.- . of
ATHLETIC RULES this board shall lie appointeil by the TRACK ATHLETICS IN THE WEST
president of the University, to serve 1T
Adopted by the Board of Regula-, until the next annual mneeting of the Plans For a Field-Meet in ChicagoI
tion.-Southern and Eastern for the Western Chan-
baseballTrips. jSenate or until their soccessors shallponip
libe chioseni. At the next ainliulal meet-j
The ,regular ootlily mseetinig offitg, tie Seniatenmembhers of t}e Iboardl HryCrihmngro h
the board for regulation of athletics( shall he chosen as the Sedate stay ii iao-tltc lb isu n
ws hfeld Monday evcning in the rect. ChcaoAtlti lui i rgn
dea's ffie a th la buldig. V. iTie hoard shlll elect itsowott the ntecessity of sonic athletic meet-.
den ofcea tl nthticio.chairman aiii secretary. lng it the West, sinmilar to the Mott
Scra tiportant tmatters favorahle V-lIn iicase ant stiireit i ltesO a ise et lesy in tlrs
to te itterests of athletics ttere i le or tinier ioi this bioard, hi ,hall tie
actedi upon . in lpresentation by a lstibjectedl to iliscipliiie by tie Ifacutlty est titere is tniway in which thteI
I~~ ~ ~~ af itsieiittis1ion.egrsithet tclttrtiit tonwichtiel le- \\ ctct ticolleges catsprove te
loiitng i a us. li i i sit statusi, ofitheir cdevelopmietiitstrack
~ ii Vhf Ic is litl tub htits The leagoes in trick at-
Huh i tot it iritctireprt a tait iiitii i trt lii s ini the W est tre nonie of hen)iit
"yn" fr imeditie use, verre iof thle S-caic.
It . it ti i tde V tl. ileutluciteetlig s iiib #i~ i clicrutencve ieotighs andilthe
dcii i i cj Ic. ut1 citt helto 0111the iiiirs ot Mtlay it taci ititiitlcihatiiionslip itteither onte cithtiett
lie gn or atiihalf-pitseeiine'clok ii i te ilts is at best ati iticertainisanth on-ts-
allov tae u~eof hi gym "'r oce n te lw bildng.Speialfactorty honior.
baseball iractice fro!nt Feb. 1t to imeetitigs maiybhe iltd at tiy tiiie atthde lettnae lti ieclee
ptri i t bet ie iitheito-irs ittI ant i call if the cliairittn.
±,ill tohei aftecrnoittnt subject t stint' I1. A Ititjisrity vote shtail decide still do the~ir parc the Chticago Ati- ow
resritios s heymihtall qutestiotts. Stixtteinleri it the letic (Cltbstill sold a imeeting op, n iii
retn ttsu lc ii pliisie. bioardi shall conistituite a qpturium. to all cttlleges for the chamnpiionship
iice schicdulc o1 the basseball matn- X. Suib-eiuiiiiithses inast be a-o h e t there is every reason
iErinedwstitaliuron ed as far as arranged. Iiitedl ii5deemsiidl lcutiie} y hthe t eic littledigclee
Twc itrips w ilbeutile, nt-scouthilioirit
lurnthelisprigsvacation; Chic othcr Nwstteuitliycthhea sill taecepit this offer atiChit if tileii
ot etweilei ltnitIc s No personilishall playo isanyitidi- gamics should belielil iinCitiesgci
lititit trtcompete in anyitiythetic ciiciili, IWisconisin.M ulitnicsota,
un lit Icii itiii i i u Ile cointest ioiiiis ii i t a tegulare iilttiiicn and tihier uitiersities st-tiii ii itoh-
zn, nChalrnaccIln iii thlic i lisity in goodiI ttiiniicr be t ci ette.
,. p 1 d r., +. or lollltt illtalilt <tiileti 'i tE t Iii to
lilt p- 11d Iii s ( ot c ml cl.i iittld ci ci i it Cie lb ptil. i
I t lh r 1 illoiti itit istit 'tiaitttt
llic tot 5 -ai w l ti' a t c tbe I i iciet ts r-i itft tilnlll ch li t l ti tt tilt 1i ,tC l ate
1ii03) 1111ii\a li-riitssrc it Lit iiil. ocanur--ondltiointhe liii cliii cii cl0
tiotw atllntsiii iht\en-n lc ~ii elclmv 11atb i eeiell titiycllit tdctott toftileI uteretullinte
able bescetirll. Thee ivil b n~iot;itAlitit<attoev to upltiyiiigY til ityibeultnt egeisli1ilii
tittec~se tigme aelltie oftheL}ini it etii i:sill. cu wshldls ngi i h ar
.icatterrcl ae ths yno ar ear.;titiiinoftihnis irthelsetctut .,Sre;iac)Nei , itheunoerofutre
rlesrw resnt Iliia iiinilDattd ttiiiNotihpetni tem rUnieiltsali lecteis theisg tosiletiait eria
ithcte ar enngirt niaill po-i beIpiiiiirrlietttielanytiimtnseytttnipen- itifore atingItercheiane
ably besecured There ill bt:no staio lnlis ovfor p~tilaintienclin pbia egu ob edi
orealn vr trittcn iie-thetUiversioty haleivrity.h lbAnrtitii ~toi vreds
Thn e rerttt of the n itton oni thsyIttlefnll ottiticstittand themseso ssdMr tL the Lonwsiunan rimosoryc
atleticsrs. etie andII aroped.ci rles, leictamt iav ow liacteotisorthei tnnttt.
pheirlesor itie ahif efowhin ;nfl. Nieotaiiediginifr iiom 17kith i u fs ieoratiieilbdinreteb.ic17gatn
i-oiprcietiiveceguatiits itvrii h(nl)hCptinselot ofay ayolei ermstin acs f$ o [ialodfr
ortir thaeearran tent a yiungerofthbaivest hllb pnie orthe banqut intIetoithwebeti.is-
stantearIeligiiooft- oars)tthi Therdifritig vofatilloittiheseitcusTedadoheiigcomistee eorsix
Iatheii ter bue anti Is hiees -binils. thate l fticketsu for ScthenueIC.
1 ctil iiiiiveorttbittro iereg-;ability o maesch al beoflinilindis Fmussbe-obti.nW. eoitb.1 nosessalbepaydo aycay terta
citornsivathegsutios iiciernii ti bar. cos flror2.0. T ersilod.aC.
saesyaodMieigii yofplye XI. Allhe hietingesof guichs ansh Thitilwil cmmtte-f ix
th. hvar is utnrlsha nefulreaieroseclbythib ard.robthsenataJpoi.nSed t aeWchargelii
oitooftlileton uranttoI b ~ oar.telb Dale ab ices:JI. S Fint, J.
creteda Uivesit bardforther EngaineofpaerghaSocieydeciders.y Swrguse, C. . Nredoanae
ithiletics subject to suehi regtllationls EgneigSceyOfcr. Sag .K remn .G
as thin Senlate niay iereaf ten prescribe. At chic election of the Engineer- Long, C. K. Burnhanm, A. IL. Allor,
lt. That this bonardl shall conssist o1 log society last Friday evening, the G.XV. 1-oiler.
inie members, live of whioi shitill be following officers were elected: Pes.
chosen from the tUniversity of Michi Frederick C. Noble, C. hE.'94 Dr. Mend will give some practical
ovanl Senate and foulr by the board of vice-pres., A. E. Johnston, C..95;
directors of the Athletic asso~ciationl of sec'y, G. E. Fisher, E. C. '97; pro- demonstrations to his class in Phys- L
te University of Michigan. gram committee, Messrs. Denlrick, iological Psychology on the ear and
ICV. That the Senate nienibers of Barnes, King, Kelly and Bianchard. its mechanism.
ro hti e Aml[a !o
iti tti 'lt Il t t'1cu Gl:t tc ut wit y
oil 01l e tt o lst-il.
iet liil uit De ers
51 013th MainSt
tim-ut cttsssstttmm-1.ttc-ut~cm ttimtty
$3St i,$ s or $5tt Shoestt t 1-. mm$- a a it let-
till AtnI Arbor pritces send orCatalosuie is
101, 183--l"1 imitmcit5 t.
R0hIb'i - iltdtlIGtN
[E'ii [' t li-i t-- i t tu i l*lti- tit ..-t
tasic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
UrT l~'S, - 48 S. Slate St.
Gynmnasium Suits,
cit Every Descriptiati at