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October 26, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-26

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W 4




No. 28.



Fine Fall and Winter
Suitincgs, Golf Suits,
Fancy Vestincgs.
We Carryi the Largest
In the City.



W~e make a specialty of
Chocolates as a side line.
We sell lots of them and
our stock is always fresh.
Looney's, Al11egretti's and 4
Kahn's always in stock..
Wilder's Pha -nacy
OLD oreerals'weeks te v
THE O nlayngi sco t stocklothei
RELIABLE "' ndno rered -wt
ev e lc s n ortwindows
iulete we o earetonew-o
Schoolo Da hci
Sc o TDing-
MOO as O.100OOAOO ssoe
Jerseys and
Sweaters at

HOSPITAL REPORT. not expected and proved to he a GREAT ROOTING
i4 dangerous factor in the race for the
For Fst Yar Ou-InceasedCu moreccpopular catndidates.
Fritear OutPan xesesdC- Thteorgatnization of each coandidate 0q Senior Lams-De'teit juniors 11
ICS- Iealtl ans xpenes- was perfect and not unotil the last fbal- to©0 -Demonstrat ions A fterseard.
Imuprooed Facilities. lot was counted coold a wintner bec Thie class series of foothall games was
The annual reort of the U. of M. piehed. Mdr. Detw-eilers-as placed int begun yesterday hy the contest het-eon
hospital is in press. Ftrsm advance nominaotiotn hy Mr. Kantte; Mr. John- (the junior and senior laos. The laws
loofs see gleaon that t,85t patients have son hy Mr. 'Tomphins. The fOcst hallot ail toutoed. out nooking a crowvd equoal
heoto treated duritng the poot year. Of show-ed that the strength u-as divided to that at 'Varsity gatwes in numbets
these 1,058score tmales (sod i7i0score to- equally, hut the secsond hallot shooed a and far exceeding any 'varsity game to
mtales. There wesse804 "n pt' tsgi for Mtr. Betweiler. Only once sos etnthusiasmat.nd exciteent. The eager
"atsd 954 "out"lpattents;s7d4(tote mat- there a hitch in the election, when ott partisatns of the toateams crosvedd
riod and tilt4towcoo stogie.dThere were the second hallot torec votes score eaoc upon teside tones and surged up aod
03 wcidotws.In thenoatter of age,101 thtan voters score present in the coon. cdowtn followtitg the tmovements of the
scoresnider 1O0f-eas'°45 wsoot ehtotco-ft After tse fourtho hallot thoe name of pttyecoo Both sides rooted well hut the
tO atnd 20 yeoss b20scre hbttweet 20 'tr. 5-ydeo seas wcithoolawn hy his ottp- senioshad a shade the hoot of it in
and 3Oyeats; 85tetweeon 30 and d0Opoctet's whten it to-as evident thsat ho thtat dotecttoto
yeatrs; :250hetwsetn d0 attd 5ad itthe- coold not he a u-inner, and threwc their The gatoe started out wih hard Iioo
to-cots50Oatod 6tOytos;03 hetwetn 00ftrottngth to Mr. Doto-ilier. 'Then it he- huchotng hy thse seniors owho carried the
attd 70 teats;.a8hoetwse00070 atnd80catme evidetot that the class noachine hallsowoil dossn towvards the junior
years; 08cocosecoo80 antd 9 to r. a doomed ta defeat. goal wen thsey loot it on douwto. After
Jculy atnd August swete thoeonly The halloot is given heloow: seoeral ineffectual attempts to gain
motohosowhen toheotumooer of patientostBatlots.to.....1t. Cnd. 3rd. 4th. C5th througho the liteWitooc started dowen
ranbowheist optmbr there werec Mr.Do twesriter...27 33 36 401018the fiold on a fake Ikick oand succeeded
55. tDutintohe other0moths tofre-MrttJohtnson ...Ci8Ci1Ct1C33 f ottitooahing 60 yardo hefore he seas dossn-
score fromoot70 to 80,sowothtoheo exetion Oft Hyde .....6 i321t1 - ed on the senior'a 3d yard line. After a
totooun50000h0n0ttotypranoldoOnto 6'.ioTe Toeclass thankelsd Dr. OMartin foor 101stess shoot gatos ctehaillseas loot ott a
rmenoio ths .o s asfollowts:Jol,91-lt 00 dnocssin givitng 0p00 tort ctf hitohoutrtoohe 5toopotgo tago
Ous, 0; d oc00- t Otohe enahle thoem to finish halloting for throough for -o touchtdowen by Bay. BoAy
NovtttecO~tDecothe 4 presioetoo. 'rie remoaining oicrs twutlhoicked goal.
Noovelb er186 Dec1b1r, 34;it n-beelected seat oveek. '01, licked off agaito and soon got the
I Aril 16; My, 14;Jun, 18.hail on dossn Othe junior's 35 yard
Alctt.t~oMay.00 J~~t'100too BTsowens through to the CO
cn he tmttter 0 oftooltivio tyoo-oatits, P TyFNAL.dcoinoe sohen eyley loo t-te hail on
theshoin isasfolows Astra,4; P T FNAL . loss.o ioe oitovos passed over ltse
Belggiuom, 0 Ottadao8tODettroris"5;loadcksheaod.On the nextcdowonota Ckicko
Enoglandt 0 .3: rane 4 rcre, 2; tto'r- Go1f Preliminaries Platted -Final owas railed ioo hut beinog itsdatoger of
noans. O5t trotandtool ;Iitaly, 3;JapantMachSaureinhotg loocked Mohr did not try toinks
1; Ncttoerotorclo .; Ntorsoaty, 7;tolando oet ootss~ ts othie
4;Ir0 Joooeod for a oosof oaobottionooooot.
lotee, 9; t hwteotr-ooi1;Turkoteyo 1;'ihe 0-oteotst01ainoiig gthet'folotwer0005oft ttie slot soha10endoedsowihcte bhloinoothe ot
West .nie,1Uiedo- Stooro otaooIis 0tes ,19 ret andotool oraole gamoe of goblohs ir ss o o erth nikl fthe
CPattiets caetts t otto eiltitttiett f100-00 0 W reaooeoooitoe semi-finalo t age. T-' iit 10.0
,4 counoties 01 this ostateto thi s nulot'0 .tth alii hekc-f n
ott toot0 Ninteetnolo othe ocoot ot)0.iniioul tooi to-bb h-- -0 oe oale0)0into ltxo rt,-to
000001 00 loht dlots toor 00 tt. liootsstt ty
ofth ttotetrVistait ladts wto 00000me otte mthsSc, h 1oloc fihtey 000 0 f 000
Ith~enoattot of oceupa~stions, Vt89tcor Ibeg-inninotgofthtisoweek.Oertity oitol n00000 110' tOzl s trt ttejunorst
stuodent 0 t ots atth tUivrstysatde12t6tIt000i0100ott oftee Attn Arbtor blttof lt ottolt oidcr.t ei tsitotain.so Day
tither se-lioolos of t ts col; I' ;Jt ' tet be folittor't.000
nothing" too noseor 00e0haall(0, sn~ot
ers' wvs hr ee7 oeset35ete010 oloft t oud.oooeno efthta t
dbomstics and 3d4tteacerset r o'q oolfoodfor e l ttOches swith tile tel- 0ime0s tote ofItstoe le a y hbyOttatks and
cover all isoof avocatots and raonoto c'olowing so-trtz:smit00,100 dtftnIloot01lost tohotbalhtbyteod
fromooa deocoo 0dowtn00'Dr 000A0gust'sTrtossborige (ocorio ttt'h.~stin" hbot"g 0.00led tot losses.
'The o ltal epsleof otrcnnoteg che 00000.oTtoblood...... .tiC tool tbetyttat oceregatoed possonf
hospeitalwto $24,4it.29.OTto rectoto Lanasireo ....,........... . . ..1.4td00'he aillon a fumoohe and toetc steadily
fcomoo tatients weeo$2C,310.401,tood ftroot ar e~n dvnigtwrsgolwe iew
ether soures It,019.20,so that 01st hos-lDt.Ott Otoro toO .............124 tailed.
poitaol oonly lackeod 042068 of hb'ing' self-,P Joelyn ....... 1,2 'Thte ojuniors 55ere hetter Oup in teanm
'supporting. The death rate aons in5 ote ....................1 s orkthantheseior.bu wreom

pittentOscas .0CC5.
't'here score tto largoot nunmherIof
caseo poesonted for ourgical eloitic evoeI
konowenlot the thistory of Othe oosptot s
aond the sameo is netorly true on all oth-
er detpartonents. Theotresenceof00sexv-
oral graduate nuroes atod iompooved fa-
cilities for hydraulico treatmnotthlos
added tthOttofacilities. There has bha.n
a noesward created fsr the careof o
contagitos diseases, hut there to a need
of special quoarters for patients sich
diseases swhich are unpletaant too have
adja coot to others.
The training school for nurses is pro-
gressing nicely, and the young ladlee,
are doing excellent seork.
Senior Medics Elect Detnweiler.
'The senior medics met yesterday at-
ternoon and after over an hour's hard-
contest succeeded in electing a presi-
dent. -
As ovas mentioned in The -Daily the
fight woas a triangular affair with the
strength nearly, equally divided. The
fiost ballot showed that the strength of
the c-andldates was not overeatimat-od.
Mrtt. Johnson though developed strength

Stevens . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1'33
Tolm an .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . t3
Prentisso .... .......... t.13
On thec firot round of prelononaries
'Tolnman heat Joselyn, Trueblood hoat
Pottr, Stevens forfeited to Lanc-ash'r-,
'roovbridgo heat ideiurrich.On clot
saome round Trowbridge played Prentos
the ttter swinning. Do Pont did toot
plis.Tsfruehlood ye.steotdayheatOLan-
eashirco, tour up and three to polay, this
iatosohtputting himooitntte final owith te
winner of today's match, Prentis-
plays Tolmsan tis afternoon. The final
oct11 he played on Saturday afternoon at
1:3O p m. and will probahly he finishePd
in time for thde players and onlookers tos
got to the Notrmal All-fresh game.
The linkos of the club,- on South Main
street are being constantly improved.
The course is nine holes, twice around
for the matches. Hdeavy rollers have
been used on the tor the last few day's
putting it into shape to make loss scores
postible. The club is-quite prosperous:
financially, having a large mebershtp at
present,,.which is constantly increasiso,
with the growth of interest in the ganme
at the University.

tletely outctlassed inet ~ightt. Thteir at-
laocls avaied notinog agaioost theoeef
lotteofatcho seonoors. Mohr lplayedI a
otar ga00000 for '000 toarly always miaking
hsstaonce.'Whitcomhbtmade sotone
g ood gains fo tor the juorbo. 0'unting
00a no00t0 rsotrted to hy eitcher side. The
litne uptoNsas as folloss
00 LoAt. '0 C LAW.
Thayer0... .10.e .......PFrosier
Dtay . .'000....... 1nero
Mao-ks, .. .....l ......M ri ger
oS ith . . . . ..c. . .. . . . . ouldl
Oversmith, Rap'tol ar.... Sok
H~owell ......r ....... S ott
Coosor, C'-oonhol'n r ... -... a-Coll
Holbrook.... l..q ..Bickell, Kohn
Msohr .......l .......M Neat
Hdartzhurg ...rO ......hWhicomb
Cogshall .....f......Loipheomer
Rteferee and umpire-Feohetrt and
Henninger Touchdowvns- Day and
idaho. Gotl from touchdsown-Da y.
Time sf halves-CO and Cl minutes.
After the game was ovep4thoo"senior
las obhgan one of the demonstrations
toorelc the class is famous,. They
t-cdan enthusiasm over their rio-
Ctontisued as second page.

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