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December 14, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-14

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No. 67.

\/\ 1 ...~ D Regents Meeting Mostly Behind
SClosed Do ors-Free Beds-Corr.-
T TPus Well.
and 5C~ H The Beyard ofit legents meti yvctevd iv
rinle rail adIinteBLr foe'nooniiforvits regular DevemheI,
E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E meeting. iRegenti Frr
Fancy Vestings. FleicherILawitonlDean, ntCoce
00aiswered tov ol cval. Dutteifield civ
D RESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T pere tobi a joi'llyhmoremidntr-a
eioi i nJ y uopndcl'
0 0 1slierse hirvpiiii'eedingc aith a nuvi
A We Carry the Largest Fb er iointeid aniiwitty remarks h
ivcity hositail (aillopathivc) ve
Stock aIlwii o ave twoafreehbeds for ,he
In the Cityj. pooriaidccv i vii viiofithe y viiif 'A
0 oA bocnd was order'edin t hveIRaies es-
R R tiieviviicnr cohave hi' cili \v(Itci
pu ow 001 ioc1,000fet
bad ieen all t he doniativoniofitho
WvoUD te ftansrthev ontiii ,th
® cati fte v1se h unse

tcikvn liyvarprise. If the patients vv'rv Medical Societtg Meeting.
inigevit he thought it wvas not nc - Thsevnng at 7:90 ihe regular meet-
v ary toi give them a choive. It seeme igo hvSuet'Mdia oio
ao sudidec. He ashed iftiheve vvasan
spe itreaon.Regnt eifr sid iv wilbehe lvd in ihe iavver lectuve raicm
ha vibeevnihe unidersitanvding Cvrcm tlv i the niedicalvi huilding. The societe
beg rining thac the hoipit val solid livc will ib- iii '-eed hi the yonnger mesa-
lviiifrveccbhds.iherscocithelivacculty avd idcvcc pramice
iOn mctiloni at iegent Lawtnthetw
ofi hecngvoce ofi tii liect neetings ot tht
icfre bvads eenvanimonilv hianted.
it egvni Lavion cailed atientionc o'a'N'ietesujcswl etet
theove-crwde cndiionof rofedin ca cpurelivscientific mancev, grecit
deprtmevntcviavn-ditic sgrntiarvi-vehanbe eeriedi
of ryii uevtaceevucse ovfvtwoi
phamwocy oos bi'ln i,.v11ice boh intrctivve aniienter-
thei. hasemntv temoatry hiaiv
ranng he r ogr avivian heenvo i v
ar-iraned that citccciii aaonglinecscof
rxc-cc-c'ia ' bond in the ccviiiof $5i0,000 'iheiviiiiiivicg iembers ccfatthe ficuvlty
t ItyA aneic cof herhoun' will ro,,olicapers Dr. Arneillnupon tipe
Mcssc in ivy her $1,2ii a year during vsuject, T he Dcaavi 'raccicoc;" D
0ie h sn 6 vears iof age. Pie I 1?.vCi-cvla ic.ron, Rectal Vcalvec:"
hveit Farrvevplinedithie Imactter. isDvr.ivCow vie, 'oi, hnagmvv tDv. Wil-
cvas ancannuitilcivtheiiates estate. N, iiii''iacuoVlaicle Ools.
had beitenc tidvi vhicemviiivocso f , The cineiig ill bi egin promptvly i
S pacy ltihisanuicitycwhhch wiovid c i e ciivoCintrereye cvich the studentsi'
thet~nverity$80 yer i vexece. h~,anvd it ci hopedthere \viiihbeva
ice suvrvrogate hail vaegvciitevithatifHg dcv
bond h icivoulhe, and the Vi vsi
vaiivie iegect airVarsity " Ms"
undercstoodccromi corr1spondicethat dccIitiiviis cvunderstoodvthct ihe ihe ciic-
hid cicisistd ca hiclivtctorneycshigivea e licorc hictccvii ihe cceni who~
spccvifhviCicvlfo hir chavr'vge oic50C . li cd ic e 'I'ivvnhgiv ing claiigcvcacc

Nl iecicmakeaspecially tif
Chlcocelatei is a side lice.
We 'snell lita of them and
oucr stock is always freshi
iiwneny's,.1llegreiti's and
Kuhn's always invitock.
ilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Forveral weekcicsiechvie
( ( a allieofLCvIcIESv('I-iyli
RELlABLE AiaicivivlInd TOACCO.
t'ItivilcA hi'Fkt ixifl a
hoii oitillsi ze s upctiii oulil
We wi 1icll cad idetenii fo
you wciituceaccc t vec
Have you Seen Those New
Di liii l pd

fre'e ticvcicrtici hadlvii eiv)viover-
lookeo Th iit in's ari(-\cccin-i
vcicdedcin thevole iof ticankc.
A civiiiiuiciiiii ofProf.iDcccvii
cccs red tain; hha, bc Hiccvcc
BarvtlettofC iccaio, 'ficclit. lviii pr

sentediltle iiiicvtviii cih anicviiriginal -i' liii v eveivec i liciilso0 faII, hut it
gravving ofCcth'iiii' Cantebury r ccviiiwou d ie li ccio' a r. 'lie iheaing;v
,loan im rket rciii' y. It hid bicc- Mot icc' 1 1ii liii ic-bri ghti upcicvi cam
L!an C n o wevepuns. I T y c"Iihliii cst 'bhutivi lviii
ash n;in room1iciniiiplcihaul it on ie oud lieitoiee it gov eepe
cci yofAbbiie I ichicc llSi thani the Ii' footi "herevitiinowcii'stoppod.it
cintetrest iin 1h 1ccwark ini iEnglih liam- iIn juicccc to ithe c'ctcvt s luc
tore. (it moticaio f' eentLawtoni vishould iecideim'teviltone.I
'ccvi idyll i ticicuictIhlviii theycshouvicco
'1 cccliiJames (tisiv Armstrongi i ii itC.i iceticier.c
umcandth'cpoiionccvcvofcliciirao ie cccvu ierthcsatcwsveryipecliarviiand
an.I le though theyshld i ot r'in i sho l be cii 'u''i'ci'ci'c
I heyea givng is ull 1aw 'He i c:'c Flchvrvvscuggescivilthe viii-
doing busness on ii wn hoo the'c l waterl ilea too cccving forthei
scivring cvcevvcct cco lie kneeiofi rt"' ic"'ecli Danv saidclcif ich is ascdonete
cableidona inv ic l icad'cit'o thliistate icawo ild acettoe ti anoth c erhile: fu
Into hi' gifts turvnedl upi asc ir'" bildci-c iiings oand iround comice a

vwiloyveivtvischonor.v Thevcc mivi
ti e in tiled t rcieicommcenvd -hatiith'
makes'heepesvenmiro hr
Wvciiscnin ni ll rcie I
Engineering Experience in Florida.
thc c iisntof ssitan P ofesorJlmvi
isic'ctiii h'aturvv yi'v enivv ncvgiofCthisiwii k,
Room. Prof len hischosenii o t,11I
icicis iiin loidcliwtihili viibliii i'lli i
and vared. It( is <t ory intent-0 in.
talkercci lici ccv i ccv p'' ul ar Nvi ic'
hisi iilii c eci' iiivc ccv' nilii

'tI vii o ccivci 'cvveicvvoce c
cskeivf iAguviicaldovi couldlincth'beecrec(I
andiiilircvici alcicg' w'ih icthecwate'r' c-
il Cc thelii Piipi nei I s'lands.i
ArthurviG'. Paull and S.IE- ims hiccc cvii
givicicil the1degeevc identavllsuirgeryi'
ReigenvtlKiiieriread aipiion of.iitlii

autvhoizelad lvoccmakci acotr-iv i c oittpreen' a ' al5eg ieeriwethcer
'vhcciBros.itoi:clyilvct've cinu vi ilii'l'ioc'.10 ciii'vrinvtcaiccc'i n
500i toc 1,c011 (,(t de p r, ;tIcc'ttil ('
cc liiie icalcrn tec' atitlii'rateii cit$2ia'
I'cot Theli cvi'teisiood:'Aves FlltclviiElection oil Football Captain for next
Farr Kifer2. Tlh c dcc o ncifthe Cfooblli ccipiiv
1 ,, b"oard ' therevi c ii \-, iintoexcut111cc for lii t Y( wciliiprohahbiyhbe held Sat-'
iii cccto cni'r ttac iiiivviiei of ii-' crd cii' v'vivco''tii o'clovy.S ili i riv-
Univ ri ccandi thIcscienilehbuiding. o v itat visrprise cciilbhruccng' at
They remacvcined' ccin xctive sess cion tho elcion.

Unioersitq and Ann Arbor?


farult thci eheicali' vrtilelt'asiiiduing tie amternivccn vivd evening' It
ig ifcr t_%voibld-ctoibe ivihendtoithin-s li dciii-ctii lit'm i
viii mcpooroi Aviv Arbrcci ccliiieliii 'ilildici avilsccfullcy cccidiscussdiattide
sic oriiijtred.liThe revasingiven was cescion.c c'c viivvv ofcrcicihitectsi«-ivec,
tatlby ihicsldeansi thieve iviouldi hi (,,handchtoi get av hearing hbut were dv-
-iven vnoppruniyioiiinvg cv11ver o uich it. lnI i ie-dv-lvofii'Clevl,
veeclilig c--ies bvefore'the- tcisscanld ivi-brvightitccli'macvbundilch fcitlanslii andi
cavs NNfeivch-el'biedsihavig mi-v .plstr c itofthe fronvt sieoCflii
granted to thi'hoveopahi'cii ' ii - I' prpvioedi huildinyg. 1Thisi ciii and iipii
itvoculdi riemivei' 'll y11quesvt ionofds-pans ave'iwciii room yCc . ' iepveiecvtv-
ciiati11111ives cofcCSplps & RohmiBush cvi.htranct
Rtegent 1'let-her askId '"W'vihis raidsicandiSIanlaynccf Neic Tillk. 'The
iuddecn philanctrphy"-He caci he wis - nivsiem iicpa115114

,Uic cc"ti is h itl ale' cturei ivti e
vivevibhyiProfi'essorilcicia nest iMion-
(jiv T)1)1,cciihll. 'ProfessorccHdson
has vmac da ctrCcci cindy mci thisfilh
andiithvis icilllie the flistciiiportumiit'
occfered iccthy Iuicvi'tivhear the ic-
sui tltso isii ivvctvgvtvvvc T:he 1p
palilvyvi vias arranged hy the Peda-
goigli-calsmocity.The lecture is tiv j-
gin ipromcily at 4:15a




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