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November 07, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-07

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. o

VOL. X.-


W 1 Gican the Pittsburgh Orchestra-
Large Audience at Opening
T T Concert.
T T'nies ity S-all Was packed last:
H Fine Fall and Winter Hnight to gret th" Pittsburgh Orces,,'
E 31 Sutngs G01I Suits, E n ~1i codctr VcoHebad t sTe
Fancy Vestings. oigh's beforee bat selotm one like lost
00 hset tight. 'Not tttly atthIe halli
0 illed at it stats a 'cst'e by att app'e-
T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T sitte, tdisiminative audienee i't
00stsanifested its appreeiation wills entisu-
A CrgteLr stA elnosio The mot sttrikintg thittg aoust
Istock ' rise msasterly ptaying teas not greetesd
In the City. iby a mere tperfutnctionary clapin'g .
Lhantds, but itrotessttt aod student, the
L0 L °°iltl msiscian sod the asmateur, a,!.
0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 alike ftorgot tstr the nosment tse stift
dignity thtey ts ee test Oto assume oss
Rl suslo occsions0 and gate eapeos in zt
enhsets. Tbe concte et sss boils ass
w I 0) 1 ) artsti ansd ao popullar suces. Thte

Tbhey still arrive in the eity of Philadlt
phlia isn timeoofr dinner. Thse teamo
leavc's Saturday stight for Niagara
Fells, whe're stsey spendelthe greater
toes of Suooay, arriintg at Ano Arboe
at moisdsight.
(iOn Saturday afiernooo the All-Feesho-
tosstoandsslAlsoa College still Iplay'atlRe-
genst's teield. Durinsg thsis gamet' s-tursts
'clt be costilreceived tromsoPihila-
dtelphtia anoun~scinsg cery, ploy of sth-
Pensylvania gameso. These reports N ill
bse annssounceI byttoeitsegaphioste. Tihc
adis-iissiosn to see this gamoe andI hear
thesrepostss-will be onlyl15ccsnts.
A Cirse Sert.
Thte class gamse lplayedIyesterday
aitero oss bctwseon she sophonmore and
juniosr literacy team~s resolteat its a tie,
ncither side big able ts score. Intshli
fiesst-silftshe sossiss.sarteet out iy
rushingth le basll fssr gustdIgaiss into
lte iIopo 010'5s' trritosry. Thtelotte
hitltdo ssssvs and rushed is basc'K
5500Cm fsora wasy. Itsibsated has-isasod
forthisetwe enth le moiddlesof ste held

No. 38.
Tb sisigA Song.
Tefl-igsang has been banded
its to b" used on the departure of the
leant f se Pennsnylvasnia. Te air is
"lMar' lsisg Thr-ough Geor gist"
Hteresee go tso victory,
'ro makie the Iseople stare,
o ge emesmsassyitnetideas
Whslel Michtigans is titers;
Perhaips Obey thinly they attn the earth
And all its siburbs, too,
fBstswsthsespecs twe wsant to say,
''That lsnt just our vietw."
Eirah stsal lrrahis!hurrah for Micitigan!
tiutrsalt!l lutrratthsr' go these tns','so
Sssin dsownosssthe fheld, br'eaks tirougli
the liste,
ndstlreach te distanot goal,
\sithool a single little hit of weorriment
of ssoul,
Pis sail swhen Dotty its ots stin
A goose frontbrssoters deare;

NWe matke a speciltly of
Chocoilates as a side line.
W~e sell lois of thsenm ansi
our stock is alwisays fresh.
Lowney's, NAllegreti's and
Kuhn's always in stock.'
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Forseveral esl we ra
1cE Jairssy' siss issstorolsssoro'tie
RELIABLE aul r~eoss r ,~tAl1 lie LUNHES O.I ('11k
SOAR, asnd TOI01AC( 0.
t't'IPlhS A kt'DGtAL.'t'Y
Our prices ore so lowe that
any man can afford a
pair of them. Ebony

msalcrtics10 15ere leaed s wsini 1l'.so201-yas'dlitte until tineIhtlifISoschis inlit' in football times,
elso the toynin. as up, \seheto 1901 hatd it dossns about tine duty statein clear;
Am estcore « scaltl'difssr atfer every 'yteds ftoatthirIcoppone nto' goal litwsenitat last,swithi achinog he'rts,
numbe'r, ansi the Issonductore se' gsa-1 . I'syItskfcPetsytir
cisusiy respoitdsd, tprolonin g tteprt 1t In 'the sodhalf thes'playingttas %We'll helpt, asnd pointisngsupswardsay:~'
gr'stn_ lsogtoter 10 oocsk. hut ev eninearly salsisonecin tin' junlioste esly, '"'erhaseyou'llPid hertiesr."
stitshtatlenigthnthe latn numbes wsterecIinfattti i t ttno intisltis te lat si 50515,FRANCIS DOiDGE.
tW ell tresced as thist. t wIso smite Is atplatatsis to'isePrf atrsnWl- le ia d
'Tis'.''titenucanti 'ariains" by1tihsesmidtdlett'leofs itied an tent i901 sas , afeSn il ieFrsAd
s1ti'gsorches' tastun thesmosnt tptpularisrusinig it ftat theittimetcsa lled. dress to Enqineers.
nuer 'sonn'tsprtram. Tineisrecision i+ssc Isle sssoomoresthe hbu stts'ok ws 'Ts'Engineerisng Stiiety' has sit-
andst selicacy iniits execution collesd tisse bhi I I'll, -B,'tardsley satdiSpsofford, nounsedthetirePst of its sies sof atd-
f's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ lholt''sh eusfior 1 tetelilir lssgcittltle tutu, 'ssetstto tr this year. Pt-of. Go. We,
t'o;l«-ig"is heprgra rndeed tIott ic. Armtrsong~, toos,tdid I nIPatttesonss sill b'ete opeakrnest 5St-
oiserturec, ".Misisummer Nigtso dily o1155leietvte batt lsoSt t el 011urday evenintg tiid itis suescitIsill ha
De''st"Ilit:Mla.''rt betric Systs'm of WeightisIntl
}Sy'mphonsy Nos. 2, ts isMor Op lckolgame it b playedt offnext Sit-
' ... " ..... ,i.ttt...e5 l'tlt' 1 t inint:. . e t o e * i te''t} s "" , Mes ures," Tn ct11'rs r ...t' "it t
iSs'sits tssst'ttPom, 'iLe tMonet (1ii,01 st1- tnd lthe ia lltllllltlstlltt 1g Ilme ttiwill ' iimeasuiremtent 'of lects's-ssgst'ic
ishlle'' ........... 51i1t-Saess be 550 sttesi tosast isseis1fr 1thit t da111te.Cqatiities. Peat. Pattrsn isbhut re'
Isntermisiosn. 51Tilelne-up \\ sSatfollos: Gentsily' retussned fr'5100Euress~s, wshere ha
'feeandtltiarsiatisons, fr onm 15M-1 1901.512. sta year's letave sof abs ee stuldy--
sue Quartette .........Shbr'Riadsn ..us.Ith...Ite'.'......t-Hasueu n,,- foe tinsioctor's denrece.'Tis tue se-
(For steing,'rstessa.) Cil 5,1 tsttsss-, i...... 55 -trislst cutrcd at Leisic after thestudy ofssta
(._) "zoo FrdaySpel;"(b)"Flwer c'a'pe ter.. .. ............ "r en sitgle yeatr, ant i tth et jdded distisse-
them Stcene"''-''Psiftal"... Waners I ller....... .............. Sills Liton, "sau imat sumntlauide'." tie has
"idse f stue Ts'ttiyries'' .. us. t rt ''-''''' S init .t....rt.... .. V lsit alwscn beest ts tssl is truse cu tors wtll
-'h ss ut sts engiseerinsg ostts ansd be has
Athletic Association in Debt-Pre- PIco .....i..q....... Bros
parations for Peenagloania Game. itiIs... r i'tstthstan ......tsistn n fvia ii
'tiesgls seily sietsg sfls ' f..... t 'sdel 'cesst to all engisteess. 'lT'e.mtric
die'etss ts it ' 'i~ltl'tl Atsstsit st teees 2'ise 5-- Sit ft ydsyoIsemitt0ste ny'stems it vo-sge ititearty
stan ssetdlast ights. 'rie' listntit sec- ' ofthalvtes- aiitjU;Jse 'iteiilsteorecalstompesutsationsandtinsitOtile
roarssy scipustest asn follossiss oIis tile _- - ___ sete'r'innstion of tabsoluteusiso, sasndtit
we:Political !Science Discussions. iso believed by inanesisaltit iustny a
Osi n sist].............. $81.1 'Studnts arus' nsotsedth o attesdthue stuestiun ofstiteos e sfosre is twill b hlie
I~pn s . .. .. 1,4S13 sss eeuting, osf lt'e 'ihiiganii isliLicil St i- sttsndsard one'Iiitprcti le worstk Ii thIis
Rteceips ~ .. .................... , ~ 1estee rlsosei-utis ts be heldst ttisnisc- couttury. '11w sps'cil a pptlitcationitof te


baocugs us sow us $I.UU U Pieseilntbaanct'......... $1,21:,jIs
pair. See theta irk our 'Thcesroits frsuis lie Detroit gamse
Window aoutei d Ito $464.051. The gradnsuate
I I direchos ri ortedth at thsere wstesbilsn
Calins P 21tXt C' ogainst the Assciaiosn anmountin~g to
N ____________________________ Ubetse10 $1,g50sisnd $2,000. If the'sewere
__________________________________-paid the Ansocitationsetsouledhe in debt
450"T lSSUE® tth extent of several husndred dot-
iu~~ulISSU. Lst night an advlance of $1,i00
s .allowedtohisaisitheies'esnesof ths
Philosophy of scion to Phsilsesphias. T'rias re
.1. st~ansinsucted tss borr'ows'an amunts
H iistory. frosm thushasik sufficient to msakleline
AnItrhoductsionstinthiss amount needed,
Philosophical Any student wishing Inacopn
Stdyof the teami to Philadelpshia cans ecur'e re
Study of dusccd rates. 'The railroud fursestill he
Politics uhout $14.
By ALFRDaIis. Loyn. author of "1Pitizes. The leans leavensednsday night us
'-hiltsanidSalvtioin," and "Dynamsic 9:43 o'clock onthlb Michigain Central,
12 Ma. 254 Pages. $1.00. arriving at D3elerus Villa the falswing
night at 7:18.IBellevue Villa in a roost-
E R G E AHR try seat sn the outnkirts of Wayne, .
Gsuburbh of Philtadelphia, fosurteent nssis
GEO GE Wout. The team will stay there anili
Pubslisher to the University of Michigan Saturday morning, practicing an the
Ann Arbor. groun~ds io connectino nwith this Villa.

her uos hue. 00 saniti1i. 'ruse l's 05t55is
as foflt\s:a
(Friday, Nov. 10, sit 2:10 o'clock.)
".5Ilisory ssfSalt Industry itsA-ihis-
gait"--S. CIt. iggisso, Sgissass.
'A Bistssry of lt'eFutrit'ure Indutestry-
ini M51ichligan'"'-Roger WI. Buttlerfieltd,
"'ST'eAmisscasisNes'ssoter; so Stiudy
in Social Psychiology"-Delos 1'. Ilil-
cott, Elk Raspsids.
(Ferliday, Noe. O, sit PSs''cc.)
"Mtetihds i of oonial AsS iistrsitios*''
-Drury 1.1.Bosurns', Westerns ttesere
lnivesily, Clevelaned, 0.
(Saturday, Nov. 11, at 9:35 o'clock.)
"The Significanc'e of the Granige 'sod
Fasrmers' hsnstitute is Agric'utura'l
IEucaitiosn"-K~enyon 5,, tiuttertield,
"Preparatiosn for Bianking as a Proftes-
sin"-ttlarvey J. Hollister, tGrand lRst-
Business meeting.
Who aoniSRead Special Daily Sat-

syemu of msesuremsent to elsetro-mag-
netic unsitsstill besewell treatedtanisi
'deservinsg of it, tot it is of great sos-
portanc'e ho all saudents of enugine;ring ,
whlether electrical, civil o rimechnanical.
T'he address still he givecu in the tee-
Isre roosm osfttine 'hysicalh Laborsatory
ast I8nosickSaturdtay eve ning, sandtiis
open to alt. Engineesare urged tos be
present, aassoll othners inoteested the ~s
stubject stilt be hsessrtilyselcomtoe. The
diela u'in announcinug this Perst of the
series-simniar lectur-esstiltltfollow teio
weseks upart-hsnbecnocssc'sionedtsttby
this 'ecords of last year.* Thseectn-
tamned ths minutes tin the last msesting,
sit sshics officers far tile tresent te'rms
we re elected, and suet alt of swhom re-
ceived their offiial notice of tine fact.
The recosruts arsehb'ing trsased up, host-
e'v'tr, und it is hopets hut by inesxt Sat-
surtday that the "muinutes of the last
meeting" may he real..
Tihe tesam leaves for Philtidel-
pia at 9:43 o'clock tomaorru;W
night. Everybody come Couit anid
cheer for the teaim.

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