fib' o
VoL. X.
IFees in Summer School Should be
President Angell in <his annual repo.rt
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By ALFRED It. Loys author of "Citizen.
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12 Mo 254 Pages. $1.00.
4n~n m g g Ingg.
dwelt at some length on the work of the
summer school, urging a reduction of
fees. The following is his statement:
"The Summer School, which has here-
tofore been conducted by permission of
the board under a voluntary organiza-
tion of such members of the literary
and law faculties as chose to teach, was
during the past year, so far as the lit-
erary and engineering departments
were concerned, placed on a different-
basis. The board assumed the direct
charge of the school, and appointed the
instructors. This action was taken at
the request of the literary faculty. The
pecuniary risk, if any, was thus as-
suned by the board. Some advantages
tere gained by thi schange, and tse
fees received ecrrded by a small uss
the expense incurred. The number in
attendance was as follows: Literary
and Engineering Departments, 221; Lawt
Department, 45; total, 266. Of the 45 in
the Law Department 27 have remained
to take up the regular work.
"The Summer School seeems to have
become a necessary adjunct to most of
the principal colleges and universitis
and to many normal schools. It is chief-
i1 resorted to by teachers who wish
to prepare themselves for some speia
work, though the collegiate and normal
students furnish a considerable contin-
gent. Of its utility, both to those who
attend thetm, and to the institutions
that maintan them, there can be no
doubt. The summer vacation of school
and college in this country, is so long
that one half of it can e given to study
by many teachers without serious
harm. Access to college libraries, and
to laboratories, when the best methods
of teaching are found, and association
with inspiring teachers for a few weeks,
refresh and stimulate them and prepare
them to return to their work with new
seal and with etter outit for their
duties. On the other hand the college
makes a distinct gain by establishing
during this summer residence of teach-
ers a closer relation with them and by
making apparent to them the advan-
tages which their pupils may find in
entering on - collegiate work. Every-
thing which draws our schools and
University closer to each other, and
enables each to gain a better under-
standing of the other, is a positive ad-
vantage to education in general.I
therefore deem it wise for the board to
do whatever is practicable to promote
the interest of our Summer School. A
subject which deserves careful consid-
eration is whether we can not safely
make some reduction in the fees. The
sum now added is rather a heavy tax
on many teachers, who receive only
very modest salaries. There is good
reason to believe that a reduction of
one-third in the fees would so largely
increase our numbers that possibly our
total receipts would not be diminished.
If this should prove to be the fact, we
should be making the school much more
useful by a wider diffusion of its ble
logs. As our aim is to reach and help
ac many as possible by the school, I
trust the board may give careful con-
sideration to the question whether the
fees may sot be safely reduced. But
this result should nut be saught by any
to take part in the instruction. In that
case, a larger number of graduate
students would probably attend thc
summer session. The large attendance
of braduates at the summer term of the
universities, which induce their leading
professors to teach in them, indicates a
real demand on their part for such
Secret Practice Itor Wisconsin.
Yesterday the 'Varsity began its
secret practice in preparation for the
W'isconsin game. A stiff practice was
gone through with, the men developing
very much faster play than that
displayed the day before. The coac-es
declared themselves pretty well satis-
fled. Snow was not out. The forward.0
were the same as they were the day b
fore except center, which tas filled by
Barcabus. Cunningham was gicvbn a
rest as were also McLean, Street and
Deena. The whole right end of the
line nuts seems to be fixed, with Seig-
mund, Steckle, and Snow when he gets
back in the game. In the absence of
France, Wilson will undoubtedly re-
main at left guard. Left tackle and
end remain still in doubt. Hugh White
is again beginning to show good form
ct left guard and fills it better than he
does end. Weeks and Sweeley played
the halves yesterday. Richardson yes-
terday played full back and proved a
good man in the place. He gives prom-
ise of better stork there than the others
who have been tried lately.
Practice will be see!tet from now on.
That Junior Class Election.
The Daily has thoroughly investigat-
ed the junior class election about whic
"A Leader" complained in Monday's
Clarence -Eddt in an Orgqan Recital
For many years Clarence Eddy has
been the acknowledged chief among
American organists. By his brilliant
and wonderfully successful concert
work in Europe in recent years he has
established himself pre-eminently
among the organ virtuosos of the
world. His work in this country is far
too well known to require any comment
here, his every appearance having add-
ed to the high fqcler in which he was
already universally held. In Europe he
has not only been enthusiastically wel-
comed and applauded by the public, but
has gained the friendly recognition of
the greatest composers and interpretero
of organ music. He is one of the few
who have been able to withstand severe
European criticism. After a most try-
ing ordeal he remains a favorite among
the people of Europe. Of Mr. Eddy's
playing no more need he said than is
cntained in this testimonial, given him
by the great master Haupt at the end
of his studies with him: "In organ
playing the performances of Mr. Edcy
are worthy to be designated as eminent,
and he is undoubtedly the peer of the
greatest living organists."
A remarkable letter from Rome, Italy.
to New York "Musical Courier":
No foreign artist who has visited
Rome since I came to reside in the
Eternal City has raised such a furore
of admiration as Mr. Clarence Eddy
raised with his superb organ recital at
Santa Cecilia. There is admiration (or
so-called admiration) and admiration
but this is the genuine article. Every
change sounded on the subject has Ca
full, clear, true ring, as full and as true
as our organist's own notes; it is ad-
miration based on intelligence, for no
issueactsoundthatteeneting was more cultured audience ever assembled
entirely regular. "A Reader" must on such an occasion than that gathered
haste been mistaken in regard to the to listen to Mr. Eddy that afternoon,
election held. The meeting was called and it is an intelligence quickened by
for the purpose of stirring up class ath- wonder, for, as the Count of Martino
letics and that was the principal thing said to me the next day: "Mr. Eddy is
done. The election of a vice president the most marvelous and versatile exe-
and two independents on the aop com- cutant on the organ we ever enter-
. tained "
mittee was also held. But it was not
a annual election as "A Reader" pr-. Last, but not least, it is an admira
sumes. The vice presidency Wstion which has been evidenced and te-
vacant and that vacancy was filled. tified to with the award of the highest
The vice-president was not elected for possible honor, for Santa Cecilia's exe-
the ensuing year, but merely to fill the cutive commission held a session almst
vacancy until the annual election. The immediately after the recital, and Mr.
president of the class informs us that Eddy as made, by hearty and unani-
mous viote, a member of the grandest
he would under no consideration call a old accademia and liceo in all Italy, the
meeting for the annual election without institution that always and invariably
the customary three days' notice. He 'dheres to its fundamental principles:
states such a call will be made when "Clusic, pure music, true music, and no
counterfeit attempt or substitute.
the class manifests a desire to hold an Said Sgambati to me, of Mr. Eddy, the
election. As regards the election of the other day: "He is one of the greatest
independent members of the Hop coin- artists of the present epoch. I hope we
mittee that was done to fill up the com- shall hear him in Rome again soon,
sery soco."
muittee Cs enable it Cs organize and gel Said the president of Santa Cecilia;
to work as it is now late in the year. "We consider ourselves honored in
The fact of fraternity men voting for placing his name on our list of men-
the committee men (if any did so) should hers."
Said Prof. De Santis, head of Santa
no doubt easily have been availed by a Cecilia's School of Composition and
statement on the part of any one pres- Harmony: "His technique is wonder-
ent that only independents were sup- ful; his registration I have never heard
posed to vote for those candidates,when equaled; his pedaling was phenomenal;
pis interpretation masterly in every
posed to vote for those candidates,we y
the fraternity men would no doubt have Said the Count delta Valetta (whose
withdrawn. No names of fraterity men critiques over the name of Ippolyte
who did so vote could not be learned. Valetta are among the standards. s
musical Europe): "That is a man I
The chairman did not announce that consider a great artist; a very great
the independents only should vote, as artist indeed."
it did not occur to him that it was Said Prof. Zuliani, head of the Santa
necessary. Cecilia's department of musical litera-
The class decided to elect the athletic ure and history, and one of the most
scholarly of critics: "I have never
managers after it had come together. heard an organist who more fully re-
Without any initiative on the part of sponded to my ideas of perfection."--