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November 15, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-15

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oJttI 3

VoL. X.





H Fine Fall and Winter
J Suitings, Golf Suits,
FanCe Vestings.
A We Carry the Largest
In the Cit.


i R
We make a specialty of
Chocolates as a side line.
We sell lots of them and
our stock is always fresh.
Lowney's,Allegretti's and
Kuhn's always instock.,
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLDFor several weeks we have
peen laying ia a stock for the
boys, slad now are ready with
REIABL E aafuliae:of LtNCHEa, C-
1R. E. JOLLY & CO.
Save Your
that you have taken.;
If they are mounted on
cards your friends can bor-
row or beg them.
An Album
will keep them. Albums
don't cost so much is the
end. We sell them.
Calkins' Pharmacy
Philosophy of
An Introduction to the
Study of
3y Aa rasn I. LoYe. author of "Citizen.
ship and Sslvation," and "Dynamic
19 Mn 9R.4Pana. $1.00.

Finances, Lose on Pennsqicania,'
France, Final Class Game, Semi-
Final Game, Scrubs us.
Alma, Case Game.
The meeting of the Athletic Board
last evening was short, as little besides
routine business was transacted.
The report of the financial secretary
for the past week was as follows:
Balance, first of week...........$1,233 45
Receipts .........,.. ........... 1,048 78
Expenses.. .............1,813 90
Deficit.... ...... . $16...
The graduate director reported that
the Pennsylvania game was a loss to
our asociatian of about $10. The final
settlement has not been made. When
this is done perhaps these figures will
be reduced.
The profits from the dance of last
Friday night were between $65 and $70.
The total receipts amounted to $135.05.
The committee which had charge of
the celebration turned over a balance
to the treasurer of the association. On
account of the short notice they were
unable to secure any amount of fire-
works,'either here or In Detroit. Ho-
evar they bought all which could be
found in Ann Arbor. The report was:
Received by subscription... $43 95
Fireworks.............$ 00
Band ......................10 00 19 00
Balance to association.........24 95
The board decided to send a vote of
sympathy in behalf of the student
body and the Athletic Association to
"Dick" France, who was suddenly
called home after the Pennsylvania
game by the fatal ilnes of his father
The receipts for the final class game
wili be divided equally between the
Athletic Association as one party and
the two teams as the other. The laws
are making great preparations for this
game and expect to have 500 rooters
out. Besides this they will have a
band especially unformed and equipped
with tunes inspiring to the ear of the
boisterous law. The lits. will not have
a band but hope to have a crowd over-
whelming in numbers.
In view of the fact that the 1901 and
1902 lit. teams have played two games,
both of which resulted in a tie, it was
the sentiment of the board that dif-
ferent arrangements be made to pre-
vent this result recurring. The halves
of the game, this afternoon, will be
longer than in former games. If no
score results from this arrangement
and neither side is ahead before dark-
ness closes the game, the result will be
decided by lot.
Saturday morning the Scrubs will go
to Alma to play the college team there.
That team tied the All-freshmen hore
last Saturday, and is now ambitious to
get as near as possible to 'Varsity
company. This game will also give the
Scrubs a trip as a compensation for
their work this year.
The game with Case on Saturday
will be more interesting than is now
expected. Michigan is now in a posi-
tion very similar to what she occupied.
in 1895. Then the team returned from
the Harvard game defeated by a score
of 4 to 0. The next Saturday it went
up against Purdue here. An easy
game was expected, but what really-
happened was a surprise. Michigan all
but lost the game. It was won only by

year Quarry, who kicked f
then, is stronger than ever an
his presence felt in every ga
championship of Ohio now
tween Case and the State Un
Case has beaten Oberlin this y
is about as strong as that te
when it played such a close ga
two years ago. The aim every
the Case team is to clean up o
gan, which would be the
honor the team could dream o
Changes in the Engineering
Mr. W. S. Miggett, superinte
the Engineering shops, has be
ganizing his department. Amo
things a tool room has been I
for. In this room each tool
place. When a tool is taken f
room a check is put in its pl1
this means it is possible to tell
the tool, as each person enti
checks has a certain number
his checks bear the number.
feature is a stock room, where
stock is arranged so that the
on hand can be easily determ
any time. A system of job tic
been arranged and for etery o
work a ticket is made out. A d
ticket goes with the job throu
shops. Time tickets have als
introduced so that it is possibl
the exact number of hours p
any job by instructors and by s
Also the amount of material th
Into the job.
A Valuable Collectioc Secu
The de Crisco collection of L
scriptions has just been secured
Unsisity. This collection is
valuable one. It includes mor
.250 Inscriptions mostly on mar
some on brick, lead pipe and
materials. In age they range f
time of Augustus to 500 A.
speciments have been collected
vicinity of Naples during the
years by Sig. de Crisco, a rese
the suburb Pozzuoli. Permissi
to be secured from the Italian
ment before the collection co
brought to this country. Prof.
Dennison, formerly on the Lat
here and now at Oberlin, recen
lished part of the inscriptio
called the attention of He
Glover of Ypsilanti to the h
and archaeological value of the
tion. The collection was puch
him and presented to the Univ
Eastern Football.
As the foot ball season dra
close the situation in the Eas
more complicated with ever
played. So far Harvard has
tained supremacy over all othe
but the colors of Yale must be
next Saturday on Soldiers' Fie
the nominal championship4
awarded to the crimson.
Just as Cornell leaped into
place by walloping Columbia,
ette came along and beat the I
on their own stamping ground.
ette has also defeated Old Pe
has been beaten by Princeti
tigers, though conquered by
have won from Columbia and s
the Indians, who beat the Quak
scored 10 points against Harvi
lumbia has vanquished Yale, an
only team to score against tI

1899. No. 45.
or them More oil the Pennqloania Game.
d makes Echoes of the game last Saturday are
me. The
lies be- just reaching here from the east. Geo,
iversity. H. Brooke in the North American says:
ear and "From a general foot ball standpoint
am wa the most impressive thing about the
.me here Pennsylvania-aichigan game was the
year of goal kicking, which won and lost the
n Michi- game." Continuing, he says: "The
greatest Michigan men gave a spectacular ex-
.f. hibition of beautiful tackling. When
one of the Yellow and Blue players hit
Shops. a runner he simply mowed him down.
ndent of The tackle that laid Hare out was a
en reor- beauty. There is nothing like hard,
ng other low tackling to bang the life out of an
provided opposing team."
has its Tie Pennsylvanian says: "Penn de-
am tBe feated Michigan after a long drawn
ace By out contest Saturday afternoon. It vas
abad ha anybodys game until three minutes
tled tob efore time was called. Penn made a
and ah touchdown and kicked the goal, put-
Anothe ling them one point ahead of their
all the rivals. Playing an up-hill game as
amount they did too much credit cannot be
kets has given the Pennsylvania team. Their
ve has work was the best they hash shown on
rder for.
uplicate Franklin Field this year. The Michi-
igh the San team also played a hard, cnsist-
o been ent game and fought it out to the last
e to tell moment. Outplayed though they were
ut upon in the second half they contested every
tudentn. foot of ground."
at went "The score Pennsylvania 11, MichI-
gan 10 but faintly conveys a hint of the
exciting game witnessed on Franklin
ured. Field Saturday; nor does it show to
atin in- any extent the magnificent battle
I by the fought and won by our team against
a very odds few Pennsylvania teams have
e than faced in the past few years. Penn,
ble and with the discouragements of past de-
I other feats in mind, and a team in far front
rom the fne physical condition of good playing
D. The form, met and conquered the last
I in the year's champions of the west in the
last 40 most exciting game so far this season.
dent of Michigan came East with a team in
on had perfect physical condition which was
govern- little affected, according to her coaches,
uld be by the trip East, and she played her
Walter best game.
in staff "In the first half Michigan had the
tly pub- advantage, her fast backs and ends
ns. He working havoc with our team, but in
ry P. the second half the superior endurance,
istorical training and grit of Penn was in evi-
collec- dence in every play, and toward the
ased by close of the seventy minutes of play
ersity. Michigan visibly weakened before the
fast and furious rushes of our men.
The game was marked by spectacular
ws to a runs, fine tackles, and tremendous line
t grows rushes. McLean and Snow played the
y game star game for Michigan. The meeting
main- of the two great centers Cunningham
r rivals, and Overfield was interesting from the
lowered critic's standpoint as the Michigan
d before man had replaced Penn's center on the
can be All-American team; but the game
Saturday demonstrated that it would
second take a better man than Cunningham
Lafay- even to out play Penn's great center.
thacans "To the players from the West we
Lafay- extend a cordial farewell, hoping to
nn, but welcome them again on Franklin Field
on. The in coming years."
Cornell, -
hut out The City of Ann Arbor will make a
ters and request to the Board of Regents for
ard. Co- two free beds in the University Hospi-
id is the tal. They do this in consideration of
he blue the $25,000 which the city gave to th
hospitals when they were built,
arivid Today, 4 p. m. Semi final
Sversty class game at Fair Grounds.
ly 1ut-
;eason. 1901 vs. 1202.

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