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December 21, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…%Af> <t 1 F, 4f> 4f) VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MI., IIIJUiSI)AY, DECEMBER 21, 1899. No. 783. AT DETROIT. I L 7 A Fine Fall and Winter S nitings, golf suits, Fanctj Vestings. lITx I( fE T DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY T A W Carrij the. LargestA L In the Cityj. L 0 1011 EAST 4WAS11INGTON ST. CH Hla1,, GREFEK V\ILLAGE LIFE. Lectur e efore ilosophical So- cietijl'ij Geo. Horton,'8 11 1, N o ell~ mi 100 in z til'.1KKKK'K h(lot'tCt' l i ti y a 1,U hec...…

December 20, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1899. No. 72. \/ lAI. Ii~ iprTHLETIC BOARD M's," was adopted. The honored Walter Camp Talks About Michigan. me r:S~e rn cClwha, Snow, MvcLean, mlonair, WatrCmoefthgetfo- W I L D !1 Iportnt Business Which Mlai Not Street, lKeens, (ill, Ggh White, Sieg- ball authorities of this country, had be icuged nmn, IRicardson arI Sweeey. 'i-ua an article Iin yesterday'a Chicago Tib- be Dculed. ollwingreslu...…

December 19, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…%I o Ilk> $Ulf> VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESIUAY, DECEMBER 19, 1899. No. 71. BOER HISTORY1. Di I m~1 I T HFine Fall and Winter E Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Xestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A We Carryj the Largest Stoch L In the Cityj. 0 I08 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R o'FConidered in Regard to the Present T Th ec- ro n Talon iiilli 0as crwded1ysterd1101 after oto ' H ea rof. Hu Iiidson's1inormal lecture h'sleBoos 'nd1the citii a In o l...…

December 18, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…r, u Ae!=N A A llo of r Ilk> $Ulf> 11VIV ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1899. VOL. X. No. 70. PRES. ANGELL. werne disided they might be sht ot1 NEIL IV. SNOW. SWehao heDsmmemetc Also lthough easy to takecChina Elected to Lead Michian to Victory A!eaks on tI h inambren. otits not so eas to areeeonth tli - n10 T inAi ftheycolageitsIByn almost unanimos vote, Neil Befrethe usness Mens Clas s t cetan. that the amnsitatin [Sow nas ele...…

December 16, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

… O f I T I N .e WOME N'S EDITON. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1899. No. 69. MICHIGAN'S PRESIDENTS. gldly this privilege was taken advan- various -departments, so that better and tage o. Hundreds of "Co-eds" owe this ntore specialized work may be done; the adninistration boundless thanks. students in looking over the catalogue Four eminent men have held the posi- Dr. Frieze was offered the permanent relize and apurecia...…

December 15, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…U&-of 9 ati, u tjtVOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRDAY DECEMBER 15, 1899. No. 68. F ~PRES. ANGELL OPENS THE passoess no matter ohat out posoon medical society. ACOURSE. he fur ther anetd ster or lead the There gulat monthly meetingoftt W[ i L Di. further andtafoter the puplNI outpPo, meial seeeey at held last eenm, - gies in the ooer leeure room af the med- T T Speah8 on the Reflex Influence Of 2. Gyrec hod in the diversity of ppels teal biuldng iw...…

December 14, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… * f o o VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEM4BER 11, 1899. No. 67. ' NEXECUTIVE SESSION - \/\ 1 ...~ D Regents Meeting Mostly Behind SClosed Do ors-Free Beds-Corr.- T TPus Well. and 5C~ H The Beyard ofit legents meti yvctevd iv rinle rail adIinteBLr foe'nooniiforvits regular DevemheI, E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E meeting. iRegenti Frr Fancy Vestings. FleicherILawitonlDean, ntCoce 00aiswered tov ol cval. Dutteifield civ D RESS SUITS A...…

December 13, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…WbtMM.4 11. of 0 $uf> VOL. X WILD ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1899. No. 66. ATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. cioor athletics, uinder the direction xot the board of control of athletics, at a Talk Rather Than Work Fills Up the osalary of $1,200 pser tinnum to take effect .OJanary 1,19000 and that the student T T E "nig board of directors be authorized to The re gular meeting of the athletic pay hint is addition to the above $1,200...…

December 12, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…She 'or YOL. X. T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf~ Suits, E Fancyj Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We arrhe Largest A Stock L In the City L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 RI R Chocolates W1e make a specialty of Chocolates aa a side line. Wve sell lots of them and or stock is always fresh. Losney's, Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. IWikfers Pharmacy THE OLD Frseeralettceekstehve REIBEboon. amd new caniredy with REAl...…

December 11, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…-Ah 4 'lip F VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 189 i9. No. 64. WI T L D H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. A p T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T We Carry the Largest Stock In the City. L ooL 0 103 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R WIL We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney'sAllegretti's and Kuhn's always in'stock. Wilder's Pharmacy OL...…

December 09, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…o. ,LII A-N ARBOR, MICR.l SATURDAY; DECEMBER 9, 1 399. No. 63. T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. O ,O T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T O p A We Carry the Largest A Stock I In the Citj. o 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R' R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chosolstes as a side line. We sell-lots of them and ou stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti'sand Kuhn's always in stock. j ider's Pharmnacy', THE OLD Forsev...…

December 08, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, I89 9. No. 62. Fine Fall and Winter E Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings.- T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry the Largest Stock In the City.. O 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. ft. S We snake a specialty of Chocolates asa side line. We sell lots.of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhniaslways in stock.. ). I Wilder's Pharmacy] THE OLD Freealiweekswe. 55 sees laying in s stock for thi be asand now ...…

December 07, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…vOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MIICL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1899i. No. 61. - .:. ::: , ,,, t WI T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Goli Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A 1 Stock I In the City. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 W s ATHLETIC BOARD MEET- ING Patia Bills and Attempts to Get tIhins. Started for Next Year. The athletic board held a very inter- esting and prolonged meeting last even- ing. The...…

December 06, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1899. No. 59. W I LD T H E T A1 0 R Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry the Largest Stock In the City. 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A , L 0 R W IL Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,A.llegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. Wilder's Pharm...…

December 05, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

… VOL. X. ANN AUBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 518J. No. 59. WI T LE E T. A 1 0 R Fine Fall and Winter Suitings; Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings.' DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry the Largest Stock In the itt. 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A I 0 R WILD Chocolates We make a specialty of Choeolatea as .a side line. WV-e sell lots of them and our steek is alwasys e.esI. Lowney's,Adlegretti'eand Kuhn's always in stock.. ' Wilder's 'Pharmacy ...…

December 04, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

… m PaiI VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., RONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1899. No. 58. W LD - T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fanc9 y estings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A WeCarrythe Largest A Stock L In the City. LL 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R DChocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. Wilder's Pharmacy THE O Fo s...…

November 29, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 57) • Page Image 1


November 28, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

… J _ -off o I m VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, M1ICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1 899. "No. 56. NEWS FROM CHICAGO ( makeup of .crimnials which in the great LOTS 0F ENTHUSIASMI majority of insiances is inherent. You IU. The Dailyj-Athletic Combination Will can make a strong man wealk hot i is Will be Displaijed Tonight at the Gle th Sooic. far harder, in iact practically imp!os- A2nnual Rasa Meeting a the Aitheugh hesumervi0 c' io~ c ttotl wt u otna o ...…

November 27, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…'2 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1899. No. WILD T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suts, E Fancy Ves tins. n a T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T We Carry the Largest Stock In the City.L 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. Q R R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti'sand Kuhn's always instock. Wilder's Pharmacy TH E UL1J coa it ac THE s~in...…

November 25, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…Wbe A A 'A / AL-% A&AL& VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1899. No. 54.- WI L Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY r o 0 We Carr9 the Largest I Stock In the City. 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A I 0 CONCERT BY EDDY begin the closing session, the reports to be given will be as follows: A Large Crowod Listen to the Organ The report on Chemistry-Professor A Large Crowd histe...…

November 24, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… o =. . VOL. X. WIL T1 H Fine Fall and Winter E Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. TDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWe Carry the Largest Stocki L In the City. fl 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A L 0 R We make a spacilty of Chioclaesa as a side line. AVieae11 lots of thema and our stuck is always fresh. Lossney'a, Alegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. WIlde's Pharmacy ANN ARBOR, MICA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24~, 1899. No. 53. . il THE O...…

November 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… . , 4f - J Ilk> VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH1., TH1URSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1899. No. 52. T T HFine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Faneg TVestings. TDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T AWAe Carryj the Largest A I Stock L In the Cittj. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R Chocolates We make a specially of Chocolates as a ids lins. our stock is always fresh. Lowneys,llegretti's and Kuho's always in stock.- W ilder's Pharmacy A HLE IC BOARD MEET- M...…

November 22, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…o fib' o Z4 VoL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1899. No. 51. IFees in Summer School Should be SReduced. President Angell in <his annual repo.rt Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A o We Carry the Largest Stock L In the City. 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. El T H E T A I 0 R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is alway...…

November 21, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…No. 50. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER .21, 1899. I WI LD _T T Fine Fall and Winter H E Sultings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T ason A We Carry the Largest Stock I In the City' 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. Q R R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's, Allegretti's and Kuhn's always instock. Wilder's Pharmacy THE OL D...…

November 20, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…be ALI VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. No. 49. WI T L D T CASE SUCCEEDS IN SCOR- ING. H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A Stock I L In the City. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in ...…

November 18, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…dew/ i r_ r all VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1899. No. 48. J IWI L T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E, Suitings, Golf~ Suits, E Fancyj Vesting&. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T AWe Carry the Largest A IStock In the City. L 0 108'EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a ide line. We sell lots of them ad our stockc is always fresh. LowneysA llegretti's and Kohn's always in stock. Wilder's Pharmacy THE...…

November 17, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

… o 0 BEL VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1899. No. 47. WI T L D T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suts, E Fancy Vestings. 4O*O T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A Ap A We Carry the Largest A I Stock I In the City. L O O 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R IL Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock.. Wild...…

November 16, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…:. No. 45. VoL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1899. .wI D T A 0 Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suts, Fancy Vestings.. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY + o We -Carrq the Largest Stock In the Citq. 108 EAST'WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A 0 1i R W IL R Chocolates We make a specially of Chocol tes as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. .Lowney's,A legretti's and Kuhn's always in stock.. Wilder's Pharmac...…

November 15, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…oJttI 3 VoL. X. ANN ARBOR, RICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, i r WI L DI H Fine Fall and Winter J Suitings, Golf Suits, FanCe Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A We Carry the Largest Stock In the Cit. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T II E T A I L 0 i R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always instock., Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLDFor ...…

November 14, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…aiiih~. I VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1-1, 1899. No. 44. T Fine Fall and Winter E Suitings, GolflSuits, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carry the Largest Stock In the City. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R ., Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock.- Wilder's Pharmacy THE oLlD ai i a stok fot E.ys...…

November 13, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X.- ANN ARBOR, MIICI., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1899. No. 43. //, Lq D E NSYLVANIA 11, MICHI- for Penn played a lbrilliant game ut TWO TIE GAMES. V \-'. D P N_ mre especially in punting. Several___ GA I 10.laes did le snceeed in kicking the all '01 and '02 Again Pay to a Blank. Iout of ounds thus preenting Mch- AlFehe nnu I Wolerines Unable to Win AuertAlFehe onu Their Long Trip an rono carrying it Pak Sehie aeothAla Their Lon Trip. 'Pesn's o...…

November 11, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…Wbem-J o o e VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1899. No. 42. T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. o o T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A Aa A We Carry the Largest A Stock In the City. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn'salways insteck Wilder's Pharmacy THE O...…

November 10, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…J , . .- . a f , G - ' q o, , _ , c Ilk> Y 10 i S , Iv, VOL. X. ANN ABOR, TUIH., FRIDAY, NOVEMIBERt 10, 1899. No. 41. 1 I MEDICS GATHER , L-9 v T L 0 Rl Fine Fall and Winter H Suitincgs, Golf Suits,E Fancy Vestings. °ll DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTYT We Careyj the LargestA Stock In the City. L' 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. ( For Lecture and Recepcion-Whole Department Greets Dr. Howells. E Reception Followsd Lecture. Thercgob 501001 t 10ometin ...…

November 09, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…16 -. - . C. 8 e rr CC G _; // a a Z °b .1 ( w (( - all lop VOL. X. WI T ST ANN ARBOR, MI101., THURSDAY, NOVEMIBER 9, 1899} . No. 40. Report ofi the Hospital Circle cli ph, sesl the foet ball leanm eos in the'ENTH11US1 ISTIC DEMONT- Kin g's Daughters for Year. etterenssd ef towis. H sad Inst P en S'RATION lRseortof tic ~oessitasl Circe'f' at ac cooet and tlhought tisis mightI 1 l HFine Fall and Winter ESuitings, Golf Suits, Fancyj Vest...…

November 08, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

… IF } II - E's . _r; Ea a / ., .d '' ' ;__ __ VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MI1CH., W EDNESDA Y, NOVEMHBER 8, 1899. No. 39. iT, ,?~a s~~s00p'As"._,pA ^oN, kA ,0,",?A PSo f4,pfpA N TONIGHT'S CONCERT Ap.MICIGAN First Musical Number on the S. L V i~ilj~iUII~.A. Course. T 7 The mai 15cccix iCompany, which ap- 'the caii levesfor Plliladelpllia toi ilit at 9:434 per44Uiesty Hl oihi H ~ ~ FieFl noitrH4 '( locok. If' «c ill ~we illihas (5 (lone 1110e 1(tou...…

November 07, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…ALN Ad&\ . o VOL. X.- ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1899. 1 1 L A WAR3M RECEPTION W 1 Gican the Pittsburgh Orchestra- Large Audience at Opening T T Concert. T T'nies ity S-all Was packed last: H Fine Fall and Winter Hnight to gret th" Pittsburgh Orces,,' E 31 Sutngs G01I Suits, E n ~1i codctr VcoHebad t sTe Fancy Vestings. oigh's beforee bat selotm one like lost 00 hset tight. 'Not tttly atthIe halli 0 illed at it stats a 'cst'e ...…

November 06, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

… o Ilk> IV VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1899. No. 37. WILD T TI H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A 1 Stock In the City. L L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 Wa I L Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. Wilder's Pha...…

November 04, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

… A-A AIML f 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER s, 1899. No. 36. IAI I I r-- VVI L5LJ T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A Wte Carry the Largest A I Stock p L In the City. L o 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 WILD Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell ota of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's, Allegretti's and Kuh's always in stoc...…

November 03, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…% d> ri ' f Ilk> F' F- VOL. X. ANN AR~BOR, MICH., FRIDAY, 0OVE31BER 3, 1899. WI L H Fine Fall and Win E Suitings, Golf Suil FancyJ 1estings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIAL AWe Carry the Largi IStoch L In the City. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON S Chocolates a osmoke a speciallyo Chocola tes as a side lin lWa sell lots of them am or stock is always freot LowneysA Ilegretti's an unsla itok- Wilder's Pharm TH E OLD t~r llsvera gill .week RELIABLE fl]l ef1,...…

November 02, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

… o r' o f VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, 31ICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1899. No. 34. WI PIDELTA PHI DNational Convention of This Oldest T T Professional Fraternityj Held T T in Ann Arbor. L 1 mThe seventh annual national conven- H Fie Fal an Winer Htion of the Legal Fraternity at Phi E Suitings, Golf~ Suits, E Delta Phi -will e held in the city to- Fancy Vestings. day and tomorrow under the auspices ,nO at the oct chapter. Some thirty el- ° 1 ...…

November 01, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

… o 0 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1899. No. 33. r NOISY NIGHT W I L ~ Hallosceen Night Obserced bq Stu ,T dents-One Injured. Haillowe'en celebration last night was 'H FieFl n itrH isextensive but lance disastrous thsn Fin Fal nd iner orseveralityeasspa0st. Far tewser stss- F Suiting s, Golf Suits, E! tents were ouI and less ot of the Faneg Vestincgs. nay tlings ne ee dage. Falint_ oeing thsaIle sindesn s began"'aths...…

October 31, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…h The o I . o .At ab o VOL. X. ANN ARtBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOB3ER 31, 1899. No. 3".. WI LD' Fine Fall and Winter H SSuitintgs, Golf1 Suits, E Fancy Vestincgs. TDRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY T AWe Carry the Larcgest A I Stock L In the Cityj. L .V 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 Chocolates We maire a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is alswaye freeh. Losvney'e,AMlegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock.. " ...…

October 30, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…T Ne? uf> - ^ r I , ' J - _ -- VOL. X. ANN AIIJ3OR, 1Mid., MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1899. MICHIGAN SCORES ONCE. I But Illinios Can't Do That Much and T Tj H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Xestings. 'T DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A Stoclk L In the City. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R Chocolates 1Vie uis cie speciciy of Chocolates s a side line We sell lot' of them anil our stock is always fesh. Lo...…

October 28, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Aktkhlft -J) m all VOL. X. ANN AUBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1899. No. 30. I L D THENATION'S DUTY oitd Out btu Congressman Dolli- T- T rer in a Stirring Address. An audience of nearly cwo thousand IIFine Fall and Winter H People ventured out in the rain loot night to linten to the address of Can- E Snitings, Golf Suits, E gressnan J. P. Dolliver on the subjeact, Fancy Testincgs. "The Nation of America." And wl 000 ere they repaid f...…

October 27, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

… Ulf> in mlal VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1899. No. 29. WI T LD H Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWeCar Carrythe Largest I Stock In the City. O D 0 108 EAST WASHINGTONt ST. R T H E T A L 0 R WILD Wh I L Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Lowney's,Allegretti'sand Kuhn's always in stock., W...…

October 26, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…%A'P> W 4 6V 'i~ r I_ ,; ANN ARBOR, MICH., TlIRTRJ)Y, OCTOBER 2G, 1899. No. 28. W I LD T T H~ E T A L 0 Fine Fall and Winter Suitincgs, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestincgs. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY We Carryi the Largest Stock In the City. 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. H E T A L 0 Chocolates W~e make a specialty of Chocolates as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. Looney's, Al11egretti's and 4 Kahn's always in stock.. W...…

October 25, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. ANN ABOR, MItCH., XEINESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1899. No. 27. D ATHLETIC BOARD MEETING Coming Dates oi the Philological IS BEGINNING WORK. W I LSoceti. ILTreasuri-Virginia Game-Reports Ani interesting series ef i bji'('l is The W omen's League Makes Exten- r t from Games-More Directors- annuner frthelin rnetin s cof ti Phl- isie plans. TT Standing Committees- teoclSctyrio ring te crent Tie" VoiiencrsLegue, the srngct Class Protests.yer Among ...…

October 24, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X.e = It>'liar gym WI L T Ht Fine Full and Winter E Suitings, Golfl Suits, Fancy estings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWe Carry the Largest I Stock L In the City. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. Chocolates We make a specialty of Chocolates aa a side line. We sell ota of them and our stock is alaays fresh. Lawney',llegretti'e and Kahn's always in stock. Wilder's Pharmacy TEOD F e sexeou:we TH O ce laing ia.Lcfo R ELIIABLE .Is, r rad r'ttcas a...…

October 23, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

… _. i I _ _ - ' - l - -- t , = : = VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, 31ICH., MIONDAY, OCOB-)ER 23, 1899. NEITHER SIDE WINS. gain and the Aminni t jeiett0yarftyd W I 1 D-fo Off sid pay. Again te wurdI W I Lp "Grads" and _"Undergrads" Pay to back as000tie d ad IBl rft c fi a a~ah ~c n. ateat to ttndden whto gainedat10 ado T t fats c ouin tdon. 11idtt o aji 'aa Theonnalnooout of fun acoo- totesadi tid nji te d ue t jot to Pemed tby inohtigadlfmayd(ot-got...…

October 21, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…TAP -AN A-A Awl all ull No. 24. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1899. I L D 'VARSITY VS. GRADS. I MicHgan's Greatnst Stars will Plail. T T ~h,-Mangl Alumni Corning. 16 TheAluomolniameisprobably at- torctintmre attention this year than H in e Fall a i.nd WinterH evrrs'foreonorroont of the s'rotip -aE Suiting(s, Golil Suits, E Sty. Prrttymsan, '0,and Denby, t6PLI Fangy Vestings. awill be in cratar p'si in with 0' ant,, n' ...…

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