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December 09, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-09

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o. ,LII


No. 63.

H Fine Fall and Winter H
E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
O ,O
O p
A We Carry the Largest A
Stock I
In the Citj.
R' R
We make a specialty of
Chosolstes as a side line.
We sell-lots of them and
ou stock is always fresh.
Kuhn's always in stock. j
ider's Pharmnacy',
THE OLD Forseverawekwehave
TE0Lp eenslaying inaastock for the
e El p!a boy and lnoae r UNHe, wih
Chitmas I
We shall have Lowney's in
boxes of all sies up to, pound.
We will pack and ship them for
you withot extra charge.,
Wewilltakeo derofor Alegret.
ti's to be shipped direct from
the factory in Chicago.

Pros Benis Adoocates that Muni-
cipal Trusts Should Be Owined
By Cities.
The lecture last evening in the Good
Government Lecture Course was by
Prof. E. W. Bemis of the New York
Bureau of Economle Research. His
subject was, "Monopoly Problems."
At the outset he gave a general ex-
position of monooly, dealing particu-
larly with the city monopoly, the real
monopoly as exemplified in the tee-
graph system and the consolidation of.
great railways into single systems.
The city monopolies that he deemed
most important are street railways,
waterworks, gas and electric lighting
plants. As regards the telegraph mon-
opoly that is nearly absolute. There is
no real competition, only an. attempt
to deceive the general public by means
of two companies. These, however, re
working in perfect harmony and only,
carry on a make-believe competition.
As to ralroads, these are being rap
idly consolidated. TheX'anderbiits will
soon control ilt the systems. in New
nglasl and in the east with the ex-
.lti of the Pennzsyva4niairoads
Prof. Bemis said-that he expected to
live to see the day.:when all the roads
in each district would be under one
Continuing he said: "We are face
to face with the trust." Machinery
was evolved from. and hand labor, the
corporation from the partnership and
monoridly is the product of the trust.
Machinery did not attempt to establish
a monopoly, nor has the corporation.
The trust, however, is attempting to
sa do., The bigger the monopoly it
establishes the more successful the
trust is considered.
There are three Phases of the trust
which are subject to legislative regula-
tion. 1.-The tariff, which is often a
cloak . for consolidation, can be;
changed. 2.-Discrimination by means
of secret rates and rebates is within
the reach of strong state commissions.
3.-The 'clubbing of competitors can
also be mimimized. Other factors in
the development of the trust are, the
size of the trust which of itself often,
scares prospective competitors and the
economies, such as agents, advertising,
"It is now trust or bust." The time
was when it 'was possible, if the profits
of a business were not satisfactory, to

cess as a trust, It has onlybeen f uc-
cessful in underselling the small dealer.
It is Prof Bemis' opinion'that the time
will come to an understanding among
themselves an'd that then their bargain
counters will not be as tempting as
It is regulate or own, which shall we
do? There are 'only these alternations.
The speaker believed that we would
begin with regulation and end with
ownership. Regulation would prepare
the way for the other. The Anglo-
Saxon people do not like to take bitt
umps, they prefer to move more slow-
ly and along old established lines.
Already the matter of regulation is
being undertaken by the Railroad
Commissions, both national and state.
if the railway commissions are to
prove' highly successful the railroads
must join hands with those who -de-
sire regulation and remedy the matter
of secret rates and rebates. In a word
they must cease to' discrminate. As
yet regulation is the only thing In
sight for the counteracting of trusts
among the railways
Then taking up city monopolies more
in detail he 'defined them in a general
way as public service monopolies. He
believed 'they should be approached it
once with the aim of public ownership
and operation. It was his opinion that
within the 'next few years fully one-
half .of these monopolies .would he re-
moved by public ownership. ijs argu-
ments in favor :of public 3vnership
were numerous. Having to do with
the every day life of the people they
would be more efficiently managed than
otherwise .. In the matter of water-
wtorks 53 per cent. of the largie cities
already own their own plants and con-
duct them profitably. Regulation of
the city monopolies has been tried and
found entirely unsatisfactory.
Prof. Bemis dwelt at some length on
the wicked council which may grant
rights and franchises that 20 counciis
could not recover. With public own-
ership a reduction in charges is pos-
sible. The employee also has great
security, and a more stable investment
for the bond holder is assured. Fin-
ally public ownership is in line with the
growth of democracy.
The 'chief argument made against
public ownership is the spoils system.
In referrig to this the speaker pointed
out that corruption, council buying,
stock watering, the declaring of fic-
titions dividends, etc., etc., is already
as had as it can be. He belives that
private morals when corporation finan-
cies are at stake are worse than pub-
lic morals; that the publicity which
would result from public ownership
could not fail to be less corrupt. -His
concluding thoughts were. thiat the
trust problem would not be solved in
the next campaign, nor the next, nor
the one following; that the reforms
sought for can only be .accomplished
by a union of wisdom and moral senti-
The 'lettre was unusually interest-
ing and much more satisfactory than
the majority of those given this year
on the subject of trusts. The speaker
treated the subject fairly and unpar-
tially and fearlessly. He did not hesi-
tate to bring out the evils of trusts and
point out can idly what he believed to
be remegies.,He was not content with
' iath abstracthistory of tusts and
^ ^"'-^ ^ YnPh rt A *^ ana ~-an m - t i

Valuable Specimiena In the Museum.
The Chicao o tecord contains a let-
ter from Manila which is particularly
interesting to Ann Arbor students
and citizens because specimens of all
the, animals mentioned. can be" seen
and studied Ai the university museum.
These specimens were procured by
Prof. J. H. Steere. He was the first
white man to procure specimens of the
"tamarau." -At the time, they caused
much commotion among European
zoologists and curators of museums.
The letter was as follows:-On the
desk of the adjutant-generai, in the
palace, there lies a pamphlet from the
Smithonian Institution, telling what
specimens of animals are wantetd from
the Philippines.. In the first place, a
'tamarau' is wantetd, which is an ex-
ceedingly wary and.. very wild animal
of the buffalo order. -It is smaller than
the caribau and fierce. in the fight.
It lives in the island of Mindoro and
hides in the jungles and swamps.
Another animal wanted is the tar-
sier monkey. That little beast has
rings around his eyes that remind one
of spectacles. His tail is longer and
his head is larger than those of the
average monkey. This institution also
asks that it be given several speclea
of deer, the 'bahui" or wild hog, mon-
key of two species, a small cat, two
species of the civet cat or 'musang,'
fruit-eating bat of different species,
severdi peculiar large rats, the 'cola-
go' or flying lemar, and the very re-
markable an .interesting tarsier or
Coming back to the "tamarau,". it
will be extremely difficult for the in-
stituios to get a specimen that has
not first gone through the handa of
he ta ider st. It is of record that if
the savage little animal is trapped it
will committ suicide rather than sub-
mit to captivity. This it will do
either by beating out its life against
the prison bars or by the slower pro-
cess of starving itself to death. And
there is little, hope for the young.
They, too, refuse to take nourishment,
even when put in the tender mercies
of a tame buffalo cow, and die in a
short time.
The cat of the Philippine is wntca
by. the museum authorities. It will be
easy .to capture, as there are plenty of
cats to spare in every mucipality
and barrio in this part of the archipel-
ago. These cats, the real thorough-
breds, have a little hook at the end of
their tails and cannot straighten them
out of the way of a dog. They are
wildcats in the islands, and they ,are
about. the only wild animals the na-
tives fear.
-Bats come under the head of mamals
and are wanted. In the island at
Mindoro .is a variety covered with fur
While uncanny creature s get into ,
and big as a umbrella. Once in a
while these uncanny creatures get into
civilization. It is said one once flew
into the dining room of a Manila hotel
at dinner time and nearly drove the
guests into hysterics. There are bats
that live on fruit besides these of Mn-
toro, which grow very large.
Pedagogical Societ Meeting.
The Pedagogical society will meet in
Tappan Hall Monday evening at 7:35.
The "Small High School" will be the
Ssubject of discussion, and the late
Ssionof'thS S hoolmaster's Club wil
be considered. All members are re-
qnuested 1' 'be'present, as Important
bhsiness will be considered.

enter some other field of industry.,
Now, however, capital invested in ex-
Have you Seen Those New pensive machinery, built for specific'
c OUV Ixir rurposes, icannot easily be withdrawn.
Competition,. therefore, does not cease
,z 'when 'the profits -fall' below normal,
but on the other hand it assumes a cut-
throat form. The period of abnormally
OF THE. low profits is followed by the trusts
Universitg and Ann Arbor? -and an attempt to secure a monopoly
and raise the price.
Here Prof. Bemis gave some valuable
information regarding the status of the
THEY'RE GREAT trust in the United States. He said
that .outside of the farms, one-fourth
a-sIE KINS ONLY2 c EACH of all the property in the country is
ill trusts and monopolies (including
-railways). Speaking specially ef, tbe
° city monopolies he considered: the de-
a i A V M CM%. pars ment store. Unto the present time,

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