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December 15, 1899 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-15

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f Co~(ntinuecd fomutage,~
tinuishedI by the must careful sis ly.
..,d f ' ._1 Q ue cleatrIy statedI tihae etcctttuitgic al,
Sainunganttd cultural propetes fcteatl
Publihesd Duily (Sundays seet dtsur~ihng t s the wa sltcsu'Icct1
Callega 5be,,51i tinuiusehed5 froiuttheu te.Te .
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ony iateans by which the sasegnaafacit-
OrFess: tier Islasnd Peess, 7Ilussing Haici, iliesorsmay bbecadistgusefthuds rmallote c
Buth Phtote-, 51 um sbyclselm tuIatls
- _ ::o tisiwihihtare prouduced i tl-_
heat ittul catity cantttonly be'ditingtes-
MANAGING IEDITORS. uishedci lectisoiung audcte aining.
F. EsassLsus,'O1 L. lHe closedis etcmarcks by stating i a
BUlSINESs S IAiN_'G i. cant itrcceac bete the mc ica-l tuen
55 5. 1a. as tst utath'eatost cetal scetsitif
O. Il.HANSOOI.,measu et(iseti giishhatwisesnvai
VIc1TOR1S. les fs te f c batLc i in ie all casesey q
AT55LETICS, . .,-0. D. IlrNUsas, 'atEp at l o ianss aue
T. R. WsOOeeOW, '0s L. A. 115. hlelGLsnts, '55 5E "l~ecthat v e'is5" hbyIDe. IBcteilaniet
A. G. Btessas, 't2_E ,Je. B.55Wtw), '05, else neat acdress. estatswcd that te
L. , MOT MEasee, '55, W.ti.II ICttieYA, were cca dultpic-ateoathlesamtcosei
memerahetiitd eels'sed ct'fiboustis
cue ail gatacamouneetestscmescletUS-'
s.ue, his cierlyasatedI cnd exlaede
tie-nec I Siu 'I acd1p 'iyiloi iiun
Tie subetscritionlepricetfteALis $,5ers kechaofath e iffeenIt pnios ef vri
ths siceyer, wstleit iceilts deliveryt hefoest speso s t hite le ssuch vale's
noans utie t dy. Notices, co-iieeitcetisIande
Otere'mat t te iteedeforiiputliceatiancmse ete nt he sdIis pa er ivs
Isnded i t itheDIL fe l b e fore is a n .,o bifheupna p ietaih vs b
asutaassarecil leexis tted'aTh
Sttbscripetiones m e e~ ~ se l e the c ai ttloics ee" 'te ie ccs i 'b
Mspasr's,eoritieil't's estaei, orewisheel, lle ss ttcs S itt i1 i ch itt i e xhietdee (tetatiedi
Manasger. Seubscieswliconerlit ftvrett two eryiell iltee lves.
reporetngprltttiltli ete this atics ally' feilueoharir adlie ae, o it l n al rb blt
casssesIs slecs a~is, t!"n is ere"'anell'c ee k iminti e tt i r
All chaettecs tinadvertising'.'inattc ste i ni
lteoffce b I.it l. ioilte ti dy eli e vsese i eus ttutltr to Ce c u iser teetee aoitthe'
on whislch tthe a etiatis C, f t
Commerce Tlraininsg. EUI HY
tresiettAnel I, lIin tis ec a I, ..UTH 7iM(iIL
beceeuet at tie l'ssiscisily o it t i l tee ntieplitle Iooth and e u thiii 5Wale,
Alumnti ,Assoia~tionee it testatenN(is ,C otle
Yieck, heldI at .Bufattet, FrtdIy, Icema~- -
bert8,e-r'e'erie totedemandlloria
be certriinbg feecoleieecial 1)11ee. Tooth Paste
nits, spoas olies
'"T'he tiseeheas longsince atIhn ouaras ial etrii '
sten gee tieciii',egecsimptly ortht p TOOTH BRUSHES TO M11ATCH
Iliaceelfstetelyitig acpof citn W
lee1lst thttee tr'y hleterd o./!
:t O aee ; th atte counttery is to T
prisaceittill htee tdwihte
tie-i-ile pit IeeltietlidOne the i
pontwhr w ac o~ilgtotkepo- Typewiriter Coyn
of aeelslageepeatfiee..,l'iei
tesict 't Iee-' Pac ee leees-cie~s O013' 1:1 cser 100 XX ssds.
eol the' worled. Iti s cetiny aeoetgtee b> C OL O
Icy sa1oue luieee'ofecoit own.teiftwk, doiiSCHOOL OF 'SHORTHAND;

© \
4 ti
__ R
T-j .

Vett fttt arc oftente eprsimars'y
caus oile f i aiod, Itesmetmbetr
theat goioe, pracetitcally watlerproof
I ehes ll and esolutely wsaferproof
oeshoiees are essenltia~ls seat lilx-
lrIS as. oucare affordlthe leat,
andilwe lavethfe leechat triflii)g
,Glass shoe Store

Open, Evenings, Until,
Ch ristmas
Lii10ie f tei's Futrnishlinlgs,
firtselita eys. Nectkwear,
Itillil' (tfs, Bafti Robes,
Glovs, Fssnty Yeats, Hoaiesy,
11 tisiticetiefs, IUsibrella1s,
Fancsl h lirfetindMuffles. All
thc essiawst creeionsspetially
aatef llosrIHoliay Gifts,
NobI's Star Glotlinj thouse

&~ 'Y" SE LYNCH IWILIAMJ131S, au/liarof
'"hi stittrinor tatle ofeorrlleare lifte Is'r X? ssTsrs 1'l

''It, tete-eores-leatolet'' heel itis
tiie'dct- of ccteu ie c citi ats e tr i
aenisltatthelbYnaysetslitted lieqid
th 'segelr iiIe l i l 'ec etI - teakI, ae
shile'ieetelaieetnie n the1le w t hti t ic
loetn sIc'Iternaiontae;lii'trait'an
ch tall d e. W e ''ar lctiiccaeposii 'n a
tbhii' tceateisuichlitcliatcitenai
intee Unvrst So liciic c, b Iee V
hoeeri ecrie s~ e ci incoms ee ironci
'it bte ciyu cc te itoiena tle lus t ccet
li it.sitt.
uiersitabelslcea tacile islea;'Cuiete Ie
thike has th p blcetis b'gi-eel' to
tpe ceted fa ht itetaie gecs
lce"ae erp -, ndstl ' n wth\te.

fisrst long stot yafnd it has already been pro-
Snonwede- byty he N. Y. .E't-icng Sun,,- a bettes'
pic-tosre of' college lise than the saefnCausthor's
Prnetn!tortco K(which is snowt in t/de Sthj eel//lan. )
SFull Djress Shirts
'7~a-resy ispts s ~ : FULLY 1ILLUST hRAiTED)1-FOR SALE E VERIYWHERE1--PRICsEa$1.25
'nm -rtedyrtof paeet ton - CHl-ARLS, 5 CRIBNElt 10th, 5PUBLISHEtRS) N'W iYORKs.
~-theyeofitfaatlest.saitet lrsc~lnistnpjlli
At Yoster fine s aramet psibeA ct it it is s aset lets itt. LAMPS CJ 1
(Successors ts Clashf, Coon &Cs. IIEA L
Makers ER
t norering sea cii e tet h y nI o telet II Oni Wtsl ccitOte a(111 get ear orals

'hi'icctiec t f cre'et a co~tt
iasetac eeic'eicytice iitrecar inen, neii Athens
tasjte:eletued romec tee as I
tuel e ceis stdea rte t oe he i, ti
tht hrei sc adead o mnTheatreC
icehsprfsin h th wasnbl rcure' a suitablc eesone fotielc'________________
--- BEAN M. SEABOLT, Manager.
hir.Fech ofi th el 'Chicago Act dee-

huiled o iieeeI wlsithlea ecc igs. W e i'.ee(ledl live scre Iteeter
ealretacly icarge ls'c l ic dnw es hesslacrgest naceltrcs sofeehiks ice tswn,
whfiche sill eesure yocugoodsaeracre.t's, iethesascees.
l.s'es10. 51 Esst Liberty Siredt.
Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases

Intt"ct ct esecuatta' GOOD 'TINGS (Uer3it. csy 'eipticeec, 'iD INKt AN It)5VAIS1 Et'etI(,elis'Itci,
h'sndly dclahteaa h aturey s'heuimad'Ia:HORSE FURNISHING GOODS.
thuat lime, Icethe' vice-pesidesna sf 'he' SATIIiIIAY-lionfing fur Iluwleiss 307 Souil aiStreet. ANTS} Nt''IItc
c-tab, wshaostill have thrustoseeexhibi-
lis oncl he' Chrisleuas ba zaars eturse GRANGER'S
'rhadayanc actuiaerday esvening otut he n -- J-
beei fthe bazaar, Unitaruan chuteh School of Dancing.
Is t 10 p. at, THE BEST IN THE CITY
P__________ lrivatead chlalss ssons by Mr~. attalrs, Guaranteed to be genuine Frenh Enamuetesd
Open muetiug st Webster Soisety tel Ross Grcnerc. Offic, rsideniceantd Calf, with thus boshseout proof,-kid lining.
Bom G., Lass Building, Friday evssn- academ~y on Maynacrd-st., opposite Sclhool Phone 355 Warranted waterproof.
lng, Dee, hI, at 7:30 p. m. of Music. Bell 'Pheone, 2-4-6. 1 19 E. Washington St., APRIIL4L'S SHOD STORE

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