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December 15, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-15

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U&-of 9 ati,
u tjtVOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRDAY DECEMBER 15, 1899. No. 68.
F ~PRES. ANGELL OPENS THE passoess no matter ohat out posoon medical society.
ACOURSE. he fur ther anetd ster or lead the There gulat monthly meetingoftt
W[ i L Di. further andtafoter the puplNI outpPo, meial seeeey at held last eenm,
- gies in the ooer leeure room af the med-
T T Speah8 on the Reflex Influence Of 2. Gyrec hod in the diversity of ppels teal biuldng iwing to the inemecy
the eacersCalino itmtusa i 0e o mthos ~of tetweather there twas not as ag3
the'eecerSGeling I r simuus o cang inmetodsNo f.ttendaceasuuat. But thosewh
H FirFl ndWne et ti. i aye the fist ila c i tNpuils oictas s aeeat diftt eniwee ,peseint oere more thn repaid
Fine all adtectuicsH A efetretheed I mst adapt orsleet dfern frtheir coting, for it isvery lcue eoetePdggcls-lS
E Suitings, Golf1 Suits, E ysIea itentim ile tse rittntsiidimtht tmedical students has' he
ct5' *vst rtacitenoo hitap.tppotunittyto listen to our an ale ad
F "aneg Vestin S.detoes in one evening as were gveii
Halatibtegas y statig thecpopa Iraicoettcocuraging modesty. At titothe society last evening. Whilte the
sIin that atticytmcns voatonltve tat aep I iesceet teacher is generally it p' attendattce cwasonot vey large bht
T DRSS UIT A PECALT irpresurn upn hs eharct~. Eery 'nuidet at his aitiy. Whn t as very appreeiative of the addicsea
T DESSSUIS ASPCIATY Ics stens ipas Iist ttisiceFre attersteps eatning it is time toi given and felt that they socre entr-
tatingtmaik s a.idiffeenitnptessiiu i itoso Iahrc ainei in t ehighest order.
AostitittoIstiepcteacying.ugOwen0thithe sikness of thepes
intl herr nitLaeiPsi 41.i gvisaan eniciing meal i- ent M. hetnecdy, the vie-pesident
A IeCrt h ags fil iin making our choice s eyvoct Iflency. It tousuhes wcise patience I ttr.esswland had charge at the meet
'Stock t(nhs bathlii ttiapy n t' uhi ( fostersle virtse iftqtick symp , ec ant in a fawc hoceeremarkst.n
Ill sle Cit . 1? reult Atthispoit, he tis IIsadcsed the speakers itt the evening
InthrCe.Ia tpofsuits AteIte5exainteitt u ias t iih atidtts het ticaddresses wcreepalt upon tser
I gra,,,,,sii taeecaittti ttis.To he iconstttasstitionltawiithloach sr cutlone by each along sped~t
o their effect titpotis en's b"i airsli .-Otth cet ont"hass sicinluence to keep u llnsad as not only entettain
0 108 eryEAST WASHINGTON ST Q the tittiug ripttrue iedctiotrbecomes ea1 Ie 'practical as cee.
Evci. . . . . hi a sshnestys 5t cc itsuh a siit canntspalTil isteahe,Dr. -Amill gave a
his prf;:- (1etcpatialttlat upon the Dizos -
itifi1 tee ctstgoichsItae tse outhofte leantI titi hetfeet., eltton Duitg the course of his re
sis f eomig mrelya he i ha lhe ilccitotme Iethogh sti diP 9mactic he cshowted the diagnosis site.
Wn I L T tt pedr elsote ted tsceiteculits tincites is to Ie crumn Iti'it"titt0' ittcertaintifisases. He
h1 ist ui it siuintlnsetetitncs tia it cinsute icisg.A teacher ta losed his agunments upon the ases
satonaetfi ts' ditsthis profiessettvi er hi he ae 'niMichadiilbee recoded and treated
totrfoge tatteuths r o-in the Uniesity hospital. He sget
as ito cno itthe. Pl caItin toIi le et_' laitl rcetiv ictitpressionis from him erry'stotigly upon the senior cas,
- 'hoc eit' suit itnititfinllyts'heira is its eci of etc andithe tueoreec asses as swel, the i-
htcoaesbeaithofliew-.i iiThi.ihy siic t s tilt leepch cttvictitic t o alinour porancec'f amking a routine eamina-
eutrattit hi ef ly it s i 5etntific acts' ' w' toi adeatc cu 'ch up11 t dt l ci sI fitn iiurtin in alt ases foe the great
iti',the pactitioneeceoeit3 deie
Cho olteshet t'eiics 5siptstl dstigneth 'chisoereeote 1ccgitd ittthe cii d nt onlty itta diagnostic nmanner ue
cleica pif ,orthasitsdaners Ii I~t u se" i th ung those' iho pognestic as owel. Di. Armil showed
W~e makte a spetialy on f alitii caliigeis' tes P ri , v' it sits 'ontrolith's eo ntry. 'IceP's, 'hoecaes itt supctied typhoid feet
( tcuoltes s a std ie. an reth 1t t e tod e diagnosed y the Discore
_ th unortnat" i~lu rrcs rccioni ev tincwhen eary atl the othe
't e sell httleof them an. c.teaercs prof e'sin tlset hs it.- uti u rtet own iconeittrol. teet us bP ignotc sit ycmtto s w rc asestan
ntur stockltis tlways freshe nlunea wl s t thers. lT eodcfsuh a fesit itt dstie 'in ated tht wcc etcit cisc tsed i i
Lscsney's,Alegretisand unfortt ttnt eitcfluencieciweediscues,"Iithakshitt ee 'itei t tke it ltae sar no dficultywass experenced
Kuhn' alwys i stsltnathe diagnots ig oftyp 'hotd ever.T-
ithnesaliaysucueteet ftistitsisi to____upreal svluee ofithe lst s that itt e
Wilder's Pharmacy its kowleidtge'acin'tot" i his iutittu' Womnana Edition. east' to peform. The rest islue of lho
iti.ie. ttit ny silt itis needed.el If ii- Te netied ttitio fte ailhys cil e Diao reactiott in typhoid faet ncmc
itiseteiot e'ch gilyontS'ei I he e etudged fothi c ning of it il
THE-OL-a-suthettsirtsisesiee eonigetitt huuso I 'itii ' i"_ ieteen out cit the twetytctiocase
Tate n dagetitleoig thath this i f ttti iseser,( re tdiin the iospt,,t
itetuesiitti-titlie askw iitcea iletitittte l be.cllce y o e f h i. ps. sxt cate Toeof te cat
RELIABLE an tnol7 1I, - otl t e uhiilteatiissse t iIeact thei etite tte itio awt h chre it wsanost found csme to th
GAMandTOACC (shold c,('a h grwNt hite tel vcsite itltihlii mny5haivee' een taspitalctatcit e disese" Itmutho
l-1U10S A 8I'tsCIALr. much le ' lie ' rtniwtc lttres itt i n otd tha itsdficltoilt
R . E. J oL L Y &. C O.I Thislte c er of-ut aigititi 'it'ats.I ilttlehe ctsi'iiestt inettwttisTheui e ntyiofic e eatcest itici
- tuts I. c iilieur's tiav e licout it of 9$i ns lertnt boh cin the dignosis :nut
v tlve their ethusiasm mitucwane anut -i velteto l hsso olg ponss h
nohn a om est o h t.T e fI.tutstit rtetntirom"tinheiitut t hIi'~ue gaver the ediease. Ihutyphidt
utiuumueunnscof iIutlt',u at its'teds. til htu tisub,'t' silt ise t'rthe r l ""tic I,,racin
C hrittmaq cshotiltitit oictity elitfrhm oetu' i(itsdanoe'vle irl ~ u
Imte.ne tc usi ftwetyiei pa Ei"'S te geeter '(titsis the'.relvt e suer cc itles r ttts-
' C4 L eathicis m r cmits .t ti oeieit's ia to1i hih utuitle sidt arca t tcprt I this, a w tl unowncs r
icusuiumutmayuuare u iee ini tertI tt o l utlu anutI bys cus conip'us.n'o that it the Diuaaor tion ii 5ies e 't t
abilt- .'his istas rei n luene i 55 ' viii'ali'tctolumns i twitlte ioucdi;t "numibe lu'''da ss thatstheI ' ttc 01o
that ides rosts Peril ic ths s th t usltl, hudtustge' itttheusessi''n h
he eat r ,utulydaitng wr,: 'cc mnuoelandsituc",- i i ttingetiu'afainiitttiofthep1a1tit i egr ase
c eakr mid:. H is emptd to o wvvthyof th abiity-oteou Mitgati in ir i t imuDr.ut it ditte
t<,a'l La e t ote I tiut iit n i tii tuiuss ichutn u hs u ____________ uiorgec ' ttupo vr m l st unit tte cls
iuiuttsttl ill suetizeeecomesPedantc. 'ntiscuti't s ti su'sut'snotth lc
W i usipacteasl u il hem for o "yi hI lt it mita stic ti I usnesieffersonian Societimey a pIcirnesw l uet;l
youwrthis is 'hi itta11,. hi, al ia uusc-to b c~le.Yr n wliittetm od a vl ttoustge :
we i t ue o drahiuAl~a- cut.iolen', T lcs- . hrisuti~tns"n; itmitt , tonedt' ehure l ltint' ie tysi' th'
is ie 'liutuhiil dret ttittutĀ°csav-1 i lilt ti i'tt'uirtcte ee i ' nuiner tuttiith illttet wst e's
tiir factIryttuttlohcmu oIli.eof Csrovti Clevelantuin thmeemminu'
aithynr e h col n t ''0 t ailet paercuipon Vo'latie Oits." Hue
p a~~~it T~his is usfIIc'sIbroughtu t o i n it ierionied m sty p h
CALKIN'S PHARMACY oy Duce usittflinuig iseiti,[hu I tutucti\.IHPtPutsyhI. Intl f muttmstg Hhs dne seil-kTeeis Heistkn eso Es~n rntr1.Pr ~ ( r-fhhvos, ooll nuo teatv rni
el n vew o y un papc. Ths h _ e t t cbte t cs ' lium Puhati.lhe u g ' unt( ' ,'u'rattheitut thu i'u ateii pcumcu
CALKN'S HARACY i ies ec e~mstaaeaoni"seetnniesstsoe tiith " Iivmprinciple andicn i ttempt 0
fune i tspecialyg ti 'it tgm ato tn me f ur ha ltc ib e - a p eit i t lt mtie. rc iole Its
Have yea Seen Thase New tr s ta ds mst I lii tois'ectutd tutu ti Xli tutu tue- ii'J'uiiConnoin at tat's tics inip'lets iOf ittl u'v'lt i o i teis
et utiodeiyartatcccjtiecuciceicro'ithenus ' I
IN vrds aittofediuaiust tneer l-voatle oi s e highe et bo'iting"
0, ,P Asutzofby n is. 115rofth Alen Will 'pesh sitotitthis'a'titteriuncuuu ipethe giet
liie tuticity. In cs'of posonmingctw
u ece s tuteni tuuck inc t ini ',e metig f thus'I' g ePUt esu' tt fsi cii' ico ter'u'i', esut it
DOF tIll -' ~ ure fa is This s iindtumul S rcut itomorroen en itnuig tlesaddusres ts it itcal iatu ion uu n te ~ stoi eii
Vl!car s 1 and Ann 1Ar bor? ftutuani'utut 5bii eunin yo5u al nohmiii' givsety ssinttrop . ltract andthethen at either slum-
tti05i~'hi i tyourivtution.itJohnlo .i, oAllen whsotill t tel fs icutm iutiut or d ut'sssitilutft the'i'uttttai
Nt. ", thultueeficl iti t ii i s vcr hofIits est=iuut esut i e pra'ciitict'ng5'hit Ii tlp s ii a utdheuumca ut u i cs
T Ir rct iie st'unin iiiPt a. us Thur talk pusm- sot the lissrntu nttt volaui tilettt'is wei"
THEY' RE GREAT 1.Tist I 'teo's Ii urises 't'oi i't toee xebglyuitrestuig as e uty'sltd'ad tuexptlained,handchw
tiumul us t high mratudeeop tsnthe peIake his a haippyeanittpleasin 'it thetr i u's 'muttmisuse's s-rev ltieumu
Dr.Ce Iiiitros nmt xintroduced n
FIVE Ki'_NDS ONLY trEH s b~l eetcaustfthem natre of the 55ork 'itaIlmanne of spekng anduthue sumbjecis5 readian aditesuponuS ntegme ash
the saicedness it thPu' mateiatoIibeio' the pactal natume thatm enguinee- enitliihus remarks Is the existent,,
tnvou'kidup ton 'There is also a sinutite Ing students deigh in The leture it acid ressause bacil in ostem snit

to a high umnth u-i ush dr'ehspmes t tse cwitt ge gisen in the Physical tabo's- ummuls :ad Itmeir iproduets. The smegma.
A 9tfaiii'es closely resembles the tttl-ar-
us arsning is superfluous, no learning Immey Lecture Piumns at I o'cloek tomori-u"titleatiities and it ean only hue dis-
W M ost. s XWe c'an umlways usuetill cce rust'eveninig. Csmuihme cnl usg 2

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