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February 02, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-02

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VOL. IV.-No. 8P.


THIS IS NO FAKE. receipts will go to the deserving MUSIC AT ITS BEST.
u npoor. .The canvas used by the n~ The Concert Given by the Faculty of
urRpVnWinkle Gymn is to be r omte
Completed at Once.-An Exten- sor hop committee has been secured. the School of Music Last Night
sion of the Law Course. Stabler has charge of thi ecora- the Best of the Season.
tions. The printing has been do- A good sized audience assembled
Regents Barbour and Cocker, nated, the refreshments are all ex- last evening in Frieze Memorial hail
lean Knowlton and Prof. Mechem pected to be donated, and are in to enjoy the concert given by the
returned frorn the East yesterday. I charge of Mrs. de Pont. faculty of the School of Music The
Their mission was a twofold one, The patronesses for the evening 1"0 ,, ....Py ,.....n

To Gie Amfa .
We have some fine lead pencils and
-oncenientstring case to give away
tot iny one whwuill callaf r them.
We want to see your face and give
}oa chane to see our stock,

consisting of an investigation of the are Mesdames. Angell, Thompson,
eastern university law schools and E Pettee, Nancrede, de Pont, Carrow,

plugllic ecsiilcc was given in
yesterday's D)s.i xv
The audience was very much

gymnasiums. Stanley,Vaughan,Knowlton, Adams, pleased sith the skillful ianner in
The institutions visited inclhded IBach, Clarkson, Doty, Clement, whiich Herr Zeitz performed his ex-
Ilarvard, Yale, Cornell, Boston Hall. ceedingly difficult part in the first
U niversity, and the Coi mbia, Chase The following gentlemen will con- number. Ir. Mills rendered the
and Metropolitan law schools. They stitute the floor committee: Ross second number on the program in
were everywhere received with the Granger, Carl Warden, Carl Miller, his usual pleasing manner. Miss
highest consideration, and found John Rogers, Earl Babst, Bert Bar- .. Jeanette Loudon then took her
that our law school is held in high ian, J. J. Quarry, Harry Dinglan, place at the piano and played Bee-
regard throughout the East. Their Fred McOmber, H. M. Senter, John thoven's Sonata. which was received
investigations have shown them that L. Duffy, Dan Quirk, Thomas tith great applause.
no material changes will be neces- Cooley. The "Ave Maria,'' rendered by
ary in this department, although The Chequamegon Orchestra fur- the sweet voice of Miss Alice Bailey
an extension of the course from two nishes the music, which they have was one of the most pleasing num-
to three years is contemplated. especially prepared for the occa- bers on the program. Ilut Herr
The case system is used almost sion. 'Tickets are $; which will Schmaal was the "star'' of the even-
exclusively in the East, and the trip admit a gentleman and lady, ladies' ing, by virtue of his execution of the
may result in an increase of work in tickets are $S. Erlking. This is a very difficult
that line. Although we have coo Students are cordially invited to piece and Herr Schbmaal's execution
more stuients tinan any of tie east- attendi. of it was certainly not below Pad-
irn legal institutions, our faculty insary oferews
only one half, and the good work Aereais. 'lin ennyed ancere
Iswere also smiichienjoyed andt were
done is only possible through the Some change of plans it regard artistically executed by Mr. Zeitz.
lecture system. to the work of the general secretary Last, but by no means least, came
They also found that physical j ca the S. C. A. has been made nec- Seranade and Hochzeitzug, given by
culture received the highest consid- essary, owing to the impossibility of Miss Loudon and Mr. Schmaal. The
erasion at the eastern universities, raising the full salary of $Soo. Gen- I audience went home very much
All are enthusiastic over the work eral Secretary Manny, who has de- pleased with every number rendered,
done in the gymnasiums. The re- voted almost all his time to the but words of praise were heard on
suit will be a recommendation by work during the first semester, last all sides about "The Erlking.'
Regents harbour ansiCocker for Saturday proposed to the board of __ .I 1- -
the immediate completion of the directors that his salary be reduced Michigan Club Banquet.
gym. and the employment of a phys- from $So to $50o, and that he be
ical director. Six hundred lockers released from all time obligation to As has been previously announced
will be put in for tine present, and the association, although retaining ina been invited tatendethelban-
the fittings and apparatus will be his official position and devoting as squeengivenblsM h cb,
suerort Crnllad full e a quet given by the Michigan club,
sinerior to Cornell ant y etal uch time as possible to the work. February a2. Accomodations sill
to Harvard. There is every proba- Tis recommendation the oard hasb ard ons
lailt tat veryhin wil b in adpte, be made for one hundred from the
billy that everything will be in adopted, although only with great
place and ready for use at the open- reluctance and with a recognition of meeing ,ftiecubilbhl
ig of the University in the fall. its absolute necessity. meeting of the club will be hel
Tuesday right to make the neces
The Charity Ball. Appointed to West Point. sary arrangements. A fine list o
--speakers has been secured for the
The charity ball will be held in Representative Stephenson has occasion and includes: Hon.William
the Masonic Temple, Tuesday even- nominated Llewellan O. Oliver, of B. Allison, subject, "Finance''
ing, February 6, and it will un- Escanaba, for appointment as cadet Hon.Henry Cabot Lodge, Hon.John
doubtedly be one of the great social at West Point, to fill the vacancy C. Spooner, Hon. John L. Stevens,
events of the season, besides netting caused by the failure of the former Hon. Jonathan P.Dolliver and Hon.
a large fund to make many deserv- appointee to pass the mid-winter ex- Lorrin A. Thurston.
ing persons happy. All arrange: aminations. Mr. Oliver is at pres-
xients are being perfected for a very ent attending the University. He Dr. C. S. Mack, of the homeo
highly successful ball. The beauty is a son of Jehn F. Oliver, a premi- patihic department;,is, confined'-to
of the arrangements is that all the nent business man of Escanaba. his house with pneumonia.

S(General !Iasi . nealers,
51 south Main St.
When yuawantSteLatexltetropian Styics
ars, a. ,. 54 ar .55 sses at SOc ta 51 a Pii iess.
tisau Auuu Acriar srics sead Suir Cataiaoue So
10 13-155 Swioswsui AvE.,
Dl iROll, - - MIChIGAN.
ed-U ST-
Reseived, 400 lbs. ef Fine Chsosaan
5'O'iiiiii vt iuuu'in utintaget caniiilsanet
rth e rsi t - in s m nthi ecu-i knuiown i th
thai u vii atai .ui0 nun s.
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St.
Artiahic Phsisgrapher, fi E. HURON SI.
Ser-ondi Jnuary Invoice
TUTTLES, - 48 S. Stafe St.
Gymnasium Suits,
of Every Destrptin at
. i .F FE AhC

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