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November 28, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-11-28

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"No. 56.

NEWS FROM CHICAGO ( makeup of .crimnials which in the great LOTS 0F ENTHUSIASMI
majority of insiances is inherent. You
IU. The Dailyj-Athletic Combination Will can make a strong man wealk hot i is Will be Displaijed Tonight at the
Gle th Sooic. far harder, in iact practically imp!os- A2nnual Rasa Meeting a the
Aitheugh hesumervi0 c' io~ c ttotl wt u otna o i
FalT I etsible to make a creak man strong. Thepsths Ginsim o
ual htthelsvie fC i nnChicago ,An hs 'a ethe custom in years pant-
ould coinere acsr teell sligt ifca etrnmltdfrn eraintoh night, the cevs of Ike toams departure
E Suitings, Golf Suits, EsirthcicncatolgtIicc eralion. It is a tact that in thousaca c h o si'isdygmt
cnd i itasPteetn founid ncsr y to ago i{c,;c ,cforinthn oa liceicoscricgeaostimactti
Fancy Vestings. lack toc the alIcrnegccu-lsc'corein .t cth tarrial osstrua cis
ucioc' oenthusiam and ivle tthe moen a
cuguated icy ti Athlcetic Associatiotactsend alt. Contrtary to the vsoge of
0 ocitPer side atfaantecedents than in tice
DRES SUTS PECILTY andDaiy an 4h~c3 lar gveng,"i-tormer yoars Dtac ii11he no collection
Tra DRSsUT PCAT .1actisfacotionc.'floe Westerno ntonc askedi and everyonie may go is p'-co
00childrenci citcricminals ccill he crimiinals
litict'paced eightt comiet ott the fheld atdccitlthe a cetbishedy. ise ta rmatid romnso, Parring the distuthbance
A W, e Carly the Largest ' rCicao aidcteioatteseocwill11be direct that actsro ~too he1W letting loose ot
to Attn Arbior. 'lie Dailly wiionthicst;oen't up esthuolas cc. Thte U.,atfIM.
StCi, nzs r ea n ihrntybdosioni iook0aftlerteli send ooin a.1 0 cdcrtinto pr oco waklan ticind cviltbe there toc add to the cue-
L nthe City. vrycomplete reorot. Mr.tcas' Dot- vcosofpigteqeto ob csorncf temeeting and Peat at all the
000 lecitinc t:ied cci iel rd twill showcchoactanci et dis cchct to do with thsemn. 100'iceoitt hoeeitire teamcccis assured.
ci icach timie is cift toc play at all stao s . . . . .hP manager and captain hoc-n scumi-


W~e make a specialty of
Chocolates as a ide line.
WVe sell luts of them and
our stunk in always fresho.
.Lowney's,Alllegretti's and
Kuhn's always in stank.,
Wilder's Pharmacy}
THE OL.D Foi tiveral eekwetics
aeen lad~ing in a toc fr t
RELIABLE aP11lnf3i .4IIS I
h'hhe'tttA St'PtFAt 'Y
1-3 OFF
We w ilfihaicok.
+Calkins' Pharmacy

of ite gome acid this ciiwic com n c a l r e ' ois-cl Ii and the crocwd cciiisatrhare
jail ornetestiarirn miost of cci ctri
pecially lotereistiig parof t he reports. their coltsfor teir chamcipioso to go
see! altpy o ie the criinal toa
DEecry ci'novecmadle citacny igiifilacce unheeedc.
toil ieowrdieddnt'iately. sototeuaininPnpss tl 'rytlciss'cr1ibefor the studeints
to iii hePe e icany instances also e rtii-
irtf. J. C".Wi". citeton cii5eto uwllsc ir presfratenity1 aindlby tioesttidetts con the fculty
tie stage at the Op ',ra Houise. Fortestcccirbit, excepting only Mtanager
revel in ecohePirs company. But this
Lanecolder cwill hove Charge oatrceceit' Dairci iiill probably not he Peord from.
ing he epors, nd wll ave setsoethodi is bad. It to not wchait has Peon
it' rinuBouidi iiPo ttDt cohot the undergraduate cwasts cwil1
of assistanstIcchelphicmin, in outer tea oeiPteps"ndi o ha hudb grontedI in the seeing atid Peacing
led oe now. It is not right for lice
lice repocrts maty ho giveti to the pictthecmeona tho play on the 'Varsity tell
vusowch to thiorowcatueto and kissesc 'c
tosa.oon an rcecived. liioervre d soat.s' orfPhec they feel Pefore the Pig gains.
cciiiP.' ktptuell.or tliacedi'eactchii'th idcoauthhoidpeccc it' sould stay catay forccto doso
Abltare l eft icc be-gorst larveor ccc
ially initedlticbePrle cit. cciil P' to regret it.
-Banh ctour iocicitalsa tndh 0ur 5 soc______t;_
iieyheonctailn nAt r cll ibePbetiiifur it. Sealdltnt ilg Practice Open.
hour should mcake it a hoist htto 'e h "3t cuc cte uPth rhctl hiehn teoc11he itrdIl
the OperaIHuase' thcuroday cit 11 oclrockadtefloeslfAgi'lowl
oatthetoieucen f Aguiatio ciiiaft.essoon at threcthletics ketch inithe
lurd tco". n ahiisncunfe' ci e Prthe Petter Ifcrl't. It 1is1c sewimoet-csiapeofcutaogame btwteen the coilege
cnbtr ill probably toeeccegugd this. d.I hs thu. I :incc uP ktnt .uI'cda 'ttndrtjstcit
oct11etili'the Puoicr ht see free cof eyicst~lileeo Irnnleccghc h aesot ts
rust lice stile high5school lshanio tamlavgort__gmeit__is
shcipucteioi t'open untl
suhpgame cohich cr1l1bP placyel tn tie prance Snlotyand Siegmund. ococtalnd.Praciceo lliit cib
after'iooi t ci2:0 onst Regent s' fheld. lice prctuicre 0e1ccrduty cossas 'od:t-
" asked istoot'aand let thc- 'Varsity run
'The bDallcowillipubhlish a sop'rcilih-- edithuPthu utot sencrecy, ev'un Pbiard
ucouiatly t th c05e ut ice iite~ it uisiuulm 'bec ant siidet -thrimuci a fete signals, in fPsal hrciou-
meditel atthecloe o th gae, f cotro meber an stden rwrl-ratisn in secret. Sre'eral seer plays
about 2 occk. This till cniitoaoin'h acos toeing Pba ed tromn tatc'Ping ithe
101cc'ic 'beenuldeeopedandiceit is lpracti.'e
foull accsoutcamid hoe sold all seer tice'plucy. Ftralit', SorwcinchSiegmuntidtithstatcaksreysonpe-
shty. Itrwill toe the isly papoer Itch- oere all iii thi' game and fur the durst
lished iccAils Artoro that day and tr ill time siore lice Virgiccicancae the cwhol'e 'this tr ill toe the first attempt evrr
'oat the' evenolug Detroit papuersocoltrsud coantogetheor. hi sir got llsiiin aePeuttoetiestdihsccen
P y three hiouis. A limited numbe'coll play in lisne style and showred no ilit
a hard sractice gamce just before the
to' tprintedt. Ord erscmaey bhefhtt e ffec'tn fromtislocreet lonjury. 'I.Pche
Thuanscgiving day kgame atid msich
Meyer's or Sisoet's. soloe cat to' said of Siegmunc d. Diii
_______- played at left end and cvii uctorobablybesort is topredicted.'The' contendling
Send Criminals to Aguinaldo k-rttr. tuatoncae rll eamots 0.111linet lin10this cway:
A large audience tilled the Tapcpanc COlLLEGE akadSIDlyocpedter CLEE. SChRUBoS.
Ilani lecture ioom last inight tico ec okai Svec cuue heright Oh iia............le......... tic'sficeld
Poll. Mc'Donaldl played at tasle tad it 'in ..... t...... ut
Issn. A. J. Sasrwyer )sneaks upona"It'se ........i'..... ui
thinrst of0ethe team cwan as it huash-eit'y .......ig........ . Kranmer
Iteform of Criminalo." Mr. Sawayer coos I--.nrv.,it Q . t "ttf ttiaDo a - _ ...-- arrnh



'icot long in coanilsting that he en-
terrains ideas differicng socoec Pot
frlom those'raomonlyhy eldut psisthe
sutject tout he press'd 5his contentios
cwith such fsore and earnestness that
muany it hoit entirety convinoced wvere
still twilling is admit that there cwan
couch ito his position. Sonme member of
the audiece sented somewrhat in-
clined to spen a general discussion at
'he close of the lecture tout none fol-
Mr. Sawcyeracrknoowredged at lhs out-
set of his addrens that he Sshauld ad-

Sieginucod in the gamoe. The 'Vaisity
stored oncre on at place kirk toy Streecey
from thes 00 yard line, Put the listeact
,stanont far log enough ho slfer much
chtatie ofscocing othserwcise. Mdosday
is sever much ot a day Ion snappcy tor k
hut the play cras last and the asect
semed loll of lie.
Changes in the Inlander.
Theo'first numbter of lice Inlander,
cc Pith is tIapctpeasr shortly, cwillforat
act agre'eable surprise to hovers o1 lit-
erature at Michigans. For same years
hooc heIlsepotgiven the literary

C.leehclig.VWeadokirt....i...... Sayed
.Pturs..............re.........,... hirocwn
t aic tiuer, ripe .... c ...:... Herr, rapt.
ItiAffee ............ rh ...Herrnstein
M. White .. .. ......f...... Sits, Duralt
MegijPKree on Wisconein.
Ikey Macel, Wisconsin's famnous Poll
toack in '00 and '96 in the followinag
conmparisoinoe Chiecago ad Wisconsin
gaives his viewrs in Wisconsin's team,
utto' lisog enpecially oPer strong de-


L~u L ear idas pa th suojrt t tinmonthly toas scot toeen as hearty as Wisrar jut's defense to perfert. t'vo
P hlosophy of thin oditors ocmight of right Pave extpert- never seen anything like it in the West.
54, ~~~~~~~refuorm of criminals that irere not gen2- ed. Fosr somde reason. the obtorusion of Temnaesul h nsisI
H istorIy ec hgy entertained Put he said he teas misoenoli interests, perhaps, the Is- Temnaen l nslni
confident that in thP surse of lime his lander has Peon gradually Suced roin training. Thin Tdot nenive g'ame is snap-
confidt Itrdutin o toldPtohnseede ~its place in the Ifoat rank of rollege py, aggresoive and fant from end to
~ii~reasonable " one. The lecturer at sac- institutios. If proper support is gir- end and 'ure, and cwith O'Des's long
Staonaoc en them toy(the students the editors drives Is hack it up. is hotter than any-
Study of ivided the criminal profession into tsro aie hound to reconquer this positidon.
Politics classes, (1l those toy heredity and o-?d The torm and covers Pave been channg- thing I've seen on a Western gridiron
Il ina I.Loi, uho h Ctio. tho000 Py circumostances. Both are ed and an effort is being made to bring this year. Chicao's offense is far
ship n Savtoasaa f" ~nsiau.c ciiaswvrad are itthe the .magaozine. into closer touch with helter than Per defense. When you.
sd Stalo, 'pauio cimnlsPsevrad rtoa the University .interests. A prizo of toke O'Dea into consideration, unless
pale of soeiety. ten dollars is nocw offered for the best Chicago had some plan toy vhich his
2M.24 ags$.0 Itiaemmn yneaogd-story submi'ted, and it is to be hoped wccork would toe offset, I do nut see slow
etmves said he, "tha t every eriminal that many trill compete, Several places Wisconsin would fail to cin toy a fair
EO RthVAH R de noons shines."' This ia buat auother wishing t try for positionas so td would all depend upon O'Dea's work
way ofsaaying 0that here is a n lmet ,s sotei on treeibutiona to managing and whether or not Chicagocould cone

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