THE GREATEST SONG-SINGER. his masterly performance aroused WE ARE IN LINE.
an enthusiasm which manifested Candidates for the Baseball Nine
As a Pleasing High Grade Baritone C N ers.-ote.Promi-
Singer Max Heinrich itself in imperative encores. Mr. are Numerous.-Some Promi-
has ro Eoual Z.eitz is a finished artist in every nest Men. ieiisinini no velis sid
Y i cn venie of string cseII give away
particular. Mr. Heinrici was full What are the prospects for our
Max Heinrich, the greatest living of appreciation of his work which baseball team this spring? is the On o.-i~t iis-'your i,'-ii e
song-singer, in this particular field he characterized as "great." Mr. question one hears on every side conacianvreose ours tov,.
a genius of the first order, charmed Zeitz has appeared so often in the just now. The answer, we feel sure,
a large audience in University Hall, School of Music recitals that le las need be no disappointing one. 79 '' 0 roh ®Ygag (
by his matchless interpretations of a large circle of admirers, which, Michigan's prospects are good, and Ieeial Mii- Dealers, r
a choice group of songs. ioday, must include earl nd every- if no further delay is imposed upon 5 Souti MaieSt.
'hat he is a gius is admitted by; one in that vast audience. the beginning of indoor practice,
ill ersiins h-io have in ies tf thy -- Mchigan's siehders of the hat sull
usiianshi displayed in such ani The inland League, be in shape to meet any.
undertaking as singing over twenty The Inland League not having had l the first thing to be considered
of the greatest songs, songs writie tertainments for a few weeks, always is the number and standing
all ersos wo hae a ide ofthe , i coft ig an wilaers tuoa thebawil:
in al styles demanding a many is ready now to continue its course of the candidates. Tis yeir the
sidednss of conception which few for several weeks regularly. Mon standing of the candidates is espec-
singers have ever possessed. Not day evening next, February i, Prof. ially gratifying, while about forty
in the absurd sense in which a man Taylor will lecture upon ''Some Re- Players have already signified their
proficient in any instrument is called cent Phases of the Monetary Situa- intention of competing for the team. wreniyouiwintta tesntetaopoiitinstyes
of 8,$::3, f4 or $n Shoes ,t 5:7c to it a pair 10 ss
the Litz-iow the Paderewski of his tion in the United States." This Of the men on last year's team, tlan Ann Arbor prics send for cataogue to
instrument-but in a sense which promises to be a very interesting those still in the University are
carries with nothing of degrading lecture, and as it is one which will Shields (captain), lKrogman,Spitzer,
comparison, his work in the depart- deal with the most important eco- Smeltzer and Russell. Among the tot ia-inn ktn,
101, 183-185 woonDwan Av;.
went of song-singing must be com- nomic questions of the day, Prof. new men are some of consideralbe iETROIT, - - ICIItAN.
lpared to that of the greatest in any Taylor will probably have a large reputation and a number of mnen
Taught annnnd daiovrte Word at
other branch of artistic endeavor. audience. Admission ten cents. who have previously nmade a strong tie LeaiAademns r
TO sng the Erl King, as he sang it the league is making quite ex- Pull for a position on the team. TAXTZ OX ORD
last night, would place a singer tensive prepLaratits for it, and ant yar saw Michigan somewhatI 'IsZ -OX iORD
hgreatest exponents of the acrippled in the box, but the present i > to.,s S o , urer, 11th r of U. o 5. Waltz.
iiioiSgthoeas eanyarepanticipaing the entertin-Grager's Adeynam. inn Arbor.
tvhe art, for the dramatic force of mt to le given n [his course indications are that there will be no Mich. Jiiniii iuss o i-n ini a rr'
Goethe's poem was never revealed Monday evening, February 26. Mr. difiiculty along that ine this rear. n .n ii ayni'il viar ias .om,cner
so perfectly. to conceive of a more 'rank lincoln apars in this Seven men have already handed in
perfect realization of the mteaning crurse at that time, and as he is their nanes for pitrher, anmug them
of that greatest of songs is impossi- prtonunced a hiuorist and enter- Krogman, last year in the box.
Ible. Could any one fail to remark tainer of superior merit, we lave n Anong the nes im, and by far the -
the manner in which the three dis- doubt it will, as it should, prove a most prominent, is Hollister, last
tinct ideas have brought out-? Not drawing card. year with Williams, and ranked by
only by a change of style, but voice -Harper's Weekly as third among the Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
countenance. His expression of The Result of Good Instruction. college pitchers of the country, next
the eyes all combined, showed the The closiug concert of the School to Carter and Highlands. Aside Second January invoice
observant listener that the Heinrichi Iof Music was given Thursday night, from being a pitcher of the first
was liig it again. in Frieze Memorial hall. A large rank, he'also had the highest bat-
Ithis impossible to speak in detail audience was present and was highly ting average in the leagues of which
of the programme, for one to do it entertained by the pupils of the Williams is a member. His coming TUTTLE - 48 S. State St
justice would be obliged to mention school. The work of the pupils has added materially to Michigan's
each one by itself, for there was no gave one more indication of the ex- strength in the box. Gallup, who Gymnasium Suits,
falling off throughout the whole cellence of the instruction given. won quite a reputation in Ohio last
evening. The pathos of "Hearing The remarkable playing of Master year, is also out for the box, and Sweaters,
Aira," Foote, (which he sang for an Harry Nancrede was especially note- there are four other candidates,
encore) and "Punchinello," the worthy. making seven in all at present. ---AND----
an A A s o There are now four candidates for
broad humor of "Gipsy John, and An Address on Cardinal Newman. catcher and it is safe to predict that
the delicious wit of ''Gruppe aus At Unity club, next Monday even- there will be no trouble in finding SPORTING " , (flOlB
Tartarus, w and the classic " Wherethe proper man. The bases and
er you walk," will recur to all. Mr. ing, Rev. Father Kelly, of the St. field positions will not go begging
Thomas' Catholic church, will give for want of applicants. Among the Of Every Deseriptin at
. a lectge upon Cardinal Newman. men after second base is McIver,
says he always is) inspired by his Father Kelly has kindly consented last year with Lafayette.
appreciative audience. Mr. Hein- upon request by the club to give The dates for the eastern trip will W A H R 'S
rich has the capacity to appreciate this lecture, and the club wishes be definitly fixed upon in a few
the approval of an intelligent audi- that as many of the ticket holders days. The object of concern of
ente, which-but 'comp arisons'are n44can wl, attend, or giYe thet Msnager Ca wel) ,antsd -apta UNIVRSITYBOOKSTOR
enceitckts: Mmeof.her, endsiSigzls acoevntrsehegrastin o
odhomns;. Mr. Zeitr- covered him. 'The lecture is sure to be entertain- the gymnasium by the regenta fqi
self with glory last night, and by ig. immediate use for indoor ratie. S TS A O