"s
46 S. Sate Street. theni.taloes. The irsi boittndary lies r00,00:0 .o.Otoooatt.o otogloaotttdito.'oo. io~
r OND 'os n d ancd (ltsor'.otot -0t UNIVERSITY NO CES. - torof $at.7t33per n-eott¢Orteo 000a tooloaa
dies)and) f tiri ooe'. wet- o 'tii 10 tiide the Anglo-axon >Oa t . Otao'Osi',rs
PsOND\tPl . adt"le itcco,"I. --oo Io te oai ~ r frtn Iorli .R. CLEARY, PRoS.
71'ED~t f 9tleucl>s dlntinn The astlia bord wll it or , freme. Lcalslf-governmenteis
SI0TtII I5 0 .Iii.0 00 1 olen,'s tortnleoo.oaa groaupotiture at tRandilt 'sSaturdtay a rigtul ototoritatce oda tr n tNS OAS
as000. loItaa' ,'ioa 'na100''.. aftrnoon at twoo'cocok. rare. Local sel-governmnlti00- t F ttoirtiterotatetik'et too (ito.
soP o. 1 roo traired0 sllt... IIDuncano Anderson, ' . ,is itotrite- rotiat to ntional govrnmtenot. West i. andttOdut.oin itltsaptly to
Pov'arto"sooo'by r lonoooatort. compact'w-soat'. 1.5. ( ieoii oooIi~,Tiket Aol.,Toledto
foe iln 'henistry at Ihe IUtiersity of 'Tle .-Mayflwe.oovrm..t ,yon5 tti ''0.00Aor & Norto lio'io
-W Nisconosint, Moadison, Xis. ocratic characteristic of the indivii- Setiooro i .0 Ihti t Ille~neliar00e ti-i
o Ex-Senator Ingas' subject to- iality of te cition1tomantant l o- irk otloilIeou htgahe
nimorrowr eveninog il Ile "BdItalcorntrol of local affair, onecssary l~tkiltoloes at boiitoimtprices. The~
* a Titoos-Thoeir Caueai 'ir.' to otaittainthetordigoity snot eialts I.1.J'obsu'.iC.(o.
Fot'fne t itl .0.1'toot rushett sltoandilei-
* The commintttie0001arrangemetsroft m ait. gruoti. l : io t. &.M. lDrugtor.
for theors baniqoet will metrISat- T-i: Cotiuos teto. NetooChiteestraw mlatig $soo
rtay af ternooon a1 fist oatlok, T-i iCnnirtrsAtnto.a roll (40lids.).1atXIMattino Halers.
R -oornt 25. Al onrbuiosfor 'l'o Wit' See te splenidispilojlay of Chi-
P At /. .1the meeting iof thetWrikle Ilut tbe handteodin uring theore iir oseottidtj aloootose straw manottitgsits
-b__-loartt last evenitng plans were ois- sent owek as the copy is to bel 1ao i I ailer's shoiw wintow.
TT c ussedt for an elaborate Jtunior ttrnedt oer t the Ipriter in a feio'A1n01010'n1100 001011ofolace crt-
j JGHIGAN ,'.9TjL Hto'"intimber. days. tanitanging0 l~frlan 1.25 to $6c
to r. olle terto-l Noc.tilo,'.1.1 t" ool 'tl('.i s. A.1 stsio N, antI 000000ott hio'latst russtsrslaco.
Il. I t(eisdNv-tI9. , esse,'d, frnmery assitaont Editor ito Chae. i ice front10111 .0.0to $a5.00.
AT AM. WS. . to lrof. Jolonsootin isalitatirectirni-.- Also novelties in silk tratry, at
AtbooExti I1oo- 1 Ist, Nloo ,lk'.S10.00stryis noov holditog a felloowship at Prss Banquet Cormmitteos. toar-tillo1ielb'.
r .a't East n Il. I.. 100H.Nit. ,oteoi..1.1000hiao nvestyaarot s in- --Received olfineboorlhoftontew pn
0.1R. 1011031P. . Piaosnvriy aiogha
blat no FasS t IsIt. nat. t.; inis mstry.TIhe conmmiltters fromtothe oariots terns ini silk 00001svoo tapestries forn
P~i ndY.Fxtoo...14-OisNttG. . IClopet... 3 toil ('y niversity editorial boardsoitl furnitsr coverings. If youi oisho
Nit, Limiteo-_1043:1PoootoEspo't'... ioi m~eet Satorday afternloon at5oclrock any upthiolstering one, drop me a
.HUG. Reootao H 15tS'.AYrS, A Series of Lectoures. :in ROOMo'-5. 'ontoteswt etosa ao-so wl aladrtk
. P. s T. Agt., Cl'otago. Agt., Aotn Anibor. iCmite ilb otlcr r:IWl aladmk
'The attention of alt stuoents and{ announced andl toastmaster owil be yo anoestitate. Work is done hr
TOEOelected. E. J. O'ioTss'., experieocetd wotkmtenoad guaran-
teachers is caltedt to thoe series of 12-14 Chairman. teod. Panic tPrices. Restetfully,
lectsures to be delivered by Prof. A. Al. oartin Haler. i-ifs
/ - ~ . \tt~ffrt,1) I.,On'Tor Not an Oratorical Prize Contest. l'oor -betovori Maynard St. and
a NORTH MICHI¢GAN Atostoic Age,'' at Mceiltlan hal, --- 5ib Ave., ott1iberty, '96 cane, wills
N' AIL-WAY"ia adStudySonmething new and novel-a con- inita S. I.1B. on tip.
TFridaay and Saturdayoootoo, oo. . .evenings, and o" retrry nr 9) test in the dancing school. Mr.-'-
Traits tovo' Ant Arbosr byi Centrool Suntday afternoon, anid at the Pr'es-°TwoSe
itaodarl'ooe. hrcGnIranger los a new and originatw tp
';Ia.,a. 'r15 . byterianchon Sunday eening. dance that has not been danced or 'he Waltz Oxford has surtrised
'1:15 1. r0. .. 9110o. too.11, l.r. M'oc~iffert is one of te profes published as yet, and proposes t0o us. S srsigiswyit h
Ttainsrtoobetwton AnArbor ntol Ooiolo sors ins Union T1heological Semi. give a thorough explanation (print- place of thec 1Two Step. We hae
Ali uisad omrpplt rants So~tytaroetcepotodoray. nary of New \'ork city, and comes e) to hsputsadrepu1pil, just tlacrdouor order fora fresho
R.5. tItEENOOO, Agent, Aoooo Arbo. tey, withoout any assistatce, to stop olyf twvcety-ive copies with
w. . BBENNEOT,G. P. A. Tooledo. under the auspices of the Tappan pick out the dance and at an even- M~rr. (bYra or.- "oosceyppr
-ANN ARBOR- ascain h etrsaeOt ing to be set in te near future, "The TIwo Sel," Bufftao, N. '.,
nnr nCiiO.qg to tthe public and all are invited, dance their conception of the same. Marchoo o-,
K JA 1TII) AJ ie opewoodneitcretTn - -
/1- /J hecupewh aneitcrrc ad-lonto+y
2M SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Harrnon at Leland Stanord. with the nost grace, to receive a HsoyCass
E. . SRVSS, - Mnaer. EuPreidet arrsondeiveedcash prize of $io; the couple next, History z. American Colooial
S.___________________E-Presdentarrisodeliered_ tuition tickets for term at the llistory. h1'lt sections ill nmet
it ii iiCAT RE loIis introductory lecture at Leland academoy. The mnusic can be had at net week at the regolar our.
itfi i! 1li laintoonStret. Stanford, jr., unitersity, Tuesday ther acatemy March optl. 1 I . ,Ar.