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November 18, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-18

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H Fine Fall and Winter H
E, Suitings, Golf~ Suits, E
Fancyj Vesting&.
AWe Carry the Largest A
In the City. L
We make a specialty of
Chocolates as a ide line.
We sell lots of them ad
our stockc is always fresh.
LowneysA llegretti's and
Kohn's always in stock.
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE 01LD Frseerl weekaso ee
bocy's.ad nwarera dy with
Eashill lie of sUNCIES, U-
tI~tts A SPI tGALTY.
Photog raphs
Clat yea hae takcn.
If they are macsted on
cares youffrids cass tor-
raw er hag Cemn.
An Album
will keep hes. Allumse
dlet cst so mnech is the
ed. We sell thes.
Calkins' Pharmacy
Philosophy of
H istory.
Aa Intrdcia Cs the
Study of -
By Asasasl II. LY, athr of"Citize.
sipad Satvatin," ad Dyamai
12 Mo. 254 Pages. $1.00.
waheiser is the Uivaserity f Mieign
Ann Arbor.

Made to Regents Departments Re-
veweted-More Land Needed for
Dr. Angll spoke cwith eling upoe
tleerecent lss to the University in the
dealh of terf. (erge A. Iloch, raer-
rinlg tol him as "elaoa the most usefuat
and prmiing of the younger proesf~-
With regard to the atendlance, it cid
not tquite equal that of th preceig
year, the fallin ef beitg in the literary
andenlgineer islgtdeartmnts. Hwll-
ever, the rpesrt sheesthtlat tere cos
a small incrraase in number at Mihi-
gall students, the decline eig iteethe
aftcentanceeromtee otsrtate.
Iso regard to cc-dutitone Dr. Aneti
sataid that for the past teo yeasoi
hacs leae practically thesame. Is te
literary dpartment4ddperc et tctLito
stodents are omeOns, the greater tae,
of womossmete to the University to
repare themselves for teaching.
Dr. Angell made mention oathte need
of ell oecip, the diadvanae uner
cch iethey are at preseantelabolrinsgvitle
out them andth le great imtoranc i
secureig then.
Mention is made afthl~e addition tee
tile engineering 0cpslet a t acher at
ssarine arhilecteure, ase additocsneehic
has eretocore been isposibleccoing
to a ack of mean.
tts regardt to conepellig fhet ye-Ic
studentaet the lierary and enineerig
depasrtmenta to attedreulary th-
classea ine the gymsfeiume, Dr. Act It%
spoke 00 olio tt:
"Dring the Cpast yearce ae oemeae
ttendasteeonltfh intuction Ie gyml-
nlastics comtellsol Y for the iretdyeacr'
studlents of the literary and engieesing
cat Cartse nt. We ound that lltioagh
wechlad large and well appointed gys-
nasiumsne tor bth sexs and gcocd in-
str-uctcers, es considerable number of e ts
cccvstudetsttatek no advantage of fhe
oppeortunitis offsret for physial trice.-
ing. Mccyocf theascre' persors cot
mstafneedced to eprofif by these. Cf is
halfley. d that by a year's trainisg ost
cot the students ceil leave acuirdl a
fate or gmnasticeork, cccrcill h-vee
lecrn'd to appreiat the value of sys-
tematic aend regular eercis. The a s-
s0Iing interst in athlei contet 051
the ball ground by no means leada th
gloat mnesof tuatdents to seure the
exercse, whlich is eental to the pre-
servatiron at health and to the best s-
ccs in tudy.
"Thha ecupancty at so large a pat of
the campus by our prent buildigs
and by those whchl are saon to be add-
ed, cmpels attention to the imort-
ance oft seuring Cts adjacent to -ur
preset property. It is much to be
regretted that purchases uera nt made
yarsasol.ut n one then foresaws
toe present development at the Univer-
sity. We should avoid the mistakes at
our predecssrs, and as scon as acer
means cell pernit. us, should procree
suitable property near s. We shucld
act with a wise regard to the fftre
needs of the institution.
'Cn recent years there has been a
great revival at interest in the art of
public debate in several universities,
and especialy in this University. Fr-
sserly the debating or so-called literary
tocieties at the leading American col-
lages cwere a eonspicuous feature in
their life. Many men, who bcae
eminent as oratrs or debatrs, loked
back n the training they received in
those societies as the mst valuable
help they obtained in their undergra-
duate experene. ut about thirty
years ago, whether, as many think,
awing to the riaeof secret -fraternities
among the sudents or to same ther
cause, the interest in the old debating
sacieties began to decline. In ome col-
leges the societies expired, and vlulable
libraries whh they had built up were
scattered or sold. t beeame the fashion
to speak slghtingly of the art of public

opeaiing. At one commencement at a FACULTY CONTROL
large univesity the speeehs oathes
graduafisg class were read from
manspt.ipl 0OfAtheics Established. Manager
'Hut it socen becamee clear that tho Baird Appointed Director of Sports.
cilegaa which ueraeseglcting thetarOt Oher Business Transacted.
of public speaking cerec smakisg a
grave mistake. tar the time had nalt 'flee Board of hag ants set this man-
rose when the public did not desire tee log-cwith Re'gnts Far, Cocker, Kiefer,
lstes to the snswuho has somethinig Lacwton, utterield, Dean and Cook
interstinlg to say, and has the facutfyprsn.PsietAglradhsvy
of saying it well. It is sate to ay Ihe paat radstAgl edhsvr
trieevaercill come, chen men will be alelaeeceeualreteoc. It was so well re-
iedifereent to good utterance of good caved fhat HRegesFrr, took, utter-
thought. 'Thtre arose among studensehld and otheara imsmsdiatly dmanded
thermselves a healthsy reaction against extra copis for distribution among the
the neglect of practice in etiective
speakigewetsfer ins formal dicourese petle of tea state. It uas dcide
or in extemopoaneus deate. Itt les that is aditifonto e the regular adddi-
resulted in the custom of compeletiiv tion of 1.00thciaccik covers, 300
triaels ilee lpireparation andi delivery etaleccithou coves sftr a snre x-
cf set speecries or lee deats n uc-.
tionssat currant intrrsi. Set imesendfaedI' ditribution should be prined.
these eontesots ae b'etweon sfudet,,ill Aas3opsis oft the report is given in
lth ece e esam i hestittinacdsomefies 0be- esnother columcn.
tween students of diferenflestitution.a emstipran.cin a h
r - re nessae agreatly darlied 'h otlotlrfn cinsa h
the ineestro in public Oteaing i eelof 1.11 'ntmni ot Chas. Baieretadirector
,toruiversialies. tncidentally they oleot fdoor athleis. Mr. Baird is to
hav lereved to torrect the ale' inpes- reeive a alay of $,00 teemthe Uni-
side of seayflet atheicicentes w ity. and cilIC have the rank tf
aborbc flea etire ettetin offle Asmer-
ican studient, to the exclusion of islte'-- nio prof'es. Mr. aird sill have
eft in ely kind of inllectueal ahieve- tll charge of all ootder athletics 3ub-
sents. 0 am happy to say thalt cleis ject 1toih board f coeetrl. The board
'Cneee-lice beelas maee an honoadle of cntrel iaauhoried to pay lieu
dothatleg contets, is wcih one studet $H00adctioinal tom gate eepts at th
cocoa beene essaetd. Its seec of fie atleilie ldae, raising his ttal salary
seine oeieal conestslccithlse rn feto 2,000
inieetlutions its reraesfafivs lav ti]e-' acany caused by the death at
ckenchfleest place. Utfsiseedeboeays
ccit ilshle'Unccevrrity eot Wisroneece. tie .cMis LLangden, lsrueor, Dr. Karl
Nortlleve sten floeirsiy, flee fleeeal Wileln Geuthe cels apepontedt ontsthe
ty ofctciiagoc aced lisa Univesiy o rcmmnendaion of ro. egle and
i-'esseevaia it tas bc-at succesful insaeyt50.
'..mrset ccitzesof o(rcocuntry aera The plaeoof I.IT. Young u-s filed
meanifestineg acdciroe-taiet some of else by H -. tark at a salary of $00, and
stroner uneiversfties soetld procidelRI. tD. 'T. Holister ccas iput in te
leuse.; cc e.t1aL,1r.m rel esrpcillyc
ille tinleecs eo Itisleh ae noweroab- nmuseum in plae of Mr. Peart at a
lishecd I Iplep-lore moe, so ar a educe- salary of $15.
ti , cai peepare theese, tfr esgaginge in A comsmusictn rmnHe',Vaughan
isnternaonsal eomees-, for reposibl'ceal read reeoerndisg its place at
loitionsoice hankiseg ancdother fiatncial
110rs01.110.forcreres in our consul-r ~asdesco I. Swinton, . ., one ef the
a111d diplordnateic secrvice. The erinery interelee the Unverssity hsital
obje c whiich flee faterseca hd in veiresigse'd, anes Gosanian, . .;
fonding the firs: Ne Englandt co- ('harle . lrigg leetake IS" poeitio
iees watsfhee e lein of the minstr ,filled hi' He. inrd, rsisgsede, at a
lesoilag ce ded ere'ofat-esinisryte .eryo10,anththe ayof
triigwsaga rprto o h aayo 50 n htteslr fstudy cof lawevand mcedcine. Ifcwas Ds. Henry W. Hrley be raised te$50.
eurieh later that it ccwa seasnfto e ot trof. V. . Salding reonmmendedc
te- i--a tee menewheo ceera te folow, It
husiseose lieeBt Inoe a cosideable' J. W. T. Hote, a nemnber ofcthte grd-
lpe-rc'stagaectof r'en wiheegee te colegeiuate school, fr the Ferry telocestip.
expect tee take uomseee businets pu-
tuit. Many of them utimtleely coelln to Case Toda,
locsseof great reponsibility is the on-
dut of icdustrial or cocmrrcia ater- A csrippld 'arsity setl go uton the
arises. That-a is a gneal and alpar- hield today to met the' tean rollses
etly a justifiabe cxpetation that at Scientiic School whchecomses tere cith
larg expnsin awits urommece.a des or die spirit to combat against a
We are able to poduce under condi-
tides wchinsable us t export frerly, feeling of toes much cofidene. 'flin
and ts cmpefe scesullywcot cher taeseromises to be nt only hard b-t
great natiocns its the nakets set the cose. Cs feels that she has tec hst
cworld. We should rear a generaetios 01 chance te defeat Micigane that she
meethantesend bankers euippd by in-
teligencerhe and taning to be flreateease
of any in the cworld. They nednot rc-lewd it is sen that tey mst
only the technical training of thecoceut- think their chances are exceptionally
ing roam, but also a famiiarty emitiegoed. That year, the on in shick
the laws of international trade and x-
ehsgatdsihte lnugsa Cornell cas defeated 1 to 4 in Detroit,
lagaean]economic conditions of the pincipal Michigan played Case at Cleveland and
cmmerial nations of the wold. the score at the end at the second hlaf
"Furthermore, it is geeraly re og- stood I to 6 in favor of flea sienfict
niaed that our consular system needs shool The gsme eas pulled out in
murk leptovament, if it is to render us the second Shl, howecca, to the tune
the ervice it ught in pomting oer o016t to . They came close to ewin-
foreign trade. t is admitted that te ning len and whens they think their
rught to secure special training for te chances are even htter nose they must
men seha are to hold the consular ofie, e prtty god.
ansd even lfr those-he are to bece tuarre, seho played at tackle last
interpreters, at our consulats and lega- year and wvs drawn back to soeron1
tons and embassies. Michigan, maling a drop kik from teo
"Of course every strng university 35-yard ine, is new playing at halfback
nasa gives a portion of the instructiosn and is cosidered to be even inre dan-
required for special preparation in the gerous noev tan he was. Mie was ou
pursuits named. ut mst probatly at the game here last year ocing to
all American universities would h-ve injuries ut is very much in it nos.
to add, or at any rate enlarge, wvork i With these men in the back field their
commercial geography or cmmercisleweight behind the line must be near an
history, pay attention to same depart- average of t75 pounda.
ments of finance and political econosmy The teamso which Michigan puts in
not now usually treated, and give mre- against the visitos will be far franc
+time than is nsw devoted to interns- being the strongest we have been able
tonal law, both private and public, and to put in this yer. Snow is sik abed
rto the mastery of at least German, and McLean is not much better, Frasnc
S Continued as pags$, Cntnued as page 4..


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