.- . of A&I AL .1d9omb-0 m1w VOL. IV.-No. 93d. UNIVERSITY OF MICHiIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 189 4. ATHLETIC RULES this board shall lie appointeil by the TRACK ATHLETICS IN THE WEST president of the University, to serve 1T Adopted by the Board of Regula-, until the next annual mneeting of the Plans For a Field-Meet in ChicagoI tion.-Southern and Eastern for the Western Chan- baseballTrips. jSenate or until their soccessors shallponip libe chioseni. At the next ainliulal meet-j The ,regular ootlily mseetinig offitg, tie Seniatenmembhers of t}e Iboardl HryCrihmngro h the board for regulation of athletics( shall he chosen as the Sedate stay ii iao-tltc lb isu n ws hfeld Monday evcning in the rect. ChcaoAtlti lui i rgn dea's ffie a th la buldig. V. iTie hoard shlll elect itsowott the ntecessity of sonic athletic meet-. den ofcea tl nthticio.chairman aiii secretary. lng it the West, sinmilar to the Mott Scra tiportant tmatters favorahle V-lIn iicase ant stiireit i ltesO a ise et lesy in tlrs to te itterests of athletics ttere i le or tinier ioi this bioard, hi ,hall tie actedi upon . in lpresentation by a lstibjectedl to iliscipliiie by tie Ifacutlty est titere is tniway in which thteI I~~ ~ ~~ af itsieiittis1ion.egrsithet tclttrtiit tonwichtiel le- \\ ctct ticolleges catsprove te loiitng i a us. li i i sit statusi, ofitheir cdevelopmietiitstrack ~ ii Vhf Ic is litl tub htits The leagoes in trick at- Huh i tot it iritctireprt a tait iiitii i trt lii s ini the W est tre nonie of hen)iit "yn" fr imeditie use, verre iof thle S-caic. It . it ti i tde V tl. ileutluciteetlig s iiib #i~ i clicrutencve ieotighs andilthe dcii i i cj Ic. ut1 citt helto 0111the iiiirs ot Mtlay it taci ititiitlcihatiiionslip itteither onte cithtiett lie gn or atiihalf-pitseeiine'clok ii i te ilts is at best ati iticertainisanth on-ts- allov tae u~eof hi gym "'r oce n te lw bildng.Speialfactorty honior. baseball iractice fro!nt Feb. 1t to imeetitigs maiybhe iltd at tiy tiiie atthde lettnae lti ieclee ptri i t bet ie iitheito-irs ittI ant i call if the cliairittn. ±,ill tohei aftecrnoittnt subject t stint' I1. A Ititjisrity vote shtail decide still do the~ir parc the Chticago Ati- ow resritios s heymihtall qutestiotts. Stixtteinleri it the letic (Cltbstill sold a imeeting op, n iii retn ttsu lc ii pliisie. bioardi shall conistituite a qpturium. to all cttlleges for the chamnpiionship iice schicdulc o1 the basseball matn- X. Suib-eiuiiiiithses inast be a-o h e t there is every reason iErinedwstitaliuron ed as far as arranged. Iiitedl ii5deemsiidl lcutiie} y hthe t eic littledigclee Twc itrips w ilbeutile, nt-scouthilioirit lurnthelisprigsvacation; Chic othcr Nwstteuitliycthhea sill taecepit this offer atiChit if tileii ot etweilei ltnitIc s No personilishall playo isanyitidi- gamics should belielil iinCitiesgci lititit trtcompete in anyitiythetic ciiciili, IWisconisin.M ulitnicsota, un lit Icii itiii i i u Ile cointest ioiiiis ii i t a tegulare iilttiiicn and tihier uitiersities st-tiii ii itoh- zn, nChalrnaccIln iii thlic i lisity in goodiI ttiiniicr be t ci ette. ,. p 1 d r., +. or lollltt illtalilt