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November 16, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-16

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No. 45.

VoL. X.





Fine Fall and Winter
Suitings, Golf Suts,
Fancy Vestings..
+ o
We -Carrq the Largest
In the Citq.


1i R
We make a specially of
Chocol tes as a side line.
We sell lots of them and
our stock is always fresh.
.Lowney's,A legretti's and
Kuhn's always in stock..
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD For several weeks we have
D een laying in a stock for t he
RELIA boys, an now are e ,iady th
ELALEa full lice of LUNCHI ES, Cl-
GA sand T0I3ACCO.
Save, Your
thai yea have iaken.
If ihey are moanied an
cards yoar friends can bar-
raw yr beg theam.
An Album
will keep the.. Albuis
dent ease samach ini the
end. We sell them.
Calkins' Pharmacy
Philosophy of
AInroduorneg the.
Study of
By ALFRED1. LoY. author of "Citisen.
ship and Salvation," and "Dynamic
12 Mo. 254 Pages. $1.00.
11 P .5.t . Si..to the .~aiver t fMichiz~an.

THE WOMEN'S GYMNASIUM Prentiss, secretary of the General Varsity Practicing for Case Game.
__Alumni Association. Tickets to the The 'Varsity went through a good
Improements HeneBeen Completed bianiouet may be obtained from Mr. practice yesterday afternoon, although
and Classes Began Yesterdatl. Prentiss, and as stated above, holders the field was very soft and wet. The
of banquet tickets will not need trans- number of men ut wa very gratifying
orThe Gymnasiumen to part of liarnumber oiomennoutisaspecrylgrarifying
m m aorlaian on thin npecial car gaing to the coach-S. All the candidates are
bane Gymnasium have junt been con- from Ann Arbor to Detroit. No return stil workig except Laren. The pehe-
pleted. They were all made to the large sranpkaktiongi be fxrninhed. tien the
" roomafsrmerlytusnd for receptionshed. [ice w as fast considering the condition -
ons formerly uned for reception nor- The nominating committee having in of th ground. One touchdown was
poses. No additions were made to the charge the naming of officers fore ihe
}yrnasim pope, an thre s sillsared by the 'Varity. The line-up
gymnasium pioper, and there in etill next year, have submitted the following
much to be done in the baeinent of th nams he some as given yesterday.
buildmg in connection with the baths There is little doubt Case will give
an tookers n iisresident, William A. Mooe; vice 'Varsity pretty stiff practice Satur-
psesident, Miss Isabella H. Hull; see- day.. And that ichigan wiii be scored
By placing another floor between the rey.r.Andeasurer~hHgnry C. e lkoye
reeary-treasurer,, Harry C. Holkley: o o enrn ieti enni
original floor and the roof, the large 011o for the scond imudgisg season is
o directors, two to be chosen, Charles T. mre than probable. from the
mans whichlsonformerly unfinhe Alexander, Earl D. Babst, Harlow P. .
has been divided horizontally into two -., accounts in the Cleveand papers Cas
Davock, Hamilton Dey, Hoyt C'. Pos, in playing the hrt ball ahe an shore
rooms. The upper room which is thus Hery W. Standart, Dr. Harold Wilso' tis san a an si wanting has he
formed wil be used as a lecture hal. , this season and is working hard for the
and Alexis C. Angell; also Mis. Olyrs Micigan game. No sacrice will e
Out of respect for the interest which S .aWaitemfor.theNralumnae.ssaredinnoa anwa gam inc Ca the
she haa showno far the girls, it xviii b- prdt aeashwn~gis h
dedicated "Sarah Angell Hall." The 1901 in the Finals. 'Vorsity an it means much to Cone,
seating capacity willbe at least 50 Af pam -Their hope lies in the fact that they
seain caacty il beatleat (0 After playing two tie games fee rep- ouclannsichigan in punting. That is
persons. In the front of the room th-cire resentation in the final chasmpionship ootepsci an in te Ths, s
is a large snage snl access the rear 0 class game the 1901 and 1902 lis. tried Mtichigas an for the lant three years
godd sized gallery. conclusions again yesterday afte rnoon
The room on original floor has be at the Pair sounds The juniors hood nearly always had the odds against he
atontthatadrlrartnds.tTof theigame and
partitioned off into smaller rooms. The the better nd the argumet and in that department of the game and
asn still able to win. But the 'Varsity
two largest of these will be reception won by a snore of 6 to 0, Begle kickingc .
hall. Bside thse te ofice fo t' wil have t play foot ball not to be
halls. Besides these the olhes for use a ipretty goal after the touchdown made
gymnasium ofiicers will be on this floor. by itea. e The following is from
There will be three offices for D. The juniors kicked off and securel "
"Mach interest is being taken in the
Hosher, Miss Snyder and Miss Bender. the baol immediately on downs. T n,
The rooms are all finished in natural then plugged through the line for go-di thMichigan next aturd .
Nosy elit the Ann Arbonr boys serer
oak and are large and attractive. I gains, scoring the only touchdown
practically able to play Pennsylvania
one of the reception rooms there is n about 5 minutes after play commenced.
a tie, the brown and white has an ex-
specially tine mantle piece. A large The sophs. then braced and secure ' c i t
ornaentl sair aseleas frm tis elent chance to distinguish itself. This
otnaunhststaib eaistheniddlitthefeldaeais not an impossibility, for Case is
floor up to the lecture hall. minutes after they had kicked off. By
,h ,is lse fteya eehl strong where Michigan is weak, in the
The hrst clasnes ef tho year sre h-Id oteady lise abuking and a coupie kgod
kicking game. Not once during the
yesterday. At present there are about gains s -one by at'er, for 20 yards, and
Pessnsylvania grime did Ihe Hirihgan
150 girls enrolled in the gymnasium. the other by Brooks for 15, they
.hs .edvie nt ist e. n n team show any strength m kicking, and
these are divided into best, scond stud seached their opponents' 10-yard line . i
thir yer clsse. Thre re treethis is where they lost the game.
third year elassns. There are tree but the next vwasnot forthcoming and
larg frshme clssesnumerin inallShould Case ever get the ball up to the;
large freshnmen clasnes numbering in sill ihi' bosh \iient over sin doiwns. At Ibh iciiyofHrian.0-y .lne ti
th.bl-etoe oldws uti vicinity of Michigans 40-yard line, it is
18. All of the instructing is done by orit the sophs. had quite a discussion
Else Snyder and Miss Bender. anong themselves as to who should be a o ga the llast
On ov 2 te ome'sLegu 4,l able to score a goal from the field. Lst
On Nov. 22 the ball to carry it over. But
.season ahuepryintegmaimhe kickedon omhe-,ad
give a house party i the gymnasisi when it was put in play it developed a nlk kgone ram the 5-yard
Each group or ten wil be costumed aOr hcat nt sne xas 10 save that honor. the line, thereby breaking the heart of the
cording to some plan. Luncheon and jomma Ihen seniked it hark a sate dix- Michiganders."
tea will be served by each group. After ance hen time as calledwi undoubtedly be the
Txanksgiving the house warming will It was dark enough to stop playisg most spectacular and interesting to the
occunkngtvigltemhousedbyalooker-on of any played o the homy
occur. It a-ill be managed by all ebefore they commenced playing the 'e g t
girls belonging to the gymnasium. and half but 10 minutes of floundering rustissuhso mussutergame
around in the dark was indulged in,
Special Car for the Alumni Banquet neither side scoring, and finally timelayed more in the open and give a%
in Detroit, Frida. being calledawith the ball in 1901's pa- opportunity for long runs and brilliant
The Detroit & Ann Arbor Electric cession near the middle of the fheld. hackling. The ends will undoubelgoo
Railway has donated a special car to Kittleman And Kinsey gained the e a chance to sht. oft to gaol
take the members of the faculty and most ground for their team and BeIne
their wives to Detroit Friday, for the Armstrong and Richardson played best 1901 Medics Elect Officers.
annual banquet of the University of on the defensive. For 1902, Spoffold,
Michigan Alumni Association of De- 'Brooks and Potter put up the bes The Junior Medical casa met yeser-
troit, which is to be held at 7 p. m. at game. The ofiials gave good sans-p day at ta. m. in the PathologicalAm-
the Russell House. faction and handled the difficult job of
The dinner promises to be a greater refereeing on the Fair Grounds in good The presidency aas the only fice oe
success thanany ofthose preceding it, shape. -bhich a contest was made, and this
partly on account of the interest at- This narrows the championship downias deided upon the flet ballot. The
taching to the presence of Prof. Dea' to where the junior lits. and senior laws Pfollowingis a liSt OF the offireen el_,e;
C. Worcester, who will speak on the will have to play for it. The game will
Philippine question. President Angel, be played Saturday morning at the vice-president, . . Kline fGrand
too, will be present and will speak, and Fair Grounds and each department will Rapid; secretary, iss Gertrude F
the Glee Club from Ann Arbor will en- undoubtedly send out a large crowd of ken of Madn, Wi.; treaurer, C. W.
Edmsonde of Richmond, Ind.; historian,
liven the occasion with college songs, rooters.
" ~J. H. Hays of Ogden Center; athleti.
The committee' wishes it understood -
that nt only nl members of the asso-Intercollegiate Cross-Countr Run. manager, F. M. Tr'on of Blystone, Ps.
students of the Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Cor- At 'a previous meeting the following
ciation, but all former ,stdtsf h
Univrally and their ladies are invited nell, Columbia and Brown will compete officers of the Medical Society were
In e rsnt. ain a cross country run over the steeple- elected: Vice-president, R. S. Rowland
Hon. T. W. Palmer in to be the tast- chase course at Norris Park, New York, ef Grand iapids; treasurer, J. N.Traak
master of the evening, and besides about November 18. of Bay City; member board of diree-
Dean C. Worcester and President An- . The distance will be six and two-;trs, W. S. Chase of Akron,0
thirds miles, the course being covered T A H i 1
gll, the speakers will be Reent Fare ive times. Eath lap wll include eight The Ann Arbr igh Sehe t PaO.
of Grand Haven, Senator Ward of Ann jbush-hurdles and a water jump-a it- 'the Western High School team of De-
Arbor, probably Hon. Edwin F. Uhl -of feoot iedge with a three-foot ditch is troit Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock on
Grand Rapids, and others. front of it. the Fair Grounds. As the 'Varsity
The race is to be an annual event. A
Tine stecalcar vill leave the Courtcup ha; been offered, and tiwill, b, game will i played at I-o'clock an on-
douse in Ann Arbor At 4:10 Frida ca'comete-'roperty of the eollege which pertunity to see both games will thus
afternoon, and will be in Charge o M r. 'first wins it three times. be offered.

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