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February 02, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-02

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' iJ( a T Certain it is that the history of the Btowen, formerly with '96, writes.
sen-itic peoples, contributed largely entertainingly of Wellesley, of its
to civilization, andtihieir tasguge is religious life, of the interest in ash-
PbihdDis,, Cuiege nerped)durn svorthty (itthe attention of schnolarin.tetics thsere, and of the heautiftttl
THE . O MINDPENDNT SSOIA~~hThe Uiniversi ty of M ichigan is fasthbe- and homelike ssrrounding.o
yE U.Oc.IDPNEN SOITO omnig a university in thne true sense 'EThe Mills meetings again receire
:uineriphua neie Vasuperrrear, inrariatbly of the worti, and for this reason peopleI attention in the editorials. 'The {~,,~
turdvner, Siegle copiesa3tcents. Fuheerip- loiok toiirardi this institution as the statement of an officer of the assort- enLAIGSHO OFBINS
stons mar be ieft at the oficer at the DItLY, i}eLAIGSHO FBSNS
a ntetisucthreira most progressive in the West. ation relative to the meetings shoulci and SHORTHAND. n-nin t bilisiie'; nine
at SttlietE , wth an of te ediors o 1 at e es;Iageattendane gent discipline;se r-
aturiertsolicitors.-_ _ - be read by all wiho desire to know inrisach; ,eelsupplitet raiding roauni; dailylenterer
sainrny evnng r- eeptinseoat tile t re m yeae
niaeienictirnesithu,ditreach she otite bhr I'rie:ciliestiots of honesty itsexamIte etEnnto teasoiain ttriio.naifiiies ifo~r lini studiien tm -
as'chkr. a. it they 'ret appsertthe neat intiyss shtepeset ein dicusediutm-ifrhatigetaaessociiaition tp.Lin
lay. Addtreassnl matter intendedt toe pubasties in- s tpeen endsusdmembers. I exe,,is toi, 59.15 pert echin pieae iaiiiei.
IhFr -New aon' ,adrs
Linn to the titanneiig Editor. All buniness by the studets' and it is, we think attae i~~~
,:omxtlicatonsshold b set t theBus- (P. R. CLEARY, PaESs.
ittrMante. hndh en nteBt the consensus of opinion that every
neat S neugr."i0
THE . e Iii DALY, thing should be done by faculty and
Ann Arboee, 0x students to encourage hsonesty in McfO 1 EiMNOM4SS ' i\ ,.
---- --- - the exa nni na tio ns swhichs are soon to_
Arcs rcioN is ralled to thse Fruit begin. While other universities I-
andl liosser Mlissiotius idescribed in have taketi steps to obviate the dins--__
aohrcolumssn. This is asvorthy lhoinest ieasoften made use of in 'resaian, ai, i Ia)r tI ,ni til
organization anid deserves tine lhearty examinations, see, at the U. of ICI., Hrfr' cd Popae i~',~ .*
supposrt Of tine stuilents. base tnt kept pace with the pro- ents 5p. . ti1l :.l a. i.
'tncleegrssioonoli-gressire moveiment. lInstrusctors Is the msost efiective ,and agree- ei,' sr roII ,n5 btwen,Ii,,iiii Ar .ci.ciaor 1.I,
long othe \\'oniaii's Leaguei are are often ans mindsto blanie for dis- abedemeytnaeisenefr(1:1OdENw xceiO, Aii, ,, t rli
hsonesty in exaninatioins as are the ./~ ~' "ctiIw~tn ett % i ti~
not makinig the mnost of tlie social we. l Ii ENNdT'T, 0. 1'. A. Tolsd,.
adntiags f ma rlor ls rystudents themselves. 'hststudent preventing odimestion ansi re"
week rectaeptiofn Arbe o ifferyta. ILJ' PD JJ.L/i -12O 4
front daily association switht the unin- -j 1i\e bessisiigPi i nt-
cunt sections ol tine League by soime structor, forms an opiniont of him,
ot in ldis o te aclt orofciewhlich determines to a certain se- froits1 a disordered stomsacih. I SATURDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 3.
c.,Ciessnois ae Fdatg ree lis attitude toward the itn- I
iftnyopruitico. strucrtor. If she stuilent feels thnat Dr. W., W. Gardner, :Springfielil, A A A
he___tislsject to a griinding, nnonto- Mass., says;:'°i valnic i an eciellete BYAUGSTU1THMAS
S l Ii: systeii of giving csatiiina nons trocss linc is nnore apt to use prevntative at Idigestiodati t pteasns't I BYAGAUSTOA
tians as niv followredlere is defect- unifair nieans in his examinations,'v -a--di, h, ci u ii lt(elafo l ntt
ice. Comtplainis caime to its fronthtius rendering the samie sworthiless 'vwatir, and I ssvvirisd.' A -'illns
representative esollege mnithat tiiey in iletecinnngthe hiaowledge of the l tji i uatil il- r, cc
wnill lie overworakedluiiri ng tin e - Studetit. If the iinstctor etr'ill cetAruui iii t' rri,,,tilu. v u,2;~.~~ai
maiing sweeks of this semester. 'rite fairly withntine student aind appeal to1 Rumford ChemicantWorks, PrevideneRI. s~S t---i ci.' Alai-,,
miethnodlof allowing the ttors to his mnaly ciqualities the cdishonesty B[ ti,,u-of OSitsitluti ni,i i iiilit um. 'uletteatun frt ,,,i-Oiv~ tittctie
arirrl ix uonthe tuice of the is examainatiotns ntill dsap1r.o Cftaines 1,l- ii t SOi,,
arirrl io lnpiartta For SalebalDrgit- easolS1(lt Vt,'J~l- Sr.
examninationts is radically wroing. large degree.ebyalDuis. 2 Kiriini-rlc

it would lie better if sosmne systemn
-outld be esvolvedl fromnthtie chaos inow

Febnruary Bulletin.

.Nntu~i uassuSna,,,a large amoitut of interestitig
tion. natter is futritishiedito S. C. A.
[ijF aninouncenient thnat the gtytm- readers itt the Februmary Blulle-
nastinit is to be finished at once wii tin, whiicht appears toslay. Thne
mteet the wariiest approval of thte addresses anti discussions thtat have
nhels student body. It is more attractedl attention diuring tlhe last
titan probable thtalteween the ''gytti' 'mo~nth arc brieily stutmmarizecd, its-
is finishted it trill be equal to any in darling the sessions of the Eq~ualj
the cosuntry. Ptrof. Knowvlton, as a Suffrage association,, of which a l
miember of the board for thte regtt- short report is given by Euretta A.
lation of athletics, has thoroughnly Hoyles, and Prof. Hlerron's address
inspected eastern gytnnasiums aitd on "The Social Revolution," wehich
tine best features trill be introdiuced is given in condlensed form. "Col-
Here. 'Te studeints say, nithn one lege Efthics'' is kept before thnestti-
accord, long live tite hoard of Re- dents, by an article byeW. P. Rob-
gents': _____in~tson., Brief biographical mention
'rim-. well nritten article frortthe is naude of Prof. Barbour and}
pen of Prof. James A, Craig, relat- ex-Gov. Lore, whlo trill speak this
lug to the study of semnitics wthlich mothtl at thne Suntday niorning meet-
teas published in yesterday's t.iits, itngs.
is certainly weortiny of careful. con- Twso very interesting articles front
sideration. lie gives a clear and abroad are letters from former U.
comprentsive argunment for the' of it students note at Andover and
study of thne semitic languages. A Wellesley. Henry H. Walker, '9
silersity, from the mteaning of lit, correrts the prevalent idea that
the word, should be a place Andover is the hot-bed of heresy,
where an ,opportunity to- study and shows the true religious condi-
whatever one pleases, is offered. tion of the Seminary. Miss E. May

295 (inuSf


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