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December 11, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-11

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i9. No. 64.



H Fine Fall and Winter H
E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
A p
We Carry the Largest
In the City.
L ooL
We make a specialty of
Chocolates as a side line.
We sell lots of them and
our stock is always fresh.
Lowney'sAllegretti's and
Kuhn's always in'stock.
Wilder's Pharmacy
OLD For several weeks we have
seen la in a stock forthe
ELlA boys.a now are ready with
a fall line of LU1NC#IES, CI-
C bocoatee
We shall have Lowney zin
boxesof all sizes up to 5eound.
We will pack and ship theta for
you without extra charge.
WO illtakeidersforAlileget-
ti'sts beestipped diretesfreoi
the factory in Chicago.
Have you Seen Those New

An Alumnus Discusses the Coach
To the editor of the U. of M. Dily:
Sir:-Itlis reported by the press that
the authorities at the University are
considering candidates cr a fotbal
coach. This is a matter of so much
importance for the athletic welfare of
the institution, that it may seem to
You itling to open your columns to an
expression of alumni opinion, If so, I
beg leave to present a few coomments.
I assume that under the conditioit
now srxistint at Michigan, it wil be
ecessary for the next few years at
least, to employ a man specially for
this service, possibly corhbining with
this the task of training the baseball
team, provided a proper person can be
found capable of performing botO
duties. It remains, then, simply to dis-
cuss the principles Which should govern
such a selection.
The system of graduate roaches,
which has been in force at Michigan
for the last few years, is doubtless
the one which ultimately wilt com-
mend itself to all lovers or npure athlet-
ies. Aside from certain p r tal ad-
vantages, it appeals to- every senti-
ment of loyalty with a force which goes
far to disarm criticism and stile on-
position. Unquestionably there will
be no reason ten years from now wy
the sentiment should not befnduged
without restraint. But at present it
certainly appears to a dispassionate on-
looker, as though true loyalty in tht.
matter might consist in advocating a
different policy.
It is not loyalty to close our eyes to
ively eliited supply of alumni players.
It is possible , although I sincerely
doubt it, that the most competent of
our alumni players are as well ac-
equained with the niceties of the game,
as the best representatives of the great
eastern teams. But no one can pre-
tend tIhat they are as numerous and it
is not easy to command the services of
the few most capable. Nothing is too
good for Michigan and if we are to
havecoaches at all, let us have the
best, whether they are alumni or not.
In point of fact, however, how has
defects in our Alma Mater, much less
to keep silent when we can remedy
those defects. It is not wisdom to de-
ceive ourselves about our own accom-
plishments, when no one else is deceiv-
ed and when our self-deception tends
to bring down ridicule.
These things being so, it would not
seem wholly incompatible with the re--
tention of a certain self-respect and a0
certain veneration for our own Uni-
versity, to admit that the noble art of
football has been more perfectly devel-
oped at several other institutions of
learning. Nor under these eonditgons
does it seem a very radical conclusion
that the chances of getting a thor-
oughly first-class coach from such in-
stitutions are greater than the chances
of finding such in one among the relat-
the "alumni coach" system worked
I heliee I voice the opinion of almost
every one who has seen the Michigan
teams play in the last few years, when
I say that I have never seen them,
save for a few moments at a time, ap-
proximate the game which the material
constituting the teams waranted. I
haLve seen them, held and dfeatd by
inferior teams of superir training and

been an insufficiency of coaches, rather
than unfitness on the part of those who
have trained the teams. I have no
personal blame to apportion. I believe
the coaches have done the best they
could. But the fact remains, that the
teams have not as a rule played with
that snap and dash and smoothness,
which characterize welt-trained teafns
and which would have rendered th.
Michigan teams invincible before any
opponents I have seen them encounter.
And let me hasten to add that I am not
taking my text from the late unpleas
antness with Wisconsin. The points I
have in mind were as evident at times
i the victorious game wits Chicago
last year, as in the cataclysm of last
My program then is this. Thus far
the graduate coach system has not
been an unqualified success. It seems
highly probable that it was inaugur-
1ceded prematurely. The failure may
have been due, so far as it has not
been successful, either to an insuffici-
ent number of coaches or to unfitness
on the part of the men employed. The
first condition is not likely to be mater-
ially altered in the immediate future
and it is not easy to name alumni
coaches who are more efficient than
those heretofore in control. Let us,
provided we can get a genuinely cap-
able man, try again for a year or two
importing a coach. We shall thusget
an infusion of new blood and fresh
ieas and we cannot make a less sat-
isfactory showing than we did last
Thursday, whife the chances are all in
favor of our taking a new step forward.
In conclusion permit. me to say, that
I should only advocate an 'eastern
coach provided we can command the
best. He ought to be a man of real
force of character carrying the deep
respect of the men with him, in addi-
tion to knowing more about the gaie
than his rivals and being able to m-
part this knowledge to others. The
bill is not easy to fill, but we should not
viant it, if it were. There are such men
to be had. Shall we have one?
Very truly yours,
Inter-Scholastic Management Comes
In for its Share.
Now that the Interscholastic football
schedule is finished, and Pontiac ha
von the undisputed championship o
the state considerable knocking is
hearid ft-am defeated teams in several
of the larger cities throughout the,
state who are trying to excuse the por:
showing their respective teams, 1
made by finding fault with
the league and the nean-
ner in which it was conducted.
They claim that, the league was too.

Delightful Affair in Barbour gm-
The annual freshman spread given
by the sophomore girls, to the fresh-
man girls, took place Saturday evening
in the Barbour gymnasium and never
in preceeding years has this function
been more delightful. The young ladies
in charge deserve a great deal of credit
for the success of the affair, as every
detail was fully provided for and every
necessary arangement carefully plan-
ned and executed. The object to intro-
duce the 1903 girls to the young ladies
in college generally was carried out to
the letter.
Over 7100 guests were present. The
sophomore girls, assisting the patron-
esses received in the new parlors,
wshich were put into use for the first
time. The freshman girls were es-
corted to and from the gymnasium by
junior and senior girls to whom they
evere assigned. By them, they were
presented to the hostesses, and their
dance programs were taken care of.
After spending about an hour in soc-
ial intercourse in the parlors, all wee
ushered into the gymnasium where the
grand march was forming. Athougn
pressive, about 600 beng in it. As
the floor very crowded, the march was
nevertheless very beautiful and im-
pressiue, about 600 participating. As
soon)as it NVas over, the patronesses
wer/ escorted to their booth and the
regular dance program began. Dur-
ifg the evening delicious rerresnmentas
were served, each freshman being
provided for by her upper-classman es-
ort, while the sophomore girls waited
hn table.
One of the most interesting divers-
ions of the evening was the repeated
urning away of representatives of tne
male element ofthe class of 1903, who
sad been led to believe that being
freshman was the only essential re-
quired to gain admittance, and som
were quite determined to get witnn,
but every attempt was futile, and they
event away "sadded and wiser."
The patronesses were Dr. Masher,
Mrs. Angell, Mrs. Carrow, Mrs. De
Pont, Mrs. Lamson, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs.
Campbell, and Mrs. Drake.
The committees in. charge to whom so
mouch credit is due, were composed as
General Chairman-Miss Miller, Gai-
ma Phi Beta.
Reception committee-Miss Sherman,
chairman; Miss Hosie, Gamma Phi
Beta; Miss Woodruff, SorosistlaMiss
Young, Delta Gamma; Miss Powell,



OF TiE -
Uni ersity and Ann Arbor?


sei sVE KiDs



lotrge and unwvieldly, that too ntiiAlpha Epsilon Iota and Miss Coney.
power was centralized in Ann At-o, Finance committee-Miss Brown, Al-
that the decisions were too arbitrary, pha Phictman; Miss Seeley, Delta
and that the expense involved is too
much of a consideration. Some teams Gamma; Miss Scheurman, Pi Beta Phi.
have even gone so far as to ask that a Miss Mabley, Sorosis; Miss Hafter, Al-
chance to try conclusions with Pontioc pha hpsilon Iota and Miss Burgess.
be given them, owing to the improved Invitation committee--Miss Matchett,
duality of football they out up toward
the end of the season, claiming that Sorosis, chairman; Miss Ryan, Miss
they were defeated by a fluke or when Kingsbury, Alpha Phi; Miss Krolick,
their team was not in concition and Delta Gamma; Miss Cass, Pi Beta Phi,
s"ally just reas ns. Miss Stone, and Miss McKay, Kapp
The management feels very indignantKppmama
over this attitude on the part of some Kappa Gamma
of the largest schools in the stats, ,.: Refreshment committee-Miss Sybil
asmuch as considering the fact that Stewart, Kappa Alpha Theta, chair-
this eas the first se an such a scheme -an; Miss Mume, Al pha Phi; Miss
has been attempted, theforty-fourClark P Beta Ph Miss Caldron,Misa
schoosathat enter-Iev ere 11lgivena

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