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December 19, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-19

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No. 71.


Di I m~1 I
HFine Fall and Winter
E Suitings, Golf Suits,
Fancy Xestings.
A We Carryj the Largest
L In the Cityj.

o'FConidered in Regard to the Present
T Th ec- ro n Talon iiilli
0as crwded1ysterd1101 after oto '
H ea rof. Hu Iiidson's1inormal lecture
h'sleBoos 'nd1the citii a In
o lt iii teeii~gad itrc
11 el~e'50e i) l %i00year. Odtl
"'" Prf. idsn clsiiceIb tating1'1'
A (liil th010111tory15o11Sout(
Dit( i iI] 672, They held 110 te ,scili
1 iii 1 ve1 -'i-iti i n 111 500-iezd it d11iir
1 i [o oli11li1toats.For ii t1me,
L lil ie O 5-sind10110Dutc1h1011 1110 e-e,
Thsilc0ae ltli c liillatod i_:-
Phis i i-- firs'". ii otii iit eri-it ini

theOulade t vtolor.Thir~d, ill Lasts Miight's Concert.
'Initie of the inlemecnt weather a
V eit LE, e i ok1 iiUU' 115.,.iL 1: i ood omusiCcventured oat to greet the
11011 1,1 .ey a1 laio*I L L o itoal U1n10o 110tue1' hoofirt appear-
i~t. ace hisyea. Uiversitoy 0all waa
q, 10 1111W "'iLo , o w o AY. il thllod 01t'a1 0a11y houriand when
onL~iil'Se ths s~l~in101,0 QQ Wo-the fist lestles of the o0 11000;
0111, ail 11 1 U1 n 11 1 f:- ne1 e n t i seits.
ii 1110'1U 1 t t1't0tl'I 11c11i UlHA) he1onertas1 w oexwaoaio n-
-il'i. 1 e ;l A.llous Liough n 011000- iya l we nd a l~t tii to ateii:)y
ri.011till -I 01101 (tilt'1 10W1110101 1 .I th se l r se ti te 1111ti l 11i110-
..Uil' ot e£I0SnceiohiOterui 1110t0110c01 of tweatoher at times Oaindlwas1
111 111111 H(1101110not s 0 1 ons 1e as nas ieeni man0y
11011 01011uoet'Ol re:ideal(0 f0 111 1 tics101' o01turtte frioim Wag1ner 01as0wlllrc
t,,w i wa aldrusedto10 Sil 111111t iled du1 o 011111Was.c weliO
W111110 li'' Od01 , Ct~n1, -4i iiTtl tlty!Cl co tFoslixval orches-
, iiikt L u~l,116 Oila 111' 111a11001 hb aan. d 1eri1ed the applause 00itre
v It t o ndono sitsaedte0.0i v 1oeic,. ir t M ,icl't ynn110 101
f st P WN I S tiNoilililSoI Sheba111111 od10101 essio00a1001o0
1011, o 1 ltili . (), yna ie t -s001 e -iblo rotwcrlacdi was110 e000 led1
11111is1uewort. 1fi 11orpraionI 1111a. WedngF as"dibotl
i 11 11 c(nlI I i t. val0 the p ice 11rove toorilitou 10(1ces llPa 1111
1A 111r1case or 'in1s1 ot lays111an - ile - - as -ot ov 1wlllie '
anal burdn it E IAM is t unit1nqw 01hr atsfon mn
t h13tha imsmeiv ad o nesii - riends Ti chr ds,"ii il1 ) t111or 011 ill-
railoadniolopoy ad th miors Lr ['aluld 15"e to-Ili niioo' geat

tinelto vlt-1101010110 r ilglldaloe
01101 1ow, 01tt111 liilt t a s l n i l s

Wetsnakit specialty'oh'
Chocotes as 10a sidelie.
Wol l oi11it f tto 11011
our stock is ,alw1ays fresh.
Wlder's Pharmacy
r t 1 1015 , t a tock fril l(!
R LA LE a1fill] oi nc I'-ate 1t
R. ~ t E. JOLLYd &OBACO.
ofIacka 11 11I11 o.5 iitIbis 1111
H1 ave yo sen mTt ihoNe
Unirersitby andAnnr Arbor,

1yli.ta ng thei palt ofthe-110 "hutol, t "o('-1)0' o i qu rla s I iitin Ifo ll' }lii- 1 - 0 co0111eirto. I-
fie 11111r (111 trilyfy ear'stittltt 0)11 01,4it 'oh ((Oct (til silll pe itiii. somewhat.iin gvi ce(111' bu'~ t oci s tb-Ii
from(11 t u)tolli.1,00 tt 1(1111 tlthis- - c 11011 5(1ll1'lO (1111 11111) 111pi1111111110an(t 0 r o scre
Ca (,to e ca e rnt 13'iiilco tol } il 'tlI~ei,;ran S r11 ') ('0 Il-it' I Itt '1 li(1Cill.It lii
0~le and th(1 eii 01 1 ter ioy l nw-c chi;,('1 l e i-'btinliyttel his tla 1 11(111 - ldored the11 li-s iii w it i f e Olig an
c(liii it ille cos ed ( in#+ w a 5 11: Iit( 01111 oil f('li'il'it I ? l ) ut'1W'asi i'll plaud1'ed1,011loll
1 01 1'tli 'l .i11-s tI ''1<v' tes ll. ' ttl( Il E'l' ((fl5 l ( (,1tEp :s t1 T'iS1 th ' io <:.tr s a IC.Lt I . 1ito
- li ('tit )tll''i''i lthI-uL l ~-~~ theDtc I(.iN 'I (Ie't;ieil lie iIttsit'tlr1.'iSamltii'iil 1)111(1 heSl
I iit 1Ii0ii li tltchho .110 xt ( 1 11 lil I it ' l , lii cm inttStotill)3 5i11 sd inll.,ij!roll vi' i'Sg C mi-
lcttledith(1 li C' l)tI(EItlt i dhioi :;(1('1illI lt1111 1i ii'lii i ~ ~
iotak ill _l l ciot I'"1c s etth' 1)'( (rItoll t let Atl i e lect'Board soeep o nlrhtw
is e u t het-l ,l nittnes "1' i-n t(ii il Oti~c u '. o t e 1t ilt-.t'10 )'I ii t ' p tl () iihe1 51'h1 o --
11 ti i (0 tn x)011 h~ chl 0t.iii(_ ', ltl ; i l Ioh-i' l11 i-oid ll tout #lit I ito slot S igs b
r 1rtan 111 Ill -H I toS-ii 'l' ' )' 1"; 1 0 (c''ttilc i 111)0:10.1-it lta xtil tal(iii ed t'(II it e pe tli 11in., of1)1ts
I.T isteatyti le=1' ndi ivet ('cen s ii) i-s ol Ici tlo id ts'i 01'01r ll )ttor ed "lIt s)1ng1 1-1 lltgethed Wits
tof: tlii 11 1 01) 1 iki x'otIC~it'1 [o 1wt lmt- ttuoo i ix oathtle xliii coanad ill 01)1f xpesio
Ii 1 517,lti (e(lioi ri t -sits.i S 1d COlIo1tl I-t rtl 11t lIii tll lwit1tgi1 1)1 itt l) 15l Iii 1 .1 i t 'it iii litaly i
te1o olihed )r ,o } int0,1 ntlt he Xf 1 100 2t iil xxii i ;t"l t?."'0Ili llt l Clt (lirlitllist rntill 1' C o Alienilii)
te 1-11011y rl i es of tsl0s ifatIe I()sjlllri.°'tioi 1-I11c 11)11)it l eIlguts i Ili e ciii ltotchstran ubill wlx
gii'-ioo a 0lohiox T 10 x l'l to 1'~r 'e Il l dceir potlla et.a Itl-{''l 1 o t wil inlE'; itl peitodlo
thou{ hIloi: it. gcolea itti 1tltyO'1os It
,ee il11 a101 0x.1 1011 h Atooi lI-he iltlt 1tsiaih1111ii lst15
-ry rt-s tleo ine the s tats vit (It 'ItilExitl'l 11)1 t s e ~otnI otltite 1 ;-i1ttical o r t)1in11)1 e lltooreton.iu
witAhxxlene acsn the nrthttatoO11103v' bei ' hA ilZt letast OI~llini to til-iog-ye-ii t 24111. yle'd1r na)
muslllEt roi"s:Iittho Ilol offi(ncoi Char1'E?ls Van Keen, 111t(112. xdel{iiea-r Fit(moo t ?l-iatadnx1vear1-,t
111seconater )Ixon yors he ioiveand tf i hsatWorltds11F. ir at P1 ' L0t l Nnten ae o i (ilot
Shdedptov1)et(gain ftir o r (il Se c z. re l )eitchx-o o Ato 1)11aiCd tht al Il lol:; a h m .h w k
o)sd olraa hihhs oeliia Cmay fTldo gien-ill onorbllseen in aseall eleveTn in ronr
rihsan ameeysoehng tilaoshere ttine.Pst,(a rt 1)y ing. ntaney indtrack ahelios.~


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