THE UNIRSITY OF MIICHIGNN DAILY, f Co~(ntinuecd fomutage,~ tinuishedI by the must careful sis ly. ..,d f ' ._1 Q ue cleatrIy statedI tihae etcctttuitgic al, Sainunganttd cultural propetes fcteatl Publihesd Duily (Sundays seet dtsur~ihng t s the wa sltcsu'Icct1 Callega 5be,,51i tinuiusehed5 froiuttheu te.Te . THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ony iateans by which the sasegnaafacit- OrFess: tier Islasnd Peess, 7Ilussing Haici, iliesorsmay bbecadistgusefthuds rmallote c Buth Phtote-, 51 um sbyclselm tuIatls - _ ::o tisiwihihtare prouduced i tl-_ heat ittul catity cantttonly be'ditingtes- MANAGING IEDITORS. uishedci lectisoiung audcte aining. F. EsassLsus,'O1 L. lHe closedis etcmarcks by stating i a BUlSINESs S IAiN_'G i. cant itrcceac bete the mc ica-l tuen 55 5. 1a. as tst utath'eatost cetal scetsitif O. Il.HANSOOI.,measu et(iseti giishhatwisesnvai VIc1TOR1S. les fs te f c batLc i in ie all casesey q AT55LETICS, . .,-0. D. IlrNUsas, 'atEp at l o ianss aue T. R. WsOOeeOW, '0s L. A. 115. hlelGLsnts, '55 5E "l~ecthat v e'is5" hbyIDe. IBcteilaniet A. G. Btessas, 't2_E ,Je. B.55Wtw), '05, else neat acdress. estatswcd that te L. , MOT MEasee, '55, W.ti.II ICttieYA, were cca dultpic-ateoathlesamtcosei memerahetiitd eels'sed ct'fiboustis cue ail gatacamouneetestscmescletUS-' s.ue, his cierlyasatedI cnd exlaede tie-nec I Siu 'I acd1p 'iyiloi iiun Tie subetscritionlepricetfteALis $,5ers kechaofath e iffeenIt pnios ef vri ths siceyer, wstleit iceilts deliveryt hefoest speso s t hite le ssuch vale's noans utie t dy. Notices, co-iieeitcetisIande Otere'mat t te iteedeforiiputliceatiancmse ete nt he sdIis pa er ivs Isnded i t itheDIL fe l b e fore is a n .,o bifheupna p ietaih vs b asutaassarecil leexis tted'aTh Sttbscripetiones m e e~ ~ se l e the c ai ttloics ee" 'te ie ccs i 'b Mspasr's,eoritieil't's estaei, orewisheel, lle ss ttcs S itt i1 i ch itt i e xhietdee (tetatiedi Manasger. Seubscieswliconerlit ftvrett two eryiell iltee lves. reporetngprltttiltli ete this atics ally' feilueoharir adlie ae, o it l n al rb blt casssesIs slecs a~is, t!"n is ere"'anell'c ee k iminti e tt i r All chaettecs tinadvertising'.'inattc ste i ni lteoffce b l. ioilte ti dy eli e vsese i eus ttutltr to Ce c u iser teetee aoitthe' on whislch tthe a etiatis C, f t Commerce Tlraininsg. EUI HY tresiettAnel I, lIin tis ec a I, ..UTH 7iM(iIL beceeuet at tie l'ssiscisily o it t i l tee ntieplitle Iooth and e u thiii 5Wale, Alumnti ,Assoia~tionee it testatenN(is ,C otle Yieck, heldI at .Bufattet, FrtdIy, Icema~- - bert8,e-r'e'erie totedemandlloria be certriinbg feecoleieecial 1)11ee. Tooth Paste nits, spoas olies '"T'he tiseeheas longsince atIhn ouaras ial etrii ' sten gee tieciii',egecsimptly ortht p TOOTH BRUSHES TO M11ATCH Iliaceelfstetelyitig acpof citn W lee1lst thttee tr'y hleterd o./! :t O aee ; th atte counttery is to T prisaceittill htee tdwihte tie-i-ile pit IeeltietlidOne the i pontwhr w ac o~ilgtotkepo- Typewiriter Coyn of aeelslageepeatfiee..,l'iei tesict 't Iee-' Pac ee leees-cie~s O013' 1:1 cser 100 XX ssds. eol the' worled. Iti s cetiny aeoetgtee b> C OL O Icy sa1oue luieee'ofecoit own.teiftwk, doiiSCHOOL OF 'SHORTHAND; . © \ 4 ti __ R YO T-j . Vett fttt arc oftente eprsimars'y caus oile f i aiod, Itesmetmbetr theat goioe, pracetitcally watlerproof I ehes ll and esolutely wsaferproof oeshoiees are essenltia~ls seat lilx- lrIS as. oucare affordlthe leat, andilwe lavethfe leechat triflii)g ,Glass shoe Store 109 S. MAIN STREET. Open, Evenings, Until, Ch ristmas Lii10ie f tei's Futrnishlinlgs, firtselita eys. Nectkwear, Itillil' (tfs, Bafti Robes, Glovs, Fssnty Yeats, Hoaiesy, 11 tisiticetiefs, IUsibrella1s, Fancsl h lirfetindMuffles. All thc essiawst creeionsspetially aatef llosrIHoliay Gifts, NobI's Star Glotlinj thouse THE ADVENTURES OF A FRESHMAN &~ 'Y" SE LYNCH IWILIAMJ131S, au/liarof Ft.ST OLEN bla STOR(Y ANt) 5OTHRNEWSPAPER SrORIES," ETC. '"hi stittrinor tatle ofeorrlleare lifte Is'r X? ssTsrs 1'l ''It, tete-eores-leatolet'' heel itis tiie'dct- of ccteu ie c citi ats e tr i aenisltatthelbYnaysetslitted lieqid th 'segelr iiIe l i l 'ec etI - teakI, ae shile'ieetelaieetnie n the1le w t hti t ic loetn sIc'Iternaiontae;lii'trait'an ch tall d e. W e ''ar lctiiccaeposii 'n a tbhii' tceateisuichlitcliatcitenai intee Unvrst So liciic c, b Iee V hoeeri ecrie s~ e ci incoms ee ironci 'it bte ciyu cc te itoiena tle lus t ccet li it.sitt. uiersitabelslcea tacile islea;'Cuiete Ie thike has th p blcetis b'gi-eel' to tpe ceted fa ht itetaie gecs lce"ae erp -, ndstl ' n wth\te. enterparise."isi fisrst long stot yafnd it has already been pro- Snonwede- byty he N. Y. .E't-icng Sun,,- a bettes' pic-tosre of' college lise than the saefnCausthor's Prnetn!tortco K(which is snowt in t/de Sthj eel//lan. ) SFull Djress Shirts '7~a-resy ispts s ~ : FULLY 1ILLUST hRAiTED)1-FOR SALE E VERIYWHERE1--PRICsEa$1.25 'nm -rtedyrtof paeet ton - CHl-ARLS, 5 CRIBNElt 10th, 5PUBLISHEtRS) N'W iYORKs. ~-theyeofitfaatlest.saitet lrsc~lnistnpjlli At Yoster fine s aramet psibeA ct it it is s aset lets itt. LAMPS CJ 1 J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. CLUETT, PEABODY Es CO. --_ (Successors ts Clashf, Coon &Cs. IIEA L Makers ER t norering sea cii e tet h y nI o telet II Oni Wtsl ccitOte a(111 get ear orals 'hi'icctiec t f cre'et a co~tt iasetac eeic'eicytice iitrecar inen, neii Athens tasjte:eletued romec tee as I tuel e ceis stdea rte t oe he i, ti tht hrei sc adead o mnTheatreC icehsprfsin h th wasnbl rcure' a suitablc eesone fotielc'________________ --- BEAN M. SEABOLT, Manager. hir.Fech ofi th el 'Chicago Act dee- huiled o iieeeI wlsithlea ecc igs. W e i'.ee(ledl live scre Iteeter ealretacly icarge ls'c l ic dnw es hesslacrgest naceltrcs sofeehiks ice tswn, whfiche sill eesure yocugoodsaeracre.t's, iethesascees. l.s'es10. 51 Esst Liberty Siredt. H-EADQUARFTER.fS FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases Intt"ct ct esecuatta' GOOD 'TINGS (Uer3it. csy 'eipticeec, 'iD INKt AN It)5VAIS1 Et'etI(,elis'Itci, h'sndly dclahteaa h aturey s'heuimad'Ia:HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. thuat lime, Icethe' vice-pesidesna sf 'he' SATIIiIIAY-lionfing fur Iluwleiss 307 Souil aiStreet. ANTS} Nt''IItc c-tab, wshaostill have thrustoseeexhibi- lis oncl he' Chrisleuas ba zaars eturse GRANGER'S 'rhadayanc actuiaerday esvening otut he n -- J- beei fthe bazaar, Unitaruan chuteh School of Dancing. Is t 10 p. at, THE BEST IN THE CITY P__________ lrivatead chlalss ssons by Mr~. attalrs, Guaranteed to be genuine Frenh Enamuetesd Open muetiug st Webster Soisety tel Ross Grcnerc. Offic, rsideniceantd Calf, with thus boshseout proof,-kid lining. Bom G., Lass Building, Friday evssn- academ~y on Maynacrd-st., opposite Sclhool Phone 355 Warranted waterproof. lng, Dee, hI, at 7:30 p. m. of Music. Bell 'Pheone, 2-4-6. 1 19 E. Washington St., APRIIL4L'S SHOD STORE CHEST PROTECTORS, 10C TO $3.00 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.