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December 13, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-13

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11. of




No. 66.

ATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. cioor athletics, uinder the direction xot
the board of control of athletics, at a
Talk Rather Than Work Fills Up the osalary of $1,200 pser tinnum to take effect
.OJanary 1,19000 and that the student

T T E "nig board of directors be authorized to
The re gular meeting of the athletic pay hint is addition to the above $1,200l
HN ieFl ad Wne H boardt itas held list nigiht.'Thoghit. thlisutm of $000 from the proceeds ot
Fin al ad Wnte wsa tononesotnoilmanthtings wer ' ste rcccipts front the Regents' fheld.
E Suiting~s, Gol l Suts, E' talked ahbout, sot ntuchbhotness sfit- tot )-RcsIled: That all moneys cit-
otatitte 55was traitsac ted.'The hiear- lected tat athiletic purposes from atty
Fanc Vetingouec reportedl lhst surbscip~tionts sit
souice shill be at once deposited ssitii
000 dlt to teamntit of $403.5. The isa- the treasurecro1 the university, in trust
T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 'T insuncal sei 5 icisrepotedlis follos: o h tdns tltcas~ao
0I0 Is tncee last scetk (dehicit) ... 196.16i snd thaitiso money nhall be disbured
AA -6- w l R its ....t ........ ..6 dii). i from Ibis tund ecsept on the asprovsil
We Carry the Largest Ih'nc ... .....414.1 ittotf anaditing coimmitteco tnsisting ef
Stock Ii~laiilane itsur .... d .$,8661theltischairiiani oftIhe boarid of cotrtc;
if tthtletis , the dtrctor tif out-dloor
In heCity.Diretor Bird poke f hi recet batlics, and the president ot tse niu-
L 000LItri ip toMadisoi t iithe lime osi t sens'rathileticasoition."
0 thaionstI' s rils Befoirectsta dents
Theeswas cssnsiierable oibjectiiattin
0 0 iaEAST WASHINGTON ST. d ;ito AntsArhiclie 'attnded tat i thcoadIstenfotteseissat.
the univeritsitter. Nothing detinitc «'a5 stusA leyotn Iebse
Rlts wsliie ,tssis Ih ill not have thse posver to upend a
partculrs f tis metig my n tpenty. Ittrill save no cetdit itself buit
be dvuledbut t i evdenttha th is tosake expsenditures trill need the
L 5 tsaecits tf this auditing committee
dicsio la horousgh. Alslarti5
iiiis stsii tcli s s comtposed ositwtin ftculty itiettberi and
\/\.I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~te Isitu. Datiinsts ernis athsleticsthistilh a lsrdt oIistg h oci
'iii th edo tne studient. Hdoswever, the boairt isiii
Iewen srl ftheolsesltgeste
1 i imstsrisi I ati it fapproving bills wicht he con-
'v il e theotsctme antI apubi, mills his itassed spon. Also it wscs
sicsino art itsulatr sold st It yf~atat sdepotsiting Iitane t'
Ve inmahe a spetially o icralisrter te utpleasantnes trcasotrei Soueol i ais tgire the im-
Chocolates as a stde lne. hl nC isoDin rectr airdel.il resisiontthit theutsverityis issiftiil
'We sell los oh' them antI stint inqiriies contcerning coa I ly50u15otung atletics. Acommnsittee
our stocke is always fresh. Te' anwomhewa ftr aposicmsed osiitMessrs lOpplenhimeteit t
Lswney's,Allegretti'sminu tohi' the' stiee that tie crcu intlV'rii Sat swissisisoistsedti c'an
iluhun's always in stuck., Ileis inimndtfl iil tepossit. fe itthisstotIt i l',lscgiii antidtesmlt
Wi der's Pharmacy theeeses oft maitnttinthe opirtilt 'dl Pitt
TH t Th nbkisgiiigidiy gameit''ut itAutirrtIl., ias usismoiiusleecd
THLE OLD Frsvrlweswehv o$S h ecit rmamsio otbl aa1
ErVI Ebite. tied noitartieadity tilth fotblall tmanatetr"anclstsh le honosttttt'i
HE ABEafuh ine i i'I.L\CHEStaCI-tliith rtssciion.i
(,slIi ansiTOB1i1ACCO. It sti seidedl t'allowtti' itt ity lls toim.
IH'lttta aXSltt'LIGa'TxT.' coch atins, tilt tltvan ittott s'son lie imatlt'rco iiing ing the lf csltu"ti
R .E. J O L L Y CO. i isry Pi issiot due tuni til ri tiis'o'relatns sith tlisthlsie't ssoise-'
,buashrqest'edithefvr d utu \-isbracheut nitatiniwt s

Will Glve an Elegant, Popular Con-
The thitld cnert its the Choral T~n-
ion serienstill be given on Monday
evening, December 18th. The ChtvtI
CUitntill slug in addition to several
short selections, (twro A Capela) "H-'
btathoas tWedding Fast" by Cl,-
The orchestra tormerly known as
he Chicagot Festival Orhestasill
itake pat its this production, and sill
give orchetal numbers. Mr. ein-
rich Meoyn, altwoys a great favorite
trr, ill lae heard, while the two'soslts-
isis sha appear here for the firt time,
come sith the endorsemeit at the bst
ritics and till without doubt pearl
temsislves wortrhy at suc approbatitn.
'Tecmoti itteeting eature oatbth
concerttill be without doubt the ncr
chostal woirk., The composer, Coleridqi-
'tscliii, in a su~ltto, born itite Wen'
Itdies, atd hisiwoesn for himselt a p1ais
in the fot ris atkoathtieyongercEFg-
listcmpsene.nThe tollowntg xl at
tisom he Landan Musical Timaes oD
cemibec Ise, 10l, is asvereytoait reiewiasr
ift he'%Nork:li
"Of tne imaprant factort its tselodv
rh..thirn-Mr., Coleridge-Tat ticlionsinm
Ile store. His misui pulsates wsithi
rhythmic'al energy, and een the itt
cisint, itsIideedather moni'-
'masins'etresit Lonagfellowsspoendiesc
sat sem totca'ffeci the atetsoat ti'
muit'.i soe rther15cobhitus icp:!t
lr.is inlecsuil fted ts deal wisthtuci
ti isiii s "Hiattah" Likte Talth
silnciscks'in itlss mst caatrsi
movetmentss thecrc'is'saetin bsrbart''
opluileince absotlihismussiciii' an-
ftiytparstliar ,ind a passionae
energy thsat an, in isperect keinsgawit
lt,'e tc Isubjet. ivtra- wo Isis ur'uti-
ofrs meoi.id ieas.
itsrt tslsietislpatic'ls' dhissi
Atittuec it ft w 0ihoutgeanytis
proorionathiexpttitemass risoti
ituliide~ oas aeteciangs in his mutri
itrosused i ~stsimfoaftssakeoa1
the tilt e oflithit5slitstliconta'a'sit tnaks
jstirs i siutesist ittefr I tn
tai ii.It litistsr- eitseunt tatteisuit
c impos tx's ssitiiati' ts isotciseis
kdiffgcust tclndertanditol st cpast
have nfusd somuchitreinto heb
mayltinst tis tut, irsmd hs Iso'em ,thai
titu'esitis ii Te ttsicrti aisft li
guet'ciotingtiahue det'ileid mitnutuof
si, edlintg feai stte camoguotefithe
tvanl'obe f P ii Is-ess is la>
tirs rt tthoughinoti l to' usc,' otieiti
plite in a .is ip ist poem.Toiti i -
msit" thei woul"d,1 sitcore,'presenti
noi tills but itese' (lyssrwhe'
isimsiioia us itt's,' u'lussi,''
upo 'th gsthe irgtthe trovea
situmbltinlock tIhisoler isge- sTat-
lor his I hs tanaismstuolstiitthia'
haris htsisigtisdltuhthe fhtuu
ness indh'vitadliutlo Il ic carrtyitall
'totsit thleasemotitnat lisuroe ha
loestng "On syt Awake beled"
ibis is sct as ,a tenorm soand tolits ipas
Cntiiue nling, 45

boe of Icl tii pt 5pud
Have you Seen Thase New
__01', 't1ilE=
Uninersittj and Ann Arbor?

offees lgtood Isecurity thus bsoaridtecidee itke'n.
toi sues'smusote hits. 'lhsquetionstofttts'ndintg atriiack jtsii
ALthela'st muete''"fotballl mmngrt ai ext stunmsmlitoimptle it
\''eIjit'twsapoini 'ttedi hmtoinvt'sriga'tiithei ld' s Expoitsitionwsbogohycn fM .Wot e u twssgetdtat sti iutsut -
timits'eiwhetrthge Ia'soito od uld thu oh' thiusf'gu'pse b'i seunrted from
be, justitictlit puauing hus hospu~u it ex-te'tiuriiuttuhe undestandtingtat
lenss. tias 511amtetul thatwi"tet eam titulnmut guse isromnus"itf
hut'mitts'huvusbeeinjtulre tthetmss mskintg'acrdiabe liwigtesits
nmmeii nug theime uruy usas undhoubtedly5'scriplitmus shuldi nsit be lushd. 'e
''smutictestd by ptluing fotaih'll.tltttt- natteur sets eferedutota he luaucIscotsu
uvr s hr s 'a precadent fus e o" 5'
suitioun losing esxsenses at unjom dO!
playerss it usas recommitendled thsat thud Last Meeting this Year Of Y. M.C. A.
boaruduste'mnouaction.u efoetae cinet -On Frtdati
itt ." 'mNlood usokehto the boardh uusmt OistFridaysnight of hi ss ssu''l us
hutsinjurties.lIt hrt noicecd thu IW ,ni msurrstr .C A ilhavte 'its
's huts tilet'eth'eyIs'metnt'lwingute lhut rscial'sitdhbusness meet'ing ft,-
nig~httlto it ms us tauinmg.ITsough it lt'e'y''r i1"'iThe inints e 'mu in
wsqultite ceriuslthe1playedttinutwoutt Iu~nmuuumswillhbe'unuotil.'lie' cont-
mor gmeu' e e"'uasu'obhigedto ItsIt shnts itt 'tleitI 5 iksuu, GCummne*
go"totihue houspiutal. '.There it statstuo us ndl '0mu'uu
tha t hissriubstrere tuirnslutist,'andulh,
A other 5feausre'scull lie mussis'y t''ett
wa tt'e hotssialtforeighteen we~ ad"'hspoie ob u rs,
This houspitaulexpesesswre's'about Ou it$0us0.tutssht etssrti'
" uh e ada.jut lam t teuuuscss meetintuu'sutme matter~
liteu' heo st ' ms lutagainmst
the as5uso'itio, th ie tuturd w5as re 's ; lt' t ing touu I'' i nanceum'u of' the umusoei.
an omaksuc ithuastidicaul preedsent ionsuitusllhbt' discussd'Theit'bsugf'uithle
suso ia tsn i ts e it $00111100 siand t,
'rso deitulcuid ito adopttheil lii
lTh''uoithu'ommmite mouths tutu fced
a' report. the' commutteehs'o' ttu '''}'' Anothert'cmastter itlsb''ir'susii''dis
4whe k. e,_ '.1. A u.'....,.. t'1",.....a.... I ats,. It_ "

sucu"aiur 5 hasd nottakoient actionutase 'un,
()f the moeumuhem's is mutotintsu.
', foitmals inotice ws ureceiveul trornu

friendsofittthe C'. AL(:C, A. Ht'esate
fuse thms hattbe ix iedhus Januuoary'19.

[IVE KINDS ONLY 2r. iEACHI Prof. Pasttengill of the sction recently s' l'tt ithutudredd fty st'invuittiostill
taklent by the booed of regents mu e- ii senl tut mamd intadtionlailausrge
- n'umgad to unitversty athldees.The res-nt uomber of 1the ul ihtsm hrluDel ir ies,
huR' I_dl us adapted by that body folso: wilbepesent,oRuMins will be
l A II ~ ~ (1d)-"Rlv Ied' Thart Mr. h'ha"I'' s'aed m' a mkethm asuciesus in esver
V VI* U~h ~ I uudbe appiointedl director oiiotsh 555

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